Quick Start Guide
Texas Instruments contributors:
Win Jackson, Robin Hunt-Smith, Dianna Tidwell, Pat Hatcher, Sallie Huffman, Bob Pospick, Brent
Kinard, Norm Davis, Mike Wilson, Doyle Evans, Mike Tiffin, Mark Hogland, Jim Merchant, Charles
Schwope, Toi Beveridge, David Taylor, Randy Hebert, Alton Ryan, Gopher Chen, Andrew Chen,
Michael Chen, Steve Ruzic, Tham Nguyen, Bob Vestal
Other contributors:
Lisa Kanarek, (Tips and Hints)
Gail DeLay (Cartoons)
Avigo is a
Copyright © 1997 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated.

2 Avigo Quick Start Guide
First Things First
Be sure to inspect your packaging to ensure you have all of the following:
• Avigo
Organizer • Avigo User’s Guide
• Avigo dock station • Financial Calculator User Guide
• Avigo CD-ROM • Stylus (2)
• AAA batteries (2)
If you are missing any of these items, contact the retail outlet where you purchased the
Avigo before continuing.
Hardware/Software Requirements
49MB disk space to install all components (13MB for Avigo Manager, 26MB for Lotus
Organizer 97, 5MB for IntelliSync, and 5MB for Adobe Acrobat.)
486 or higher processor
CD-ROM drive (floppy disk available for shipping charge)
Serial or Infrared port
Optional spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel
95 or Windows NT
or Lotus 1-2-3
Set up Your Avigo
1. Attach the Avigo dock station
2. Install the Avigo batteries
3. Turn on the Avigo
Remove the Avigo dock station from the package.
Attach the 9-pin connector to a serial port on your computer.
Remove the two (2) AAA batteries from the package.
Slide open the battery compartment cover on the rear
of the Avigo.
Insert the two batteries. Arrange the batteries
according to the polarity (+ and −) diagram in the
battery compartment.
Replace the battery compartment cover.
Push the open/power switch up to open the Avigo
protective lid and power up the unit. Avigo displays
the Setup Touch Pad screen.