Telenav AT-T Supported Devices User Manual v2.0

TeleNav Maps v2.0
© 2003-2007 TeleNav, Inc. All rights reserved. TeleNa v and TeleNav GPS Navigator are trademarks of TeleNav, Inc. The Trēo smartphone and Palm families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks or registered tradema rks of Palm, Inc. AT&T and AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Knowledge Ventures and/or AT&T affiliated companies. Subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. provide products and services under the AT&T brand. Al l othe r trade marks or reg istere d trademarks are acknowledged as the exclusive property of their respective owners.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose, without prior written consent from TeleNav , In c. T ele N av , In c. h ere by gra nts th e ri ght to download on e c opy o f th is m a nua l onto a hard drive for personal use. This manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary information that is subject to change without notice. For more information, visit
Instruction Manual for:
Windows Mobile
HTC 8525, HTC 8925 (Tilt), Samsung Bla ckJack 2
Available on the AT&T Wireless Network
User’s Guide

Table of Contents

1. Welcome...............................................................................................................................................................5
2. Safety and Legal Notices...................................................................................................................................5
3. Data Service Options .........................................................................................................................................6
4. The Device Controls...........................................................................................................................................6
HTC 8525 ..............................................................................................................................................................7
HTC 8925 ..............................................................................................................................................................7
Samsung BlackJack 2...........................................................................................................................................8
5. Installing TeleNav Maps.....................................................................................................................................8
6. Launching TeleNav Maps..................................................................................................................................9
Login ......................................................................................................................................................................9
Warning Screen...................................................................................................................................................10
Product Tour........................................................................................................................................................10
7. Using TeleNav Maps.........................................................................................................................................11
Quick Start...........................................................................................................................................................11
8. TeleNav Maps Menu Overview.......................................................................................................................12
Main Menu...........................................................................................................................................................12
Drive To Menu..............................................................................................................................................13
Search Menu................................................................................................................................................14
Maps Menu...................................................................................................................................................15
Tools/Extras Menu.......................................................................................................................................15
9. Drive To Menu ...................................................................................................................................................16
My Favorites........................................................................................................................................................19
Save a Location to My Favorites.................................................................................................................19
Delete a Location from My Favorites..........................................................................................................20
Recent Places .....................................................................................................................................................21
Businesses ..........................................................................................................................................................21
Address – Type It ................................................................................................................................................22
Intersection ..........................................................................................................................................................23
Driving Direction Options (Trip Confirmation).............................................................................................24
Route Style............................................................................................................................................26
Change Origin.......................................................................................................................................26
Save to Favorites..................................................................................................................................26
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Initial Driving Directions................................................................................................................................27
Driving Direction Views................................................................................................................................27
Turn Maps .............................................................................................................................................28
Map Summary.......................................................................................................................................29
Route Summary....................................................................................................................................29
Find Along .............................................................................................................................................29
10. Search Menu......................................................................................................................................................30
Map Results.........................................................................................................................................................32
11. Maps Menu.........................................................................................................................................................34
12. Tools/Extras Menu............................................................................................................................................35
Share Address.....................................................................................................................................................36
My Favorites........................................................................................................................................................38
Save to Favorites .........................................................................................................................................39
Add to Category...........................................................................................................................................39
Create New Category...........................................................................................................................40
Delete a Category........................................................................................................................................40
Received Addresses.............................................................................................................................42
Manage Contacts................................................................................................................................................42
Create New...................................................................................................................................................43
Manage Groups....................................................................................................................................44
Add or Delete Groups or Contacts.......................................................................................................45
Copy Contacts from Phone .........................................................................................................................46
Refer a Friend......................................................................................................................................................46
Preferences .........................................................................................................................................................47
About TeleNav..............................................................................................................................................50
Product Tour.................................................................................................................................................50
Support .........................................................................................................................................................50
My Account Info............................................................................................................................................51
Give Feedback.............................................................................................................................................51
Referral Code...............................................................................................................................................51
13. Phone Calls........................................................................................................................................................52
Making a Phone Call from TeleNav Maps.........................................................................................................52
Taking an Incoming Call .....................................................................................................................................52
Interruption of Other Services.............................................................................................................................52
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14. Change your PIN number................................................................................................................................52
15. Exit TeleNav Maps ............................................................................................................................................53
16. Upgrading to TeleNav GPS Navigator ..........................................................................................................53
17. The TeleNav Website .......................................................................................................................................54
Available Without Logging In..............................................................................................................................54
My TeleNav .........................................................................................................................................................54
18. Error Conditions ...............................................................................................................................................55
19. FAQs ...................................................................................................................................................................56
20. Customer Support............................................................................................................................................56
TeleNav Customer Support................................................................................................................................56
Carrier Customer Support...................................................................................................................................56
21. TeleNav Services Warranty.............................................................................................................................57
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1. Welcome

