Pos: 4 /TD/Überschriften/2.1 Zu diesem Dokument @ 0\mod_1 173775252351_79.d ocx @ 346 @ 2 @ 1
2.1. About this document
Pos: 5 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/t esto 330 Landesversion DE, Sprache en (LV-spezif isch!) @ 7\mod_128403439 2317_79.docx @ 72238 @ @ 1
This document describes the products testo 330-1 LL and
testo 330-2 LL with the instrument setting Country version |
Pos: 6 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Ver wendung/Verwendun g (Standard) @ 0\mod_117377 5068554_79.doc x @ 337 @ 5 @ 1
Pos: 7 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Zu diesem Dokument/Sy mbole und Schreibkonven tionen/Symbole und Sc hreibkonv. [testo 330] @ 6\mod_1278662875713 _79.docx @ 64907 @ 5 @ 1
> Please read this documentation through carefully and
familiarize yourself with the product before putting it to use. Pay
particular attention to the safety instructions and warning advice
in order to prevent injuries and damage to the products.
> Keep this document to hand so that you can refer to it when
> Hand this documentation on to any subsequent users of the
Symbols and writing standards
Warning advice, risk level according to the
signal word:
Warning! Serious physical injury may occur.
Caution! Minor physical injury or damage to the
equipment may occur.
> Apply the specified precautionary measures.
Note: Basic or further information.
testo 330-1 LL
The description only applies for the specified
instrument model testo 330-1 LL or
testo 330-2 LL.
1. ...
2. ...
Action: several steps, the sequence must be
> ... Action: one step or optional step.
- ... Result of an action.
Menu Elements of equipment , equipment display or
program interface.
2 Safety and the environment
[OK] Control keys on equipment or control buttons in
program interface.
... | ... Functions / paths within a menu.
“...” Example entries
> Only operate the product properly, for its intended purpose and
within the parameters specified in the technical data. Do not
Pos: 10 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Gerät bei Besc hädigungen nicht i n Betrieb nehmen @ 0\mod_11869 85945375_79.docx @ 2252 @ @ 1
use any force.
> Do not operate the instrument if there are signs of damage at
Pos: 11 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Keine Mess ung an spannungsführenden Teilen @ 0\mod_11756925 64164_79.docx @ 592 @ @ 1
the housing, mains unit or feed lines.
> Do not perform contact measurements on non-insulated, live
Pos: 12 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Nicht mit Lö sungsmitteln lagern @ 0\ mod_1175692375179_79. docx @ 583 @ @ 1
> Do not store the product together with solvents. Do not use any
Pos: 13 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Nur beschr iebene Wartungsarbeit en durchführen @ 0\mod_ 1175692705195_79.doc x @ 601 @ @ 1
> Carry out only the maintenance and repair work on this
instrument that is described in the documentation. Follow the
prescribed steps exactly. Use only original spare parts
> The testo 330 must be checked before commissioning for any
visible damage. Do not commission the testo 330 if there are
signs of damage on the housing, mains unit or supply lines.
Pos: 18 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/vor Ort gül tige Sicherheitsbesti mmungen beachten @ 0\mod_1 186997107328_79.doc x @ 2298 @ @ 1
Electrical risk.
> Dangers may also arise from the systems being measured or
the measuring environment: Note the safety regulations valid in
your area when performing the measurements.
Pos: 19 /TD/Sicherheit und Umwelt/Sicherheit gewähr leisten/Option Blue tooth testo 330 @ 7\mod_1281 422320910_79.doc x @ 68203 @ 5 @ 1
For products with Bluetooth® (optional)
Changes or modifications that have been made without the explicit
consent of the responsible approval authority, may cause the
retraction of the type approval.
Data transfer may be disturbed by equipment that uses the same
ISM-band, e.g. WLAN, microwave ovens, ZigBee.
