Teledyne WaveStation SCPI User Manual

WaveStation 2000/3000
SCPI Reference Manual
WaveStation 2000/3000SCPI Reference Manual
© 2013 Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication of Teledyne LeCroy documentation materials other than for internal sales and distribution purposes is strictly prohibited. However, clients are encouraged to distribute and duplicate Teledyne LeCroy documentation for their own internal educational purposes.
WaveStation and Teledyne LeCroy are registered trademarks of Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
922829 Rev C November 2013
Command Reference
Introduction to the WaveStation SCPI ................................................................................................. 3
How Listings Are Organized ............................................................................................................. 3
Command Notation ......................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Commands & Queries ........................................................................................................ 4
Configuring for Remote Control .......................................................................................................... 5
GPIB .................................................................................................................................................. 5
USB ................................................................................................................................................... 5
LabView Driver ................................................................................................................................. 6
Program Messages ............................................................................................................................. 7
Command/Query Syntax .................................................................................................................. 7
Header Path ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Header .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Data Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 8
SCPI Command Reference ................................................................................................................ 10
*IDN? - Identification Query .......................................................................................................... 10
*OPC - Operation Complete Command ......................................................................................... 10
*CLS – Clear Status Command ....................................................................................................... 11
*ESE – Event Status Register Command ........................................................................................ 11
*ESR? – Event Status Register Query ............................................................................................. 11
*RST – Reset Command ................................................................................................................. 12
*SRE – Service Request Enable Register Command ...................................................................... 12
*STB? – Status Register Query ....................................................................................................... 13
*TST? – Test Query ........................................................................................................................ 13
*WAI – Wait Command ................................................................................................................. 13
ARWV - Arbitrary Wave Command ................................................................................................ 14
BSWV - Basic Wave Command ....................................................................................................... 15
BTWV - Burst Wave Command ...................................................................................................... 17
BUZZ - Buzzer Command................................................................................................................ 19
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WaveStation SCPI
CHDR - Command Header Command ............................................................................................ 19
INVT - Phase Command ................................................................................................................. 19
MDWV - Modulate Wave Command ............................................................................................. 20
OUTP - Output Command .............................................................................................................. 23
PACP - Channel Parameter Copy Command .................................................................................. 23
ROSC - Clock Source Command ..................................................................................................... 24
SCFG - Configuration Command .................................................................................................... 24
SCSV - Screen Save Command ....................................................................................................... 24
STL? - Store List Query ................................................................................................................... 25
SWWV - Sweep Wave Command ................................................................................................... 25
SYNC - Synchronize Command ....................................................................................................... 27
VKEY - Virtual Key Command ......................................................................................................... 27
WVCSV - Get .CSV File Command .................................................................................................. 29
2 922829 Rev C
Command Reference

Introduction to the WaveStation SCPI

This manual describes the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) that may be used to control the Teledyne LeCroy WaveStation® 2000 and WaveStation 3000 Series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators. All commands and queries can be executed locally or remotely. Most commands can be sent as queries to retrieve current settings.

How Listings Are Organized

The commands are listed in alphabetical order according to their short form. Each command or query is described with syntax, valid arguments, and examples. The command name (header) is given in short form at the top of the page. Queries are recognized by the question mark (?) following the header.
A brief explanation of the function performed is given, followed by a presentation of the formal syntax with the long form header given in upper- and lower-case characters and the short form derived from it in all upper-case characters. Either form may be used in commands and queries.
IMPORTANT: Tables list command data parameters and valid values where there are many. Parameters are listed in the order in which they are functionally processed for convenience.
Where applicable, the query syntax also is given with the format of its response.
In some cases, examples are given at the bottom of descriptions, following the lists of values.

Command Notation

The following notation is used in this manual to describe the command syntax:
< > Angular brackets enclose words that are used as placeholders, of which there are two types:
the header path and the data parameter of a command.
:= A colon followed by an equals sign separates a placeholder from the description of the values
that may be used in a command instead of the placeholder.
{ } Braces enclose lists of values, one of which must be selected.
[ ] Square brackets enclose optional items.
An ellipsis indicates that the items both to its left and right may be repeated a number of
The letters used in the short command format are capitalized in the long format (e.g., BaSic_WaVe), although they do not need to be capitalized in this fashion when writing commands.
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WaveStation SCPI

