Texas Instruments BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack User Manual

User's Guide
SBAU316–August 2018

BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide

The ADS1219 BoosterPack™ plug-in module (BOOSTXL-ADS1219) allows users to evaluate the functionality of the ADS1219. The ADS1219 is a 24-bit, delta-sigma, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that can be configured as four single-ended inputs or as two differential input pairs. Data rates range from 20 SPS up to 1000 SPS. Processors can communicate to the ADS1219 though an I2C interface.
This user's guide includes a detailed description of the hardware (HW), bill of materials (BOM), schematic, and software GUI when using the LaunchPad™ MSP-EXP432E401Y.
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Table 1. Related Documentation
Device Literature Number
ADS1219 SBAS924
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
2 Quick Start.................................................................................................................... 4
3 BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Hardware Overview................................................................................ 6
4 Setup Details ................................................................................................................. 8
5 ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI Operation ............................................................................... 12
6 Bill of Materials, PCB Layout, and Schematic.......................................................................... 16
List of Figures
1 ADS1219 Evaluation Module (BOOSTXL-ADS1219)................................................................... 1
2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................ 3
3 Quick Start.................................................................................................................... 4
4 LaunchPad™ and BoosterPack™ Combo ............................................................................... 5
5 BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Overview ............................................................................................ 6
6 Analog Supply Jumper...................................................................................................... 8
7 UniFlash: New Coniguration ............................................................................................... 9
8 UniFlash: Choose Connection ............................................................................................. 9
9 UniFlash: Browse to Firmware ........................................................................................... 10
10 UniFlash: Load Image ..................................................................................................... 10
11 UniFlash: Successful Download.......................................................................................... 11
12 Power Jumper Change.................................................................................................... 12
13 Home Page ................................................................................................................. 13
14 Quick Start Page ........................................................................................................... 13
15 Settings Page............................................................................................................... 14
16 Chart Page .................................................................................................................. 15
17 Register Map Page ........................................................................................................ 15
18 Collateral Page ............................................................................................................. 16
19 Top Silkscreen.............................................................................................................. 18
20 Top Layer ................................................................................................................... 18
21 Bottom Layer................................................................................................................ 19
22 Bottom Silkscreen.......................................................................................................... 19
23 BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Schematic ......................................................................................... 20
1 Related Documentation ..................................................................................................... 1
2 Header Input (J5) ............................................................................................................ 6
3 Terminal Block Input (J6) ................................................................................................... 6
4 MSP432E401Y Port to BoosterPack™ Interface........................................................................ 7
5 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 16
BoosterPack, LaunchPad are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
List of Tables
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SBAU316–August 2018

1 Introduction

The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 is a fully-assembled evaluation platform designed to highlight the ADS1219 device features and its various modes of operation.
The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 interfaces to LaunchPad™ development platforms using the XL connector format. However, to use the ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI a specific LaunchPad™ (the MSP­EXP432E401Y) must be used. The LaunchPad™ communicates to the ADS1219 through its I2C interface and also acts as a USB-to-PC GUI communication bridge.
NOTE: The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 requires an external master controller to evaluate the ADS1219.
The MSP-EXP432E401Y LaunchPad™ is controlled by commands received from the ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI. The LaunchPad™ sends data to the GUI for display and analysis. If a LaunchPad™ is not used, the BoosterPack™ plug-in module format allows an alternate external host to communicate with the ADS1219 using the LaunchPad™ connectors.
The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 EVM incorporates circuitry and components with the following features:
The 24-bit ADS1219 delta-sigma ADC with four single-ended input channels (or two differential),
2.048-V reference, and I2C interface.
External reference and analog inputs can be connected either through a header or screw terminal block.
3.3-V or 5-V selectable analog power supply.
LEDs to indicate active power supplies.
I2C interface for the ADS1219 device configuration and communication.
Figure 2 shows the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 EVM architecture along with key components and blocks listed in
the features.
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Figure 2. Block Diagram
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Quick Start

2 Quick Start

The quick start in Figure 3 shows a minimalist view of the startup procedure to get the system up and running. Details regarding these steps can be found in Section 4.
Figure 3. Quick Start

2.1 Step 1

Download and install the GUI software from the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 tools folder. This software install also includes the firmware file required for communication with the LaunchPad™. The firmware file can be installed to the LaunchPad™ by using the UniFlash cloud tool. A desktop version of UniFlash is also available for download if needed.