The use of radio communication links is not permitted, among
others, in aeroplanes and hospitals. For this reason the following
points must be ensured before entering:
> Switch off the device:
> Isolate the device from any external power sources (mains
The testo 330 is a handheld measuring device for the professional
flue gas analysis of furnace systems:
• Small furnaces (burning oil, gas, wood, coal)
The solid fuel measurement adapter (0600 9765) is
required for measurements on solid fuel systems. The
adapter protects the measuring instrument from harmful
substances (dust, organic compounds, etc.).
• Low-temperature and condensing boilers
• Gas water heaters
These systems can be adjusted using the testo 330 and checked
for compliance with the applicable limit values.
The following tasks can also be carried out with the testo 330:
• Regulating the O2-, CO- and CO2-, NO-, NOx- values in
furnace systems for the purpose of ensuring optimal operation.
• Draught measurement.
3 Specifications
• Measuring and regulating the gas flow pressure in gas water
• Measuring and optimising the flow and return temperatures of
• CO and CO2 environment measurement.
• Detection of CH4 (methane) and C3H8 (propane).
• The testo 330 can be used for measurements on CHP stations
heating systems.
in accordance with the first German Federal Immission Control
Ordinance (BImschV).
• In principal, the CO sensor can also be used for
measurements on CHP stations. If you should carry out
more than 50 measurements on CHP stations per year,
please contact your nearest testo service centre or send the
testo 330 for checking to testo Service.
A worn NOx filter of the CO sensor can be ordered as a
spare part (order no. 0554 4150) and replaced.
Testo guarantees the functionality of its products
when used in accordance with their intended
purpose. This guarantee does not apply to features
of Testo products in combination with unauthorised
third-party products. Competitor products are not
authorised by Testo.
As is common practice, Testo generally excludes
support, warranty or guarantee claims relating to
functionality that has not been guaranteed by Testo
as part of the product offered. Claims shall also be
excluded in the event of improper use or handling of
the products, e.g. in combination with unauthorised
third-party products.
testo 330 must not be used:
• as a safety (alarm) instrument
testo 330 with Bluetooth
The use of the wireless module is subject to the
regulations and stipulations of the respective country of
use, and the module may only be used in countries for
which a country certification has been granted. The user
and every owner has the obligation to adhere to these
regulations and prerequisites for use, and
acknowledges that the re-sale, export, import etc. in
particular in countries without wireless permits, is his
Pos: 26 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Dat en/testo 330 Technisc he Daten/Zulassun gen testo 330 (LV-spezif isch) @ 6\mod_127866581 2606_79.docx @ 65004 @ 335545 55555 @ 4
3.2.1. Examinations and licenses
As declared in the certificate of conformity, this product complies
with Directive 2014/30/EC.
3.2.2. Bluetooth® module (option) Bluetooth®-Type: BlueGiga
valid to serial number 2670692
• Bluetooth
October 2013)
• Bluetooth
• Bluetooth
B017633 (WT11i-A)
• Bluetooth® company: 10274
type: BlueGiga WT 11 / WT 11i-A (from
product note: WT 11
identification: B017401 (WT 11) /
3 Specifications
Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE),
Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), France (FR), Greece (GR), Ireland (IE),
Italy (IT), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Malta (MT),
Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT),
Rumania (RO), Sweden (SE), Slowakia (SK), Slowenia (SI), Spain
(ES), Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU), United Kingdom (GB),
Republic of Cypres (CY).
EFTA countries
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Other countries
USA, Canada, Turkey, Colombia, El Salvador, Ukraine, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Australia, New Zealand, Bolivia, Dominican Republic,
Peru, Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Korea
Information of the FCC (Federal Communications
This device fulfils part 15 of the FCC-guidelines. Commissioning is
subject to the two following conditions: (1) This device must not
3 Specifications
generate any dangerous interferences and (2) this device must be
able to receive interferences, even if these could have undesired
effect on the operation.
