Telenav Alltel Supported Devices User Manual v5.0

TeleNav GPS Navigator™ v5.0
GPS Navigation Suite for Motorola V3m
Available on the Alltel network
User’s Guide
No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose, without prior written consent from TeleNav, Inc. TeleNav, Inc. hereby grants the right to download one copy of this manual onto a hard drive for personal use. This manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary information that is subject to change without notice. For more information visit
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Table of Contents
1. Welcome...........................................................................................................................................................5
2. Safety and Legal Notices...............................................................................................................................5
3. Data Service Options......................................................................................................................................6
4. The Phone Controls........................................................................................................................................6
5. Turning On Location Setting.........................................................................................................................8
6. Launching the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application..................................................................................8
7. Using the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application.........................................................................................10
Quick Start...........................................................................................................................................................11
Get Driving Directions (Drive To) ................................................................................................................12
My Favorites..........................................................................................................................................14
Recent Places.......................................................................................................................................15
Airports ..................................................................................................................................................17
Initial Driving Directions................................................................................................................................17
GPS Origin Refinement...............................................................................................................................18
Audible Guidance Tones.............................................................................................................................18
Miss a Turn?.................................................................................................................................................18
Navigation Views..........................................................................................................................................19
Turn Icons Only.....................................................................................................................................20
2D Map..................................................................................................................................................20
3D Map..................................................................................................................................................20
Route Summary....................................................................................................................................21
Map Summary.......................................................................................................................................21
Search Along.........................................................................................................................................21
Navigation Options.......................................................................................................................................22
Enter a Drive To Address............................................................................................................................23
Enter an Address by Typing.................................................................................................................23
Enter an Address by Speaking.............................................................................................................24
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Save a Location to My Favorites.................................................................................................................25
Delete a Location from My Favorites..........................................................................................................27
Select a Recent Place..................................................................................................................................27
Search the Directory....................................................................................................................................29
View Maps....................................................................................................................................................30
Make a Phone Call from the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application...........................................................32
Taking an Incoming Call..............................................................................................................................33
Change your PIN number............................................................................................................................33
Interruption of Other Services......................................................................................................................33
Exit the TeleNav GPS Navigator Application .............................................................................................34
TeleNav GPS Navigator Menus.........................................................................................................................34
Main Menu....................................................................................................................................................34
Drive To Menu..............................................................................................................................................35
Directory Menu.............................................................................................................................................36
View Maps Menu .........................................................................................................................................37
Tools/Extras Menu.......................................................................................................................................37
Record Location....................................................................................................................................38
Contact ..................................................................................................................................................40
Give Feedback......................................................................................................................................40
About .....................................................................................................................................................40
8. The TeleNav Website....................................................................................................................................41
Available Without Logging In..............................................................................................................................41
My TeleNav .........................................................................................................................................................41
9. Error Conditions............................................................................................................................................41
Account Cancelled..............................................................................................................................................41
Account Not Found .............................................................................................................................................42
GPS Signal Weak ...............................................................................................................................................42
Invalid Login.........................................................................................................................................................42
No GPS Data.......................................................................................................................................................42
Please input password........................................................................................................................................42
Please input phone number................................................................................................................................42
Password needs 4 digits.....................................................................................................................................42
Phone number needs 10 digits...........................................................................................................................42
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TeleNav GPS Navigator Encountered An Error................................................................................................42
TeleNav GPS Navigator Not Available..............................................................................................................42
Trial Expired.........................................................................................................................................................43
Unable to generate a route.................................................................................................................................43
Unable to login.....................................................................................................................................................43
Your account has expired...................................................................................................................................43
10. FAQ .................................................................................................................................................................43
11. TeleNav GPS Navigator Customer S upport..............................................................................................44
12. TeleNav Serv ices Warranty..........................................................................................................................44
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1. Welcome
The TeleNav GPS Navigator™ application on your phon e uses GPS position det ermination tech nology and access to your carrier’s data network to provide you with driving directions and a ho st of other servi ces including:
GPS navigation that gives you turn-by-turn directions to any de stination address i n the continental
United States. If you miss a turn or get off-track, TeleNav GPS Navig ator will calculate a new route for you. You can enter a destination address by using Te leNav GPS Navigator’s aut omatic voice recognition system or by typing on the pho ne’s keypad.
A Directory feature that allows you to find businesses or points of interest near your cu rrent
location, near an airport, near a waypoint or near any oth er entered ad dress. You can easily call the business that you’ve found to check on the avail ability of an item or to make a reservation. You can navigate to the business location now or sav e the address for l ater use.
Maps of the area around your current location, around a marked waypoint, or around an address
that you had previously entered. You can pan the map (adjust left, right, up or down) and zoom in or out. You can also mark a point under th e cursor as a way point.
