The BOOSTXL-TPS652170 is a BoosterPack evaluation module (EVM) for programming samples of the
TPS652170 power management IC (PMIC) with user-defined values for output voltage, sequence timing,
and other critical parameters. Modifying these parameters using the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 allows for
rapid prototyping and quick time to market when using the TPS652170 PMIC to provide power to a variety
of processors and FPGAs.
This document provides a description of how to setup the EVM and re-program the EEPROM memory of
the TPS652170 devices using the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 BoosterPack, an MSP430F5529 LaunchPad,
and the IPG-UI software. The steps in this document describe the procedure for programming samples of
the TPS652170 installed in the socket of the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 printed circuit board (PCB).
1Electrical Connections of Headers ........................................................................................ 6
2BOOSTXL-TPS652170 Test Point List ................................................................................... 6
3BOOSTXL-TPS652170 Jumper List ...................................................................................... 7
4Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 30
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The BOOSTXL-TPS652170 allows designers to program samples of the TPS652170 and verify the values
in the EEPROM match the power-up and power-down sequence requirements of the targeted processor
that will be powered by the PMIC in the final application. The BOOSTXL-TPS652170 BoosterPack EVM is
simple to test, requiring only an MSP430F5529 LaunchPad and USB A-to-micro B cable. With no load or a
light load on the BoosterPack EVM, the power provided by the LaunchPad is sufficient to power the
TPS652170 device, re-program the EEPROM, and perform all of the measurements described in this
document. The 5 V provided by the VBUS wire of the USB cable is the only power input to the
The TPS652170 device consists of three step-down converters (DCDC1, DCDC2, DCDC3), one WLED
boost converter (DCDC4), two general-purpose LDO regulators (LDO1, LDO2), and two load switches that
can be purposed as LDO regulators (LS1/LDO3, LS2/LDO4). The output voltage of all the DC/DC
converters and the LDO regulators is programmable. Configuring the load switches as additional LDO
regulators is programmable. The sequence order of all DC/DC converters, the LDOs, and the load
switches can also be programmed and assigned to integer values relative to each other. The sequence
timing and supervisor thresholds are global parameters that can be programmed. The integrated battery
charger of the TPS652170 can also be programmed but the BAT, BAT_SENSE, and TS pins are not
routed out to test points on the BOOSTXL-TPS65218.
Modifying some or all of these register map values and re-programming the EEPROM of the TPS652170
device with the IPG-UI software creates new reset values for the PMIC, which allows the PMIC to poweron and power-off with the required timing for a variety of processors or FPGAs.
Figure 1 shows the top-side of the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 PCB, on which a socket is placed to install
TPS652170 samples and re-program the samples. The samples can then be removed from the socket
and soldered down on a TPS65217xEVM or prototype PCB to evaluate the power delivery capabilities of
the TPS652170 newly programmed for a specific processor or FPGA. If the output voltages or sequencing
are not ideal for the processor or FPGA on the first attempt, the process can be repeated until the ideal
programming of the TPS652170 device is determined.
Texas Instruments, TPS65217x Single-Chip PMIC for Battery-Powered Systems Data Sheet
Texas Instruments, IPG-UI User's Guide
Texas Instruments, TPS65217CEVM User's Guide
Texas Instruments, MSP430F5529 LaunchPad Development Kit (MSP-EXP430F5529LP) User's Guide
1.2Required Hardware
1.2.1MSP430F5529 LaunchPad
The MSP430F5529 LaunchPad will serve as a communication interface between the IPG-UI software and
the TPS652170 device. The firmware on the MSP430F5529 needs to be updated before it can
communicate with the TPS652170. Figure 2 shows the BOOSTXL-TP652170 connected on top of the
MSP430F5529 LaunchPad with a micro-USB cable inserted in the LaunchPad.
Figure 2. BOOSTXL-TPS652170 and MSP430F5529 LaunchPad Connected
NOTE: Do not plug the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 BoosterPack into the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad
before the firmware is updated, as described in Section 2.5.
2Getting Started
Figure 3 shows the high-level block diagram of the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 as it is wired to the
MSP430F5529 LaunchPad through the two 20-pin headers connecting the two PCBs. It also shows the
LaunchPad connected to a computer through a USB cable, which is required for programming the
TPS652170 device.
Figure 3. BOOSTXL-TPS652170 BoosterPack and MSP430F5529 LaunchPad Block Diagram
2.1Connecting Headers
This section describes the headers on the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 used to connect the BoosterPack EVM
to the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad. There are two sets of headers numbered J1-J4, each set having two
rows of 10 pins, for a total of 40 pins. The outside headers, closest to the board edge, are J1 (left) and J2
(right). The inside headers, closest to the socket on BOOSTXL-TPS652170 and closest to the
MSP430F5529 device on the LaunchPad, are J3 (left) and J4 (right). When connected correctly, all 40
pins of the headers make a physical connection from board to board and the headers numbers line up (in
other words, J1 connects to J1, J2 connects to J2, and so forth.). However, all 40 pins do not make an
electrical connection from the LaunchPad to the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 design.
