No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, or stored in any storage medium, for any
purpose, without prior written consent from Telenav, Inc. Telenav, Inc. hereby grants the right to download one
copy of this manual onto a hard drive for personal use. This manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary
information that is subject to change without notice. For more information, visit
2. Safety and Legal Notices..............................................................................................................................14
3. Data Service Options....................................................................................................................................15
6. Common Features.........................................................................................................................................25
7. Drive Menu .....................................................................................................................................................29
7.2 Set Up Home................................................................................................................................................ 36
7.3 Set Up Work................................................................................................................................................. 37
7.9 Other Way to Get Directions........................................................................................................................ 45
7.10.1 Editing Your Route........................................................................................................................... 49
7.11 Moving to the Nearest Street..................................................................................................................... 51
7.12 Audible Guidance During Navigation........................................................................................................ 51
7.14 Miss a Turn?............................................................................................................................................... 52
8.1 Map Menu Options.......................................................................................................................................75
8.2 Check Traffic & Red Light Cameras............................................................................................................ 76
8.3 Other Ways to View a Map..........................................................................................................................78
9.1 Define a Location..........................................................................................................................................86
9.2.1 Sort by Best Match............................................................................................................................. 87
9.2.2 Sort by Distance................................................................................................................................. 87
9.2.3 Sort by Rating..................................................................................................................................... 87
9.4 Most Popular Category................................................................................................................................90
9.5 Search for Gas by Price............................................................................................................................... 91
10.1.1 Movies ............................................................................................................................................ 103 Search by Theaters..........................................................................................................104 Search by Movies ............................................................................................................105
10.1.3 My Mileage..................................................................................................................................... 107
10.5.1 Home Address............................................................................................................................... 116
10.5.2 Work Address.................................................................................................................................116
10.5.8 Back Light.......................................................................................................................................117
10.5.12 Lane Assist...................................................................................................................................118
14. Sony Car Connect Integration...................................................................................................................125
14.1 Connecting to the Sony AV Center.........................................................................................................126
14.2 Home Screen Overview...........................................................................................................................130
14.3 Choosing a Route .................................................................................................................................... 133
14.4.1 Playing Music.................................................................................................................................135
14.4.2 Turn, Traffic, and Map Summary..................................................................................................136
15. The Telenav GPS Website..........................................................................................................................137
15.1 Syncing with
18.1 Sony FAQs...............................................................................................................................................146
The Telenav GPS™ v7.0 application on your device us es GPS position dete rmination techno logy and access to your
carrier’s data network to provide you with driving directions and a host of other services, inclu ding:
GPS navigation that gives you turn-by-turn directions to any destinatio n address in the Unit ed States.
If you miss a turn or get off-track, Telenav GPS will calculate a new route for you.
Up to three routes to choose from before your trip, with estimated times for each route to put you in
control of navigation.
Navigation features such as Lane Assist to help you d etermine whi ch lane(s) to be i n at a multi-lane
highway junction or an intersection. View red light cam eras and speed trap location s on your
navigation map, as well as the legal speed limit.
Audio and visual traffic alerts while driving or viewing m aps, as well a s traffic rerouting capabil ities to
minimize delays on your trip.
A “Traffic,” “Red Light Camera,” and “Satellite” layer view that allows you to see traffic flow or any red
light cameras, as well as a 3D view of your surrou ndings, incl uding buildin gs and parking lot s.
Different ways to enter one or more destination addresse s: keying into the device, p ulling your
contacts from the device’s Contacts list, or entering them on the
you can input a remote origin and receive Driving Directi ons from that origin addre ss to the selected
destination address.
website. Optionally,
A Places feature that allows you to find businesses or points of inte rest near your current location or
another location that you choose. Quickly type into a one-box search field on the Dashboard, o r
access a full page of Places category buttons. Read rati ngs and review s for businesses an d easily
call the business that you have found to check on the availability of an item or to make a reservation.
You can navigate to the business now or save the address for later u se.
Points-of-Interest search result ads that offer merchant revie w, deals, and rest aurant men us
(depends on availability).
Maps of the area around your current location or around any address that you enter. You ca n pan
the map (adjust left, right, up, or down) and zoom in or out. Maps and points-of-interest are
frequently updated for accuracy, at no additional charge t o you.
The ability to set Daytime or Nighttime colors for your map or navigati on screens. You can a lso set
this to “Auto” for automatic color adjustment throughout the day.
A Movies feature to search for movies based on location or theaters.
A Weather feature to view current weather co nditions, as wel l as a 7-day forecast, fo r a location that
you choose.
A My Mileage feature to help you track miles traveled for trips, which can be used for mileage-
reimbursement expense reporting.
Different car icons to use on the navigation screen.
The ability to personalize the application by selecting the use of U.S. customary or metric distance
units, adjust the backlight, the guidance audibl e announcements, etc.
You can also use many of Telenav GPS’s features on the my.telenav. com
website, such as getting driving directions
(Route Planning) and using the Search function to fi nd businesses such as restaurants, hot els, and ga s stations. You
can also use the
website to add an address to your Favorites list, and manage your Favorites.
NOTE: Telenav GPS v7.0 offers iPad 3G support. iPads with Wifi-only are not suppor t as these devices do n ot have
GPS hardware. Certain features are only available on t he iPhone, in cluding phone -related functions such as calling a
business from the Telenav GPS Places menu a nd accessing yo ur Contacts list.
2. Safety and Legal Notices
Please read this section carefully before u sing Te lenav GPS
Telenav will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for accidents resulting from failure to observe common sense
precautions. Your personal judgment, traffic regulation s, and common se nse must alway s take preceden ce over any
driving direction produced by Telenav GPS.
