LeCroy Corporation
700 Chestnut Ridge Road
Chestnut Ridge, NY, 10977-6499
Tel: (845) 578-6020, Fax: (845) 578 5985
Internet: www.lecroy.com
© 2010 by LeCroy Corporation. All rights reserved.
LeCroy and other product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier
versions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
918499 RevA

This manual provides a comprehensive reference of all the commands available to a controlling application when using
WaveSurfer oscilloscopes. Automation enables the controlling application to run on the instrument itself.
Available commands include ones for purchased options you may or may not have on your oscilloscope. For more
information, contact your local LeCroy sales office for more information about options available for your instrument.
While we encourage the use of our code examples provided in our manuals, cutting and pasting code samples
directly from this .pdf manual into scripts cause syntax errors (typically illegal ASCII quotation characters). Carefully
review code sample formatting during reuse.
The information in this manual is split into Control and Processor sections, each with their own table of contents.
918499 Rev A

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "CAN")...................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "I2C").....................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "I2S").....................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "LIN").....................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "MIL1553").............................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "RS232")................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "SPI").....................................................................................
app.Acquisition.Trigger.Serial.Protocol (Standard = "UART").................................................................................

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioI2S")..............................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioLJ")................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioRJ")...............................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "AudioTDM")............................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "CAN").....................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "CANHL").................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "GMCANHL")...........................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "GMCANLAN")........................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "I2C").......................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "LIN").......................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "MIL1553")...............................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "RS232")..................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SIOP")....................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPI").......................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPICustom")...........................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SPIDDR")...............................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "SSPI").....................................................................................
app.SerialDecode.Decode[n].Protocol (Protocol = "UART")...................................................................................

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference Table of Contents

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
This is the root of the automation hierarchy, all other nodes are accessed from this point.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Popup a dialog containing the instrument model
MsgBox "Model is: " & app.InstrumentModel
Starts an AutoSetup operation. When input channels are visible, AutoSetup operates only on those
visible channels. If no channels are visible, all channels are affected by AutoSetup. With more than
one channel visible, the first visible channel in numerical order, that has a detectable signal applied to
it, is automatically set up for edge triggering.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Start an Auto-Setup process.
Sleep([in] double timeoutMilliseconds)
WaitUntilIdle([in] double timeoutSeconds)

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Clears all accumulated sweeps for all subsystems. These include Channel Pre-Processing, Math,
Measure, and Display Persistence. Note that subsystem-specific clear sweeps controls are also
available. For the details please refer to the ClearSweeps control for each subsystem.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Clear all accumulated sweeps for all subsystems.
Equivalent to app.Quit() method.
Queries the firmware version of the instrument in the form - "1.0.0 (build 12345)"
' Microsoft Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Query the firmware version number of the instrument.
MsgBox "Firmware Version is: " + app.FirmwareVersion
Sets/Queries the height in pixels of the instrument display on the PC screen.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the height of the instrument window to 400 pixels.
app.Height = 400
Hides/Shows the clock that resides in the lower-right corner of the display of the instrument.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Hide the clock for 3 seconds.
app.HideClock = True
app.HideClock = False

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Reads the complete ID of the instrument in the format: "LECROY,WM8500,WM000001,0.0.0",
which includes the maker, the instrument model number, the serial number, and the version number.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Present the ID of the instrument.
MsgBox app.InstrumentID
Queries the model number of the instrument.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Present the model number of the instrument.
MsgBox app.InstrumentModel
Sets/Queries the position in pixels of the left edge of the instrument display on the PC screen. The
position is measured from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the instrument window.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the position of the left edge of the instrument window to 100 pixels.
app.Left = 100
Maximize the instrument window to fill the underlying desktop.
Equivalent to app.WindowState = 1

