The Telit GM862-GPS Quad Band GSM-GPRS Data Terminal Module is a small,
lightweight and low power consumption device that allow digital communication services
wherever there is a GSM - GPRS 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz or PCS 1900 MHz
network with an integrated GPS receiver.
The Telit GM862-GPS includes a 20 channels GPS receiver. It provides all the features of
the Telit GM862 family versions such as Voice, Circuit Switched Data transfer,
Phonebook, SMS, four bands GSM capability, hot removal sensing on board SIM Reader,
GPRS Class 10 and battery charger circuitry.
Moreover, the Telit GM862-GPS integrates the “EASY SCRIPT “ functionality. This is a
PYTHON engine script interpreter allowing self-controlled operations.
It is specifically designed and developed for OEM usage and dedicated to portable data,
voice and telematics applications needing the added triband and GPRS Class 10
improved speed features and the battery charger such as:
• Fast Worldwide GPRS Telemetry and Telecontrol (SCADA applications)
• Worldwide Smart GPRS Security systems
• Worldwide Smart GPRS Vending machines
• Fast Worldwide GPRS POS terminals
• Worldwide PDAs
• Worldwide Phones and Payphones
• Worldwide Smart Automotive and Fleet Management applications
• Battery powered applications needing a battery charger
Moreover, for the GM862-GPS:
• Automotive and Fleet Management applications
• Position reporting and tracking
The Telit GM862-GPS module is specifically designed and developed for OEM usage and it is
intended to be installed inside an equipment.
The Telit GM862-GPS family modules is LEAD FREE Green products compliant with
RoHS directive.
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
Rev. 0
The design and development of the Telit GM862-GPS module is in line with the following
3GPP TS 51.010–1 GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Digital cellular
telecommunications system (Phase 2+): Mobile Station (MS) Conformance Specification;
Part 1. Conformance Specification.
EN 301 511 Global system for mobile communications (GSM); Harmonised standard
for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essential requirements
under Article 3(2) of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC).
EN 60950 Safety of information technology equipment, including business equipment.
EN 301 489–07 Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital
cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS).
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
2.1 Mechanical view of Telit GM862-GPS module.
Rev. 0
GPS antenna connector
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
Rev. 0
Herein will be described the technical characteristics of GM862-GPS Transceiver Module.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the interconnection between GM862-GPS
Transceiver and Other Equipment Manufacturer Hardware.
Power supply
Charger Input
RX-TX connector
GPS RF connector
/D Connect
Camera Interface
GPIO 1-7
BB Processing
E-Gold Lite
RS232 UART data
Handset AUDIO path
GPS section
Handsfree AUDIO path
RS232 NMEA data
Figure 1 GM862-GPS Transceiver.
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
Rev. 0
3.1 GM862-GPS Transceiver Module
The GM862-GPS Transceiver Module is a Quad Band GSM - GPRS class 10 (4 down 2
up) based on Lite Infineon chipset and PV Lite internal SW platform with SiRF GSC3F
GPS chipset, on low profile compact shielded assembly with connections for GSM RX/TX
antenna, GPS antenna and data/service connector for all functional and interface signals.
The module is provided with an on board SIM Holder.
3.1.1 Electric Characteristics Supply voltage
The external power supply must be connected to the VBATT signal and must fulfill the
following requirements:
• Nominal operating voltage: 3.8 V
• Operating voltage range: 3.4 V - 4.2 V
3.1.2 Power consumption
The typical current consumption of the GM862-GPS module is:
• Power off current (typical) < 36 μA;
• Stand–by current (power saving) < 20 mA
• Operating current in voice ch. 170 mA
• Operating current in voice ch. < 270 mA
• Operating current GPRS class 10 < 500 mA
• GPS Receiver consumption < 60 mA
• GPS Receiver (power saving) 1 mA
(< 5 mA
@ typical network conditions
1.9 A
@ worst network conditions
using command AT+CFUN)
@ worst network conditions
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.1.3 Embodied Battery charger
The battery charger is suited for 3.7V Li-Ion rechargeable battery (suggested capacity 5001000mAh). The Charger needs only a CURRENT LIMITED power source input and
charges the battery directly through VBATT connector pins.