Table of Commands & Queries

Short Long Subsystem What It Does
*IDN? *IDN SYSTEM Retrieves device identification infor mati on. *OPC *OPC SYSTEM Sets the Event Status Register (ESR) OPC bit to TRUE (1). *CLS *CLS SYSTEM Clears all status data registers *ESE *ESE SYSTEM Sets the Standard Event Status Enable register (ESE) *ESR? *ESR? SYSTEM Reads and clears the contents of the Event Status Register
(ESR) *RST *RST SYSTEM Initiates a device reset. *SRE *SRE SYSTEM Sets the Service Request Enable register (SRE) *STB? *STB? SYSTEM Reads the contents of the 488.1 defined status register (STB),
and the Master Summary Status (MSS) *TST *TST SYSTEM Performs an internal self-test. *WAI *WAI SYSTEM Wait to continue command. ARWV ARBWAVE SYSTEM Sets the instrument to an arbitr ary w aveform or retrieves Arbitrary
Waveform settings. BSWV BASIC_WAVE SIGNAL Sets or retrieves basic wave parameters. BTWV BURSTWAVE SIGNAL Sets instrument to a burst waveform or retrieves current Burst
Wave settings. BUZZ BUZZER SYSTEM Sets or retrieves buzzer status. CHDR COMM_HEADER Sets or retrieves the query return format. INVT INVERT SIGNAL Sets or retrieves the phase of the output signal . MDWV MODULATEWAVE SIGNAL Sets instrument to a modulated waveform or retrieves current
Modulate Wave settings. OUTP OUTPUT SIGNAL Sets or retrieves output state. PACP CHANNEL_COPY SIGNAL Copies parameters from one channel to the other ROSC ROSCILLATOR SIGNAL Sets or retrieves the clock source. SCFG SYSTEM_CONFIG SYSTEM Sets or r etrieves the st ate used ( last or default) w hen powering on
the WaveStation. SCSV SCREEN_SAVE SYSTEM Sets screen saver on/off or retrieves screen saver statu s.
4 922829 Rev C
Command Reference
Short Long Subsystem What It Does
STL STORE_LIST SIGNAL Retrieves all waveform names stored in WaveStation’s device
memory. SWWV SWEEP SIGNAL Sets instrument to sweep a waveform or retrieves Sweep Wave
settings. SYNC SYNC SIGNAL Sends a Sync pulse upon occurrence of the specified functio n. VKEY VIRTUAL_KEY SYSTEM Sends equivalent keyboard function to device. WVCSV WAVE_CSV Saves .CSV file to user-defined memory location.

Configuring for Remote Control

Remote control is accomplished through the exchange of program messages between the WaveStation and a controller computer using the selected interface:
The GPIB interface utilizes standard IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 messages.
The USB interface utilizes Teledyne LeCroy's VICP protocol, which emulates IEEE 488.2 and
includes standard operation bits in a header defined by the VICP protocol.


Install the standard WaveStation USB2-GPIB adapter. Follow the rules in Program Messages when writing your control files.
Install Teledyne LeCroy’s ‘VICP Passport’ and NI-VISA on the controller machine. NI-VISA contains the USB drivers needed to form the interface between the WaveStation and the controller. NI-VISA can be downloaded free from You may use either the NI-VISA run-time or the full download. The run-time download is significantly smaller.
The VICP Passport extends VISA to support Teledyne LeCroy's VICP protocol. The VICP passport may be downloaded from Also see the application brief LAB_WM827 Understanding VICP and the VICP Passport on Teledyne LeCroy's website for more information.
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WaveStation SCPI

LabView Driver

Either the USB or GPIB interface can be utilized with the free LabView Driver to remote control the WaveStation using LabView projects. To install the driver:
1. Download the driver from under Waveform
Generator Downloads > Software Utilities.
2. Copy the .zip archive to C:\Program Files 86\ NI\LabView2012\instr.lib on the PC hosting
3. Unzip the archive and open the .lvproj file. There are three example LabView projects in this
folder that you can use to set up your own LabView workflow.
4. In the LabView software:
Select USB or GPIB interface, depending on your connection type.
In VISA resource, select the connected WaveStation Unit.
Waveform files saved in the WaveStation PC Software must be saved in SendWave CSV format to be exchanged with LabView.
6 922829 Rev C
Command Reference
C1, C2
Channels 1 and 2
M1 to Mxx
Memory Units 1 through 59 (WS 2000) or 67 (WS 3000)

Program Messages

Program messages are composed of commands or queries separated by semicolons. Do not use a terminator of any kind, including NULL terminators.
<command/query>; . . . . . ;<command/query>

Command/Query Syntax

The general form of a command or a query is an optional header path, followed by a command header, optionally followed by one or several parameters (shown as <data> in the following
[header_path:]<header>[?] [<data>,...,<data>]
NOTE: There is a space between the header and the first parameter.
Commas separate parameters.
The question mark [?] is optional and turns the command into a query.
WaveStation does not distinguish between upper- and lowercase characters.

Header Path

Commands or queries that apply to a subsection of the WaveStation, such as a single input channel, must have their headers prefixed with a path name indicating the recipient of the command. The header path normally consists of an abbreviated path name followed by a colon ( : ) immediately preceding the command header.
Header Path Name WaveStation Reference
We have included the header path in the command syntax in this manual for convenience.
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WaveStation SCPI


The header is the mnemonic form of the operation to be performed by the oscilloscope. Most headers have a more easily recognized long form and a short form for better transfer and decoding speed. The two can be used interchangeably:
Comm_HeaDeR is equivalent to CHDR
Some command or query mnemonics are imposed by the IEEE 488.2 standard. All these mnemonics begin with an asterisk *. They comprise the first group of commands listed in this manual.

Data Parameters

When a command uses additional data values, they are expressed as ASCII data that can take the form of character, numeric, or block data. Macro parameters are not implemented.
Character Data
These are simple alphanumeric words or abbreviations indicating a specific action.
In commands where you can specify many parameters, or where not all parameters are applicable at the same time, the format requires pairs of character data values. The first value names the parameter to be modified, while the second gives its value.
Numeric Data
The numeric data type is used to enter quantitative information. Numbers can be entered as integers, fractions, or exponents:
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