2.2 Step 2

Connect the LaunchPad™ to the PC and download the firmware to the LaunchPad™ using the micro USB cable provided with the LaunchPad™ kit.
2.2.1 Connect the LaunchPad™
Connect the USB cable from the PC to the micro USB connector on the top portion of the LaunchPad™ (XDS110 portion of the LaunchPad™). A green LED lights up indicating that the LaunchPad™ is powered.
2.2.2 Start the UniFlash Program and Choose the Correct LaunchPad™
Start the UniFlash program and begin a New Configuration (Figure 7) and select the LaunchPad™ MSP­EXP432E401Y.
The connection type is automatically chosen based on the LaunchPad™ being used. Verify that the Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe is selected and press Start.
2.2.3 Choose the Firmware File and Flash the LaunchPad™
The firmware file is located in the folder Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\ADS1219\firmware. Use the Browse button to browse to folder containing the firmware binary file. The firmware file can also be dragged and dropped into the browse window provided in UniFlash.
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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SBAU316–August 2018
When the desired firmware is selected, use the Load Image button to load the firmware into the LaunchPad™.
Verify that the firmware installed successfully by checking the Console portion of the UniFlash tool at the bottom of the GUI window.

2.3 Step 3

After the firmware file has successfully downloaded to the LaunchPad™, unplug the USB cable from the LaunchPad™. Further communication takes place using the USB connector located at the opposite end of the LaunchPad™. For proper power to be supplied to the BOOSTXL-ADS1219, remove the jumper from the middle of the LaunchPad™ at JP6 and place the jumper on the center pins of JP1 (see Figure 12). This jumper takes the available USB power from the bottom connector and applies the voltage to the remainder of the board.
Before plugging the USB cable to the bottom LaunchPad™ USB connector, properly align the connectors and attach the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ to the bottom set of connectors on the LaunchPad™ (Figure 4).
Quick Start
When the BoosterPack™ is attached, plug the USB cable into the bottom connector of the LaunchPad™ and also to the PC. The LaunchPad™ communication to the PC is USB communications device class (CDC) using a virtual COM port. Windows®10 automatically installs the required driver. Earlier versions of the operating system may require a manual driver installation. The required driver files can be found in the installation directory Program Files (x86)/Texas Instruments/ADS1219/drivers.

2.4 Step 4

From the Windows Start menu, go to the Texas Instruments folder and under ADS1219 start the GUI application. The communication should automatically connect. If the hardware does not connect, manually try to make the connection by clicking on the connect icon in the lower left portion of the GUI.
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Figure 4. LaunchPad™ and BoosterPack™ Combo
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Hardware Overview

3 BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Hardware Overview

This section lists various onboard components that are used to interface analog inputs, analog reference, digital interface, and power to the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 EVM. Figure 5 shows a top-level view of the board.
Figure 5. BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Overview

3.1 Connectors for the Analog Input

The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 EVM is designed for easy interface to analog sources through a 100-mil header (J5) or to a screw terminal block (J6). J6 also allows for an external reference input. Table 2 shows the input configuration for J5 and Table 3 shows the configuration for J6. Both connectors are clearly labeled on the PCB silkscreen for easy input connection identification.
J5 Connector Pin Description
J5:1 Analog input for A0 of the ADC J5:2 Analog input for A1 of the ADC
J5:3 and J5:4 BoosterPack™ plug-in module ground
J5:5 Analog input for A2 of the ADC J5:6 Analog input for A3 of the ADC
Table 3. Terminal Block Input (J6)
J6 Terminal Block Inputs Description
J6:1 BoosterPack™ plug-in module ground J6:2 Analog input for A3 of the ADC J6:3 Analog input for A2 of the ADC J6:4 Analog reference input REFN J6:5 Analog reference input REFP J6:6 Analog input for A1 of the ADC J6:7 Analog input for A0 of the ADC
Table 2. Header Input (J5)
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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SBAU316–August 2018
The analog inputs can range from GND up to AVDD, which is the analog supply voltage. A maximum of four single-ended inputs, or two differential inputs may be applied to the ADS1219. The user can configure the input channels through the ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI. Each of the analog inputs have a series 1­kΩ resistor with a 100-nF differential capacitor between inputs and a 10-nF common-mode capacitor to GND for filtering noise and aliasing. Figure 23 provides a schematic that details the input filtering.

