Committing to the future
NEW: testo 330 LL
The new testo 330 LL visualizes measurement data graphically
Understand flue gas analysis at a glance
te st o AG
Fl ue gas
12.01.10 14:35
4 years' warranty on
instrument and probes
The new flue gas analyzer testo 330 LL
visualizes measurement data graphically
Independently of the technology used, every combustion system must function optimally. More than ever,
requirement-based heat provision, low energy consumption and reduced pollutant emission are of central
significance. In order to be able to exploit existing optimization potential as well as possible, regular testing
and adjustment of the heating system is necessary. The new Testo flue gas analyzers testo 330-1 LL and
testo 330-2 LL offer even more professional support in this thanks to new instrument functions.
122.3 °C AT
18.01.10 14:35
5.8% qA
The new colour graphic display of the flue gas
analyzer testo 330 LL visualizes the measure-
Condensing boiler
ment data graphically:
Self-explanatory graphic curves as well as easy
symbols and clear colour design ease the
analysis of the measurement data considerably.
Options Start Values
The flue gas matrix
The central element of the new graphic processing of the
measurement data is the flue gas matrix.
In the course of the flue gas measurement, this
shows whether the CO and O
as other measurement parameters, are in the
green, permitted range, and the heating system is thus optimally adjusted.
Thumb symbols instantly show the status of the system. If
the CO and O
range, the thumbs point up.
If the recorded measurement values are not within the optimum range, the symbols of the flue gas matrix provide important information for the required adjustment of the heating system.
concentrations measured are in the green
BBaadd ccoommbbuussttiioonn
the defined limit value, the recorded CO content is not within the ideal range
MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt vvaalluuee iiss nnoott aacccceeppttaabbllee –– tthhee CCOO
aanndd OO
concentrations are considerably too
high, the measurement values do not correspond to the prescribed norms and limit values
HHiigghh lloossss
fined limit value, the heating system is not working efficiently
– the CO concentration is over
– the O2concentration is over the de-
values, as well
Understand flue gas analysis at a glance
The advantages of the new flue gas analyzer testo 330 LL:
· High-resolution colour display for the graphic representation of your measurement data
· Extended measurement menus, such as Solid fuel measurement and Tightness testing allow
comprehensive analysis of the heating system
· Logger function for easy long-term recording of the measurement curve
14.09.09 14:35
Testo AG
Natural gas
Instrument settings
Sensor settings
Instrument diagnosis
18.01.10 14:35
Testo AG
Natural gas
Flue gas
Fine pressure probe
Draught measurement
CO undiluted
Smoke count/ HCT
18.01.10 14:35
Testo AG
Natural gas
Differential temperature
Fuel OK LocationOK
Main menu – select adjustment function Select one of the pre-set measurements Measurement data can be graphically
visualized and quickly analyzed
The measurement menus – the right menu for every measurement task:
Flue gas
Draught measurement
Fine pressure probe
Smoke number/HCT
Differential pressure
Differential temperature
Oil flow rate
CO ambient
CO undiluted
input air
Gas flow rate
Further advantages of the flue gas analyzer testo 330 LL:
The new instrument design
Thanks to the new colour design and the materials used, the instrument is
also suitable for use in rough and dirty surroundings.
Automatic burner
Gas pipe tests
Typical measurement menus
Extended measurement menus allow a comprehensive analysis of the heating system. These
five typical measurement tasks illustrate how clearly the measurement data are presented
in the display:
14.09.09 14:35
Testo AG
122.3 °C AT 5.8 qA
Ideal ranges ≤
100 ppm CO ≤ 4
% O2
The CO concentration is in the range of
bad combustion. The instrument provides information on the ideal range.
Stop Values
Flue gas measurement…
is the central measurement in flue gas
analysis. By determining the main values, CO and O
, as well as other meas-
urement parameters, a judgement can
be made as to whether your heating
system is properly adjusted or whether
there is a need for optimization.
Different display options offer the right
presentation of the measurement values, depending on requirements:
· 4- to 8-line as numerical values
· 4 measurement values simultaneously presented in a line graph
· Main values O
and CO, as well as
further measurement values, graphically displayed as a flue gas matrix
Advantages of the new flue gas ma-
· The flue gas matrix acts as an adjust-
· The optimization of the adjustment is
· Thanks to the trend display, the meas-
· The automatic zoom function provides
ment assistent for the main values O
and CO
much easier – the interpretation of the
numerical values is no longer necessary
urement curve can be followed exactly,
and the measurement point precisely
an enlarged and clear display of the
current detail of the flue gas matrix
14.09.09 14:35
Testo AG
Natural gas
Gas pipe tests
Leakage test
Gas fitting tightness
Leak detection
Setting OK
The four measurements for testing the
gas pipe
The gas pipe test…
is divided into 4 measurements which
guarantee a comprehensive test of the
gas pipe: Gas tightness test, usability test,
gas fitting tightness test and leakage detection. After selecting the desired measurement, the testo 330 LL begins directly
with the corresponding gas pipe check.
A separate gas leak detection probe is required for leakage detection. The gas
tightness test can be conducted over a
period of 10 minutes. The gas fitting tightness test is coonducted over a period of
Advantages of the new testo 330 LL:
· Thanks to prescribed measurement
procedures, the desired test can be
conducted quickly and easily
· The testo 330 LL leads the user
through the measurement step by
step, presenting the the corresponding
information in the display
· The measurement data are displayed
in easy and clear diagrams
one minute directly under operating conditions.