This manual provides instructions for using the TeleNav Maps v2.0 application. If you have already paid for a subscription and will be using the full TeleNav GPS Navigator application, please refer to the TeleNav GPS Navigator v.52 User’s Guide, available at TeleNav GPS Navigator application, please see page
The TeleNav Maps™ application accesses your carrier’s data network to provide you with driving directions and a host of other services, including:
Static driving direction screens that give you turn-by-turn directions to any destination address in the continental United States. You can enter a destination address by typing on the device’s keypad.
A Search feature that allows you to find businesses or points of interest near a location of your choosing, such as an airport, a waypoint, or any other entered address. You can easily call the business that you have found to check on the availability of an item or to make a reservation. You can navigate to the business location now or save the address for later use.
Maps of a certain area, such as around a marked waypoint or an address that you have previously entered. You can pan the map (adjust left, right, up, or down) and zoom in or out. You can also mark a point under the cursor as a waypoint. For more information on how to upgrade to the full
The ability to personalize your application preferences by selecting U.S. customary or metric distance units, the preferred Route Style, and so on.
You can also use many TeleNav Maps features on the TeleNav website, such as getting driving directions (Route Planning) and using the Search function to find businesses, churches, schools, and government offices. You can also use the TeleNav website to add an address to your My Favorites list, manage your My Favorites and Recent Places lists, and shop at the TeleNav Store.

2. Safety and Legal Notices

Please read this section carefully before using TeleNav Maps
TeleNav, Inc. will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for accidents resulting from failure to observe common sense precautions. Your personal judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over any driving direction produced by TeleNav Maps.
WARNING: Keep your eyes on the road.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to keep your eyes on the road and be an alert driver at all times, ESPECIALLY when the vehicle is moving. The vehicle operator should not be distracted by the application displays, by audible cues, or by manually interacting with the controls. When you need to enter data on your device using the keypad or study the display, only do so while the vehicle is parked, not while the vehicle is in motion. Turn off your device if your ability to drive responsibly is decreased by using the TeleNav Maps application.
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WARNING: Install the equipment safely.
If you are using a device mounting kit, make sure that it does not obstruct your vision. You may wish to charge the device while using TeleNav Maps. If so, make sure that the charging cable does not interfere with any of the vehicle’s co ntro ls.
WARNING: Drive safely and use common sense.
The vehicle operator’s personal judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over the instructions provided by TeleNav, Inc.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to drive safely, observe all traffic rules, and use your own personal judgment while driving. If you feel that a route suggested by the driving direction software instructs you to perform an unsafe or illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe situation, or routes you into an area that you consider to be unsafe, do not follow the driving directions.

