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LE920 Hardware User Guide
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While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Telit assumes
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It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about Telit products
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This instruction manual and the Telit products described in this instruction manual may be,
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Computer Software Copyrights
The Telit and 3rd Party supplied Software (SW) products described in this instruction manual
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LE920 Hardware User Guide
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Usage and Disclosure Restrictions
License Agreements
The software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished
by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such
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Copyrighted Materials
Software and documentation are copyrighted materials. Making unauthorized copies is
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transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language,
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High Risk Materials
Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT faulttolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment
in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear
Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic Control, Life
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TELIT and the Stylized T Logo are registered in Trademark Office. All other product or
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1. Introduction
1.1. Scope
The aim of this document is to present possible and recommended hardware solutions useful
for developing a product with the Telit LE920 module. All the features and solutions detailed
are applicable to all LE920, where “LE920” refers to the modules listed in the applicability
If a specific feature is applicable to a specific product, it will be clearly highlighted.
The description text “LE920” refers to all modules listed in the APPLICABILITY TABLE 1.
LE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
1.2. Audience
This document is intended for Telit customers, especially system integrators, about to
implement their applications using our LE920 module.
1.3. Contact Information, Support
For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals,
contact Telit’s Technical Support Center (TTSC) at:
For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations
on accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit’s
Technical Support Center (TTSC).
Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and
suggestions for improvements.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
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1.4. Document Organization
This document contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: “Introduction” provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and
support information, and text conventions.
Chapter 2: “General Product Description” gives an overview of the features of the product.
Chapter 3: “LE920 Module Connections” deals with the pin out configuration and layout.
Chapter 4: “Hardware Commands” instructs how to control the module via hardware
Chapter 5: “Power Supply” deals with supply and consumption.
Chapter 6: “Antenna” The antenna connection and board layout design are the most important
parts in the full product design
Chapter 7: “Logic Level specifications” Specific values adopted in the implementation of
logic levels for this module.
Chapter 8: “USB Port”
Chapter 9: “Serial Ports”
Chapter 10: “Peripheral Ports”
Chapter 11: “Audio Section Overview”
Chapter 12: “General Purpose I/O” How the general purpose I/O pads can be configured.
Chapter 13 “DAC and ADC Section” Deals with these two kind of analog converters.
Chapter 14: “Mounting the module on your board”
Chapter 15: “Application Guides”
Chapter 16: “Packing System”
Chapter 17: “Safety Recommendations”
Chapter 18: “Document History”
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1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
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1.5. Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if
these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating
the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
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LE920 Hardware User Guide
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2. General Product Description
2.1. Overview
The aim of this document is to present possible and recommended hardware solutions useful
for developing a product with the Telit LE920 module.
In this document all the basic functions of a wireless module will be taken into account; for
each one of them a valid hardware solution will be suggested and usually incorrect solutions
and common errors to be avoided will be highlighted. Obviously this document cannot
embrace every hardware solution or every product that may be designed. Obviously avoiding
invalid solutions must be considered as mandatory. Whereas the suggested hardware
configurations need not be considered mandatory, the information given should be used as a
guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit LE920 module.
The integration of the GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSPA+/LTE LE920 cellular module
within user application must be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,
no responsibility is assumed by Telit Communication S.p.A. for its use, such as any
infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communication
S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change
without notice.
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1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
2.2. LE920 Mechanical Dimensions
The Telit LE920 module overall dimensions are:
• Length: 34 mm , +/- 0.15 mm Tolerance
• Width: 40 mm , +/- 0.15 mm Tolerance
• Thickness: 2.9 mm , +/- 0.13 mm Tolerance
2.3. Weight
The module weight of LE920 is about 9.0 gram.
