Telenav Nextel Supported Devices User Manual v5.0

Motorola i9
User’s Guide


© 2003-2009 TeleNav, Inc. All rights reserved. TeleNav and TeleNav GPS Navig ator are trademarks of T eleNav, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are acknowledg ed as the exclusiv e property of their resp ective owners. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, or sto red in any storage me dium, for any purpose, without prior written consent from TeleNav, Inc. TeleNav, Inc. hereby grants the right to downloa d one copy of this manual onto a hard drive for personal use. This manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary information that is subject to change witho ut notice. For more inf ormation, visit
© 2003-2009 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved. Sprint PC S and its families of relate d marks, images, a nd symbols are the exclusive properties and tradema rks or registered trademarks of Sprint Nextel. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, and servicemarks are acknowl edged as the excl usive property of their respective owne rs.
© 2008-2009 Tele Atlas. All rights reserve d. This material is proprietary and th e subject of copyright prot ection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this mate rial is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of thi s material.
© 2008-2009 NAVTEQ map data for North Ameri ca. All Rights Re served.
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Table of Contents

2. Safety and Legal Notices................................................................................................................................5
3. Data Service Options......................................................................................................................................6
4. The Phone Controls........................................................................................................................................7
5. Launching the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application ..................................................................................9
6. Using the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application.........................................................................................10
Quick Start ..........................................................................................................................................................11
7. TeleNav GPS Navigator Menu Ov erview....................................................................................................12
Drive To Menu.............................................................................................................................................12
Directory Menu............................................................................................................................................ 13
Tools/Extras Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 14
8. Get Driving Directions (Drive To Menu).....................................................................................................14
My Favorites .......................................................................................................................................................16
Save a Location to My Favorites................................................................................................................ 16
Delete a Location from My Favorites..........................................................................................................17
Recent Places..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Select a Recent Place................................................................................................................................. 18
Save or Delete Recent Places.................................................................................................................... 19
Address – Type It................................................................................................................................................19
Address – Speak It............................................................................................................................................. 20
Businesses.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Airports................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Initial Driving Directions......................................................................................................................................23
GPS Origin Refinement...................................................................................................................................... 24
Audible Guidance Tones.................................................................................................................................... 24
Miss a Turn?....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Navigation Views................................................................................................................................................25
3D Map ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Route Summary ..........................................................................................................................................26
9. Directory Menu ..............................................................................................................................................27
10. Tools/Extras Menu ........................................................................................................................................29
Preferences......................................................................................................................................................... 29
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Contact................................................................................................................................................................ 30
About................................................................................................................................................................... 30
11. Make a Phone Call from TeleNav GPS Navigator.....................................................................................30
Taking an Incoming Call..................................................................................................................................... 31
12. Change your PIN number.............................................................................................................................31
13. Interruption of Other Services.....................................................................................................................32
14. Exit the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application.............................................................................................32
15. The TeleNav Website....................................................................................................................................32
Available Without Logging In ............................................................................................................................. 32
Available With Logging In................................................................................................................................... 33
16. Error Conditions............................................................................................................................................33
17. FAQ..................................................................................................................................................................34
18. Customer Support.........................................................................................................................................35
Carrier Customer Support.................................................................................................................................. 35
TeleNav Customer Support............................................................................................................................... 35
19. TeleNav Services Warranty..........................................................................................................................36
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1. Welcome

The TeleNav GPS Navigator™ application on your phon e uses GPS position determination tech nology and ac cess to your carrier’s data network to provide you with drivi ng direction s and a host of ot her services inclu ding:
GPS navigation that gives you turn-by-turn directions to any destinatio n address in the co ntinental United States. If you miss a turn or get off-track, TeleNav GPS Navigator will calculate a new rout e for you. You can enter a destination address by using TeleNav GPS Navigator’s automatic voice recognitio n system or by typing on the phone’s keypad.
A Directory feature that allows you to find businesses or points of interest nea r your current location, near an airport, near a waypoint, or near any other entere d address. You can easily call th e business tha t you’ve found to check on the availability of an item or to make a reservation. You can navigate to the busi ness location now or save the address for later use.
The ability to personalize your application preferen ces by selectin g US customary o r metric distan ce units, the language for audible guidance, an d so on.
You can also use many of TeleNav GPS Navigator’s feature s on the TeleNav website, such as getting driving di rections (Route Planning) and using the Search function to fi nd businesses. Y ou can also use the website to add an a ddress to your My Favorites list and to manage your My Favorites and Recent Places lists. To access the TeleNav website, go to

2. Safety and Legal Notices

Please read this section carefully before using TeleNav GPS Nav igator
Sprint Nextel and TeleNav, Inc. will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for acci dents re sulting from failure t o observe common sense precautions. Your pe rsonal judgment, traffic reg ulations, and common sense must al ways take precedence over any driving direction produced by Tele Nav GPS Navigator.
WARNING: Keep your eyes on the road.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to keep your eyes on the road and be an alert driver at all times, ESPECIALLY when the vehicle is moving. The vehicle operator should not be distracted by the application displays, by audible cues, or by manually interacting with the control s. When you need to enter data on your pho ne using the keypa d or study the display, only do so while the vehi cle is parke d, not while the vehicl e is in motion. Turn off your phone if your ability to drive responsibly is decreased by using the TeleNav GPS Navigator application.
WARNING: Install the equipment safely .
If you are using a phone mounting kit, make sure that it does not ob struct your visio n. You may wish to ch arge the phone while using TeleNav GPS Navigator. If so, make su re that the chargi ng cable doe s not interfere with any of th e vehicle’s controls.
WARNING: Drive safely and use common sens e.
The vehicle operator’s personal judgment, traffic regulation s, and common se nse must alway s take precedence over t he instructions provided by TeleNav GPS Navigator.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to drive safely, observ e all traffic rule s, and use your own p ersonal judgment while driving. If you feel that a route suggested by the navigation software in structs you to pe rform an unsafe o r illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe situation, or routes you into an area that you consider to be unsafe, do not follow the navigation instructions.
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3. Data Service Options