3. Data Service Options

The TeleNav Maps application that you install on your device requires a means of accessing the public Internet, which is typically provided by your carrier’s data network.
The TeleNav Maps application communicates with the TeleNav servers to get routing, maps, and points of interest via your carrier’s data network. You do not need to purchase additional data services if you already have a data or email services plan for your device. However, if you do not already have a data or email services plan, you must order one from your carrier so you can use the TeleNav Maps application. For contact information, please see the “Customer Support” section on Page

4. The Device Controls

The following keys on your device are referenced in this manual as follows. Depending on your device model, the key placements and names may vary slightly (i.e., OK and Go). Pocket PC devices feature touch-screen functionality for navigational ease. The screenshots throughout the document show the HTC 8925 screens in portrait mode.
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HTC 8525

The 8525 device features a pull-out keyboard for easy typing. If the keyboard is pulled out, the screen will change to landscape mode. If not, the screen is in portrait mode. TeleNav GPS Navigator can be used in either mode.
Power/End button
OK key
Menu key
Volume buttons

HTC 8925

The controls on the HTC 8925 are similar to the 8525. The 8925 features a screen that can tilt and an internal Bluetooth GPS receiver.
Menu key
OK key
Power/End button
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Samsung BlackJack 2

Icons on the Blackjack 2 screen are laid out differently, so the screenshots throughout the document are slightly different than what’s on the actual device. Application functions are still the same.
Menu key
OK key
Power/End button
Function key

5. Installin g TeleNav Maps

Before installing TeleNav Maps, be sure you have a data plan from your carrier. To set up a data plan, call your carrier’s Customer Support. See the “Customer Support” section on Page
To download TeleNav Maps onto your device, open an Internet Explorer window and type in the following OTA address:
Then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the download. Please see the carrier- and device-specific Quick­Start Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to install or remove the TeleNav Maps application. Instruction manuals can be found in the Support section of the TeleNav website:
56 for contact information.
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6. Launching TeleNav Maps

To launch TeleNav, find the TeleNav icon on the device’s Program menu and select it.
After starting TeleNav, the splash screen appears for a few seconds.


The next screen will collect your login information. Your phone number is automatically generated. Your phone number MUST be the same as your carrier phone number beginning with area code so that when you call the Voice Address Input System, you will not need to type it in. Correct the number if it is not accurate.
Type in your first and last name and click Login.
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If you already have a TeleNav account set up, the application will ask you for a password. Please type in the 4-digit code that was sent to you through SMS or email.
When the device reaches the TeleNav servers with a valid phone number, the device will be registered to use TeleNav and will only present the splash screen and Warning screens in the future. Visiting changing the PIN will require you to repeat the above registration process. and

Wa rning Screen

This next screen presents a warning for usage safety. If you agree to the conditions, click Go.

Product T our

If you choose to continue, a pop-up screen will offer to give you a brief tour of TeleNav. Choose Yes to view a tour of TeleNav Maps key features. To go directly to the application, choose No.
NOTE: The product tour is only displayed the first time you log into TeleNav and does not appear for subsequent logins. You can always access the Product Tour again in the Tools/Extras menu.
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You will next come to the TeleNav Maps Main Menu.

7. Using TeleNav Maps

You can use TeleNav Maps for many business and personal functions, including:
Finding businesses, churches, schools, government offices, police and fire stations, etc.
Getting static driving directions to virtually anywhere in the United States.
Making reservations at restaurants, motels, and hotels.
Sharing an address with friends so that they can get directions to that address.
As a replacement for paper maps.
As a personal information manager to keep a My Favorites list of places that you have visited or
For example, you can use TeleNav Maps to find a motel, save the motel’s location to your My Favorites list so you can easily find it again later, call it and make reservations, then get turn-by-turn directions to the motel.
You can also search for a particular type of business closest to a location of your choosing. For example, you could search for a Mexican restaurant closest to the motel at which you have just made reservations.
In addition, you can also search for locations along your route. For example, you can search for all of the gas stations that sell your favorite brand of gas on your route between Dallas and Houston.
See the Quick Start section below for tutorials that show you how to use TeleNav Maps features. For an overview of the menu options, see the TeleNav Maps Menus section on page

Quick Start

The tutorials in this section can help you quickly do the following:
Get driving directions (see page
Change driving direction options such as your origin, destination, or route style (see page
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Change driving direction views such as Turn Maps, Map Summary, or Route Summary (see page 27).
Enter a Drive To address by typing (see page
Save locations to your My Favorites list so you can find them later (see page
Delete locations from your My Favorites list (see page
Select recent locations from your Recent Places list (see page
Search the Directory to find businesses, churches, schools, government offices, police and fire
stations, and other entities (see page
View maps of your route (see page
Call locations that you have found, such as restaurants, motels, stores, etc. (see page
Take an incoming call when you are using TeleNav Maps (see page
Change your PIN number (see page
Interruption other phone services (see page
Exit the TeleNav Maps application (see page

8. T eleN av Map s Menu Overv ie w

This section gives you a brief overview of the TeleNav Maps menus.

