Telit Communications S p A GM862L Users Manual

GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
GM862-QUAD-PY, GM862-QUAD HW User Guide 1vv0300748 Rev. 1 - 24/10/06
GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
1vv0300748 Rev. 1 - 24/10/06
1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................6
2 Interface connectors on GM862-QUAD / PY ..................................................................7
2.1 Description..............................................................................................................................7
2.2 Connectors Position ..............................................................................................................7
2.3 Board to Board Connector ....................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Molex 52991-0508 (male) GM862 Connector PIN-OUT ..................................................................9
2.3.2 Antenna Connector........................................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Dimensions ...........................................................................................................................12
2.5 Mounting the GM862 Modules on your Board ...................................................................13
2.5.1 Antenna Coaxial Cable Fixing ....................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Precautions.................................................................................................................................... 15
3 Hardware Commands ....................................................................................................16
3.1 Turning ON the GM862-QUAD / PY .....................................................................................16
3.2 Turning OFF the GM862-QUAD / PY ...................................................................................18
3.2.1 Hardware Shutdown ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Hardware Unconditional Restart.................................................................................................... 19
4 Power Supply .................................................................................................................21
4.1 Power Supply Requirements...............................................................................................21
4.2 General Design Rules ..........................................................................................................22
4.2.1 Electrical Design Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 22 + 5V input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines ................................................................ 22 + 12V input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines .............................................................. 24 Battery Source Power Supply Design Guidelines ..................................................................... 26 Battery Charge control Circuitry Design Guidelines .................................................................. 26
4.2.2 Thermal Design Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 29
4.2.3 Power Supply PCB layout Guidelines ........................................................................................... 30
5 Serial Ports .....................................................................................................................31
5.1 Level translation ................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 5V UART level translation....................................................................................................35
6 Audio Section Overview ................................................................................................37
6.1 Microphone Paths Characteristic and Requirements .......................................................39
6.2 General Design Rules ..........................................................................................................42
6.3 Other Considerations...........................................................................................................42
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6.4 Microphone Biasing .............................................................................................................43
6.4.1 Balanced Microphone Biasing ....................................................................................................... 43
6.4.2 Unbalanced Microphone Biasing...................................................................................................44
6.5 Microphone Buffering ..........................................................................................................46
6.5.1 Buffered Balanced Mic................................................................................................................... 46
6.5.2 Buffered Unbalanced (Single Ended) Microphone . ...................................................................... 48
7 OUTPUT LINES (Speaker)..............................................................................................51
7.1 Short Description. ................................................................................................................51
7.2 Output Lines Characteristics ..............................................................................................52
7.3 General Design Rules ..........................................................................................................53
7.3.1 Noise Filtering................................................................................................................................ 53
7.4 Handset Earphone Design...................................................................................................54
7.5 Hands-Free Earphone (Low Power) Design .......................................................................55
7.6 Car Kit Speakerphone Design .............................................................................................56
8 General Purpose I/O.......................................................................................................57
8.1 Logic level specifications .................................................................................................... 57
8.2 Using a GPIO pin as INPUT .................................................................................................59
8.3 Using a GPIO pin as OUTPUT .............................................................................................59
8.4 Using the RFTXMON Output GPIO5.................................................................................... 59
8.5 Using the Alarm Output GPIO6 ...........................................................................................59
8.6 Using the Buzzer Output GPIO7.......................................................................................... 60
9 ADC section....................................................................................................................61
9.1 ADC converter ......................................................................................................................61
9.1.1 Description..................................................................................................................................... 61
9.1.2 Using ADC Converter .................................................................................................................... 61
10 Camera ............................................................................................................................62
10.1 Camera Transchip............................................................................................................. 62
10.1.1 Camera Interface Connectors........................................................................................................ 62
10.1.2 EVB for Camera Support ............................................................................................................... 63
10.1.3 EVB for Transchip camera support ............................................................................................... 65
10.1.4 Block Diagram for supported camera ............................................................................................ 66
10.1.5 Schematic Diagrams for supported cameras ................................................................................ 67
10.1.6 Example usage script for camera .................................................................................................. 68
11 Conformity Assessment Issues....................................................................................69
12 Document Change Log ..................................................................................................70
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This document is relating to the following products:
GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
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GM862-QUAD 3 990 250 659 GM862-QUAD-PY 3 990 250 658
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GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
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The information contained in this document is proprietary information of Telit Communications S.p.A.
