•Enhanced Safety Features for Overvoltage
Protection, Overcurrent Protection, Battery,
Inductor, and MOSFET Short-Circuit Protection
•Switching Frequency: 600 kHz, 800 kHz, and
1 MHz
•Realtime System Control on ILIM Pin to Limit
Charge and Discharge Current
•0.65 mA Adapter Standby Quiescent Current for
Energy Star
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
The bq24780S device supports hybrid power boost
mode (previously called "turbo boost mode"). It allows
battery discharge energy to system when system
power demand is temporarily higher than adapter
maximum power level. Therefore, adapter does not
The bq24780S device uses two charge pumps to
separatelydriveN-channel MOSFETs(ACFET,
RBFET, and BATFET) for automatic system power
source selection.
current, discharge current, and charge voltage DACs
with high regulation accuracies.
The bq24780S device monitors adapter current
(IADP), battery discharge current (IDCHG), and
system power (PMON) for host to throttle back CPU
speed or reduce system power when needed.
The bq24780S device charges 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-series
Li+ cells.
Device Information
bq24780SWQFN (28)4.00 × 4.00 mm
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
Changes from Revision B (April 2015) to Revision CPage
•Full data sheet to product folder............................................................................................................................................. 1
Changes from Revision A (April 2015) to Revision BPage
•Changed the Description for pin 22 (GND) in the Pin Functions table................................................................................... 4
•Changed the Thermal Pad to PowerPAD in the Pin Functions table..................................................................................... 4
•Changed 16X to 20X on the SRP and SRN pins of the Functional Block Diagram ............................................................ 15
•Changed C4 From: 0.01 μF To: 0.1 μF in Figure 17 ........................................................................................................... 36
Changes from Original (April 2015) to Revision APage
•Changed V
in the Electrical Characteristics, MIN From: 190% To: 180%, MAX From: 215% To: 220% ..................... 9
•Changed "ChargeOption() bit [0] = 0" To: REG0x12[0] in Enable and Disable Charging.................................................... 17
•Changed " (REG0x12[1])" To: (REG0x12[0]=1) in Enable and Disable Charging ............................................................... 17
•Changed " REG0x12" To: "REG0x12[0]" in Battery Charging ............................................................................................ 22
•Changed Bit [10:9] in Table 9 From: 11: 8 ms To: 11: 800 µs ............................................................................................ 30
•Added sentence to Bit [7:6] in Table 9 " If REG0x15() is programmed..." ........................................................................... 30
•Changed text in Bit [5] of Table 9 From: "write 0x3C[2] = 1." To: "write 0x3C[2] = 0."........................................................ 30
•Deleted text from Bit [5] of Table 9 "This function is not available in 1s battery."................................................................ 30
Input current sense resistor negative input. Place an optional 0.01-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to GND for
common-mode filtering. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to ACP to provide differential mode filtering.
Input current sense resistor positive input. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACP to GND for commonmode filtering. Place a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from ACN to ACP to provide differential-mode filtering.
ACDRV charge pump source input. Place a 4-kΩ resistor from CMSRC to the common source of ACFET (Q1)
and RBFET (Q2) to limit the inrush current on CMSRC pin.
Charge pump output to drive both adapter input N-channel MOSFET (ACFET) and reverse blocking N-channel
MOSFET (RBFET). ACDRV voltage is 6 V above CMSRC when ACOK is HIGH. Place a 4-kΩ resistor from
ACDRV to the gate of ACFET and RBFET limits the inrush current on ACDRV pin.
Active HIGH AC adapter detection open drain output. It is pulled HIGH to external pullup supply rail by external
pullup resistor when a valid adapter is present (ACDET above 2.4 V, VCC above UVLO but below ACOV and
VCC above BAT). If any of the above conditions is not valid, ACOK is pulled LOW by internal MOSFET. Connect
a 10-kΩ pullup resistor from ACOK to the pullup supply rail.
Adapter detection input. Program adapter valid input threshold by connecting a resistor divider from adapter
input to ACDET pin to GND pin. When ACDET pin is above 0.6 V and VCC is above UVLO, REGN LDO is
present, ACOK comparator, input current buffer (IADP), discharge current buffer (IDCHG), independent
comparator, and power monitor buffer (PMON) can be enabled with SMBus. When ACDET is above 2.4V, and
VCC is above SRN but below ACOV, ACOK goes HIGH.
Buffered adapter current output. V
The ratio of 20x and 40x is selectable with SMBus. Place 100-pF (or less) ceramic decoupling capacitor from
IADP pin to GND. This pin can be floating if this output is not in use.
