Telenav Alltel Supported Devices User Manual v4.7

TeleNav v4.7
GPS Navigation Sui te BlackBerry 8703™
©2003-2006 TeleNav, Inc. All rights reserved. TeleNav is a trademark of T eleNav, In c. T he Blac k Ber r y and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks or registered trademarks of Resear ch In Motion Lim ited. All ot her tradem arks or register ed trademark s are acknowledg ed as the exclusive property of their respective owners.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose, without prior written consent from TeleNav, Inc. TeleNav, Inc. hereby grants the right to download one copy of this manual onto a hard drive for personal use. This manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary information that is subject to change without notice. For more information, visit
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Table of Contents

1. Safety and Legal Notices......................................................................................................6
2. Getting Started with TeleNav...............................................................................................7
TeleNav Account......................................................................................................................7
Software Installation.................................................................................................................7
Network Access........................................................................................................................ 7
BIS .....................................................................................................................................7
MDS................................................................................................................................... 8
3. The BlackBerry 8703 Controls ............................................................................................ 9
4. Launching TeleNav.............................................................................................................. 10
Terms of Use...................................................................................................................11
5. Addresses .............................................................................................................................13
Recent Addresses..................................................................................................................13
Keying in an Address.............................................................................................................14
Voice Address Input...............................................................................................................14
Using an Airport as an address.............................................................................................15
Using Biz Finder to find a business address.........................................................................15
Address Book.........................................................................................................................16
6. Using TeleNav ......................................................................................................................17
The TeleNav Menu.................................................................................................................17
Navigation and Directions......................................................................................................17
GPS Origin Refinement ..................................................................................................18
Guidance Instructions .....................................................................................................18
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3D Map View...................................................................................................................18
2D Map View...................................................................................................................20
Turn Arrows and Corner Map.........................................................................................20
Audible Messages...........................................................................................................21
Audio Replay...................................................................................................................22
Miss a turn?.....................................................................................................................22
Preview and Driving Directions Modes..........................................................................22
Web address entry.................................................................................................................23
Address validation..................................................................................................................23
BIZ Finder...............................................................................................................................23
Business Name Only ...................................................................................................... 24
Category Search.............................................................................................................24
Name and Category Combined .....................................................................................24
Picking a Business..........................................................................................................25
GPS Tools ..............................................................................................................................26
Compass .........................................................................................................................26
Mark a Waypoint.............................................................................................................26
Relative Location.............................................................................................................27
Deleting Favorites and Recent Stops ............................................................................27
Maps .......................................................................................................................................28
Preferences ............................................................................................................................29
Activity Messages...................................................................................................................30
Taking an Incoming Call ........................................................................................................30
Switching Between Applications............................................................................................31
Calendar and e-Mail Events ..................................................................................................31
7. Removing TeleNav from your BlackBerry ......................................................................31
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8. Error Conditions ..................................................................................................................32
Unable to reach TeleNav server............................................................................................32
Account Not Found ................................................................................................................32
Account Cancelled .................................................................................................................32
Invalid Login............................................................................................................................32
Please input password...........................................................................................................32
Please input phone number...................................................................................................33
Password needs 4 digits........................................................................................................ 33
Phone number needs 10 digits..............................................................................................33
Your account has expired......................................................................................................33
Account in use........................................................................................................................33
Trial Expired............................................................................................................................ 33
Radio Off.................................................................................................................................33
Radio Signal Weak.................................................................................................................33
Low battery.............................................................................................................................34
No GPS Data..........................................................................................................................34
GPS Signal Weak..................................................................................................................34
TeleNav Not Available ...........................................................................................................34
TeleNav Encountered an Error..............................................................................................34
Unable to generate a route....................................................................................................34
Favorites list is full ..................................................................................................................34
Waypoints list is full ................................................................................................................34
9. Exiting TeleNav .................................................................................................................... 35
10. The TeleNav Website ..........................................................................................................35
Account Management............................................................................................................35
Customer Service...................................................................................................................35
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11. FAQ’s .....................................................................................................................................35
12. Customer Support...............................................................................................................36
TeleNav Technical Support...................................................................................................36
ALLTEL Wireless ...................................................................................................................36
13. TeleNav Services Warranty................................................................................................36
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TeleNav™ 4.7 utilizes the Java™ programming environment and access to your carrier’s data network for the Research in Motion BlackBerry 8703. TeleNav features:
GPS navigation that punctually guides you turn-by-turn to any destination address in the Continental US. If you miss a turn or get off-track, TeleNav will calculate a new route for you. You can enter one or more destination addresses by calling an automatic voice recognition system, entering them on the TeleNav website, keying them directly into the handheld or by pulling them directly from the BlackBerry Address Book. Optionally, you can input a remote origin and receive Driving Directions from that origin address to the selected destination address.
A Business Finder feature that allows you to find businesses or points of interest near your current location, around a waypoint, around an entered address, or around an airport. You can call the business first to check availability of an item, or get a reservation, and then navigate to it; or you can save the address for use later in the day.
Maps of the area around your current location, a marked waypoint, or an address you enter manually or have previously entered. You can pan (adjust left/right or up/down) the map, and zoom in or out. You can also mark a point under the cursor as a waypoint.
A viewer that displays your current location relative to a selected waypoint and to navigate relative to that selected w ay p oi nt .
The ability to mark the current location as a waypoint that can be labeled.
A compass-like indicator presenting your direction of travel, location, and speed.
The ability to personalize the application by selecting the use of US customary or metric distance units, volume
and backlight level, timing of displayed graphics, etc.
TeleNav’s servers support these enhanced services via the carrier’s data network.

