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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
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The software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is
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Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT
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1.4. Document Organization
This document contains the following chapters:
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
Chapter 1: “Introduction”
provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and
support information, and text conventions.
Chapter 2: “General Product Description”
gives an overview of the features of the product.
Chapter 3: “HC864-AUTO Module Connections”
Chapter 4: “Hardware Commands”
How to control the module via hardware
Chapter 5: “Power Supply”
deals on supply and consumption.
Chapter 6: “Antenna”
The antenna connection and board layout design are the most important
parts in the full product design
Chapter 7: “Logic Level specifications”
Specific values adopted in the implementation of
logic levels for this module.
Chapter 8: “Serial ports”
Chapter 9: “Audio Section”
Chapter 10: “USB Port”
Chapter 11: “General Purpose I/O”
How the general purpose I/O pads can be configured.
Chapter 12 “DAC and ADC Section”
Deals with these two kind of converters.
Chapter 13: “Accelerometer”
Chapter 14: “Mounting the module on your board”
Chapter 15: “Application Guides”
Chapter 16: “Packing System”
Chapter 17: “Conformity Assessments”
Chapter 18: “Safety Recommendations”
Chapter 19: “Document History”
deals with the pin out configuration and
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1.5. Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if
these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when
integrating the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
1.6. Related Documents
z HC864-AUTO Product Description, TBD
z HC864-AUTO Software User guide, 1vv0300947
z HC864-AUTO AT command reference guide, 30387NT11076A
z HC864-AUTO Digital Voice Interface Application Note, TBD
z Telit EVK2 User Guide, 1vv0300704
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
2. General Product Description
2.1. Overview
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing
a product with the Telit HC864-AUTO module.
In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone will be taken into account; for each
one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions
and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot
embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong
solutions to be avoided must be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware
configurations must not be considered mandatory, instead the information given must be used
as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit HC864AUTO module.
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
The integration of the GSM/GPRS/EGPRS/WCDMA/HSPA+ HC864-AUTO cellular module
within user application must be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,
no responsibility is assumed by Telit Communication S.p.A. for its use, such as any
infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communication
S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change
without notice.
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
2.2. HC864-AUTO 2D Mechanical Dimensions
The Telit HC864-AUTO module overall dimensions are:
• Length: 36.2 mm
• Width: 30 mm
• Thickness: 5.1 mm
2.3. Weight
The module weight of HC864-AUTO is about 10.0 gram.
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
2.4. Environmental requirements
2.4.1. Temperature range
–20°C ~ +55°CThe module is fully functional(*) in all the
temperature range, and it fully meets the ETSI
Operating Temperature
–30°C ~ +85°CThe module is fully functional(*) in all the
temperature range. Temperatures outside of
the range –20°C ÷ +55°C might slightly
deviate from ETSI specifications.
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
Storage and non-operating
Temperature Range
(*)Functional: the module is able to make and receive voice calls, data calls and SMS.
2.4.2. RoHS compliance
As a part of Telit corporate policy of environmental protection, the HC864-AUTO complies
with the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive of the European Union (EU
directive 2002/95/EG).
–40°C ~ +85°C
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2.5. Operating Frequency
The operating frequencies in GSM850, EGSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, WCDMA modes are
conformed to the 3GPP specifications.
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
3. HC864-AUTO Module Connections
3.1. PIN-OUT
HC864-AUTO uses an 80 pin Molex p.n. 53949-0878 male connector for the connections
with the external applications. This connector matches the 54150-0878 models.
Pin Signal I/O Function
Power Supply
VBATT - Main power supply Power
VBATT - Main power supply Power
VBATT - Main power supply Power
VBATT - Main power supply Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
GND - Ground Power
SIM Card Interface
SIMVCC - External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM 1.8 / 3V
SIMRST O External SIM signal – Reset 1.8 / 3V
SIMIO I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O 1.8 / 3V
SIMIN I External SIM signal - Presence (active low) CMOS 1.8V
SIMCLK O External SIM signal – Clock 1.8 / 3V
RX_TRACE I RX Data for debug monitor CMOS 2.6V
TX_TRACE O TX Data for debug monitor CMOS 2.6V
Prog. / Data + Hw Flow Control
C103/TXD I Serial data input (TXD) from DTE CMOS 2.6V
C104/RXD O Serial data output to DTE CMOS 2.6V
C107/DSR O Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE CMOS 2.6V
C106/CTS O Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE CMOS 2.6V
C108/DTR I
C125/RING O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE CMOS 2.6V
C105/RTS I Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE CMOS 2.6V
C109/DCD O Output for Data carrier detect signal (DCD) to DTE CMOS 2.6V
On this line a maximum of 10nF bypass capacitor is allowed
Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from
Miscellaneous Functions
Analog input used to sense whether a
peripheral device is connected, and
determine the peripheral type, a host
Pull up
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
Pin Signal I/O Function
Pull up
or a peripheral
PCM_CLOCK I/O PCM clock out CMOS 2.6V
ADC_IN1 AI Analog/Digital converter input A/D
ADC_IN2 AI Analog/Digital converter input A/D
DAC_OUT AO Digital/Analog converter output D/A
Miscellaneous Functions
STAT_LED O Status indicator led CMOS 1.8V
GND - Ground Ground
USB_VBUS AI Power sense for the internal USB transceiver 4.4V ~5.25V
PWRMON O Power ON Monitor
VAUX1 - Power output for external accessories
Input command for switching power ON or OFF
(toggle command).