LE920 Hardware User Guide
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Operating Temperature Range
–40°C ~ +85°C
Storage and non-operating
Temperature Range
–40°C ~ +85°C
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
2.4. Environmental requirements
2.4.1. Temperature range
2.4.2. RoHS compliance
LE920 Hardware User Guide
As a part of Telit corporate policy of environmental protection, the LE920 complies with the
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive of the European Union (EU directive
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Freq. TX (MHz)
Freq. RX (MHz)
TX - RX offset
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
128 ~ 251
45 MHz
890 ~ 915
935 ~ 960
0 ~ 124
45 MHz
880 ~ 890
925 ~ 935
975 ~ 1023
45 MHz
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
512 ~ 885
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
512 ~ 810
WCDMA2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 9612 ~ 9888
Rx: 10562 ~ 10838
WCDMA1800 – B3
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
Tx: 937 ~ 1288
Rx: 1162 ~ 1513
WCDMA900 – B8
880 ~ 915
925 ~ 960
Tx: 2712 ~ 2863
Rx: 2937 ~ 3088
LTE2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 18000 ~ 18599
Rx: 0 ~ 599
LTE1800 – B3
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
Tx: 19200 ~ 19949
Rx: 1200 ~ 1949
LTE2600 – B7
2500 ~ 2570
2620 ~ 2690
Tx: 20750 ~ 21449
Rx: 2750 ~ 3449
LTE900 – B8
880 ~ 915
925 ~ 960
Tx: 21450 ~ 21799
Rx: 3450 ~ 3799
LTE800 – B20
832 ~ 862
791 ~ 821
Tx: 24150 ~ 24449
Rx: 6150 ~ 6449
Freq. TX (MHz)
Freq. RX (MHz)
TX - RX offset
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
128 ~ 251
45 MHz
890 ~ 915
935 ~ 960
0 ~ 124
45 MHz
880 ~ 890
925 ~ 935
975 ~ 1023
45 MHz
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
512 ~ 885
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
512 ~ 810
WCDMA2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 9612 ~ 9888
Rx: 10562 ~ 10838
LE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
2.5. Operating Frequency
The operating frequencies in GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, WCDMA & LTE
modes are conformed to the 3GPP specifications.
2.5.1. LE920-EUG(cs1550f-B), LE920-EU (cs1647c)
2.5.2. LE920-NAG (cs1550f-A)
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LE920 Hardware User Guide
WCDMA1900 – B2
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
Tx: 9262 ~ 9538
Rx: 9662 ~ 9938
WCDMA1700 – B4
1710 ~ 1755
2110 ~ 2155
Tx: 1312 ~ 1513
Rx: 1537 ~ 1738
400 MHz
WCDMA850 – B5
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
Tx: 4132 ~ 4233
Rx: 4357 ~ 4458
WCDMA800 – B6
830 ~ 840
875 ~ 885
Tx: 4162 ~ 4188
Rx: 4387 ~ 4413
LTE2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 18000 ~ 18599
Rx: 0 ~ 599
LTE1900 – B2
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
Tx: 18600 ~ 19199
Rx: 600 ~ 1199
LTE1700 – B4
1710~ 1755
2110 ~ 2155
Tx: 19950 ~ 20399
Rx: 1950 ~ 2399
LTE850 – B5
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
Tx: 20400 ~ 20649
Rx: 2400 ~ 2649
LTE700 – B17
704 ~ 716
734 ~ 746
Tx: 23730 ~ 23849
Rx: 5730 ~ 5849
WCDMA1900 – B2
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
Tx: 9262 ~ 9538
Rx: 9662 ~ 9938
WCDMA1700 – B4
1710 ~ 1755
2110 ~ 2155
Tx: 1312 ~ 1513
Rx: 1537 ~ 1738
400 MHz
WCDMA850 – B5
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
Tx: 4132 ~ 4233
Rx: 4357 ~ 4458
LTE1900 – B2
1850 ~ 1910
1930 ~ 1990
Tx: 18600 ~ 19199
Rx: 600 ~ 1199
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
2.5.3. LE920-NA (cs1701), LE920-NA AUTO S (cs1717)
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LE920 Hardware User Guide
LTE1700 – B4
1710~ 1755
2110 ~ 2155
Tx: 19950 ~ 20399
Rx: 1950 ~ 2399
LTE850 – B5
824 ~ 849
869 ~ 894
Tx: 20400 ~ 20649
Rx: 2400 ~ 2649
LTE2600 – B7
2500 ~ 2570
2620 ~ 2690
Tx: 20750 ~ 21449
Rx: 2750 ~ 3449
Freq. TX (MHz)
Freq. RX (MHz)
TX - RX offset
890 ~ 915
935 ~ 960
0 ~ 124
45 MHz
880 ~ 890
925 ~ 935
975 ~ 1023
45 MHz
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