1. Safety and Legal No tices

Please read this se ction care fully be fore us ing Te leNa v
TeleNav will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for accidents resulting from failure to observe common sense precautions. Your personal judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over any driving direction produced by TeleNav.
WARNING: Keep your eyes on the road.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to keep your eyes on the road and be an alert driver at all times, ESPECIALLY when the vehicle is moving. The vehicle operator should not be distracted by the application displays, audible cues, or manually interacting with the controls. When you need to enter data on your handheld using the keypad or study the display, please do so while the vehicle is parked, not while in motion. Should your ability to drive responsibly be decreased, please turn off the device.
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WARNING: Install the equipment safely.
If you are using a handheld mounting kit, make sure that it does not obscure your vision. You may wish to charge the handheld while using TeleNav. If so, make sure the charging cable does not interfere with any of the vehicle controls.
WARNING: Drive safely and use common sense.
The vehicle operator’s personal judgment, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over the instructions provided by TeleNav.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to drive safely, observe all traffic rules and above all use your own personal judgment while driving. If you feel that a route suggested by the navigation software instructs you to perform an unsafe or illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe situation, or routes you into an area which you consider unsafe, do not follow the instructions.

2. Getting Started with T eleNa v

The TeleNav application that resides within your BlackBerry requires a TeleNav subscription and means of accessing the public Internet. Consult the TeleNav GSMBB Quick Start Guide for more information.

TeleNav Account

You can establish a TeleNav account by visiting

Software Ins tallation

TeleNav can be downloaded directly onto your BlackBerry using the Internet Browser that is installed on your BlackBerry.
NOTE: This approach may take 5-30 minutes depending on the wireless network.
1. Launch the Internet or BlackBerry browser, and click the trackwheel to expose the menus. Select “Go to…”.
2. Input the OTA download link: // Click the trackwheel again and select OK.
After the download process has completed successfully, locate the TeleNav application icon on the handset menu.