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Minimizes the instrument window to reveal the underlying desktop. It will display a small window in the
bottom right corner of the display, which when clicked will restore the window to full-screen mode. To
programmatically restore the window refer to the app.WindowState control.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Minimize the instrument display.
Closes the instrument application. The instrument will prompt the user with an 'Are you sure?' dialog
before closing down. Note that until the user responds to the dialog, control via Automation will be
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Quit the instrument application with a confirmation prompt.
Resets all scope preferences to their default states. The set includes the current remote
communications port, the color palette settings, etc. but does not include the main DSO controls such
as V/Div, T/Div, etc. These main instrument controls can be reset using the SetToDefaultSetup control.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Reset all instrument preferences.
Restore the instrument display to its position and size before the last minimize request.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Restores the instrument setup to its default state. Note that certain settings will not be restored to the
default state. These are the user preferences, such as the current remote communications port, and
the color settings, which may be reset, if required, using the ResetPreferences action.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Restore the instrument to its default state.
Shuts down the instrument. It will prompt the user with an 'Are you sure?' dialog before shutting down.
Note that until the user responds to the dialog, control via Automation will be blocked.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Shut down the instrument with a confirmation prompt.
Sleep([in] double timeoutMilliseconds)
Causes the main execution thread of the instrument application to sleep for the specified time period,
defined in milliseconds.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
MsgBox "Sleeping for 10 seconds..."
MsgBox "Sleep finished"
Sets/Queries the position in pixels of the top edge of the instrument display on the PC screen. The
position is measured downwards from the top of the screen to the top of the instrument window.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the position of the top edge of the instrument window to 100 pixels.
app.Top = 100

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the state of the touch-screen enable control. This is equivalent to the front-panel Touch
Screen button.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Disable touch-screen if it is enabled.
if app.TouchScreenEnable = True then
app.TouchScreenEnable = False
End if
WaitUntilIdle([in] double timeoutSeconds)
Waits until either the application is idle or the specified timeout expires, specified in seconds. This
evaluates to True if the application completes before the timeout expires, and to False if a timeout
When Trigger mode is Auto or Run, the application is never Idle. In this case the call to WaitUntilIdle
returns after the next acquisition and any configured processing.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Wait with a timeout of five seconds.
Sets/Queries the width in pixels of the instrument display on the PC screen.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the width of the instrument window to 800 pixels.
app.Width = 800
Places the instrument application in windowed mode (as opposed to full-screen mode). Places the
application in the upper-part of the display screen with a sizable border.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the instrument display into the windowed mode.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the state of the PC window used by the instrument display.
0 windowed
1 full screen
2 minimized
Trying to set values greater than 2 or less than 0 will result in the value 0 (windowed) being set.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the instrument window state to windowed.
app.WindowState = 0
This group of variables controls the input channels C1, C2, C3 and C4, the timebase, the trigger, and the Aux Output.
Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in this section of
the manual. Examples of alias pairs are as follows -
app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx
app.Acquisition.Channels(1) is equivalent to app.Acquisition.C1
app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result
Acquire([in] double timeoutSeconds, [in] long bForceTriggerOnTimeout)
Action/Query. Takes a single acquisition. The first of the two arguments specifies a timeout; the
second, which is optional, specifies whether or not to force a trigger when the timeout occurs.
Evaluates to True if a trigger occurred, or False if a timeout occurred.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Start an acquisition, wait for up to 5 seconds for a trigger
' event, force a software trigger if a hardware trigger is not
' detected before the 5 second timeout expires.
triggerDetected = app.Acquisition.Acquire(5, true)
Acquire([in] double timeoutSeconds, [in] long bForceTriggerOnTimeout)

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Initiates a full calibration of the acquisition system of the instrument.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Start a calibration.
From -2147483648 to 2147483647 step 1
Query: Indicates whether calibration is required or not.
Based on hexadecimal bit value, it provides following information:
0x00000001: Front end calibration is required
0x00000002: Digitizers delay matching is required
0x00000004: Digitizers gain matching is required
0x00000008: Trigger level calibration is required
0xFFFFFFFF(-1): All of above calibrations are required
Resets any accumulated average data or persistence data for channel waveforms (C1..C4). Valid only
when one or more channels have waveform averaging or persistence enabled in their pre-processing
settings. Note that an average may be reset on an individual basis using
app.Acquisition.Cx.ClearSweeps control.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Clear accumulated sweeps for channels C1...C4
' Clear accumulated sweeps for only C1
From -1e-006 to 1e-006 step 4e-009
same as "app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffset.cvar"

