11.3.1 Generating the Moreph30.rfcapp file ............................................................ 133
11.3.2 Generating the Sapphire.sta file ................................................................... 133
11.3.3 Standalone test script file format .................................................................. 133
11.4 Control ................................................................................................................ 134
12 Native Language Programming .............................................................................. 134
7 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
2 Overview.
TLF3000 is a wideband, ultra-high dynamic range 2.4 GHz software-defined receiver, signal
analyzer and signal generator. It captures and analyzes the entire 2402-2480 MHz band
simultaneously. It can also generate arbitrary waveforms occupying the band 2395-2485
MHz with a maximum peak level of 0 dBm. Additionally, it includes a CW signal generator
covering 25MHz to 6GHz with an output level of -50 dBm to -28 dBm
Sapphire is a Bluetooth® 5 LE application for the TLF3000 software-defined receiver, signal
analyzer and signal generator. The Sapphire application can:
1. Perform all phy level tests as specified in Bluetooth Low Energy RF Phy Test
Specification (with minor restrictions). Testing beyond the limits of the specification is
also supported.
2. Act as a signal generator, creating all necessary signals for receiver testing including
signals outside the specification as well as supplemental data for AoA/AoD testing.
Signals as weak as -120 dBm can be generated for testing long range modes.
3. Act as a signal analyzer, performing transmitter tests on conducted or off-air signals
without knowledge of the payload format or hopping sequence. Test coverage
includes AoA/AoD supplemental data.
4. Generate advertising or scan request packets to provoke activity from items on a
production line and analyze the captured packets.
The application has been honed for speed. The ability to perform in-band emission tests
over the entire 2.4 GHz band in just a few milliseconds is particularly impressive. T h is is
possible due to TLF3000unique parallel architecture.
A key feature of the unit is its ability to perform C/I, receiver selectivity and intermodulation
tests without the need for additional test equipment. This is possible due to TLF3000 ultralinear wideband signal generator. This permits both wanted and interfering signals to be
generated through the same signal path. The high linearity and low noise floor ensure that
there is ample dynamic range to encompass both the wanted and interfering signals.
Furthermore, high fidelity filtering of the interfering signals ensures that they are correctly
bandlimited and that unwanted sidebands are not responsible for test failures; this is
frequently overlooked when external test equipment is used to provide these signals. The
single signal path also removes the need for time consuming and laborious calibration of
signal combiners as well as eliminating the need to ensure that the injected interfering and
wanted signals do not generate intermodulation products before arriving at the DUT.
Unique to TLF3000 is a 25 MHz t o 6 GHz signal generator. This enables the majority of the
receiver blocking performance to be explored prior to committing the DUT for formal
inspection at a test house with its associated costs.
8 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Control method
Digital IO
Native language
Sapphire GUI
The Sapphire application is highly parameterised, permitting it to be configured for different
scenarios. For example:
1. The unit will function with arbitrary access addresses, allowing multiple devices to be
tested simultaneously without cross-talk.
2. The unit may be controlled directly from a host machine via USB or Ethernet, or
operated stand-alone with digital IO used to start, stop and report test results.
3. The DUT may be controlled directly from the unit or via a common host platform.
3 Control.
3.1 Overview
Sapphire can be controlled in three ways:
Table 1: Methods of Controlling Sapphire
3.2 Native language
The TLF3000 supervisor program and Sapphire application can be controlled via a simple
native language. The native language provides a convenient means of controlling Sapphire
for high level host languages, such as Python. The native language exposes all the features
supported by Sapphire.
The native language relies on three control channels:
1. Command Control channel. Transfers commands from the host to Sapphire.
2. Command Response channel. Contains the response from Sapphire for the
command issued on the Command Control channel. There is one response for every
command issued.
3. Data channel. Transfers asynchronous data from Sapphire to the host.
If a USB interface is used, then these three channels map to three USB endpoints. If an
Ethernet interface is used, then the first two channels map to one TCP/IP socket whilst the
data channel maps to a second TCP/IP socket.
It is possible to utilise both the USB and Ethernet interfaces simultaneously.
9 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
DUT control
Test control
Tx Test
Rx Test
Phy layer
Signal generator
Signal analyzer
Digital IO
3.3 Sapphire GUI
A GUI is shipped with the Sapphire application. This permits the application to be controlled
via a host running Windows, Linux or OS X. The GUI connects to the TLF3000 either over
USB or Ethernet. The GUI exposes the majority of the Sapphire functionality.
The GUI may also be used to generate test script files in a format which can be used by
native language programs.
3.4 Standalone
By placing the Sapphire image on a USB memory stick and attaching it to the TLF3000 USB
port, it is possible to run Sapphire without the need for a host computer. In this mode of
operation, the test script to be executed is contained on the USB memory stick. Control of
Sapphire is accomplished by toggling digital IO and pass/fail results are communicated back
by Sapphire setting digital IO.
4 Operating Modes.
4.1 Overview
Sapphire has five operating modes:
Table 2: Sapphire operating modes overview.
4.2 Phy layer tester
The phy layer mode executes tests in accordance with the Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test
Specification. The tests to be performed are entered into a script which is then executed by
Sapphire. The DUT is automatically controlled by Sapphire via a serial interface.
All tests are fully parameterised, permitting exploration of margi n against the Bluetooth 5
specification or datasheet figures.
4.3 Signal Generator
The signal generator mode permits manual control over all the signal sources used in the
Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test Specification. Any combination of the following signals can be
generated simultaneously:
10 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
1. Packetized LE test signal
2. Continuously modulated GFSK signal
3. In-band CW signal
4. Out-of-band CW signal.
All signal sources are fully parameterised.
4.4 Signal Analyzer
The signal analyzer mode monitors all 40 LE channel simultaneously. Any packets which
match a specified access address are captured and analyzed in accordance with the
Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test Specification. Tests include the in-band emissions test, which
can be completed in as little as 2.5 ms.
If the captured packet is not a standard test packet, then an ‘off-air’ mode can be selected
which performs accurate approximations to the standard Bluetooth 5 LE RF tests but which
is agnostic to the packet payload. This permits RF test to be performed on live links.
The signal analyzer mode also permits the capture of raw IQ data.
4.5 Advertise/Scan
The advertise/scan mode permits RF testing of devices when there is no access to either
HCI or direct test mode. In this mode of operation, the DUT is provoked by Sapphire issuing
advertising or scan request packets. The sensitivity of the DUT can be deduced from the
signal level required to provoke a response, whilst the transmitter quality is ascertained by
analysing the packets sent by the DUT.
4.6 Standalone
The standalone mode permits Sapphire to be run without a USB or Ethernet connection. In
this mode of operation, the Sapphire image and test script are held on a memory stick which
is attached to the USB port of the TLF3000. The supervisor program on the TLF3000 will
automatically launch the Sapphire application which will then execute the test script held on
the memory stick. Control of the Sapphire application and signalling of pass/fail are
accomplished by the use of digital IO.
5 Launching the Sapphir e GUI.
In order to communicate with the TLF3000 unit, it is necessary to attach it to a host computer
via USB or Ethernet (or both). An Ethernet connection is only possible if the host computer
and TLF3000 unit reside on the same subnet. The TLF3000 IP address can be changed by
connecting it to a host computer via USB and using the Application Loader.
To launch the Sapphire GUI it is first necessary to run Application Loader. This should result
in the following screen being displayed:
11 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Figure 1: Application Loader main screen.
This screen indicates that the following TLF3000 devices have been discovered:
1. Serial number 00000067 connected via USB (highlighted)
2. Serial number 00000078 connected via USB
3. Serial number 00000067 connected via Ethernet (this device is shown twice)
The right hand side of the window has three tabs:
1. Apps. Shows which applications are licensed to run on this unit. It also permits the
loading of new licence keys.
2. Network. Shows the current network settings and permits these to be modified.
3. Info. Provides more information about the unit and permits the unit’s friendly name to
be modified. It also provides a means of updating the firmware on the unit.
To launch the Sapphire application open the “Apps” tab and then either:
1. Double click on the Sapphire application
2. Highlight the Sapphire application and then click the “Run App” button.
On launching the application, the searching cursor should stall, the fan on the TLF3000 unit
will start to spin and after a few seconds the Sapphire GUI will load.
6 Anatomy of the Sapphir e GUI.
6.1 Overview
The Sapphire GUI is composed of the following elements:
12 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
1. A tool bar along the top of the window
2. A monitor panel to the right of the window
3. A status bar at the bottom of the window
4. Mode tabs located immediately underneath the tool bar
5. A mode control panel to the left of the window
6. A graphics area
7. A scripting/tabular results area below the graphics area
Figure 2: Sapphire GUI
6.2 Toolbar
The toolbar contains the following elements:
6.2.1 Open and save
Opens and loads a settings file. Settings are saved individually for each mode of
operation. The appropriate settings file is automatically selected on the basis of the
current mode tab.
13 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Saves the settings or results. Settings are saved individually for each mode of operation.
The choice as to whether settings or results are saved is determined by the file extension
which is selected. This tool can also be used to save test scripts in the format required
by the native programming language.
6.2.2 Screen capture
Saves the current graphics area as an image file. A variety of image file formats are
Takes a screen shot of the GUI and saves as an image file. A variety of image file
formats are supported.
6.2.3 Zooming
Activates the cross-hair cursor which permits zooming within in the graphics area.
Depress the left mouse button whilst dragging the cursor to select the area to be
displayed. Clicking the right mouse button within the graphics area will give a list of
additional zoom options.
Zooms out within the graphics area. Clicking the right mouse button within the graphics
area will give a list of additional zoom options.
Pans within the graphics area. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to pan
anywhere within the graphics display.
14 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Pans along the x-axis within the graphics area. Hold down the left mouse button and
drag horizontally. This is particularly useful for examining long waveforms.
Pans along the y-axis within the graphics area. Hold down the left mouse button and
drag vertically.
6.2.4 Run and clear
Causes the currently selected mode to run. NOTE: the signal generator will not output
energy until this is clicked.
Stops the currently selected mode running. A running operation will automatically be
aborted if a different mode of operation is selected.
Clears the current results history. Not applicable in signal generator mode.
6.2.5 Help
Displays the online documentation in a pop-up window.
Displays version information.
15 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
6.2.6 Exit
6.3 Monitor panel
6.3.1 Overview
The purpose of the monitor panel is to permit the user to quickly ascertain whether:
1. There is RF energy being emitted from the unit
2. There is RF energy being received by the unit
Whenever the unit or DUT appears to be unable to receive, the monitor panel should always
be the first item to examine. Many problems can be quickly resolved with the information that
it displays.
The monitor panel also determines which RF port is being used and provides manual control
of the receiver front-end attenuation (not accessible in phy tester mode).
6.3.2 Output power
The output power gauge shows the energy being emitted by the TLF3000. The gauge is only
approximate and should not be used for accurate measurements.
The red arc indicates the overload region. If an overload does occur, this will be evident by
the ‘Output Power (dBm)’ label turning red and a warning message being displayed in the
status bar.
The output power gauge only shows the energy being emitted within the 2.4 GHz ISM band.
Energy from the out-of-band CW blocker is not included, even if its frequency lies within the
2.4 GHz ISM band.
6.3.3 Input power
The input power gauge shows the energy incident on the selected TLF3000 input port. The
gauge is only approximate and should not be used for accurate measurements.
The red arc indicates the overload region. If an overload does occur, this will be evident by
the ‘Input Power (dBm)’ label turning red and a warning message being displayed in the
status bar. It may be possible to remove a receiver overload condition by:
1. Adding additional receiver front-end attenuation using the control at the bottom of the
monitor panel (not accessible in phy tester mode)
16 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
2. Swapping to the ‘Tx/Rx’ RF port ff the ‘Monitor In’ RF port is being used. It is also
necessary to indicate which RF port is being used by setting the switch at the bottom
of the monitor panel.
The input power gauge only shows energy within the 2.4 GHz ISM band. F-bar filters at the
front of the receiver chain ensure other energy is eliminated and cannot block the receiver.
6.3.4 Input port
The input port switch selects which of the two RF input ports will be used:
1. The ‘Monitor In’ port is suitable for off-air monitoring and has a noise figure of 6 dB.
In benign environments no additional receiver front-end attenuation should be
required. However, in environments with strong Wi-Fi activity, it may be necessary to
add receiver front-end attenuation to prevent overload conditions.
2. The ‘T x/Rx’ port is suitable for conducted measurements. If the DUT is capable of
outputting more than +10 dBm, it may be necessary to add receiver front-end
attenuation to prevent overloading the receiver.
6.3.5 Input attenuation
These controls are used to select the receiver front-end attenuation. The attenuation may be
adjusted by:
1. Moving the slider
2. Using the up/down arrows on the spin box
3. Typing a numeric value into the spin box text area
The available attenuation range is 0 to 31.5 dB in steps of 0.5 dB.
6.4 Status bar
6.4.1 Overview
The status bar at the bottom of the window is divided into three areas:
1. Overload indicator
2. DUT connection status
3. Error message text
6.4.2 Overload indicator
The overload indicator will turn red when an overload condition occurs on either the transmit
output or the selected receiver input port. The text of the message will indicate where the
overload condition is occurring.
17 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
6.4.3 DUT connection status
The DUT connection status message indicates whether the Sapphire application believes it
currently has communication with a DUT via a serial interface.
6.4.4 Error message text
The error message text reflects the last error detected by the Sapphire application running
on the TLF3000unit. This message is cleared when either the ‘Run’ or ‘Clear’ buttons are
pressed, or when a different operating mode is selected.
6.5 Mode tabs
The operating mode is selected by the tabs immediately underneath the tool bar. The
following operating modes can be selected:
1. Phy tester
2. Signal generator
3. Signal analyzer
4. Advertise/Scan
In addition, it is possible to display a page showing the health of the TLF3000 unit.
Whenever a new mode of operation is selected, any currently running tests are aborted.
6.6 Mode control panel
For each operating mode, a mode control panel is displayed to the left of the window. This
panel allows the user to define the parameters for the current operating mode. The contents
of the mode control panel are mode-specific.
In the case of the phy tester, signal analyzer and advertise/scan modes, the mode control
panel is divided into two tabs:
1. Collection. This tab contains parameters which determine what data will be collected
and how it will be collected.
2. Analysis. This tab contains parameters which determine how results from the
collected data will be displayed.
6.7 Graphics area
For the phy tester, signal analyzer and advertise/scan modes of operation, a graphical
representation of the results are displayed in the graphics area. Which results are displayed
and how they are displayed are determined by the settings in the “Analysis” tab on the mode
control panel.
18 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
For the signal generator mode, the graphics area provides a visual indication of which
signals have been programmed. Note that the graphics area only shows what has been
programmed; to make the programmed signals appear at the transmitter port, the ‘Play’
button within the tool bar must be activated.
6.8 Scripting/tabular results area
In the phy tester mode, the region below the graphics area is used for construc ting and
displaying test scripts. This area also indicates whether the tests have been run, and if so,
whether they passed or failed.
In the signal analyzer and advertise/scan modes, the region below the graphics is used to
display tabular results. Which results are displayed is determined by settings on the
‘Analysis’ tab in the mode control panel. The results tables also contain test limits which can
be adjusted by the user. Tests that fail the limits are highlighted. The contents of the
graphics display area can also be controlled by highlighting rows within the results table.
The scripting/tabular results area is not used in signal generator mode.
7 Signal Generator Mode.
7.1 Overview
The signal generator is able to produce any combination of the following signals:
1. Packetized LE test signal
2. Continuously modulated GFSK signal
3. In-band CW signal
4. Out-of-band CW signal.
The mode control panel on the left hand side of the screen lists the signals which can be
gener ated. The switch to the left of the signal name programs the signal on or off. Although a
signal may be programmed on, no output is generated from the unit until the ‘Play’ button in the tool bar is activated.
The top graph in the graphics window shows a symbolic representation of signals generated
within the 2.4 GHz ISM band. The graphics assume a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz,
hence the displayed levels for modulated signals will be slightly lower than their programmed
levels. The LE channels are emphasised by alternating colour bars. Advertising channels are
further highlighted.
The bottom graph in the graphics window shows a symbolic representation of the signals
generated between DC and 6 GHz. The graphics assume a resolution bandwidth greater
than modulation bandwidth, hence all signals appear at their programmed levels.
19 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Figure 3: Sapphire GUI in signal generator mode.
7.2 RF connections
The signal generator output is on the Tx/Rx port.
7.3 Programming the packetized LE signal
7.3.1 Overview
Many of the parameters governing the packetized LE signal are programmable, however,
the access address is fixed at the test address of 0x71764129. If greater flexibility in defining
a packetized LE signal is required, then the user should use Tanzanite, a LE Traffic
Generator application compatible with TLF3000.
To turn the packetized LE signal on or off, toggle the switch to the left of the ‘Wanted’ text.
To program the packetized LE signal, expand the ‘Wanted’ signal menu by clicking on it:
20 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Figure 4: Programming the packetized LE signal.
7.3.2 Carrier frequency
The frequency of the carrier can be set to anyone of the 40 LE channels either by:
1. Using the channel number spin box
2. Using the frequency spin box
As with all spin boxes, adjustment can be performed either by using the up/down arrows or
by entering a numeric value into the text field.
7.3.3 Amplitude
The amplitude of the wanted signal can be adjusted from -120 dBm to 0 dBm. The total
combined output power of the unit within the 2.4 GHz ISM band is 0 dBm. Therefore, if other
signals are active, the maximum output power for the wanted signal will be reduced to
maintain the peak output power within the 0dBm limit.
7.3.4 Modulation
The modulation may be set to anyone of the Bluetooth 5 LE RF phys:
1. 2 Mbps, GFSK
2. 1 Mbps, GFSK
3. 500 kbps, s=2 spreading, GFSK
4. 125 kbps, s=8 spreading, GFSK
21 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
The 1 Mbps, 500 kbps & 125 kbps signals are all bandlimited to 2 MHz, whilst the 2 Mbps
signals are bandlimited to 4 MHz.
Each packet has a power ramp time of 2 µs followed by 2 µs of unmodulated carrier prior to
the preamble. At the end of each packet there is a further 2 µs of unmodulated carrier prior
to a 2 µs ramp down. These parameters are in full compliance with the Bluetooth 5 LE RF PHY Test Specification.
Modulation index, carrier offset, drift, drift rate and symbol timing can all be adjusted by
enabling the dirty transmitter mode.
If the modulation scheme is changed to or from 2 Mbps, then the packet interval may be
automatically updated.
7.3.5 Payload
The packet payload can be set to any one of the following (least significant bit first):
1. PRBS9 sequence, as defined in the Direct Test Mode section of the Bluetooth 5 Core Specification
2. 11110000 repeated
3. 10101010 repeated
4. 11111111 repeated
5. 00000000 repeated
6. 00001111 repeated
7. 01010101 repeated
8. PRBS15 sequence, as defined in the Direct Test Mode section of the Bluetooth 5 Core Specification
The choice of payload also defines the first octet of the packet header:
Table 3: Choice of payload defining first octet of the packet header.
If other payloads are required, then the user should use Tanzanite, a Bluetooth LE traffic
generator application compatible with TLF3000.
22 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
7.3.6 Payload length
The payload length can be adjusted between 0 and 255 octets. Altering the payload length
may result in the packet interval changing. If the packet length exceeds the packet interval,
then the packet interval will be rounded up to the next multiple of 625 µs.
7.3.7 Packet interval
The minimum packet interval is dependent on both the payload length and the modulation
scheme. For a 2 Mbps packet with no payload, the minimum packet interval is 74 µs. The
maximum packet interval is 100 ms.
The packet interval may change automatically if either the payload length or the modulation
scheme is changed. If this occurs, then the packet interval will be set the lowest multiple of
625 µs which encompasses the entire packet.
7.3.8 Packet count
The signal generator can be set to transmit LE packets continuously or a finite number of
packets can be specified. The specification of a finite number of packets is useful if it is
desired to measure the PER on a receiving DUT.
No packets are transmitted from the unit until either:
1. The ‘Run’ button in the tool bar is pressed
2. The ‘Run’ button in the tool bar is pressed and the signal generator is triggered by
toggling lines on its digital interface
If a finite number of packets have been specified, then the signal generator will continue to
run even after the all the packets have been transmitted. To generate another sequence of
packets it is necessary to either:
1. Stop the signal generator by activating the ‘Stop’ button in the tool bar and then
restarting the signal generator using the ‘Run’ button
2. Toggling digital lines to stop the generator and then toggling digital lines to restart the
signal generator
The minimum number of packets which can be set is 1. If not in continuous mode, the
maximum number of packets which can be sent is 63500.
7.3.9 Dirty transmitter Overview
By selecting dirty transmitter mode, it is possible to control:
1. Modulation index
2. Carrier offset
3. Carrier drift magnitude
23 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
4. Carrier drift rate
5. Symbol timing error
The carrier drift is applied in accordance with the Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test Specification:
1. The carrier drift at the start of each packet is zero
2. The carrier drift follows a sinusoidal variation whose frequency is determined by the
drift rate parameter
3. The magnitude of the sinusoidal variation is determined by the drift magnitude
4. Successive packets have the sign of the carrier drift reversed
The GUI holds two different sets of waveform distortions. One set is applied to 2 Mbps
modulated waveforms whilst the other set is applied to 1 Mbps, 500 kbps & 125 kbps
modulated waveforms.
Clicking on the ‘Waveform distortions’ button will pop-up the dirty transmitter dialog which
displays the waveform distortion table which is currently in use:
Figure 5: Dirty transmitter dialogue box displaying the waveform distortion table currently in
The transmitted signal is divided into groups of 50 packets. The first 50 packets are
transmitted using the distortions defined in the first row of the waveform distortion table, the
second 50 packets are transmitted using the distortions defined in the second row of the
waveform distortion table, etc. Once all the rows in the waveform distortion table have been
exhausted, the first row is reused.
Each individual distortion specified in the waveform distortion table can be adjusted using
the associated spin box, either by using the up/down arrows or by entering a numeric value
into the text field. The parameters can be varied over the following ranges:
24 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
2 Mbps
1 Mbps, 500 kbps & 125
Carrier offset
±500 kHz
Modulation index
0.4 to 0.6
0.4 to 0.6
Drift magnitude
±150 kHz
±78 kHz
Drift rate
0 to 2440 Hz
0 to 2440 Hz
Symbol timing error
±100 ppm
100 ppm
Table 4. Ranges over which the transmit distortions may be varied. Editing the waveform distortion table
A row in the table can be selected by left or right clicking on the packet group number in the
first column. Once a row in the packet group table has been selected, an edit menu can be
popped-up by right clicking anywhere in the selected row.
The edit row permits the following operation to be performed:
1. Copy. The contents of the selected row are copied into the waveform distortion
2. Paste. The contents of the waveform distortion clipboard are copied into the selected
row (this option is only available if the waveform distortion clipboard is not empty)
3. Remove. The selected row is deleted from the waveform distortion table.
4. Clear All. The entire waveform distortion table is deleted. Once the table has been
cleared, a new entry can be inserted by clicking immediately underneath the table
5. Insert above. A new entry is inserted above the selected row. The new entry has no
distortions and a modulation index of 0.5.
6. Insert below. A new entry is inserted below the selected row. The new entry has no
distortions and a modulation index of 0.5.
7. Duplicate. The selected row is duplicated.
A new row can be inserted at the end of the waveform distortion table by clicking
immediately below the last row. The new entry has no distortions and a modulation index of
0.5. Dirty transmitter dialog buttons
The buttons along the bottom of the dirty transmitter dialog perform the following functions:
1. Reset. The contents of the waveform distortion table are reset to the values they held
when the dirty transmitter dialog was popped up and all edits are discarded.
2. Restore defaults. The contents of the waveform distortion table are reset to the
values specified in the Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test Specification.
3. Apply. The current contents of the waveform distortion table will be used for all future
transmissions and the dirty transmitter dialog is closed.
25 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
4. Cancel. Any edits to the waveform distortion table are discarded and the dirty
transmission dialog is closed. All future transmissions will use the waveform
distortions which were present prior to the dirty transmitter dialog being popped-up.
5. Open. The waveform distortion table will be loaded from an XML file.
6. Save. The currently displayed waveform distortion table will be saved to an XML file.
7.3.10 Supplemental Overview
If “Supplemental” is selected then a supplemental will be added to the end of the packet. For
AoD operation, the supplemental phase is modulated to simulate the switching between
antenna. It is possible to control:
1. Supplemental length
2. AoA or AoD mode
3. Length of switching slots
4. Antenna switching pattern
5. Number of antenna
6. Antenna phases (as seen by the DUT)
Abrupt switching between the transmit antenna would result in large sidebands being
imposed on the wanted signal. The Sapphire application avoids the introduction of
sidebands of modulating the amplitude of the signal during the switching slots as well as the
phase. As a consequence, a 1 Mbps signal with supplemental remains within a 2 MHz
bandwidth, whilst a 2 Mbps signal with supplemental remains within a 4 MHz bandwidth. The
Sapphire application is able to perform 180° phase shifts between successive transmit
antenna whilst maintaining these bandwidths.
Clicking on the “Antenna phases” button will pop-up the antenna phases dialog which
displays current supplemental definition. The dialog includes a graph showing how the
transmitter phase will be modulated over the length of the supplemental.
26 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
Figure 6: Supplemental Antenna Selection Editi ng the supplemental parameters
The length of the supplemental is defined by a spin box showing the length in 8 µs slots. The
minimum length is 2 x 8 µs slots (guard interval + reference interval + switching/sampling
slots) and the maximum length is 20 x 8 µs slots.
The slot type can be toggled between ‘A’ and ‘B’ by clicking on the displayed slot type. Type
‘A’ slots are 1 µs long (i.e. 1 µs switch and 1 µs sample) whilst type ‘B’ are 2 µs long (i.e. 2
µs switch and 2 µs sample).
The mode of operation can be set to either AoA or AoD. Switching between modes is
achieved by clicking on the displayed mode. If AoA is selected, then the phase of the
27 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
supplemental is not modulated and the only relevant parameter is the supplemental length.
In this instance all other parameters in the dialog are hidden.
In AoD mode the number of transmit antenna can be selected using a spin box. The
minimum number permissible is 2 and the maximum 63. If the number of sampling slots is
less than the number of antenna, then not all antennas will be used.
The antenna switching pattern can be toggled between ‘A’ and ‘B’ by clicking on the
displayed pattern. Antenna switching pattern ‘A’ corresponds to the sequence:
A spin box is displayed for each antenna phase. The antenna phases are entered in units of
degrees. Any value from -360° to +360° can be entered.
For short supplemental lengths or large numbers of transmit antenna, there may be more
transmit antenna than sampling slots. In this instance not all the transmit antenna may be
used. Antenna phases dialog buttons
The buttons along the bottom of the antenna phases dialog perform the following functions:
1. Reset. All supplemental parameters and antenna phases are reset to the values they
held when the antenna phases dialog was popped up and all edits are discarded.
2. Restore defaults. The supplemental parameters and antenna phases are reset to RF
Creations default values.
3. Apply. The current supplemental parameters and antenna phases will be used for all
future transmissions and the antenna phases dialog is closed.
4. Cancel. Any edits to the supplemental parameters or antenna phases are discarded
and the antenna phases dialog is closed. All future transmissions will use the
supplemental parameters and antenna phases which were present prior to the
antenna phases dialog being popped-up.
5. Open. The supplemental parameters and antenna phases will be loaded from an
XML file.
6. Save. The currently displayed supplemental parameters and antenna phases will be
saved to an XML file.
7.3.11 Digi tal output
To enable other test equipment to be synchronised with Sapphire’s transmissions, it is
possible to toggle digital output lines when a packet is being transmitted. The selected lines
will be low between transmissions and go high during the transmission.
28 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
The TLF3000 unit has 8 digital output lines. Lines 2 to 7 are available for signalling packet
transmission. Lines are selected by toggling ‘X’ to ‘1’ in the appropriate box.
If a digital output line is specified as monitoring both wanted signal transmissions and
modulated interferer transmissions, then the state of the line is the logical OR of the two
The IO voltage for the lines may be either:
1. An internal 3.3 V generated supply
2. An external supply in the range 1.2 V to 5.0 V
The selection of the IO voltage is performed under ‘Hardware trigger’
7.4 Programming the modulated interferer signal
7.4.1 Overview
Sapphire can generated a continuously modulated interferer signal. This signal is required to
perform receiver C/I and intermodulation tests.
To turn the modulated interferer signal on or off, toggle the switch to the left of the ‘Interferer’
To program the modulated interferer signal, expand the ‘Interferer’ signal menu by clicking
on it:
Figure 7: Programming the modulated interferer signal.
29 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
7.4.2 Carrier frequency
The frequency of the carrier can be set by:
1. Using the channel number spin box
2. Using the frequency spin box
As with all spin boxes, adjustment can be performed either by using the up/down arrows or
by entering a numeric value into the text field.
If 1 Mbps, 500 kbps or 125 kbps modulation is selected, then the carrier frequency can be
set to any integer MHz between 2395 MHz and 2485 MHz inclusive. Odd MHz frequencies
do not coincide with LE channels, so are donated by LE channels plus 0.5. Channel
numbers are extended beyond the range 0 to 40 to encompass frequencies outside the
range 2402 to 2480 MHz.
If 2 Mbps modulat ion is selected, then the carrier frequency can be set to any value between
2396 MHz and 2486 MHz inclusive, in steps of 2 MHz. Channel numbers are extended
beyond the range 0 to 40 to encompass frequencies outside the range 2402 to 2480 MHz.
If the receiver intermodulation tests are being performed on channels near the band edges,
then the required frequency for the modulated interferer signal may fall outside the 24022480 MHz band. For large values of the frequency separation parameter ‘n’ (as defined in
the Bluetooth 5 LE RF Phy Test Specification), the required frequency may also fall outside
the 2395MHz to 2485MHz range supported by the Sapphire application. Under these
circumstances it will not be possible to perform the intermodulation test. This is one of two
areas where the test coverage of the Sapphire application is not compliant with the Bluetooth
5 LE RF Phy Test Specification. However, the intermodulation test has to be performed with
the interfering signals both above and below the wanted signal. The Sapphire application
can always perform the test cases where the interferer signals lie within the 2.4 GHz band.
When the interfering signals lie outside the 2.4 GHz band, it is highly likely that they will
suffer some attenuation from the receiver’s front-end filtering. Therefore it is unlikely that a
device will pass the intermodulation test when the interfering signals lie within the 2.4 GHz
band, but fail when the interfering signals lie outside the 2.4 GHz band.
7.4.3 Amplitude
The amplitude of the modulated interferer signal can be adjusted from -120 dBm to 0 dBm.
The total combined output power of the unit within the 2.4 GHz ISM band is 0 dBm.
Therefore, if other signals are active, the maximum output power for the modulated interferer
signal will be reduced to maintain the peak output power within the 0 dBm limit.
7.4.4 Modulation
The modulation may be set to anyone of the Bluetooth 5 LE RF phys:
1. 2 Mbps, GFSK
2. 1 Mbps, GFSK
30 TLF3000 Sapphire Reference Manual V1.4
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