The net named 3V3LP is re-named 3V3SW after the current-limiting switch controlled by S1 and provides a pull-up reference
voltage for SCL, SDA, INT, nWAKEUP, and LED D7 driven by the PGOOD pin of the TPS652170 device.
The BOOST_EN signal is for the TPS61093 and does not connect to the TPS652170. Enabling the boost provides 8 V to the
PWR_EN pin, which is sufficiently high to allow re-programming of the EEPROM.
The net named USBLP is re-named USBSW after the current-limiting switch controlled by S1 and provides power (5 V) to the
USB pin of the TPS652170 device directly from VBUS of the USB cable. USBSW is the only supply available and generates
SYS, which provides power to all VIN_DCDCx pins, VINLDO, and LSx_IN.
Table 1. Electrical Connections of Headers
Device Pin
USBLP21J321+5 V+5 V
2.2Test Points
Table 2 lists the test points located on the BOOSTXL-TPS652170. The test points are required to
measure the output voltage and sequence timing of the power rails generated by the TPS652170 device.
The software to be used with the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 EVM is the IPG-UI. Download the following files
to ensure that all of the required software is available on the computer used for testing:
1. The latest revision of the IPG-UI EVM GUI.
2. The latest revision of the TPS652170 IPG-UI device file (TPS652170-1.x.json) and script file
(TPS652170-programming.js) from here.
3. The latest MSP430F5529 LaunchPad USB2ANY firmware (USB2ANY_2.7.0.0_LP.txt) from here.
4. The MSP430_USB_Firmware_Upgrade_Example- from the
MSP430_USB_Developers_Package 5_20_06_02.
A detailed set of instructions for using the software, with examples, is provided in Appendix A.
PinNet Name
Default Shunt ConnectionDescription
Connect to pin 2 when LS1 is reprogrammed as a load switch
InstalledLS1 configured as LDO3
InstalledLS2 configured as LDO4
Connect to pin 2 when LS2 is reprogrammed as a load switch
2.5Update MSP430F5529 Firmware
Update the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad development to the USB2ANY_2.7.0.0_LP.txt file before putting
the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 on the LaunchPad development kit.
1. Press the S5 button while connecting the Micro USB cable.
2. Run the Firmware Upgrade Example.
3. Choose "Select Firmware".
4. Choose "Browse" and select the USB2ANY_2.7.0.0_LP.txt file downloaded previously.
5. Choose "Upgrade Firmware".
6. When complete, disconnect the USB cable.
3EVM Operation
3.1Power-On Procedure
Figure 4 shows the BOOSTXL-TPS652170 board with socket XU1 open and a TPS652170 samples
installed correctly. After the socket is closed, the SW1 PWR switch can be moved from the OFF position
to the ON position.
In order for the configurable load switches/LDO regulators (LS1/LDO3, LS2/LDO4) to receive power from
the correct source, shunts must be installed in the correct position on both 3-pin headers (J5 and J6) as
described in Table 3.
The following instructions explain how to install the IPG-UI software on a computer. If this software is
already installed, this section may be skipped.
To install the IPG-UI software, first download the IPG-UI software installation package from
Then unzip and install the IPG-UI software tool onto the computer.
A.2IPG-UI Setup for BOOSTXL-TPS652170
The following instructions explain how to run, setup, and operate the IPG-UI software on a computer and
connect it to the BOOSTXL-TPS652170.
•Run the IPG-UI software by using the Windows Start Menu and navigating to the Texas Instruments
folder, or by double-clicking the desktop icon, as shown in Figure 5.
Appendix A
SLVUBH6–November 2018
Software Instructions
Figure 5. Run the IPG-UI Software
•Wait for the program to load.
•Plug in the micro-USB cable to the USB port of the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad and connect the other
end of the USB cable to an open USB2/3 port on the computer.
•Verify that the software is connected to the USB2ANY (MSP430F5529 LaunchPad) as shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Successful Connection Between Computer and USB2ANY (MSP430F5529 LaunchPad)
•Click the drop-down menu in the Create New Project section and select TPS652170-1.x as shown in
Figure 7. Creating New IPG-UI Project for the TPS652170
•Click the Create Project button.
NOTE: After a project is initially created, it is available in the Create Projects from Recent Devices
menu. When a project is saved, it is available in the Open Recent Projects menu.
•The TPS652170 Introduction tab is now displayed, as shown in Figure 8. Click the Get Started button
or the Register Map tab to begin communicating with TPS652170 device.
Figure 8. TPS652170 Project Introduction Tab in IPG-UI
•Click the Read All button and verify that data has changed in the CHIPID register from 0x00 to 0x02.
Verify that no red notifications appear in the upper left corner of the IPG-UI window. Blue notifications
are informational only and do not indicate an error has occurred. Figure 9.
Figure 9. Successful Write Access to TPS652170 Notification
•If all register data remains 0x00 and a red notification appears (as in Figure 10), it indicates the
computer can talk to the USB2ANY (MSP430F5529 LaunchPad) but cannot communicate with the
TPS652170 device. The primary cause of this issue may be that the power switch for the BOOSTXLTPS652170 is in the OFF position, the socket does not have a sample installed, or the USB cable is
not plugged into the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad or the computer. In case of either issue, the test setup
of the EVM must be debugged before continuing.