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the trigger mode, using values from the following list Auto, Norm, Normal, Single, Stopped.
Auto: After a timeout, if a real hardware trigger is not received, then force a trigger so there are
automatically lots of updates.
Normal: Accepts triggers as rapidly as the system permits, but likewise will wait "forever" for a trigger,
without updating anything.
Single: Arm the acquisition system to acquire once, and do not rearm automatically after. Once a
trigger is received and the data processed, the instrument finishes in the "Stopped" state.
Stop: Finishes the current acquisition and does not re-arm.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Place the instrument in stopped mode and take one acquisition.
app.Acquisition.TriggerMode = "Stopped"
No trigger possible, Stopped
Controls for the Auxilliary output BNC, which can be programmed as a simple square-wave signal source, or as a
pulse which is asserted when various events occur, including Trigger Enabled, Trigger Out, and Pass/Fail.
' Microsoft Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Setup the Auxiliary output to be a squarewave with an amplitude
' of 500mV a frequency of 5kHz
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Mode = "Square"
Sets the input coupling for the Auxiliary input path.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the coupling of the Auxiliary socket, when used as an input, to
' In this condition, no input signal reaches the instrument.
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.AuxInCoupling = "GND"
Configures AUX Output type in WR and WS series of scopes.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the Auxiliary output to trigger output signal.
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.AuxMode = "TriggerOut"
Pulse on Pass fail condition
Trigger enabled signal from trigger circuitry.
Internal trigger output signal from trigger circuitry
Configures Cal Output type in WR and WS series of scopes.
' Follwoing example will set CAL output to 1 KHz, 0.5V square wave.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set cal output to Square wave
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.CalMode = "Square"
' Set cal output amplitude to 0.5 V with 1 MOhm impedence
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Amplitude = "0.5"
' Set cal output frequency to 1 KHz
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Frequency = "1000"

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the output mode of the AUX OUT connector. (Applicable to WM, SDA, DDA, WP series
of scopes)
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the output of the AUX OUT connector to output
' a pulse on a pre-determined Pass-Fail decision.
app.Acquisition.AuxOutput.Mode = "PassFail"
Pulse-out controlled by Pass/Fail system
Square-wave signal generator
Pulse-out when trigger is enabled
Pulse-out when trigger occurs
This group of variables controls the acquisition channels C1, C2, C3 and C4.
Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of
the manual which is devoted to app.Acquisition. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx
app.Acquisition.Channels(1) is equivalent to app.Acquisition.C1
app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
For X = 1 To 4
app.Acquisition.Channels(X).VerScale = 0.2
This group of variables controls the input channels C1, C2, C3 and C4.
Names of the form app.Acquisition.Channels.xxxx are aliases of simpler names which are described in the section of
the manual which is devoted to app.Acquisition. Examples of alias pairs are as follows app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx") is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx
app.Acquisition.Channels("Cx").Out.Result is equivalent to app.Acquisition.Cx.Out.Result

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Setup Channel C1
app.Acquisition.C1.VerScale = 0.5
app.Acquisition.C1.VerOffset = 0.0
app.Acquisition.C1.Coupling = "DC50"
' Setup Channel C2
app.Acquisition.C2.VerScale = 0.1
Sets/Queries the number of averaging sweeps for input channel Cx. This is distinct from the math
function app.Math.Fx. If the number of sweeps is 1 (the default value), the data will not be averaged.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the number of sweeps for channel C1 to 25.
app.Acquisition.C1.AverageSweeps = 25

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the bandwidth limit for input channel Cx, in Hz. Note that this control is an enum, and
therefore requires a string value, and not a scalar value.
Note that bandwidth limit choices vary between DSO models.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the bandwidth limit for C2 to 20 MHz.
app.Acquisition.C2.BandwidthLimit = "20MHz"
Clears all accumulated average data and persistence data for this channel. See
app.Acquisition.ClearSweeps for a control that clears accumulated data for channels 1..4, or
app.ClearSweeps for a control that clears accumulated data for all subsystems (including
Math/Measure/Display, etc.)
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Reset channel C1
' Reset channels C1..C4