Telit Communications S.p.A. makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it makes available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Telit Communications S.p.A. does not make any warranty as to the information contained herein, and does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage of any kind incurred by use of or reliance upon the information.
Telit Communications S.p.A. disclaims any and all responsibility for the application of the devices characterized in this document, and notes that the application of the device must comply with the safety standards of the applicable country, and where applicable, with the relevant wiring rules.
Telit Communications S.p.A. reserves the right to make modifications, additions and deletions to this document at any time and without notice.
© 2006 Telit Communications S.p.A.
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GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
1vv0300748 Rev. 1 - 24/10/06
1 Overview
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the
Telit GM862-QUAD / PY module.
In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone will be taken into account; for each one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong solutions to be avoided shall be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware configurations shall not be considered mandatory, instead the information given shall be
used as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit GM862-QUAD / PY module.
For further hardware details that may not be explained in this document refer to the Telit GM862-QUAD / PY Product Description document where all the hardware information is reported.
(EN) The integration of the GSM/GPRS GM862-QUAD / PY cellular module within user application shall be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
(IT) L’integrazione del modulo cellulare GSM/GPRS GM862-QUAD / PY all’interno dell’applicazione dell’utente dovrà rispettare le indicazioni progettuali descritte in questo manuale.
(DE) Die integration des GM862-QUAD / PY GSM/GPRS Mobilfunk-Moduls in ein Gerät muß gemäß der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Kunstruktionsregeln erfolgen
(SL) Integracija GSM/GPRS GM862-QUAD / PY modula v uporabniški aplikaciji bo morala upoštevati projektna navodila, opisana v tem piročniku.
(SP) La utilización del modulo GSM/GPRS GM862-QUAD / PY debe ser conforme a los usos para los cuales ha sido deseñado descritos en este manual del usuario.
(FR) L’intégration du module cellulaire GSM/GPRS GM862-QUAD / PY dans l’application de l’utilisateur
sera faite selon les règles de conception décrites dans ce manuel.
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Telit Communication S.p.A. for its use, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communication S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change without notice.
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GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
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2 Interface connectors on GM862-QUAD
/ PY
2.1 Description
The Telit GM862-QUAD / PY is provided of the following interfaces:
GSM antenna connector
Board To Board Interface connector
SIM Card Reader
The Telit GM862-QUAD / PY board to board connector is a CSTP 50 pin vertical SMD Molex 52991–0508
2.2 Connectors Position
SIM Card Holder
Board to Board Connector
GSM Antenna Connector
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2.3 Board to Board Connector
Molex 52991-0508 (male) GM862 Connector LAY-OUT
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2.3.1 Molex 52991-0508 (male) GM862 Connector PIN-OUT