The pulse to be sent to the HC864-AUTO must be
DTR pin must be connected in order to enter HC864-AUTO’s power saving mode.
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
RI pin must be connected in order to wake up the host when a call is coming in sleep mode of
RESERVED pins must not be connected
RTS must be connected to the GND (on the module side) if flow control is not used
If not used, almost all pins must be left disconnected. The only exceptions are the following:
Pin Signal Function
VBATT Main power supply
VBATT Main power supply
VBATT Main power supply
VBATT Main power supply
GND Ground
GND Ground
GND Ground
GND Ground
C103/TXD Serial data input (TXD) from DTE
C104/RXD Serial data output to DTE
C105/RTS Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE
Input command for switching power ON or OFF
(toggle command).
RESET Reset input
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3.2. Antenna Connector(s)
The HC864-AUTO module is designed with a 50 Ohm RF PAD that permits to interface it
with an application equipped by a Rosenberger coaxial Board to board connector.
Furthermore the HC864-AUTO is designed with an additional RF PAD for GPS/Diversity
antenna connection. The counterpart suitable is a Rosenberger 99CI106-030L5.
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
Suggested footprint on the application side:
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4. Hardware Commands
4.1. Turning ON the HC864-AUTO
To turn on HC864-AUTO, the pad ON# must be tied low for at least 1 second and then
The maximum current that can be drained from the ON# pad is 0.1 mA.
A simple circuit to do it is:
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
4.2. Initialization and Activation state
Upon turning on HC864-AUTO, HC864-AUTO is not activated yet because the boot
sequence of HC864-AUTO is still going on internally. It takes about 10 seconds to complete
the initializing the module internally.
For this reason, it would be useless to try to access HC864-AUTO during a Initialization state
as below. To get the desirable stability, HC864-AUTO needs at least 10 seconds after the
PWRMON goes High.
During the Initialization state, any kind of AT-command is not available. DTE must be
waiting for the Activation state to communicate with HC864-AUTO.
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
To check if the HC864-AUTO has powered on, the hardware line PWRMON must be
monitored. When PWRMON goes high, the module has powered on.
Do not use any pull up resistor on the ON# line, it is internally pulled up. Using pull up
resistor may bring to latch up problems on the HC864-AUTO power regulator and improper
power on/off of the module. The line ON# must be connected only in open collector
In this document all the lines are inverted. Active low signals are labeled with a name that
ends with a "#" or with a bar over the name.
In order to avoid a back powering effect it is recommended to avoid having any HIGH logic
level signal applied to the digital pins of the module when is powered OFF or during an
ON/OFF transition.
For example:
1- Let us assume you need to drive the ON# pad with a totem pole output of a +1.8/5 V
microcontroller (uP_OUT1):
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HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
4.3. Turning OFF the HC864-AUTO
Turning off the device can be done in three ways:
• by software command (see HC864-AUTO Software User Guide)
• by Hardware shutdown
• by Hardware Unconditional Restart
When the device is shut down by software command or by hardware shutdown, it issues to
the network a detach request that informs the network that the device will not be reachable
any more.
To check if the device has powered off, hardware line PWRMON must be monitored. When
PWRMON goes low it can be considered the device has powered off.
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
In order to avoid a back powering effect it is recommended to avoid having any HIGH logic
level signal applied to the digital pins of the module when is powered OFF or during an
ON/OFF transition.
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4.3.1. Shutdown by Software Command
HC864-AUTO can be shut down by a software command.
When a shut down command is sent, HC864-AUTO goes into the finalization state and finally
will shut down PWRMON at the end of this state.
The period of the finalization state can differ according to the situation in which the HC864AUTO is so it cannot be fixed definitely.
Normally it will be above 10 seconds later from sending a shut down command and DTE
should monitor the status of PWRMON to see the actual power off.
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
To check if the device has powered off, hardware line PWRMON must be monitored. When
PWRMON goes low, the device has powered off.
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4.3.2. Hardware Shutdown
To turn OFF HC864-AUTO the pad ON/OFF# must be tied low for at least 2 seconds and
then released. Same circuitry and timing for the power on must be used.
When the hold time of ON/OFF# is above 2 seconds, HC864-AUTO goes into the finalization
state and finally will shut down PWRMON at the end of this state.
The period of the finalization state can differ according to the situation in which the HC864AUTO is so it cannot be fixed definitely.
Normally it will be above 10 seconds later from releasing ON/OFF# and DTE should monitor
the status of PWRMON to see the actual power off.
HC864-AUTO Hardware User Guide
1vv0300946 Rev.4 – 2012-12-27
To check if the device has powered off, hardware line PWRMON must be monitored. When
PWRMON goes low, the device has powered off.
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