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the input coupling of input channel Cx.
Note that coupling choices vary between instrument models. WavePro 7000 instruments for example
support AC1M and DC1M modes in addition to DC50 and GND choices.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Inspect the input coupling for channel C2
CoupleC2 = app.Acquisition.C2.Coupling
' Set the coupling to DC, 50 ohms
app.Acquisition.C2.Coupling = "DC50"
From -1.8e-006 to 1.8e-006 step 1e-012
Sets/Queries the deskew of input channel Cx to produce a required alignment with another trace.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
Enhance resolution setting (Noise Filter). Set to 'None' to turn off the filter.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Starts FindScale operation for this chanel. This operation will adjust channel's v/div and offset control
such that the signal is visible on the screen with in +/- 3 div.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
'Find vertical scale of channel 1
Sets/Queries the type of interpolation used for input channel Cx. Note that Sinx/x interpolation
increases the size of the trace by a factor of 10, beware when using this option with long records.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the interpolation for channel C3 to (sin x)/x
app.Acquisition.C3.InterpolateType = "Sinxx"
Sets/Queries whether input channel Cx is inverted.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set channel C2 to be inverted.
app.Acquisition.C2.Invert = True

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets / Queries the horizontal position of the label attached to the acquisition trace Cx. The unit of
measurement is the unit of the horizontal scale. The measurement is made from the trigger point.
Note that this control is a string, not a numeric value. This allows multiple labels to be positioned, as
shown in the example below.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Add a couple of labels to trace C1, one at 0ns, and one at 55ns
app.Acquisition.C1.ViewLabels = True
app.Acquisition.C1.LabelsPosition = "0.0,55e-9"
app.Acquisition.C1.LabelsText = "Hello,World"
Sets/Queries the persisted state of the waveform. If the Display.LockPersistence control is set to
'AllLocked' then the persisted state of all displayed waveforms will be the same. If the
Display.LockPersistence control is set to 'PerTrace' then the persisted state of each waveform may be
independently controlled.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set persistence on for trace C1
app.Display.LockPersistence = "PerTrace"
app.Acquisition.C1.Persisted = True
Sets/Queries the saturation threshold for persisted waveforms.
All information at this level or above will be recorded with the same color or intensity.
See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the persistence saturation level for trace C1.
app.Acquisition.C1.PersistenceSaturation = 60

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the state of the Persistence Time control. Controls the persistence decay time for this
trace. See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the persistence time for the persistence trace of channel C1 to 10
app.Acquisition.C1.PersistenceTime = "10s"
From 1e-006 to 10000 step 1e-006
Sets/Queries the probe attenuation. The probe attenuation is the factor by which the signal is made
smaller, for example, 10 means that the probe divides by 10, and is referred to as a ÷10 probe. Note
that certain passive probes may be marked as 'x10', even though they actually divide the input signal
by a factor of 10.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the probe attenuation for channel C1 to 100
app.Acquisition.C1.ProbeAttenuation = 100
Queries the name of connected probe.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the state of the Show Last Trace control. If True then when this trace is displayed in
persistence mode the last acquired waveform will be superimposed on the accumulating persistence
See the general description above for a discussion of the locked and unlocked persistence modes.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Makes the last acquired trace invisible for the
' persistence trace of channel C1.
app.Acquisition.C1.ShowLastTrace = False
Sets/Queries the graticule on which the trace is displayed. Typical values include:
YT1..YT8: one of the YT graticules used in Single, Dual, Quad, and Octal display modes.
NotOnGrid: not displayed on any graticule.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Switch to dual grid mode, place C1 on the lower graticule
' and C2 on the upper graticule.
app.Display.GridMode = "Dual"
app.Acquisition.C1.UseGrid = "YT2"
app.Acquisition.C2.UseGrid = "YT1"
Sets/Queries the vertical offset of input channel Cx. The setting resolution in volts lies in the range
0.25% to 0.5%, depending on the numerical value.
Note that the available offset range is dependent upon the current V/Div setting, and also the
instrument model.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the vertical offset for C1 to 10 mV.
app.Acquisition.C1.VerOffset = 0.01