Buffered discharge current. V
The ratio of 8x or 16x is selectable with SMBus. Place 100-pF (or less) ceramic decoupling capacitor from
IDSCHG pin to GND. This pin can be floating if this output is not in use.
Buffered total system power. The output current is proportional to the total power from the adapter and battery.
The ratio is selectable through SMBus. Place a resistor from PMON pin to GND to generate PMON voltage.
Place a 100-pF (or less) ceramic decoupling capacitor from PMON pin to GND. This pin can be floating if this
output is not in use.
Active low, open-drain output of the processor hot indicator. The charger IC monitors events like adapter current,
battery discharge current. After any event in the PROCHOT profile is triggered, a minimum 10-ms pulse is
SMBus open-drain data I/O. Connect to SMBus data line from the host controller or smart battery. SMBus
communication starts when VCC is above UVLO. Connect a 10-kΩ pullup resistor according to SMBus
SMBus open-drain clock input. Connect to SMBus clock line from the host controller or smart battery. SMBus
communication starts when VCC is above UVLO. Connect a 10-kΩ pullup resistor according to SMBus
Input of independent comparator. Internal reference, output polarity and deglitch time is selectable by SMBus.
Place a resistor between CMPIN and CMPOUT to program hysteresis when the polarity is HIGH. If comparator
is not in use, CMPIN is tied to ground, and CMPOUT is left floating.
Open-drain output of independent comparator. Place 10-kΩ pullup resistor from CMPOUT to pullup supply rail.
Comparator reference, output polarity and deglitch time is selectable by SMBus. If comparator is not in use,
CMPIN is tied to ground, and CMPOUT is left floating.
Active low battery present input signal. Low indicates battery present, high indicates battery absent. The device
exits the LEARN function and turns on ACFET/RBFET within 100 µs if BATPRES pin is pulled high. Upon
BATPRES from LOW to HIGH, battery charging and hybrid power boost mode are disabled. The host can
enable charging and hybrid power boost mode by write to REG0x14() and REG0x15() when BATPRES is HIGH
Active low, open-drain output for hybrid power boost mode indication. It is pulled low when the IC is operating in
boost mode. Otherwise, it is pulled high. Connect a 10-kΩ pullup resistor from TB_STAT pin to the pullup supply
BATSRC17Connect to the source of N-channel BATFET. BATDRV voltage is 6 V above BATSRC to turn on BATFET.
Charge pump output to drive N-channel MOSFET between battery and system (BATFET). BATDRV voltage is
6 V above BATSRC to turn on BATFET and power system from battery. BATDRV is shorted to BATSRC to turn
off BATFET. Place a 4-kΩ resistor from BATDRV to the gate of BATFET limits the inrush current on BATDRV
Charge current sense resistor negative input. SRN pin is for battery voltage sensing as well. Connect SRN pin
with a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor to GND for common-mode filtering. Connect a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from
SRP to SRN to provide differential mode filtering.
Charge current sense resistor positive input. Connect a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from SRP to SRN to provide
differential mode filtering.
Charge current and discharge current limit.V
) for discharge current. Program ILIM voltage by connecting a resistor divider from system reference 3.3-V
rail to ILIM pin to GND pin. The lower of ILIM voltage and 0x14() (for charge) or 0x39 (for discharge) reference
sets actual regulation limit. The minimum voltage on ILIM to enable charge or discharge current regulation is 120
IC ground. On PCB layout, connect to analog ground plane, and only connect to power ground plan through pad
underneath IC.
LODRV23Low-side power MOSFET driver output. Connect to low-side N-channel MOSFET gate.
6-V linear regulator output supplied from VCC. The LDO is active when ACDET above 0.6 V, VCC above UVLO.
Connect a ≥ 2.2-µF 0603 ceramic capacitor from REGN to GND. The diode between REGN and BTST is
High-side power MOSFET driver power supply. Connect a 47-nF capacitor from BTST to PHASE. The diode
between REGN and BTST is integrated inside the IC.
HIDRV26High-side power MOSFET driver output. Connect to the high side N-channel MOSFET gate.
PHASE27High-side power MOSFET driver source. Connect to the source of the high-side N-channel MOSFET.
Input supply from adapter or battery. Use 10-Ω resistor and 1-µF capacitor to ground as a low pass filter to limit
inrush current. A diode OR is connected to VCC. It powers charger IC from input adapter and battery.
Exposed pad beneath the IC. Analog ground and power ground star-connected only at the PowerPAD plane.
Always solder the PowerPAD to the board and have vias on the PowerPAD plane connecting to analog ground
and power ground planes. It also serves as a thermal pad to dissipate the heat.
