The Sensors BoosterPack™ kit (BOOSTXL-SENSORS) is an easy-to-use plug-in module for adding digital
sensors to your LaunchPad™ development kit design. SimpleLink™ microcontroller (MCU) LaunchPad
development kit developers can use this BoosterPack plug-in module to start developing sensor
applications using the onboard gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, pressure, ambient temperature,
humidity, ambient light, and infrared temperature sensors.
8IDE Minimum Requirements for MSP-EXP432P401R.................................................................. 8
9IDE Minimum Requirements for MSP-EXP430FR5994 ................................................................ 8
10Source File and Folders .................................................................................................... 9
11Source Files and Folders.................................................................................................. 17
12Source Files and Folders.................................................................................................. 18
BoosterPack, LaunchPad, SimpleLink, Code Composer Studio, MSP432, EnergyTrace, MSP430Ware,
MSP430, E2E are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
ARM, Keil, µVision are registered trademarks of ARM Ltd.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
IAR Embedded Workbench is a registered trademark of IAR Systems AB.
Bosch is a registered trademark of Robert Bosch LLC.
Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Sensors BoosterPack kit (BOOSTXL-SENSORS) is an easy-to-use plug-in module for adding digital
sensors to the LaunchPad development kit design. SimpleLink MCU LaunchPad development kit
developers can use this BoosterPack plug-in module to start developing sensor applications using the
onboard gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, pressure, ambient temperature, humidity, ambient
light, and infrared temperature sensors. (Only the PCB footprint is provided for the infrared temperature
sensor due to TMP007 device end-of-life.)
1.2Key Features
•Inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor – accelerometer and gyroscope
•Environmental sensor: pressure, ambient temperature, and humidity
•Ambient light sensor
•PCB footprint for the infrared temperature sensor (device not populated due to end-of-life)
•Works with TI LaunchPad development kits
1.3What's Included
1.3.1Kit Contents
•1x BOOSTXL-SENSORS BoosterPack plug-in module
•1x quick start guide
Getting Started
1.3.2Software Examples
•SimpleLink MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad development kit + BOOSTXL-SENSORS demos (see
Section 3)
– Raw sensor data output + GUI
– TI RTOS sensor output + GUI
•MSP-EXP430FR5994 LaunchPad development kit + BOOSTXL-SENSORS demos (see Section 3)
– TI RTOS sensor output + GUI
1.4Next Steps: Looking Into the Provided Code
After the EVM features have been explored, the fun can begin. It's time to open an integrated
development environment (IDE) and start looking at the code examples. Section 3 describes the example
projects available to make it easy to understand the provided software.
The Sensors BoosterPack plug-in module adheres to the 40-pin LaunchPad development kit and
BoosterPack plug-in module pinout standard. A standard was created to aid compatibility between
LaunchPad development kits and BoosterPack plug-in modules across the TI ecosystem.
The 40-pin standard on the BOOSTXL-SENSORS is compatible with the 20-pin standard that is used by
other LaunchPad development kits like the MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad development kit. This allows for
40-pin BoosterPack plug-in modules to be used with 20-pin LaunchPad development kits.
The BOOSTXL-SENSORS BoosterPack plug-in module has both male and female headers to support
stacking on top. You must take careful consideration when stacking other BoosterPack plug-in modules
near the Sensors BoosterPack plug-in module as heat, shade, and electromagnetic fields can adversely
affect the sensors readings.
More information about compatibility can also be found at
2.1.2TI OPT3001 Light Sensor
The OPT3001 is a digital ambient light sensor (ALS) that measures the intensity of light as visible by the
human eye. Covering the sensor with a finger or shining a flashlight on it changes the output of the
OPT3001. The digital output is reported over an I2C- and System Management Bus (SMBus)-compatible,
2-wire serial interface. The reference designator for the OPT3001 is U1. Table 1 lists the pin connections
of the OPT3001.
More information on the OPT3001 light sensor can be found at
Table 1. OPT3001 Pinout
BoosterPack Header ConnectionPin Function
J2.11OPT3001 Interrupt
Pin is multiplexed with the I2C communication lines of the TMP007,
BMI160, and BME280.
2.1.3TI TMP007 Temperature Sensor
The TMP007 is a digital infrared (IR) thermopile contactless temperature sensor with integrated math
engine that measures the temperature of an object without having to be in direct contact. Placing your
hand over the sensor increases the sensor output. The digital output is reported over an I2C- and SMBuscompatible, 2-wire serial interface. The reference designator for the TMP007 is U5. Table 2 lists the pin
connections of the TMP007.
NOTE: The TMP007 infrared temperature sensor is no longer populated on this BoosterPack board,
and only the PCB footprint is provided due to the end-of-life status of the device.
BoosterPack Header ConnectionPin Function
J2.12TMP007 Interrupt
Pin is multiplexed with the I2C communication lines of the OPT3001,
BMI160, and BME280.
The Bosch BMI160 inertial measurement unit is a 6-axis digital accelerometer and gyroscope sensor that
measures gravitational forces exerted on the EVM as well as speed of rotation in degrees per second. The
BMI160 can synchronize its own accelerometer and gyroscope data as well as with an external device
such as a geomagnetic sensor. Rotating the board about its axis increases the gyroscope output of the
sensor, and changing the orientation of the board with respect to the earth changes its accelerometer
output (for example, with the X arrow toward the earth, the X value of the accelerometer is positive). The
BMI160 has a secondary I2C interface for connecting additional Bosch sensors such as the BMM150
geomagnetic sensor. The digital output of both sensors is reported over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible 2wire serial interface. The reference designator for the BMI160 is U3. Table 3 lists the pin connections of
the BMI160.