3.2 Voltage Reference

The ADS1219 contains an internal 2.048-V reference and no external reference is required. The analog supply can also be used as reference input by installing a 0-Ω resistor at R7. An external reference can be applied to the terminal block REFP and REFN connections available on J6 (see the analog input terminal block in Figure 5). The external reference input is limited by a minimum of 0.75 V and a maximum of the analog supply voltage (AVDD). The REFN input is connected to the board ground by default through the 0-Ω resistor R8.

3.3 Digital Interface

The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 interfaces to the MSP-EXP432E401Y LaunchPad™, which in turn communicates with the computer through USB. The two devices are on the BoosterPack™ and they both communicate using I2C. U4 is an EEPROM used to hold device and board manufacturing information. The EEPROM information is not currently available to the GUI. U1 is the ADS1219 and communication from the GUI allows for register read and write as well as ADC conversion data collection.

3.4 BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Digial I/O

The BOOSTXL-ADS1219 EVM supports the I2C digital interface and functional modes as described in the ADS1219 datasheet. The LaunchPad™ operates at a 3.3-V logic and I/O level. The ADS1219 has both DVDD and AVDD. DVDD is the digital supply and is fixed to the same voltage level as the LaunchPad™ processor so no level shifting is required. The I2C communication is through LaunchPad™ ports PN5 (SCL) and PN4 (SDA). GPIO pin control for the Reset pin of the ADS1219 is controlled by port PK6. The Reset control pin defaults high (not in reset). GPIO port PK7 is an input port pin used to interrupt the processor when a new conversion result is ready to be read from the ADS1219. Table 4 lists the port to connector pin interface.
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Hardware Overview
Table 4. MSP432E401Y Port to BoosterPack™ Interface
SCL (PN5 - Output) J1:9
SDA (PN4 - Input/Output) J1:10
RESET (PK6 - Output) J4:32
DRDY (PK7 - Input) J4:31
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Connector
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BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 Hardware Overview

3.5 Power Supply

Both the LaunchPad™ 3.3-V and 5-V supplies are used for the BOOSTXL-ADS1219. The digital supply is
3.3 V and supplies the ADS1219 DVDD supply input. AVDD is the ADS1219 analog supply and can
accommodate either 3.3-V or 5-V operation. The choice of analog supply voltage is selected by jumper JP2. JP2:1-2 selects the 5-V supply source and JP2:2-3 selects the 3.3-V source, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Analog Supply Jumper
The 3.3-V source comes directly from the LaunchPad™ and when available on the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 the D2 LED lights up indicating that the supply is active. The LaunchPad™ 5-V source is often less than 5 V. To achieve a stable voltage when operating at 5-V AVDD, U3 is used to charge pump the LaunchPad™ 5-V source and regulate for a fixed 5-V output. U3 can be disabled by installing jumper JP1, but by default this jumper is not installed. When U3 is active, then LED D1 lights up indicating the supply is available. TP1 can be used to monitor the AVDD supply voltage. Jumper placement and LEDs are shown in Figure 6.

4 Setup Details

Getting the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 and MSP-EXP432E401Y LaunchPad™ combination to communicate with the PC requires firmware to be installed in the LaunchPad™ (see Section 4.2.1). This firmware is made available as part of the ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI software installation. Depending on which operating system is being used, there may also be a need for driver installation. The drivers are also included as a part of the GUI software installation.

4.1 ADS1219 BoosterPack™ GUI Installation

Download and install the GUI from the BOOSTXL-ADS1219 tools folder. The license agreements must be accepted or the software will not install. Follow all remaining on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

4.2 Using the UniFlash Tool to Program the LaunchPad™

The UniFlash program can be accessed via the cloud or by download. When using the cloud version for the first time the TI cloud agent must be installed. Follow all instructions by downloading and installing the correct cloud version for the operating system being used.
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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SBAU316–August 2018
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