The ability to personalize your application prefe rences by sel ecting US customa ry or metric
distance units, the language for audibl e guidance, an d so on.
A compass-like indicator presenting your direction of travel, location, and speed.
You can also use many of TeleNav GPS Navigator’s features on the TeleNav website, like getting
driving directions (Route Planning) and using th e Directory to find bu sinesses, church es, schools and government offices. You can also use the T eleNav website to add an a ddress to your My Favorites list, manage your My Favorites and Recent Place s lists, and shop at t he TeleNav Store.
2. Safety and Legal Notices
Please read this section carefully before using TeleNav GPS Navigator
TeleNav, Inc. will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for accidents resulting from failure to observe common sense precautions. Your personal judgme nt, traffic regulations, and common sense mu st always take pre cedence over any driving direction produced by TeleNav GPS Nav igator.
WARNING: Keep your eyes on the road.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to keep your eyes on the road and be an alert driver at all times, ESPECIALLY when the vehicle is moving. The vehicle operator should not be distracted by the application displays, by audible cues, or by manually interacting with the controls. When yo u need to enter dat a on your phone using the keypad or study the displ ay, only do so whil e the vehicle is parked, not while the vehicl e is in motion. T urn off your phone if your ability to drive responsibly is decreased by using the TeleNav GPS Navigator application.
WARNING: Install the equipment safely .
If you are using a phone mounting kit, make sure that it does not obscu re your vision. You m ay wish to charge t he phone while using TeleNav GPS Navigator. If so, make sure t hat the charging ca ble does not int erfere with any of the vehicle’s controls.
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WARNING: Drive safely and use common sens e.
The vehicle operator’s personal judgment, traffic regulation s, and common se nse must alway s take precedence over the instructions provided by TeleNav, Inc.
It is your responsibility as the vehicle operator to drive safely, observ e all traffic rule s, and use your own p ersonal judgment while driving. If you feel that a route suggested by the navigation software in structs you to pe rform an unsafe or illegal maneuver, places you in an unsafe sit uation, or ro utes you into an area whi ch you consider t o be unsafe, do not follow the navigation inst ruction s.
3. Data Service Options
The TeleNav GPS Navigator application that you install on you r phone requires publi c Internet access, which is typically provided by your carrier’s data network.
The TeleNav GPS Navigator application on your phone communicate s with the TeleNav GPS Navigator se rvers to get routing, maps and points of interest via your carri er’s data network. You do not need to purchase a dditional data services if you already have a data or email servi ces plan for your phone. However, if you do not already have a data or email services plan, you must order one from your carrier so yo u can use the TeleNav GPS Navigator application.
1866-ALLTEL7 (1-866-255-8357)
4. The Phone Controls
The following keys on your phone are referen ced in this manual as follows: Left softkey The key in the upper left corner of the keypad with the minu s sign (“__”).
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The left softkey performs the function directly abov e it on the menu bar a t the bottom of the screen of the TeleNav GPS Navigator application. The lef t softkey is typically used to go back one screen, close a screen or exit the application. In the illustration below, the left softkey takes you back to the previous screen (the TeleNav GPS Navigator Main M enu).
Right softkey The key in the upper right corner of the keypad with the minus sign (“__”). The right softkey
performs the function directly above it on the m enu bar at the bottom of the screen of the TeleNav GPS Navigator application.
The right softkey is typically used as a Yes or Go command (usually the same as pressing the OK button), although sometimes it opens a speci al menu or puts th e keypad in a different mode. For example, the right softkey switches yo u between alpha an d numeric mod es when you type information in a text field. In the illustration above, the rig ht softkey exe cutes the Go command and takes you to the My Favorites screen.
CLR button The CLR button is located below the right soft key. For consistency th roughout the Tele Nav
GPS Navigator application, consider using the left softkey instead of the CLR button to go back to the previous screen. The CLR button is normally only used to del ete entries in a te xt field.
OK button The Menu/OK button in the center of the circular navigation key. Navigation keys The circular navigation key that surrounds the OK button. The navigation key has four possible
choices—left, right, up, and down. These are referred to as the left navigation key, the right navigation key, the up navigation key and the down navig ation key.
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END key The END key returns you to the Alltel Home screen. Pressing and holding the END key turns off
the phone.
Speaker Turn the speaker on by pressing and holding the butt on at the upper-right side of the device
until the “Speakerphone On” message b ox appears.
5. Turning On Location Setting
For TeleNav GPS Navigator to work, you must set your phone ’s Location Setti ng to “Location On” by following the steps outlined below:
1. Go to phone’s home screen.
Press the MENU button.
Select Settings. Select System.
Select Location.
Select “Location On. Press OK.