The FCC demands that the user is to be informed that with any
changes and modifications to the device, which have not been
explicitly approved by testo AG, the right of the user to use this
device will become null and void. Bluetooth®-Type: BlueMod+SR
valid from serial number 2670693
• Bluetooth
(August 2013)
• Bluetooth
• Bluetooth
European Certification
Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE),
Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), France (FR), Greece (GR), Ireland (IE),
Italy (IT), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Malta (MT),
Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT),
Rumania (RO), Sweden (SE), Slowakia (SK), Slowenia (SI), Spain
(ES), Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU), United Kingdom (GB),
Republic of Cypres (CY),.
EFTA countries
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Other countries
USA, Canada, Japan, Colombia, El Salvador, Ukraine, Venezuela,
Ecuador, New Zealand, Bolivia, Dominican Republic,
Peru, Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Turkey
-Type: BlueMod+SR, Stollmann E+V GmbH
identification ®: B021281
company ®: 44784
3 Specifications
Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: RFRMSR
Product FCC ID: WAF-2016t330
Information from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
For your own safety
Shielded cables should be used for a composite interface.
This is to ensure continued protection against radio
frequency interference.
FCC warning statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment. Shielded interface
cable must be used in order to comply with the emission
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
3 Specifications
Contains Transmitter Module IC ID: 4957A-MSR
Product IC ID: 6127B -2016T330
This instrument complies with Part 15C of the FCC Rules
and Industry Canada RSS-210 (revision 8). Commissioning
is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This instrument must not cause any harmful interference
(2) this instrument must be able to cope with interference,
even if this has undesirable effects on operation.
Cet appareil satisfait à la partie 15C des directives FCC et
au standard Industrie Canada RSS-210 (révision 8). Sa
mise en service est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) cet appareil ne doit causer aucune interférence
dangereuse et
(2) cet appareil doit supporter toute interférence, y compris
des interférences qui provoquerait des opérations
Pos: 27 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Dat en/testo 330 Technisc he Daten/Konformitä tserklärung test o 330 bis 2014 @ 6\mod_127866 7479326_79.docx @ 65036 @ 3 @ 1
3.2.3. Declaration of Conformity
3 Specifications
3 Specifications
Pos: 28 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Dat en/testo 330 Technisc he Daten/Messbereic he_Genauigkeiten testo330 @ 6\mod_12786728 96705_79.docx @ 65100 @ 33 @ 1
at 10...30 °C, outside this range additionally ±0.2 % of mv / °C
with fine draught measurement option: Measuring range 0...100,
0Pa, resolution 0.1Pa
3 Specifications
Parameter Accuracy
∆P ± 0.5 hPa (0.0...50.0 hPa)
±1 % of mv (50.1...100.0 hPa)
±1.5 % of mv (rest of range)
Temperature ± 0.5 °C (0.0...100.0 °C)
±0.5 % of mv (rest of range)
Efficiency - Flue gas loss - AmbCO2,
0632 1240
±75 ppm + 3 % of mv
(0...5000 ppm)
±150 ppm + 5 % of mv
(5001...10000 ppm)
Gas leak testing
- < 2s (t90)
with 0632 3330
Pos: 29 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Dat en/testo 330 Technisc he Daten/weitere Gerä tedaten testo 330 @ 6\mod_12 78676889881_79.doc x @ 65132 @ 35 @ 1
3.2.6.Other instrument data
Flue gas analyser
Characteristic Values
Storage / and
-20...50 °C
-5...45 °C
Ambient humidity 0…90 % rH, not condensing
Power supply
Battery: 3.7 V / 2.6 Ah
Mains unit: 6 V/1.2 A
Protection class IP40
Weight 600 g (excluding battery)
Dimensions 270 x 90 x 65 mm
Memory 500,000 readings
Display Graphic colour display, 240 x 320 pixels
Flue gas
max. 50 mbar
Negative pressure max. 80 mbar
approx. 35s
4 Product description
Characteristic Values
Gas leak testing
temperature battery
Battery charge time approx. 5-6 h
Battery operation
Bluetooth® (option) Range < 10 m
Warranty Measuring instrument: 48 months