The TeleNav GPS Navigator application that you install o n your phone require s a means of accessin g the public Internet, which is typically provided by your carrie r’s data net work.
The TeleNav GPS Navigator application on your phone co mmunicate s with the TeleNav GPS Navigator serve rs to get routing and points of interest via your carrie r’s data network. You do not need to p urchase addition al data services i f you already have a data or email services plan for your phone. Ho wever, if you do not already have a d ata or email services plan, you must order one from your carrier so you ca n use the TeleNav GPS Navigator appli cation. For contact information, please see the “Customer Sup port” section o n Page
© TELENAV, INC. 2003-2009 PAGE 6 OF 36

4. The Phone Controls

The following keys on your Motorola i9 phone are referenced in this m anual as follows.
Left softkey
OK button
Right softkey
Navigation key
END key
© TELENAV, INC. 2003-2009 PAGE 7 OF 36
Left softkey The key in the upper left corner of the keypad.
The left softkey performs the function directly abov e it on the menu bar. The left softkey is typically used as YES or GO (usually the same as pressing the OK butto n), although someti mes it opens a special menu or puts the keypad in a different mo de. For example, the left softkey switch es you between alpha and numeric modes when you type i nformation in a tex t field. In the graphic b elow, the left softkey executes the GO command and takes yo u to the My Favorites scree n.
Right softkey The key in the upper right corner of the key pad. The right softkey is typically u sed to go BACK one
screen, CLOSE a screen, or EXIT the application. In the graphic above, the right soft key takes you back to the previous screen (the TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu).
Back button The Back button is located below the right soft key. For consistency th roughout the Tele Nav GPS
Navigator application, consider usi ng the left softkey inste ad of the Back button to go back to the previous screen. The Back button is normally only used to delete e ntries in a text field.
OK button The Menu/OK button in the center of the circular navigation key. Navigation keys The circular navigation key that surrounds the OK button. The navigation key has four possible
choices—left, right, up, and down. These are referred to as the Left navigation key, the Right navigation key, the Up navigation key, and the Down navigation key.
END key The END key returns you to the Sprint Nextel Main Menu. Pres sing and holding the END key turns
off the phone.
If you are viewing a menu with a numerical listing, you can quickly shortcut to the it em by pressing the number corresponding to the row you wa nt. For example, if you want to select “City” in the menu shown to the right, simply key in “4.” You will be taken directly to the City menu without having to scroll down to “City ” in the Drive To M enu list.
If you see a right arrow next to a highlighted item (such as in t he “My Favorites” l ine in the example to the right), you can select the right navig ation key to sel ect it. This functions the same as pressing the OK key.
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5. Launching the T eleNav GPS Navigator Application

To launch the TeleNav GPS Navigator application on your phone, d o the following step s:
1. On the Sprint Nextel Main Menu, press the Menu key.
2. Highlight Java Apps and press OK.
3. Select the TeleNav GPS Navigator application.
NOTE: If you are doing another function on your phone and want to go to the Main Menu so you can launch th e TeleNav GPS Navigator application, press the END key once. As mention ed earlier, if you hold the END key down too long, it may shut off the phone.
4. The TeleNav GPS Navigator splash screen appears.
5. On the Login screen, type in your 10-digit Phone Number your 4-digit PIN. Then scroll down and choose “Done.”
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6. The following message appears: “Turn on your phone’s speaker if p ossible. ” Turn on the speaker if it is not already on. Then select th e OK button.
7. A warning message appears. Press the EXIT softkey to reject this warning and exit application startup, or press the GO softkey to accept this warning and start TeleNav GPS Navigator.
8. The TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu appears.

6. Using the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application

You can use the TeleNav GPS Navigator for many bu siness and perso nal functions includ ing:
Finding businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, a nd stores.
Getting audible and visual driving directions to virtually anywhe re in the United States within the Sprint
Nextel coverage area.
Making reservations at restaurants, mot els and hotel s.
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As a replacement for paper maps.
As a personal information manager to kee p a My Favorites li st of places that you’ve v isited or called .
For example, you can use the TeleNav GPS Navigator to find a motel, save the m otel’s locati on to your My Favorite s list so you can easily find it again later, call it and make rese rvations, and then get audi ble turn-by-turn and visual dire ctions to the motel.
You can also search for a particular type of busi ness closest to your curre nt location or clo sest to another l ocation. For example, you could search for a Mexican rest aurant closest to y our current locati on or closest to the motel at which you just made reservations.
For an overview of the menu options, see the TeleNav GPS Navigato r Menus section on page

Quick Start

The tutorials in this section get you up and runnin g quickly so you can :
Get driving directions (see page
Get initial driving directions (see page
Refine your GPS point of origin (see page
Understand the meaning of various audi ble guidan ce tones (see page
Miss a turn? (see page
Change navigation options like your origin, destin ation or route style (see page
Learn about navigation views such as 3D Map or Route Summary (see page
Enter a Drive To address by typing (see p age
Save locations to your My Favorites list so you can find them later (see page
19) or speaking (see page 20).
Delete locations from your My Favorites list (see page
Select recent locations from your Recent Places list (see pag e
Search the Directory to find businesses li ke restau rants, hotels, and stores (see pa ge
Call locations that you’ve found (see page
Take an incoming call when you’re using TeleNav GPS Navigator (see page
Change your PIN number (see page
Interruption of other phone services (see page
Exit the TeleNav GPS Navigator application (see page
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