More information on the BMI160 inertial measurement unit can be found at
Pin is multiplexed with the I2C communication lines of the OPT3001,
TMP007, and BME280
2.1.5Bosch BMM150 Geomagnetic Sensor
The Bosch BMM150 geomagnetic sensor is a 3-axis digital magnetometer sensor that measures the
strength of magnetic fields in microtesla for e-compass applications. The BMM150 can be used in
combination with the BMI160 for 9-axis sensing. Placing a magnet near the sensor increases the sensor
output. The BMM150 is connected to the BMI160 as a secondary I2C device, and all of its sensor data is
passed to the BMI160 to be reported out over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, 2-wire serial interface. The
reference designator for the BMM150 is U2. Table 4 lists the pin connections of the BMM150.
More information on the BMM150 geomagnetic sensor can be found at
The Bosch BME280 integrated environmental unit is a digital pressure, ambient temperature and relative
humidity sensor. Changes in the environment surrounding the sensor cause changes in the sensor output.
The digital output of the sensor is reported over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, 2-wire serial interface.
The reference designator for the BMI160 is U3. Table 5 lists the pin connections of the BME280.
More information on the BME280 environmental sensor can be found at
Pin is multiplexed with the I2C communication lines of the OPT3001,
TMP007, and BMI60.
The board was designed to be powered by the attached LaunchPad development kit.
2.2.1LaunchPad Development Kit Default Power
This is the default power configuration for the BOOSTXL-SENSORS. In this configuration, power is
provided through the 3V3 (J1.1) pin on the BoosterPack plug-in module headers. The 3V3 pin powers
everything on the Sensors BoosterPack plug-in module.
2.3Design Files
Schematics can be found in Section 5. All design files including schematics, layout, bill of materials
(BOM), Gerber files, and documentation are available on the BOOSTXL-SENSORS Hardware Design
Files on the download page.
All design files including TI-TXT object-code firmware images, software example projects, and
documentation are available in the software folders that are specific to each LaunchPad development kit.
To see which LaunchPad development kits feature BOOSTXL-SENSORS examples, visit the download
The following software examples are included with the SimpleLink MSP-EXP432P401R and
MSPEXP430FR5994 LaunchPad development kits for the Sensors BoosterPack plug-in module (see
Table 7). These examples can be found in the MSP-EXP432P401R Software Examples and MSPEXP430FR5994 Software Examples zip folders.
Table 7. Software Examples
Demo Name
LaunchPad /
BoosterPack Required
MSP-EXP432P401R /
MSP-EXP432P401R /
MSP-EXP430FR5994 /
DescriptionMore Details
Demonstrates how to sample data from the five
onboard digital sensors and communicate that
over UART in a JSON payload
Demonstrates how to sample data from the five
onboard digital sensors and communicate that
over UART in a JSON payload
Demonstrates how to sample data from the five
onboard digital sensors and communicate that
over UART in a JSON payload
Section 3.1
Section 3.2
Section 3.3
To use any of the software examples with the LaunchPad development kit, you must have an integrated
development environment (IDE) that supports the MSP432P401R and MSP430FR5994 devices (see
Table 8).
Table 8. IDE Minimum Requirements for MSP-EXP432P401R
Code Composer Studio™ IDEIAR Embedded Workbench®for ARM IDEARM®Keil®µVision®IDE
v7.1.0v7.80.3MDK-ARM v5
Table 9. IDE Minimum Requirements for MSP-EXP430FR5994
Code Composer Studio™ IDEIAR Embedded Workbench®for ARM IDE
For more details on how to get started quickly, and where to download the latest CCS, IAR, and Keil IDEs,
see Section 4.
This section describes the functionality and structure of the BOOSTXLSENSORS_SensorGUI_MSP432P401R demo that is included in the MSP-EXP432P401R Software
Examples, or more easily accessible through the SimpleLink MSP432™ SDK (see Section 4.6).
3.1.1Source File Structure
The project is split into multiple files (see Table 10). This makes it easier to navigate and reuse parts of it
for other projects.
Table 10. Source File and Folders
msp432_startup_ccs.cSimpleLink MSP432 MCU family interrupt vector table for CGT
Library: driverlibDevice driver library (MSP432DRIVERLIB)
src/bme280.cDriver for communicating with the environmental sensor
src/bme280_support.cSupport driver for communicating with the environmental sensor
src/bmi160.cDriver for communicating with the IMU and magnetometer sensors
src/bmi160_support.cSupport driver for communicating with the IMU and magnetometer sensors
src/demo_sysctl.cDelay function for MSP432 MCU
src/i2c_driver.cDriver for I2C communication with the sensors
src/main.cThe main function of the demo, interrupt service routines, global variables, and more
src/opt3001.cDriver for communicating with the ambient light sensor
src/tmp007.cDriver for communicating with the infrared temperature sensor
src/uart_driver.cDriver for UART communication with the PC GUI
Software Examples
3.1.2Working With the GUI
The Sensor GUI allows for quick visualizations of the sensors data and testing of applications. Started
1. Download the BOOSTXL-SENSORS_GUI+ET zip file, and extract its contents.
3. Plug your MSP432P401R LaunchPad development kit with Sensors BoosterPack plug-in module into a
USB port. And click theicon in the lower left corner of the GUI.
•If needed, go to "Options" and select the proper COM Port for the Application UART and the baud
rate as 115200 (see Figure 4).
NOTE: For Windows, you can find the port number by opening Device Manager and looking for
"XDS110 Class Application/User UART" under "Ports (COM & LPT)". It will be listed as
COMnn, where nn is the number of the port.