• Battery charger input pin: CHARGE
• Battery pins: VBATT, GND
• Battery charger input voltage min: 5.0 V
• Battery charger input voltage typ: 5.5 V
• Battery charger input voltage max: 7.0 V
• Battery charger input current max: 400mA
• Battery type: Rechargeable Li-Ion
NOTE: If embodied battery charger is used, then a LOW ESR capacitor of at least 100μF
must be mounted in parallel to VBATT lines.
NOTE: when power is supplied to the CHARGE lines, a battery must always be connected
to the VBATT pin of the module.
Rev. 0
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.1.4 Radio Electric Characteristics Operating frequencies
The standard operating frequencies are conforming to the ETSI GSM specifications.
The GM862-GPS transceiver module in GSM–850 operating mode is class 4 in
accordance with the specification that set the nominal 2W peak RF power (+33dBm) on 50
The GM862-GPS transceiver module in GSM–900 operating mode is class 4 in
accordance with the specification that set the nominal 2W peak RF power (+33dBm) on 50
The GM862-GPS transceiver module in DCS–1800 operating mode is class 1 in
accordance with the specifications that set the nominal 1W peak RF power (+30dBm) on
50 Ohm.
The GM862-GPS transceiver module in PCS–1900 operating mode is class 1 in
accordance with the specifications that set the nominal 1W peak RF power (+30dBm) on
50 Ohm.
Rev. 0 Reference sensitivity
The sensitivity of the GM862-GPS transceiver module according to the specifications for
the class 4 GSM–850 portable terminals is better than –102dBm in all the operational
The sensitivity of the GM862-GPS Transceiver module according to the specifications, for
the class 4 GSM–900 portable terminals is better than –102dBm in all the operational
conditions. The static sensitivity is better than –105dBm in all the operational conditions.
The sensitivity of the GM862- GPS Transceiver module according to the specifications, for
the class 1 portable terminals DCS 1800 is better than –102dBm in normal operating
conditions. The static sensitivity is better than –105dBm in all the operational conditions.
The sensitivity of the GM862- GPS Transceiver module according to the specifications, for
the class 1 portable terminals PCS 1900 is better than –102dBm in normal operating
conditions. The static sensitivity is better than –105dBm in all the operational conditions.
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.2 Environmental requirements
The GM862-GPS module is compliant with the applicable ETSI reference documentation
GSM 05.05 Release 1999 ETSI EN300910 V8.4.1.
3.2.1 Climatic requirements
The table describes a set of environmental characteristics that the platform must satisfy:
Requirement IEC Test Condition
Functional temperature 60068-2-1 Ad Cold
Functional temperature 60068-2-2
Not functional temperature 60068-2-1 Aa Cold
Not functional temperature 60068-2-2 Ba Heat
Not funct. Temp. Change 60068-2-14
Not functional dampness 60068-2-56
3.2.2 Temperature range
Bd Heat
Nb Change of
Cb Damp heat
steady state
-25 °C
+75 °C
-40 °C
+85 °C
5 cycles -25÷+30°C
93% UR at +40°C
Rev. 0
• Temperature in normal functional conditions: –30°C ÷ +80°C
Temperature in storage conditions: –30°C ÷ +85°C
3.2.3 Vibration Test (non functional)
• 10 ÷12Hz ASD = 1.92m 2 /s 3
• 12 ÷ 150Hz –3dB/oct
3.2.4 SIM Card Reader
The GM862-GPS Transceiver module supports a 3 volts small type SIM card, through the
internal SIM Card Reader or through the suitable signals on the interface connector pins.
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.3 Transceiver module interface connectors
3.3.1 Antenna GSM-GPS connectors
The Telit GM862-GPS Transceiver module includes two 50 Ohm MMCX coaxial female 2
pin Angle Coax SMD J01341A0081 connectors to allow the GSM RF antenna and the
GPS antenna connection.