Pin Signal I/O Function
1 VBATT - Main power supply Power
2 GND - Ground Power
3 VBATT - Main power supply Power
4 GND - Ground Power
5 VBATT - Main power supply Power
6 A/D - A/D converter @ 11 bit (Input Impedance >100Kohm) Max 2V input
7 VBATT - Main power supply Power
8 CHARGE AI Battery Charger Input Power
9 EAR_HF+ AO Handsfree ear output, phase + Audio
10 EAR_MT- AO Handset earphone signal output, phase - Audio
11 EAR_HF- AO Handsfree ear output, phase - Audio
12 EAR_MT+ AO Handset earphone signal output, phase + Audio
13 MIC_HF- AI Handsfree microphone input; phase - Audio
14 MIC_MT+ AI Handset microphone signal input; phase+ Audio
15 MIC_HF+ AI Handsfree microphone input; phase + Audio
16 MIC_MT- AI Handset microphone signal input; phase- Audio
17 ON_OFF I Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command).
18 AXE I Handsfree switching
19 SIMIO I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O 3V ONLY
20 C103/TXD I Serial data input (TXD) from DTE CMOS 2.8V
22 SIMVCC - External SIM signal – Power (3) 3V ONLY
23 RESET I Reset input
24 SIMRST O External SIM signal – Reset 3V ONLY
25 CAM_CLK I/O Camera Interface (4) CMOS 2.8V
26 SIMCLK O External SIM signal – Clock 3V ONLY
27 SIMIN I/O External SIM signal – Presence (active low)
28 GPO2 / JDR O
29 C106/CTS O Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE CMOS 2.8V
30 C125/RING O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE CMOS 2.8V
31 GPI1 I General purpose input transistor base
Module Status ON indication (Signal output for power on/off control of external devices
General purpose output (Open Collector) / Jammer Detect Report
I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin / Camera Interface (4) CMOS 2.8V
Pull up
Open Collector
Pull Up to
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Pin Signal I/O Function
33 C107/DSR O Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE CMOS 2.8V
35 TX_TRACE O RESERVED on GM862-QUAD, Python Debug on GM862-QUAD-PY (TX data) CMOS 2.8V
36 C109/DCD O Output for Data carrier detect signal (DCD) to DTE CMOS 2.8V
37 C104/RXD O Serial data output to DTE CMOS 2.8V
38 GPIO10 I/O Configurable general purpose I/O CMOS 2.8V
39 STAT_LED O Status indicator led Open Collector
40 GPIO11 I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin CMOS 2.8V
41 RX_TRACE I RESERVED on GM862-QUAD, Python Debug on GM862-QUAD-PY (RX data) CMOS 2.8V
42 GPIO12 I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin CMOS 2.8V
43 C108/DTR I Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE (4) CMOS 2.8V
44 GPIO13 I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin CMOS 2.8V
45 C105/RTS I Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE CMOS 2.8V
I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin / Camera Interface (4) CMOS 2.8V
Configurable general purpose I/O pin /
IIC Camera Interface (4) Configurable general purpose I/O pin /
IIC Camera Interface (4)
I/O Configurable general purpose I/O pin / Transmitter ON Monitor CMOS 2.8V
Configurable general purpose I/O pin / ALARM
Configurable general purpose I/O pin / BUZZER
Pull up
(1) For the exclusive use of the Technical Support Service (2) An earphone with a 150 ohm impedance can be directly connected to EAR+ and EAR– (3) On this pin a maximum of 10nF bypass capacitor is allowed. (4) When activating the Easy camera these pins will not be available for other use
Note: If not used, almost all pins should be left disconnected. The only exceptions are the following pins:
pin signal 1,3,5,7 2,4,6,8 17 20 23 37 45
RTS should be connected to the GND (on the module side) if flow control is not used
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2.3.2 Antenna Connector
The Telit GM862-QUAD / PY includes one 50 Ohm MMCX coaxial female RF connector. On the user
application side the following connector must be used:
a) Telegärtner MMCX angle plug crimp - Order n. J01340A0121
NOTE: be very careful when connecting the Telit GM862 Family modules RF connector. The RF
connector can be damaged if not connected with the proper antenna RF connector. The minimum number of insertion cycles are recommended.
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2.4 Dimensions
The Telit GM862-QUAD / PY module overall dimension are:
Length: 43.9 mm
Width: 43.9 mm
Thickness: 6.9 mm
Volume: 13 cm
The layout is shown in the following figure:
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2.5 Mounting the GM862 Modules on your Board
In order to electrically connect your board to the Telit GM862 Family modules, use a CSTP 2x25 pin
vertical SMD SCH–SCH Molex 53748 - 0504 (female, low profile) as a counterpart to the CSTP 50
pin vertical SMD Molex 52991–0508 (male) of your Telit GM862 Family modules.
When mounting the Telit GM862 Family modules on your board, take care of soldering the GM862
shielding reeds on a ground plane or signal.
NOTE: be very careful when connecting the Telit GM862 module RF connector. The Telit GM862
module RF connector can be damaged if not connected with the proper antenna RF connector. The
minimum number of insertion cycles is recommended.
2.5.1 Antenna Coaxial Cable Fixing
The following constraints must be respected in the Telit GM862 Family modules antenna cable
The fixing point of the coaxial cable must not be placed too close to the antenna connector of the
GM862 module, leaving at least 30mm of flexible cable between the fixed point and the plug end.
The fixing point must be at the same height of the GM862 module antenna connector, eventually
using a wedge between the PCB and the cable if it is directly fixed to the PCB.
The flexible cable must never be bent with a radius lower than 25mm (RG174 cable).
The cable must be a RG174 type or more flexible ones.
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The following pictures explain these constraints:
GM862-QUAD / PY Hardware User Guide
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- Angle connector fixing example -
- Angle connector fixing example 2 -
NOTE: in the examples the cable is always bent, this is not a constrain. If the installation does not
require it, then the cable can be kept straight, ensuring that the fixing is without sliding.
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2.5.2 Precautions
The plug should be inserted in the connector only after the installation of the Telit GM862
Family modules in the board. This is to prevent accidental breaking of the antenna
connection during the transport.
The coaxial cable must be fixed at least in one point, without sliding possibilities.
The plug insertion/removal must be done axially with the female connector of the GM862,
keeping lateral strains to a minimum.
The insertion/crimping pull out force must be less than 15N.