VoltagePHASE (2% duty cycle)–430V
VoltageREGN (5ms)–0.39V
Maximum differential voltageSRP–SRN, ACP–ACN–0.5+0.5V
Junction temperature, T
Storage temperature, T
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating
conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) All voltages are with respect to GND if not specified. Currents are positive into, negative out of the specified pin. Consult Packaging
Section of the data book for thermal limitations and considerations of packages.
Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001
Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-
(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
ACN to BAT falling threshold VCC ramps
up above SRN
ACN to BAT rising threshold to turn on
+ I
+ I
/(PIN+ P
, REG0x3B[9] = 11µA/W
Adapter Only with System Power = 19.5V/45W–4%4%
Adapter Only with System Power = 12V/24W–6%6%
Adapter Only with System Power = 5V/9W–10%10%
Battery Only with System Power 11V/44W–4.5%4.5%
Battery Only with System Power 7.4V/29.8W–7%7%
Battery Only with System Power 3.7V/14.4W–10%10%
(1) Devices participating in a transfer timeout when any clock low exceeds the 25-ms minimum timeout period. Devices that have detected
a timeout condition must reset the communication no later than the 35-ms maximum timeout period. Both a master and a slave must
adhere to the maximum value specified because it incorporates the cumulative stretch limit for both a master (10 ms) and a slave (25
(2) User can adjust threshold through SMBus ChargeOption() REG0x12.
≤ 24 V, –40°C ≤ TJ≤ 125°C, typical values are at TA= 25°C, with respect to GND (unless otherwise noted)
ACOK rising deglitch to turn on
ACOK falling deglitch to turn off
> 2.4V
> V
1st time or REG0x12[12] = 0
> V
Not 1st time or REG0x12[12] = 1
> V
, ACDET ramps up,
, ACDET ramps up,
, ACDET ramps down3µs
Deglitch time to latch off ACFET91215ms
SCLK/SDATA rise time1µs
SCLK/SDATA fall time300ns
SCLK pulse width high450µs
SCLK pulse width low4.7µs
Setup time for start condition4.7µs
Start condition hold time after which first clock pulse is generated4µs
Data setup time250ns
Data hold time300ns
Setup time for stop condition4µs
Bus free time between start and stop condition4.7µs
Clock frequency10100kHz
The bq24780S is a 1-4 cell battery charge controller with power selection for space-constrained, multi-chemistry
portable applications such as notebook and detachable ultrabook. It supports wide input range of input sources
from 4.5 V to 24 V, and 1-4 cell battery for a versatile solution.
The bq24780S supports automatic system power source selection with separate drivers for n-channel MOSFETS
on the adapter side and battery side.
The bq24780S features Dynamic Power Management (DPM) to limit the input power and avoid AC adapter overloading. During battery charging, as the system power increases, the charging current will reduce to maintain
total input current below adapter rating. If system power demand is temporarily exceeds adapter rating, the
bq24780S supports hybrid power boost mode (previously called "turbo boost mode") to allow battery discharge
energy to supplement system power. For details of hybrid power boost mode, refer to Device Functional Modes
The bq24780S closely monitors system power (PMON), input current (IADP) and battery discharge current
(IDCHG) with highly accurate current sense amplifiers. If current is too high, adapter or battery is removed, a
PROCHOT signal is asserted to CPU so that the CPU optimizes its performance to the power available to the
The SMBus controls input current, charge current and charge voltage registers with high resolution, high
accuracy regulation limits. It also sets the PROCHOT timing and threshold profile to meet system requirements.
The bq24780S gets power from adapter or battery. After VCC is above its UVLO threshold, the device wakes up
and starts communication. Battery Only
When VCC voltage is above UVLO, bq24780S powers up to turn on BATFET and starts SMBus communication.
By default, bq24780S stays in low power mode (REG0x12[15] = 1) with lowest quiescent current. When
REG0x12[15] is set to 0, the device enters performance mode. User can enable IDCHG buffer, PMON,
PROCHOT or comparator through SMBus. REGN LDO is enabled (except for IDCHG buffer) for accurate
reference. Adapter Detect and ACOK Output
An external resistor divider attenuates the adapter voltage before it goes to ACDET. The adapter detect
threshold should typically be programmed to a value greater than the maximum battery voltage, but lower than
the maximum allowed adapter voltage. When ACDET is above 0.6V, all bias circuits are enabled.
The open drain ACOK output can be pulled to external rail under the following conditions:
The REG0x37[11] tracks the status of ACOK pin. ACOK deglitch time is 150ms at the first time adapter plug-in,
and 1.3 sec at the following plug-ins after VCC or SRN is above its UVLOZ.