SIM Holder connecto
Rev. 0
GPS antenna
Picture 2: GSM and GPS Antenna coax connectors
GSM antenna
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.3.2 GSM Antenna requirements
The GSM antenna that the customer chooses to use, depending on his application, should
fulfill the following requirements:
Rev. 0
Frequency range
Input power
VSWR absolute max
VSWR recommended
3.3.3 GPS Antenna requirements
The GPS antenna that the customer chooses to use, depending on his application, should
fulfill the following requirements:
Frequency range
Supply voltage
Power consumption
3.3.4 SIM Card connector
The Telit GM862-GPS Transceiver module includes two models of SIM CARD connector
one “Push-Push” connector for normal applications or a Hinged Cover connector for
automotive applications.
3.4 Audio levels specifications
The audio of the Telit GM862 GPS, module is organized into two main paths:
• internal path (called also MT)
• external path (called also HF)
These two paths are meant respectively for handset and headset/handsfree use.
The Telit GM862 GPS module has a built in echo canceller and a noise suppressor, tuned
separately for the two audio paths; for the internal path the echo canceller parameters are
suited to cancel the echo generated by a handset, while for the external audio path they
are suited for a handsfree use.
For more information on the audio refer to the Hardware User Guide.
The following tables report all the audio level specifications.
Standard QUAD Band frequency range,
80 MHz in GSM & 170 MHz in DCS & 140 MHz PCS band
1.5dBi ≤ Gain < 3dBi
50 ohm
> 2 W peak power
<= 10:1
<= 2:1
GPS = 1575.42MHz
GPS band
Typical 25dB (Max 27 dB)
50 ohm
Nominal 3.8V range 3.4V up to 4.2V
40mA max
(1) For the exclusive use of the Technical Support Service
(2) An earphone with a 150 ohm impedance can be directly connected to EAR+ and EAR–
(3) On this pin a maximum of 47nF bypass capacitor is allowed.
(4) When activating the Easy camera these pins will not be available for other use
(5) This output requires an external circuit to connect it to a serial port.
Figure 3 Interface connector mechanical view
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
Rev. 0
3.5.1 Logic level specification
Where not specifically stated, all the interface circuits work at 2.72V CMOS logic levels.
The following table shows the logic level specifications in the Telit GM862-QUAD/QUAD-
PY Transceiver module interface circuits:
Input high level 1.9 V 3.3 V
Input low level -0.2 V 0.5 V
Output high
Output low level
2.15 V 2.8 V
0 V 0.2 V
Operating Range - Current Capability
Current Min Max
Current Output Low I
- 1mA
Current Output High IOH - 1mA
Buffered Current Output High I
Buffered Current Output Low I
Buffered Current Input High I
Buffered Current Input Low I
(2) - -
(1) - 0.5mA
2mA 20mA
- 30uA
(1) For GPIO1 pin - base input.
(2) For GPIO2 pin - Open Collector.
3.5.2 Reset signal
RESET is used to reset the Telit GM862-GPS Transceiver module. Whenever this signal is
pulled low, the GM862-GPS is reset and Re-booted.
SO301 23 I RESET Module reset and
NOTE: do not use this signal to power off the Telit GM862-GPS module.
Use the ON/OFF signal (Pin 17 of SO301) to perform this function.
Signal levels:
RESET Input high 2.2 V 3.3 V
RESET Input low 0 V 0.2 V
If unused, this signal may be left unconnected.
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Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
3.6 Mechanical characteristics
3.6.1 Dimensions
The Telit GM862-PCS module overall dimension are:
Length: 43.9 mm
Width: 43.9 mm
Thickness: 6.9 mm
Volume: ≅
13 cm
The mechanical layout of Telit GM862-GPS Transceiver module is shown in Figure 4
Rev. 0
Figure 4 GM862-GPS Transceiver Mechanical layout
3.6.2 Weight
The Telit GM862-GPS module weight is 25gr, (shielding included).
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