Main Menu

The TeleNav Maps Main Menu options are:
Drive To
Tools & Extras
Upgrade to GPS Navigator
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Drive To Menu

Use Drive To and select from a variety of ways to navigate to a chosen address. The Drive To Menu options are:
My Favorites - Places that you have found and saved in the past so you can quickly access them.
Recent - TeleNav Maps automatically saves all of the places that you:
1.) Found in a Directory (Business) search, 2.) Viewed as a map, or 3.) Located using a street address, intersection, city, or airport.
Business - Search the directory and find the addresses and phone numbers of businesses. Once you find what you are looking for, you can get driving or walking directions, place a call, view a map, or save it to your My Favorites list.
Address - Enter a street address by typing. You can leave the address field blank and type in a city name to get directions to the center of the city.
Intersection - Enter an intersection by typing.
Airport - Quickly find airports by typing in the name or 3-letter code.
For more information about using the Drive To Menu, see page
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Search Menu

The Search menu provides you with a few different ways to find the addresses and phone numbers of businesses such as restaurants, motels, gas stations, churches, schools, government offices, and police and fire stations.
You have the following options in the Search menu:
Spell Name – Type in a keyword for the search.
Recent – Access a list of the businesses you have recently viewed.
Food/Coffee – Search from a variety of categorized restaurants.
Gas Stations – Search for nearby gas stations.
Gas By Price – Find the cheapest gas in your area.
Banks/ATM – Search for nearby banks.
Hotels/Motels – Search for nearby hotels and motels.
Parking – Search for nearby parking facilities.
Other – Search the Directory by categories. Press the plus (+) sign to expand a category and the
minus sign (-) to collapse it.
For more information about using the Search Menu, see page
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Maps Menu

You can use the Maps menu to view a map for one of the following:
A Favorite Place
A Recent Place
A Business (this is the same as the Search menu option)
An Address
An Intersection
An Airport
See page
34 for full details on these features.

Tools/Extras Menu

The Tools/Extras menu gives you options for setting your preferences and other features. See page on these features.
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35 for full details
The Tools/Extras Menu options are:
Share Address – Share an address with friends on their mobile device.
My Favorites – Manage your Favorites list by renaming or deleting the items.
Manage Contacts – Manage your contacts by organizing them into categories or editing contact
Refer a Friend – Invite another person to try the TeleNav Maps service.
Preferences – Set your preferred options for the TeleNav Maps application.
About - View information such as your TeleNav Maps version number, the TeleNav Customer Support
phone number, and your account information. You can also take a Product Tour.
Upgrade to TeleNav GPS Navigator – Click this button to upgrade your account to a full application that gives you turn-by-turn GPS navigation instructions, voice-input for address entry, audio and visual traffic alerts, and more. For more information, see “Upgrading to TeleNav GPS Navigator” on page
9. Drive To Menu
There are several ways to get driving directions to a desired location.
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1. Select the Drive To option from the TeleNav Maps Main Menu. Then select one of the Drive To menu options shown below.
2. Select Search from the TeleNav Maps Main Menu, search for a location, and select Drive To (see page
3. Select Maps from the TeleNav Maps Main Menu. When the map is displayed, select “Menu >> Go To Cursor” or Drive To.
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To use the Drive To menu, do the following steps:
1. Select Drive To on the TeleNav Maps Main Menu.
2. Select one of the following options from the Drive To menu as shown in the illustration to the right and discussed below.
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