Network Acce ss

TeleNav uses the public Internet to access its servers for mapping, routing, and search services from your handheld device. There are three different network settings for you to select from. Wait 90 seconds after turning your BlackBerry on to allow these services options to register.
TeleNav recommends using BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) as it will allow you to access the Internet even while roaming. To verify the required service book is present, and/or to add it:
Go to the BlackBerry home screen by pressing the Escape button on the side a few times.
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Highlight Settings, and click the trackwheel button.
Highlight Options, and click the trackwheel button. Highlight Advanced Options, and click the trackwheel
Go to Service Book and click the trackwheel button. Verify that the BlackBerry Internet Browsing Service (BIBS) book is enabled.
If the BIBS book is not available, Escape back to Options and highlight Host Routing Table (HRT), then click the trackwheel.
Click the trackwheel on the HRT Editor menu and select Register Now. After the registration is complete check the Service Book menu and verify that BIBS is provisioned.
If this activity does not result in the BIBS service book being provisioned, contact your carrier’s technical support team at the number provided below, or use one of the options that follow.
If you are not using your BlackBerry for e-mail services you will need to add a data plan to your billing account. You can add either an individual BlackBerry e-mail plan, or simply a network data plan. You will need to contact your carrier’s technical support team to add this data service, and to confirm the Access Path Name (APN) gateway is active.
If you are using your BlackBerry for corporate e-mail via a BlackBerry Exchange Server (BES), then you should consult your IT department BES administrator about allowing you to use Mobile Data Service (MDS) as a means to access the Internet. Your BES administrator will have to enable MDS.
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3. The BlackBerry 8703 Controls

Headset jack USB port
Power button Speaker button
ESCape button
DELete key
Space key
Enter key
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4. Launching TeleNav

If you are using an icon theme, to launch TeleNav on your handheld, highlight the TeleNav “turn ahead” icon on the BlackBerry home screen, and press the trackwheel.
If you are using a list theme, scroll down to Applications, and enter the applications menu. Then scroll down to “TeleNav 4”
After starting TeleNav, the banner screen will appear for a few seconds.
You must grant TeleNav access to the network so it can authenticate your account, fetch maps, get navigation routes, and search for businesses.
When you see the challenge to the right, or the one below, use the trackwheel to highlight the checkbox allowing TeleNav to have access to all connections. Then scroll down to “Allow this Connection”, and press the trackwheel to continue. If you click on “Deny this connection”, TeleNav subscription functions will not function. You will have to reset the BlackBerry’s firewall to allow you the opportunity to correct choosing “Deny this Connection.”
TeleNav’s icon
You may need to click “Allow this Connection” twice for it to take effect. NOTE: Your BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ administrator can set network
access policies to challenge TeleNav’s attempting to establish a network connection, or deny it altogether. If you are using MDS, make sure your administrator configures the BES to enable MDS for your BlackBerry PIN.
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You will then be asked to set your language preference settings. Your choice will directly effect the language displayed through-out the application and the audible directions.
TIP: The Locale settings can be subsequently modified in the Preferences menu.

Terms of Use

Next, in order to continue the TeleNav registration process, you must agree to the Terms Of Use.
Click the trackwheel and select Accept + Log In to continue. NOTE: If you do not want to accept the TeleNav Terms Of Use, press the
trackwheel and select “Exit TeleNav.”


The next screen will collect your TeleNav account number and Password (also referred to in this documentation as PIN number). Use the trackwheel to move the cursor between the fields.
Your account number MUST be the same as your complete wireless phone starting with the area code (but not the “1” used for long distance dialing). Your PIN number can be a combination of any four digits.
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When you have finished entering the required fields, press the trackwheel and proceed by selecting Submit.
During your first use of TeleNav, the handset will download the audible and graphical content needed to build the displays and produce audible messages. The alert screen similar to that shown on the right advises you that this is taking place.
Do not interact with the BlackBerry while this download is in
progress. Wait for it to finish. When the download is completed, you will see the TeleNav Home Menu.
NOTE: If after you press the trackwheel, the TeleNav application indicates that it cannot reach the TeleNav servers, the most likely reason is that your carrier data service plan is not yet active.
From time to time, TeleNav may update audible or graphical content, and will advise you accordingly. When the download is completed, TeleNav will display the activity screen to the right while TeleNav places the information into its archive.
NOTE: If your TeleNav account is not active, you will be notified at this point and will be directed to go to en av . co m to extend your service agreement. You will not be able to progress beyond this point until your
account is returned to current status. You may also see an important message from TeleNav regarding upgrades, scheduled downtime, pending account expiration, etc.
When the handheld reaches the TeleNav servers with a valid and active phone number and PIN, the handheld will be registered to use TeleNav, and will not present any of the above screens except the splash screen in the future. Visiting and changing the PIN will require you to repeat the above registration process.
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