To help the user investigate and evaluate the LM48511SQ performance and capabilities, a fully populated
demonstration board was created. This board is shown in Figure 1. Connected to an external power
supply (3.0V ≤ VDD≤ 5.5V) and a signal source, the LM48511SQ demonstration board easily exercises the
amplifier’s features.
User's Guide
SNAA064C–November 2008–Revised May 2013
AN-1922 LM48511 Evaluation Board
Figure 1. Typical LM48511SQ Demonstration Board
2Quick Start Guide
Step 1. Apply a 3.0V to 5.5V power supply voltage to the VDD pin with respect to the ground (GND) pin.
Step 2. Set connectors SD_Amp, SS_En Enable, SD_Boost to High. Set FB_SEL to Low which boosts
the regulator output voltage PV1 to about 7.6V.
Step 3. Apply a mono differential input signal into the Audio Input’s two center pins of the 4-pin connector.
Step 4. Apply power. Make measurements.
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SNAA064C–November 2008–Revised May 2013AN-1922 LM48511 Evaluation Board
The Texas Instruments LM48511 integrates a boost converter with a high efficiency Class D audio power
amplifier to provide 3W continuous power into an 8Ω speaker when operating from a 5V power supply.
When operating from a 3V to 4V power supply, the LM48511 can be configured to drive 1 to 2.5W into an
8Ω load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N). The Class D amplifier features a low noise PWM
architecture that eliminates the output filter, reducing external component count, board area consumption,
system cost, and simplifying design. A selectable spread spectrum modulation scheme suppresses RF
emissions, further reducing the need for output filters. The LM48511’s switching regulator is a currentmode boost converter operating at a fixed frequency of 1MHz. Two selectable feedback networks allow
the LM48511 regulator to dynamically switch between two different output voltages, improving efficiency
by optimizing the amplifier’s supply voltage based on battery voltage and output power requirements. The
LM48511 is designed for use in portable devices, such as GPS, mobile phones, and MP3 players. The
high, 80% efficiency at 5V, extends battery life when compared to boosted Class AB amplifiers.
Independent regulator and amplifier shutdown controls optimize power savings by disabling the regulator
when high output power is not required.
The gain of the LM48511 is set by external resistors, which allows independent gain control from multiple
sources by summing the signals. Output short circuit and thermal overload protection prevent the device
from damage during fault conditions. Superior click and pop suppression eliminates audible transients
during power-up and shutdown.
4Board Features
The LM48511SQ 3W, Ultra-Low EMI, Filterless, Mono, Class D Audio Power Amplifier with Spread
Spectrum demonstration board has all of the necessary connections using 0.100” headers connectors to
apply the power supply voltage, audio input signals, and audio output (speaker). The amplified audio
signal is only available on the audio output header.
5Operating Conditions
Temperature Range:T
Supply Voltage (VDD)3.0V ≤ VDD≤ ±5.5V
Amplifier Voltage (PV1, V1)4.8V ≤ PV1≤ ±8.0V
≤ TA≤ T
–40°C ≤ TA≤ +85°C
AN-1922 LM48511 Evaluation BoardSNAA064C–November 2008–Revised May 2013