512 ~ 885
WCDMA2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 9612 ~ 9888
Rx: 10562 ~ 10838
WCDMA1800 – B3
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
Tx: 937 ~ 1288
Rx: 1162 ~ 1513
WCDMA900 – B8
880 ~ 915
925 ~ 960
Tx: 2712 ~ 2863
Rx: 2937 ~ 3088
LTE2100 – B1
1920 ~ 1980
2110 ~ 2170
Tx: 18000 ~ 18599
Rx: 0 ~ 599
LTE1800 – B3
1710 ~ 1785
1805 ~ 1880
Tx: 19200 ~ 19949
Rx: 1200 ~ 1949
LTE900 – B8
880 ~ 915
925 ~ 960
Tx: 21450 ~ 21799
Rx: 3450 ~ 3799
LTE TDD 2600 – B38
2570 ~ 2620
2570 ~ 2620
Tx: 37750 ~ 38250
Rx: 37750 ~ 38250
LTE TDD 1900 – B39
1880 ~ 1920
1880 ~ 1920
Tx: 38250 ~ 38650
Rx: 38250 ~ 38650
LTE TDD 2300 – B40
2300 ~ 2400
2300 ~ 2400
Tx: 38650 ~ 39650
Rx: 38650 ~ 39650
LTE TDD 2500 – B41
2496 ~ 2690
2496 ~ 2690
Tx: 39650 ~ 41590
Rx: 39650 ~ 41590
TDSCDMA2000 – B34
2010 ~ 2025
2010 ~ 2025
Tx: 10054 ~ 10121
Rx: 10054 ~ 10121
TDSCDMA1900 – B39
1880 ~ 1920
1880 ~ 1920
Tx: 9404 ~ 9596
Rx: 9404 ~ 9596
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LTE700 – B17704 ~ 716 734 ~ 746
2.5.4. LE920-CN (cs1648D)
Tx: 23730 ~ 23849
Rx: 5730 ~ 5849
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Frequency band
Antenna gain
700 MHz
5,66 dBi
850 MHz
6,13 dBi
LE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
2.6. Sensitivity
LE920 maximum sensitivity levels are as follow:
-113 dBm @ 2G
-112 dBm @ 3G
-111 dBm @ TD-SCDMA (BW=1.6MHz)
-102 dBm @ 4G FDD (BW=5MHz)
-101 dBm @ 4G TDD (BW=5MHz)
2.7. Conformity assessment issues
2.7.1. FCC/IC Regulatory notices Modification statement
Telit has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any changes or modifications
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Telit n’approuve aucune modification apportée à l’appareil par l’utilisateur, quelle qu’en soit la nature. Tout
changement ou modification peuvent annuler le droit d’utilisation de l’appareil par l’utilisateur. Interference statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. RF exposure
This equipment complies with FCC and IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. The antenna should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between
the radiator and your body.
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Antenna gain must be below:
1700 MHz
5,00 dBi
1900 MHz
8,01 dBi
2600 MHz
8,01 dBi
Bande de fréquence
Gain de l'antenne
700 MHz
5,66 dBi
850 MHz
6,13 dBi
1700 MHz
5,00 dBi
1900 MHz
8,01 dBi
2600 MHz
8,01 dBi
LE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301026 Rev.8 2015-01-03
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
Cet appareil est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements de la IC pour un environnement non
contrôlé. L'antenne doit être installé de façon à garder une distance minimale de 20 centimètres entre la source
de rayonnements et votre corps. Gain de l'antenne doit être ci-dessous:
L'émetteur ne doit pas être colocalisé ni fonctionner conjointement avec à autre antenne ou autre émetteur. FCC Class B digital device notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Labelling Requirements for the Host device
The host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the host device. The certification label
of the module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device
must be labelled to display the FCC ID and IC of the module, preceded by the words "Contains transmitter
module", or the word "Contains", or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows:
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L'appareil hôte doit être étiqueté comme il faut pour permettre l'identification des modules qui s'y trouvent.
L'étiquette de certification du module donné doit être posée sur l'appareil hôte à un endroit bien en vue en tout
temps. En l'absence d'étiquette, l'appareil hôte doit porter une étiquette donnant le FCC ID et le IC du module,
précédé des mots « Contient un module d'émission », du mot « Contient » ou d'une formulation similaire
exprimant le même sens, comme suit: