Telex IP-223, NI-223 Plus User Manual

Model NI223plus
IP-223 iDen® Interface
Technical Manual
March 2008 Telex P/N LIT000150000 Revision C
NI223Plus - 3 -
Table of Contents
General ...................................................................................4
2 Front and Rear Panel Connections and Indicators............4
2.1 Front Panel LED.............................................................................................................4
2.2 Rear Panel Connectors.................................................................................................... 4
3 IP-223/NI223plus Setup............................................................5
3.1 IP-223 Setup.................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Jumper Settings...........................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Web Page Configuration............................................................................................. 5
3.2 Connecting the IP-223 and the NI223plus .......................................................................7
3.3 IDen® Radio Setup......................................................................................................... 7
3.4 C-Soft Setup.................................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Setup IP Multicast List................................................................................................ 8
3.4.2 Set Global Parameters................................................................................................. 8
3.4.3 C-Soft Phone Control Buttons....................................................................................9
3.4.4 C-Soft Radio Line Types:...........................................................................................9
4 IDen® Network Calling..........................................................9
4.1 Console Selected Calling................................................................................................9
4.2 Manual Connections ....................................................................................................... 9
4.2.1 A-Key, Alert ............................................................................................................. 10
4.2.2 B-Key, Send.............................................................................................................. 10
4.2.3 C-Key, Group Call.................................................................................................... 10
4.2.4 D-Key, Direct Connect Call...................................................................................... 10
5 Audio Alignment Procedure ...............................................10
5.1.1 Transmit Audio Alignment....................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Receive Audio Alignment......................................................................................... 11
6 Cable Assembly...................................................................12
7 Warranty, Service, Repair, and Comments.......................13
8 NI223Plus Specifications......................................................14
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Multicast Setup Screen IP-223 Showing iDen® Radio Setup ......................................... 5
Figure 2 iDen® Radio Setup Page.................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3 Connections between IP-223 and NI223plus..................................................................... 7
Figure 4 Setup IP Multicast List – iDen® Radio in Phone Mode operation..................................8
Figure 5 Setup Global Parameters - Phone Ring Multicast and Port.............................................. 8
Figure 6 C-Soft Phone Control Buttons Setup................................................................................ 9
Figure 8 IP-223 Transmit Audio Gain Setup................................................................................ 10
Figure 9 IP-223 Receive Audio Alignment Example................................................................... 11
- 4 - NI223Plus
1 General
The NI223plus is an iDen® interface product designed to connect the IP-223
Ethernet Adapter Panel to the iDen® network. The iDen® Radio Interface can be used to make Direct Connect, Group Call, Alert Calls or Emergency Group calls over the iDen® network. The IP-223 and the NI223plus makes
to iDen
To iDen
nalogIP Network
the Nextel network an IP asset to any Telex/Vega IP base consoles (C-Soft, C-6200, IP-1616 or IP-2002).
2 Front and Rear Panel Connections and Indicators
2.1 Front Panel LED
POWER: Green LED indicates power to the NI223plus.
2.2 Rear Panel Connectors
A DB25 connector terminates all connections on the rear of the NI223plus.
Pin # Signal Pin # Signal
1) +12VDC 14) IP-223 Ground
2) IP-223 Transmit Data 15) MUTE (unused)
3) IP-223 Receive Data 16) Option 1 (unused)
4) Option 2 (unused) 17) Radio Transmit Data
5) Radio Receive Data 18) +5VDC
6) Radio Audio IN 19) Radio Audio OUT
7) PTT Relay NO (unused) 20) RTS (unused)
8) Radio DGND 21) CTS
9) Radio Audio GND 22) NC
10) NC 23) NC
11) PTT Relay COM (unused) 24) IP-223 RX+
12) IP-223 RX- 25) IP-223 TX+
13) IP-223 TX- Shield Ground
Connect the Earth Ground to reduce system noise.
NI223Plus - 5 -
3 IP-223/NI223plus Setup
3.1 IP-223 Setup
3.1.1 Jumper Settings
Jumper Position Connection Type
“A” Single Ended Tx/Rx Audio Line 1: J3, J9, J11, J16, J21 Line 2: J19, J20, J25, J28, J29
“A” 600 Ohm Rx Termination Line 1: J14 Line 2: J24
“B” Serial Port Communications Jumpers (TTL) Line 1: J35 Line 2: J26
“B” 4 Wire Interface Line 1: J33, J34 Line 2: J5, J6
3.1.2 Web Page C onfiguration
The IP-223 must be placed in iDen® Radio Mode to control the NI223plus. The iDen® Radio Mode is selected from the Multicast Setup Screen of the IP-223 shown in Figure 1. The iDen®
Radio Mode must be initially selected before the iDen® Radio Setup Page may be displayed.
The iDen® Radio Mode is only available in IP-223 Software Versions 1.09 and higher.
Figure 1 Multicast Setup Screen IP-223 Showing iDen® Radio Setup
Each line has a pull down menu that allows selection of the iDen® Radio Mode. The multicast address and port numbers are configured just as any other mode, with the exception of the ring signal. The Ring Signal is broadcast on a unique multicast address and must be known to all
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