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
From 0.002 to 10 step 0.0005, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=true, on=false
Sets/Queries the vertical scale (in Volts/Division) of an input channel. When variable gain
(VerScaleVariable control) is disabled, the control will clip values to a 1..2..5 sequence. When variable
gain is enabled, the setting resolution lies in the range 1% to 2%, depending upon the numerical value.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set C1 to a scale of 250mV/Div in Variable Scale mode
app.Acquisition.C1.VerScaleVariable = True
app.Acquisition.C1.VerScale = 0.25
Sets/Queries the state of the variable vertical scale control for channel Cx. When the variable scale is
enabled, the setting resolution lies in the range 1% to 2%, depending on the numerical value. If a
knowledge of the exact value is important, the value should be read back after a setting has been
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the variable vertical scale for C1 to On.
app.Acquisition.C1.VerScaleVariable = True
Sets/Queries the channel's 'Viewed' state. When True the channel waveform is displayed on one of
the display graticules. Note that even when a channel is not visible it may be used as a source for
Math, Measure, etc.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Make channel C3 visible.
app.Acquisition.C3.View = True

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries whether the user-defined labels for the trace are visible.
See Also: LabelsPosition and LabelsText controls.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Show the user-defined label for trace C2.
app.Acquisition.C2.ViewLabels = True
Properties of the type xxxx.Out.Result.yyyy are those of the last completed acquisition. They are not affected if other
controls are changed after that acquisition was completed. This distinction between "Out.Result" properties and other
controls is most important when the trigger mode is Single or Stopped. You should treat "Out.Result" properties as
Several of these properties mention the 'frame', this is the term used to describe the visible portion of the trace, which
is generally smaller than the acquired waveform. The frame could be used for example to display a 500pt. window
onto a 1Mpt. Trace, or vertically it could be used to show the 'center' 10mV of a 100mV pk trace.
For a full overview of the properties of waveform (or other ) results, please see Chapter 1.
This group of variables controls the timebase, the sampling, and the trigger delay.

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
From 1e-012 to 1e+012 step 1e-015
Queries the duration of the last completed acquisition. The result may depend on the spacing of the
triggers in sequence mode, and it may depend on the number of averages when a channel is
in averaging mode.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Obtain the duration of the last completed acquistion.
AcqDuration = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.AcquisitionDuration
MsgBox AcqDuration
From 0.001 to 100000 step 0.001
Specific to WR and WS series of the scope.
Sets/Queries coupling of external trigger/clock input.
From -1e-006 to 2e-006 step 4e-009
Sets/Queries the horizontal position of the trigger time, relative to the origin set by HorOffsetOrigin, in
seconds. Positive to the right, negative to the left. The setting resolution is about 1% to 2&.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the horizontal trigger offset to 200 ns.
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffset = 2.0e-7

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
Sets/Queries the origin, in graticule divisions, of the time scale in which HorOffset is measured.
The value 0 corresponds to the left edge of the graticule. The value 10 corresponds to the right edge
of the graticule. Requesting a value outside the range will select the nearest allowed value.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the origin of the horizontal trigger offset to 4.0 divisions.
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorOffsetOrigin = 4.0
From 2e-010 to 1000 step 2e-009, locked to 1 2 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false
Sets/Queries the horizontal scale in time per division.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the horizontal acquisition scale to 200 ns/div.
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorScale = 2.0e-7
Queries the units in which the horizontal scale is measured.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Obtain the units of the horizontal scale.
HorizUnit = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.HorUnits
From 500 to 1e+007 step 25000, locked to 1 2.5 5, fine grain allowed=false, on=false
Sets/Queries the maximum permissible number of samples to be used in the acquisition memories.
At the faster sample rates, the actual number used may be less than this maximum.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the available memory length per channel to 500
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.MaxSamples = 500

Automation Command and Query Reference Manual - Control Reference
From 2 to 100000000 step 1
Queries the number of samples in the current setting of the acquisition memory. For sequence mode,
this refers to the number if samples per segment, not to the number in the complete set.
Use MaxSamples to limit the number of samples acquired.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Obtain the number of points being used in the acquisition memory.
NumberOfPoints = app.Acquisition.Horizontal.NumPoints
MsgBox NumberOfPoints
Sets/Queries the number of segments in the sequence mode of acquisition. Only valid when
SampleMode = "Sequence'
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Enable sequence mode and capture 500 segments
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.SampleMode = "Sequence"
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.NumSegments = 500
Sets/Queries the source of the acquisition reference clock.
' Visual Basic Script
Set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")
' Set the source of the reference clock to External.
app.Acquisition.Horizontal.ReferenceClock = "EXT"
External reference (use rear-panel BNC)