Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... 5
3 HW REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
4 NANO USB STICK SERIAL BOOT LOADER ...................................................................... 7
4.1 SOFTWARE REQUIRED .................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 SBL BOOT CODE IMAGE ............................................................................................................... 8
4.3 DOWNLOAD THE SERIAL BOOTLOADER ....................................................................................... 8
4.4 SBL COMPATIBLE APPLICATION CODE IMAGE .............................................................................. 9
4.5 GENERATING A BINARY FILE:........................................................................................................ 9
4.5.1 Note on the batch files: ............................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.2 Modify the code placement: ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4.6 DOWNLOAD A NEW APPLICATION IMAGE VIA SBL ..................................................................... 14
4.6.1 Serially boot the new Application Image (binary file): ................................................................................................... 14
4.6.2 Remark about the Application .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.7 COMMON ISSUES ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.7.1 SmartRF Programmer bug: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
4.7.2 USB Driver issues: ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 SCHEMATIC AND LAYOUT ................................................................................................ 15
6 DOCUMENT HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 15

Table of Figures
Figure 1: NANO USB stick and standard USB stick .................................................................. 6
Table of Tables
Table 1: NANO USB and standard USB pin assignements ....................................................... 7

1 Introduction
The NANO USB stick is a miniature USB interface for 2.4GHz wireless applications. The design is
based on a CC2531 System-on-Chip with an IEEE 802.15.4 radio. The NANO USB stick supports
ZigBee and RF4CE applications. Typical applications includes:
ZigBee RF4CE USB HID(Human Interface Device)
ZigBee RF4CE serial port interface
ZigBee gateway and commisioning interface for PC
The NANO USB stick simplifies development of USB interface for ZigBee and RF4CE applications.
The small and low cost design allows integration of ZigBee and RF4CE into PCs, Set-Top boxes,
TVs, tablets and smart phones. The NANO USB stick provides an easy integration of ZigBee and
RF4CE radios into all types of electronics with USB interface
The since the NANO USB stick is FCC/ETSI certified you can use the product with full confidence that
the product will pass certification and significantly reduce design times. For customers that want to
make their own products the reference design files are available upon request.

Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronic
2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

3 HW requirements
Since the NANO USB stick has no I/O connections or LEDs for user interface it is recommended to
use a standard CC2531 USB dongle for SW development and prototyping before loading the code
onto the NANO USB stick. The NANO USB stick is compatible with regards to USB interface and
radio interface to the standard CC2531 USB dongle.
Figure 1: NANO USB stick and standard USB stick
The table below lists the difference in I/O pin connections between the NANO USB stick and the
CC2531 USB dongle

Wiki ZIP
archive : File:NANO-
USB package.zip
Serial Bootloader PC interface
demo application, used to load
binary files with the bootloader
znp.bat, znp.js, sim2bin.exe for a Zstack application
pp_cc2531f256sb.bat, oadbbin.exe
for a RemoTI stack application
scripts and executable files
performing file conversion
Table 1: NANO USB and standard USB pin assignments
The debug interface on the NANO USB stick is accessible on test points between the USB connector
pins but these test points are small and difficult to access. Hence it is recommended to use the USB
bootloader code programmed into the device for loading application code onto the device.
All unused I/Os should be configured as input pull-down at the beginning of your application to reduce
current consumption.
4 NANO USB Stick Serial Boot Loader
This section will guide you through the steps needed to build a Serial Boot Loader (SBL) for a Z-stack
and for an RF4CE application and will explain you how to modify such an application to be compatible
with the SBL. The SBL is provided as a value-enhancing sample solution that enables the updating of
code in devices without the cost of maintaining any download-related code in the user application
other than ensuring a compatible flash memory mapping of the final output. SBL is effected as a
managed client-server mechanism which requires a serial master to drive the process (i.e. a PC GUI
application with access to the serial connection to the CC2531.)
Since the NANO USB stick has no human interface such as keys, the boot loader will always
automatically start before the application, wait for a potential application downloading during ~15sec,
and then automatically jump to the application if any valid image is already loaded in flash. If not, it will
wait for an application downloading forever.
Therefore, when the SBL will be loaded into flash memory, each time you connect your NANO USB
stick into a USB port you will have around 15 seconds to download your new application. Then the
SBL will jump to the existing application and you won’t be able to download your new application
The following sections will walk you through the steps needed to build and download the SBL, then
build and download an SBL compatible application using IAR to finally load your application on the
NANO USB stick using SBDemo tool.
4.1 Software required