> 2.4 V
– V
< V
> V
+ V
VCC_SRN_HYST Adapter Overvoltage (ACOVP)
When the VCC pin voltage is higher than 26 V, it is considered adapter over voltage. ACOK is pulled low, and
charge is disabled. ACFET/RBFET are turned off to disconnect the high voltage adapter to system during
ACOVP. BATFET is turned on if turn-on conditions are valid.
When VCC voltage falls below 24 V, it is considered as adapter voltage returns back to normal voltage. ACOK is
pulled high by an external pullup resistor. BATFET is turned off and ACFET and RBFET is turned on to power
the system from the adapter.
7.3.2 System Power Selection
The bq24780S device automatically switches adapter or battery power to system. An automatic break-beforemake logic prevents shoot-through currents when the selectors switch.
The ACDRV drives a pair of common-source (CMSRC) N-channel power MOSFETs (ACFET and RBFET)
between adapter and ACP. The ACFET separates adapter from system and battery, and provides a limited di/dt
when plugging in adapter by controlling the ACFET turn-on time. Meanwhile, it protects the adapter when the
system or battery is shorted. The RBFET provides negative input voltage protection and battery discharge
protection when adapter is shorted to ground, and minimizes system power dissipation with its low R
compared to a Schottky diode.
When the adapter is not present, ACDRV is pulled to CMSRC to keep ACFET and RBFET off, disconnecting the
adapter from the system. BATDRV stays at V
+ 6 V to connect battery to system if all of the following
conditions are valid:
< V
+ 200 mV
After the adapter plugs in, the system power source switches from battery to adapter if all of the following
+ 6 V. If the ACFET/RBFET have been turned on for 20
ms, and the voltage across gate and source is still less than 5.7 V, ACFET and RBFET are turned off. After 1.3s
delay, it resumes turning on ACFET and RBFET. If such a failure is detected seven times within 90 seconds,
ACFET/RBFET are latched off and an adapter removal and system shut down is required to force ACDET < 0.6
V to reset the IC. After IC reset from latch off, ACFET/RBFET can be turned on again. After 90 seconds, the
failure counter is reset to zero to prevent latch off.
To turn off ACFET/RBFET, one of the following conditions must be valid:
•In LEARN mode and V
is above battery depletion threshold;
•ACOK low
To limit the adapter inrush current during ACFET turn-on, the Cgs and Cgd external capacitor of ACFET must be
carefully selected following the guidelines below:
•Minimize total capacitance on system
•Cgs should be 40× or higher than Cgd to avoid ACFET false turn on during adapter hot plug-in
•Fully turn on ACFET within 20 ms, otherwise, charger IC will consider turn-on failure
•Check with MOSFET vendor on peak current rating
•Place 4-kΩ resistor in series with ACDRV, CMSRC, and BATDRV pin to limit inrush current.
7.3.3 Enable and Disable Charging
In charge mode, the following conditions have to be valid to start charge:
•Charge is enabled through SMBus (REG0x12[0], default is 0, charge enabled)
•ILIM pin voltage is higher than 120 mV
•All ChargeCurrent(), ChargeVoltage() and InputCurrent() registers have valid value programmed
•ACOK is valid (see Device Power Up for details)
•ACFET and RBFET turn on and gate voltage is high enough (see System Power Selection for details)
does not exceed BATOVP threshold
•IC temperature does not exceed TSHUT threshold
•Not in ACOC condition (see Device Protections Features for details)
One of the following conditions stops on-going charging:
•Charge is inhibited through SMBus(REG0x12[0]=1)
•ILIM pin voltage is lower than 60 mV
•One of three registers is set to 0 or out of range
•ACOK is pulled low (see Device Power Up for details)
•ACFET turns off
exceeds BATOVP threshold
•TSHUT IC temperature threshold is reached
•ACOC is detected (see Device Protections Features for details)
•Short circuit is detected (see Inductor Short, MOSFET Short Protection for details)
•Watchdog timer expires if watchdog timer is enabled (see Charger Timeout for details) Automatic Internal Soft-Start Charger Current
Every time the charge is enabled, the charger automatically applies soft-start on charge current to avoid any
overshoot or stress on the output capacitors or the power converter. The charge current starts at 128 mA, and
the step size is 64 mA in CCM mode for a 10 mΩ current sensing resistor. Each step lasts around 400 μs in
CCM mode, till it reaches the programmed charge current limit. No external components are needed for this
During DCM mode, the soft start up current step size is larger and each step lasts for longer time period due to
the intrinsic slow response of DCM mode.