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3 Hardware Commands
3.1 Turning ON the GM862-QUAD / PY
To turn on the GM862-QUAD / PY the pin ON# must be tied low for at least 1 second and then released. The maximum current that can be drained from the ON# pin is 0,1 mA. A simple circuit to do it is:
Power ON impulse
NOTE: don't use any pull up resistor on the ON# line, it is internally pulled up. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the GM862-QUAD / PY power regulator and improper power on/off of the module. The line ON# must be connected only in open collector configuration.
NOTE: In this document all the lines that are inverted, hence have active low signals are labelled with a name that ends with a "#" or with a bar over the name.
TIP: To check if power has raised it is possible to monitor the PWRMON line, when this line goes high the module is powered on, but before it remains on the device needs other 900 ms for software startup. Hence check the PWRMON line and 900 ms after its transition to high it is possible to release the ON# pin.
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For example: 1- Let's assume you need to drive the ON# pin with a totem pole output of a +3/5 V microcontroller (uP_OUT1):
2- Let's assume you need to drive the ON# pin directly with an ON/OFF button:
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3.2 Turning OFF the GM862-QUAD / PY
The turning off of the device can be done in two ways:
by software command (see GM862-QUAD / PY Software User Guide)
by hardware shutdown
by hardware unconditional shutdown
When the device is shut down by software command or by hardware shutdown, it issues to the network a detach request that informs the network that the device will not be reachable any more. The hardware unconditional shutdown does not issue this request and shuts down immediately the device.
3.2.1 Hardware Shutdown
To turn OFF the GM862-QUAD / PY the pin ON# must be tied low for at least 1 second and then released. The same circuitry and timing for the power on shall be used. The device shuts down after the release of the ON# pin.
TIP: To check if the device has powered off, the hardware line PWRMON should be monitored. When PWRMON goes low, the device has powered off.
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3.2.2 Hardware Unconditional Restart
To unconditionally Shutdown the GM862-QUAD / PY the pin RESET# must be tied low for at least 200 milliseconds and then released. The maximum current that can be drained from the RESET# pin is 0,15 mA. A simple circuit to do it is:
NOTE: don't use any pull up resistor on the RESET# line nor any totem pole digital output. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the GM862-QUAD / PY power regulator and improper functioning of the module. The line RESET# must be connected only in open collector configuration.
TIP: The unconditional hardware Restart should be always implemented on the boards and software should use it as an emergency exit procedure.
Unconditional Restart impulse
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For example: 1- Let's assume you need to drive the RESET# pin with a totem pole output of a +3/5 V microcontroller (uP_OUT2):
The hardware unconditional restart must not be used during normal operation of the device does not detach the device from the network. It shall be kept as an emergency exit procedure to be done in the rare case that the device gets stacked waiting for some network or SIM responses. If device does not respond to a command in the timeout window, retry issuing the command and if still no response is received a hardware reset shall be issued.
* this signal is internally pulled up so the pin can be left floating if not used.
Unconditional Restart
since it
Reset Signal Operating levels:
Signal Min Max
RESET Input high 2.0V* 2.2V
RESET Input low 0V 0.2V
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4 Power Supply
The power supply circuitry and board layout are the most important part in the full product design and they strongly reflect on the product overall performances, hence read carefully the requirements and the guidelines that will follow for a proper design.
4.1 Power Supply Requirements
The GM862-QUAD / PY power requirements are:
Nominal Supply Voltage: 3.8 V
Max Supply Voltage: 4.2 V
Supply voltage range: 3.4 V - 4.2 V
Max Peak current consumption (impulsive): 1.9 A
Max Average current consumption during GPRS transmission : 500 mA
Max Average current consumption during VOICE/CSD transmission : 270 mA
Average current during Power Saving: 4 mA
Average current during idle (Power Saving disabled) 19 mA
The GSM system is made in a way that the RF transmission is not continuous, else it is packed into bursts at a base frequency of about 216 Hz, the relative current peaks can be as high as about 2A. Therefore the power supply has to be designed in order to withstand with these current peaks without big voltage drops; this means that both the electrical design and the board layout must be designed for this current flow. If the layout of the PCB is not well designed a strong noise floor is generated on the ground and the supply; this will reflect on all the audio paths producing an audible annoying noise at 216 Hz; if the voltage drop during the peak current absorption is too much, then the device may even shutdown as a consequence of the supply voltage drop.
TIP: The electrical design for the Power supply should be made ensuring it will be capable of a peak current output of at least 2 A.
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