WARNING: Keep your eyes on the road.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to keep your eyes on the road and be an alert driver at all times,
ESPECIALLY when the vehicle is moving. The vehicle operator should not be distracted by the application displays,
audible cues, or manually interacting with the controls. When you n eed to enter data on your device using t he keyp ad or
study the display, please do so while the vehicle is parked, not while in motion. Should your ability to drive responsibly be
decreased, please turn off the device.
WARNING: Install the equipment safely .
If you are using a device mounting kit, make sure that it does not obscu re your vision. You m ay wish to charge the
device while using Telenav GPS. If so, make sure the charging cable does not interfere with any of the vehicle controls.
WARNING: Drive safely and use common sens e.
The vehicle operator’s personal judgment, traffic regulation s, and common se nse must alway s take precedence over t he
instructions provided by Telenav GPS.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to drive safely, observ e all traffic rule s, and above al l use your own
personal judgment while driving. If you feel that a ro ute suggested by the navig ation software i nstructs you to perform an
unsafe or illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe sit uation, or ro utes you into an area which yo u consider un safe, do
not follow the instructions.
3. Data Service Options
The Telenav GPS application that you install on your device requires a mea ns of accessing the p ublic Internet, which i s
typically provided by your carrier’s data network.
The Telenav GPS application communicates with the Telenav GPS servers to get routin g, maps, and point s of interest
via your carrier’s data network. You do not need to pu rchase additional data services i f you already have a data or email
services plan for your device. However, if y ou do not already have a data or email service s plan, you must ord er one
from your wireless carrier so you can use t he Telenav GPS application . For contact informati on, please se e the
“Customer Support” section on pag e 149
The iPhone and iPad devices feature touch-scree n capability. The Telenav GPS application ca n be viewed in either
Portrait or Landscape modes. For the purpose of this User’s Guide, most screenshots a re shown from t he iPhone.
The iPhone and iPad feature an on-screen keyboa rd. Within the Telenav GPS a pplication, the keyb oard displays
whenever you choose a field that requires text entry.
Telenav GPS can be downloaded from the App Store dire ctly from your iPhone. Go to t he App Store and download the
“Telenav GPS by Telenav” application. You wil l not be charged fo r the download.
There is no limit of how many of your devices on whi ch you can install Tele nav GPS. To acce ss Telenav GPS on
different devices, simply install the app and then lo g in with your
asked to create the first time you launch Telenav GPS. However, you can only use Telenav GPS’s premium features
(voice-guided, turn-by-turn navigation, automatic reroute when a turn is missed, etc. ) on one device at a time.
1. The first time you launch Telenav GPS, you will see the Welcome
screen. Here, you will be asked for your email address and to agree to
the Terms of Service.
3. The next screen will ask you to select an account type. Depending on
how many times you have gone through the sign-on p rocess, the options
you see on this screen may vary.
NOTE: If you have already created a my.tele nav. com
account or on
subsequent logins, you may be asked to enter t he password asso ciated with
account to sign in. The Free version of Telenav GPS
does not offer all the features that come with the Prem ium version. See
Appendix A on page 152
for a matrix explaining the subscription features.
This User’s Guide explains all the features ava ilable in a Premium account.
During your first use of Telenav GPS, the phone will download graphical
content needed to build the displays. The time it takes to complete the
download depends on wireless data connectio n.
When Telenav GPS is using data service to conta ct the Telenav GPS
servers, it will present a message such as: a) Reading GPS, b) Waiting,
c) Sending, d) Receiving, e) Logging in, f) Personalizin g, g) Loading, and
h) Storing.
Telenav GPS may ask if your current location can be use d for map and
navigation purposes. Make a selection to clear the pop-up.
NOTE: If you choose "Don't Allow," the application will not be granted the
permission to get GPS fixes, so the map and na vigation features ma y not
work. You may also frequently see a pop-up a sking yo u to select a Wi-Fi
option. This is not needed for navigation, and you can disa ble the pop-ups b y
turning off the “Ask to Join Networks” option in Settings >> Wi-Fi from the
iPhone menu.
The Search box at the top of most of the application screens lets you convenie ntly key in an address or b usiness. For
example, you can type in “coffee” or a specific address to drive to.
Use the voice command feature by choosing the Mi crophone icon o n the bottom
toolbar. Say a command such as the examples given on t he screen to start your
search or navigation directions.
The Drive dashboard is your Home screen. Here, yo u can conveniently view a ma p of your current locatio n and get
driving directions to Favorites you have sa ved, Recent places you have bee n to, Airports, and your Contacts. You can
even set up a Home or Work address to quickly driv e to those location s.
Search Bar – Enter a street add ress, business na me, or category
in the search box at the top of the screen.
Time to Home – Get directions to your home addre ss (this option
will read “Set Up Home” if you have not already set an address).
Time to Work – Get directions to your wo rk address (thi s option
will read “Set Up Work” if you have not already set an address).
Current Trip – If you stopped navig ation in the middle o f a trip,
choose this option to continue navigating.
Favorites – Choose a Favorite place to g et directions to it. The se
are addresses that you have found and saved in the pa st.
Recents – Get direction s to a place that you hav e recently been
Airports – Quickly find airports by 3-letter code or city name.
Airports closest to your current location are aut omatically
Contacts – Select save d contacts from your d evice’s Address
After you choose an address, the Route Planning screen will appear. Change
your destination, starting point, or route style by cho osing Route Se ttings on
this screen. See “Route Planning Screen” on page 47