See that now appears in the phone’s status bar.
6. Launching the T eleNav GPS Na vigator Application
To launch the TeleNav GPS Navigator application on your phone, d o the following step s:
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1. Turn on your phone.
2. Select the Main Menu icon when the Preview screen app ears.
Note: If you are doing another function on your phon e and want to go to the Preview screen so you can launch the TeleNav GPS Navigator application, press the END key once. As mentioned earlier, if you hold the END key down too long, it may shut off the phone.
3. Select the My Content icon.
4. Select Applications in the My Content menu.
5. The TeleNav GPS Navigator splash screen appears.
6. The following message appears: “Extend your phone’s antenn a. Turn on its speaker if possible.”
Extend your phone’s antenna and turn on t he speaker if it is not already on. Then select the OK button.
To turn the speaker on press the speaker butto n located on th e right side of the device.
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7. A warning message appears with a message similar to the foll owing:
“Do not maneuver this application while driving. You assume all risks of using this application in your vehicle.”
Press the left softkey to reject this warning and exit application startup, or press the right softkey to accept this warning and start the TeleNav GPS Navigator.
8. The TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu appears, displaying the following menu options:
Drive To
View Maps
7. Using the T eleNa v GPS Naviga tor Application
You can use the TeleNav GPS Navigator for many bu siness and perso nal functions incl uding:
Finding businesses, churches, schools, governm ent offices, police and fire station s, etc.
Getting audible and visual driving directions to virtually anywhere in the United States within an
Alltel coverage area.
Making reservations at restaurants, mot els and hote ls.
As a replacement for paper maps.
As a personal information manager to ke ep a My Favorites li st of places that you’ve v isited or
For example, you can use the TeleNav GPS Navigator to find a motel, save the m otel’s locati on to your My Favorites list so you can easily find it again later, call it an d make reserv ations, then get audibl e turn-by-turn a nd visual directions to the motel.
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You can also search for a particular type of busine ss closest to your current lo cation or clos est to another lo cation. For example, you could search for a Mexican re staurant closest t o your current location or clo sest to the motel at which you just made reservations.
In addition, you can also search for locations along yo ur route. For example, you can search for all of the gas stations that sell your favorite brand of gas on your route bet ween Dalla s and Houston.
See the Quick Start section on page 11 for tutorials that show you how t o use TeleNav GPS Navigat or’s features. For an overview of the menu options, see the TeleNav GPS Navigator Menus section on pag e 34.
Quick Start
The tutorials in this section get you up and runn ing quickly so you can :
Get driving directions (see page 12).
Get initial driving directions (see page 17).
Refine your GPS point of origin (see page 18).
Understand the meaning of various audibl e guidance tone s (see page 18).
Miss a turn? (see page 18).
Change navigation options like your origin, destination or rout e style (see page 17).
Learn about navigation views like map options, itin erary lists and searching for lo cations along a
route (see page 18).
Enter a Drive To address by typing or speaking (see page 23).
Save locations to your My Favorites list so you can find them later (see pag e 25).
Delete locations from your My Favorites list (see page 27).
Select recent locations from your Recent Places list (see page 2 7).
Search the Directory to find businesses, churches, schools, government offices, police and fire
stations and other entities (see page 29).
View maps (see page 18).
Call locations that you’ve found like rest aurants, mot els, stores and so on (se e page 32).
Take an incoming call when you’re using TeleNav GPS Navigator (see page 33).
Change your PIN number (see page 33).
Interruption of other phone services (see page 33).
Exit the TeleNav GPS Navigator application (see page 34).
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Get Driving Directions (Drive To )
There are three ways to get driving directions to a de sired location (follow the “see page” cros s references for details about these features).
1. Select the Drive To option from the TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu. Then select one of the seven Driv e To menu options shown below (see page 1 3).
2. Select Directory from the TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu. Search for a location and select Drive To (see page 13).
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3. Select View Maps from the TeleNav Navigator Main Menu and select one of the seven menu options in the Maps screen shown below:
Or, from an Address screen, select View Map > A ction > Driv e To (see page 31)
To use the Drive To menu, do the following steps:
1. Select Drive To from the TeleNav GPS Navigator Main Menu.
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2. Select one of the following options from the Drive To menu as shown in the illustration to the right and discussed below.
My Favorites
In the My Favorites screen, press the down navigati on key until you highlight your desired location. Then pre ss the OK button.
Your My Favorites list can grow to an unlimited le ngth. If your My Favorites list gets very large, it may be easier to use the Find function to find your desired Favorite. To use the Fi nd function, e nter one or more alphanumeric characters in the Find text box and press the OK button.
You have four options when you select a Favorite: get driving or walking directions, view a map of this location, ren ame the Favorit e, or delete the Favorite.
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