bq2050H Evaluation Kit
Complete evaluation system for the bq2050H Li-Ion
Power Gauge Gas Gauge IC
Pre-programmed DM2050H Module for quick setup
Includes PC software and interface board for easy
Software allows data logging for system analysis
General Description
The bq2050HEVM is a complete evaluation system for the
bq2050H Li-Ion Power Gauge Gas Gauge IC. The EVM
includes one DM2050H circuit module, an EV2200 PC In
terface Board for gas gauge evaluation, a PC serial cable,
and Windows-based PC software. The DM2050H circuit
module includes one bq2050H IC, a sense resistor, five
LEDs to display remaining capacity, and all other components on-board necessary to monitor capacity and other
critical parameters in a Li-Ion battery pack. The
DM2050H connects directly across the cells in a battery.
With the EV2200 interface board and software, the user
can read the bq2050H data registers and evaluate the
functions of the bq2050H under different charge/discharge
Each bq2050H Evaluation Kit is pre-configured for a
specified pack voltage and pack capacity as outlined in
Ordering Information. The kits should be ordered on the
basis of the pack voltage of the application.
Please refer to the EV2200-50H User Guide for informa
tion on how to install the software, connect the evalua
tion setup, and use the main features of the evaluation
Kit Contents
1 DM2050H pre-configured circuit module
1 EV2200-50H includes
EV2200 PC interface board
Set of evaluation software disks
PC serial cable
EV2200-50H User Guide
Support documentation including
DM2357 Reference Design (bq2050H with
UCC3957 Protector IC)
bq2050H data sheet
DM2050H data sheet
– UCC3957 data sheet
Ordering Information
EVM Part Number Module Part Number Pack Voltage Capacity*
bq2050HEVM-002 DM2050H-002 10.8V 4.5Ah
*Can be modified by adding or subtracting resistors on the DM2050H.
SLUU062 - APRIL 2000