Teledyne UWBSpekChek User Manual

LeCroy UWBSpekChek™
WiMedia Compliance Test Suite
Version 3.10 March, 2008
LeCroy UWBSpekChek Application
The UWBSpekChek application operates in conjunction with the UWBTracer/Trainer application to perform a suite of compliance tests defined in the WiMedia Platform Test Specification. UWBSpekChek automatically executes generation and verification scripts corresponding to each test case and reports results of each compliance test in detail.
WiMedia Platform Certification Test Scripts
This document describes the procedure for using LeCroy’s UWBSpekChek WiMedia Platform Certification test suite. This test suite is performed using the UWBTrainer exerciser operating as the “stimulus” device. Specially designed test scripts are used to create specific traffic conditions that test proper protocol behavior.
LeCroy’s UWBTracer analyzer is used as the “monitoring” device. It captures the real response from the DUT / INTD. LeCroy’s UWBTracer is also used to verify compliance using the included Verification Script Engine post processing application to identify violations in the Protocol Background Observation tests defined in section 3.2 of the WiMedia Platform Test Specification. Violation of any of the protocol rules listed in the background checks is grounds for failing WiMedia certification.
The current release of the UWBTrainer based certification scripts functions as a “TX only” test system. TX only Test systems are defined as capable of transmitting pre­defined frames at specified intervals. The system does not acknowledge or process received packets. In TX only tests, the tester must begin transmitting first and the DUT / INTD must join the established beacon group.
In all of the test cases for a TX only system, the tester transmits beacons with an interval of 65538 microseconds to ensure that it is the slowest device in the beacon group. All test system beacons have a unique EUI-48 and DevAddr and do not have the movable bit set unless otherwise indicated. By default the WiMedia Certification test suite will operate on TFC 1.
The UWBTrainer test system transmits all beacons with a compliant BP Length and a correctly formatted BPOIE. During the WiMedia Platform Certification workshops, each test is run against the submitted DUT or INTD device.
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Tool Bar:
Create new compliance project.
Open existing compliance project.
Open output folder. Saved samples and logs are saved in this folder.
Save current compliance project.
Run selected scripts.
Stop running of selected scripts.
Show settings dialog.
Show about dialog.
Status Bar:
UWBSpekChek Status:
Current status of application is shown in this pane. Possible status messages are: “Connecting to Server”, “Capturing sample file”, and “Verifying script”.
Analyzer Status:
Hardware analyzer status is shown in this pane.
Generation Status:
Hardware generation status is shown in this pane.
Results Statistical Report:
Shows brief statistical report of current run.
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Existing Compliance Control Scripts:
This lists the compliance control scripts that are available in the LeCroy UWBTracer Program Directory called SpekChekScripts.
Settings Dialog:
Global Loop:
Specify how many times batch tests are run.
Max Try on Fail:
Specify count of retry on each test case when result fails.
Save All / Save Failed / Don’t Save:
Specify strategy of saving compliance trace files. If save all or save failed sample files is selected, samples are saved in a folder automatically named with date and time of execution.
Trace Files Prefix:
This prefix is added to the file names of the produced trace files. The base name of each trace file is specified in each compliance control script.
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Disable Verification:
If selected, stimulus scripts are run and traces are saved but verification is not performed on produced trace files.
Script Description:
Description of selected script is shown here.
Selected Scripts List:
This list box shows list of selected scripts for running. Results of processed test cases are shown in the second column. Third column shows how many times a test was retried (up to the “Max Try on fail” value in the setting dialog).
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Detailed Results Log:
This control shows result of tests in detailed as plain text. This log includes of all returned message of analyze, trainer and verification script engine.
Menu Bar:
Create new compliance project. This project maintains selected scripts for running and compliance settings.
Open existing compliance projects.
Save / Save as:
Save/ save as current compliance project.
Print Overview Result:
Print overview result of last run that is seen in selected script list control.
Print Detailed Log:
Print detailed result of last run that is seen in detailed result Log control
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Application Folders:
This section specifies folders that the application uses to load scripts, generating trace files, or generating result logs.
Compliance Control Script folder
Application loads compliance control scripts available in LeCroy UWBTracer Program Directory called SpekChekScripts.
Output folder
All trace files and result logs are created in LeCroy UWBTracer Program Directory called Compliance Output. For each batch run, one folder is created with a name based on the current date and time, and related trace files and result logs are created there. Result logs of last batch run are copied to root of Compliance Output folder too.
Verification Scripts
All verification scripts that are referenced by compliance scripts are available in LeCroy UWBTracer Program Directory called SCRIPTS\VFScripts\Compliance\WiMedia_Platform_Tests.
Generation scripts
All Generation scripts that are referenced by compliance scripts are available in LeCroy UWBTracer Program Directory called GENERATION\Compliance\WiMedia_Platform_Tests
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Test system calibration
This calibration procedure is run for the TX only test system before all other test cases are started. The calibrated beacon interval of 65538 ± 1.4 microseconds is used in all test cases unless otherwise specified.
1. Start analyzer capture.
2. Standard test start-up sequence.
3. Stop analyzer capture and stop DUT and INTD. Observe nominal beacon interval.
4. Start analyzer capture.
5. Start test system beacon in slot 2 with a beacon interval of 65538 microseconds.
6. Stop analyzer capture. Check that analyzer interval is 65538 ± 1.4 microseconds. If not – adjust test system settings so the reported analyzer interval is 65538 microseconds.
Test Procedure Guide
The WiMedia Platform Test scripts for the UWBTrainer are available in the LeCroy>UWBTracer Program Directory called WiMedia_Platform_Tests:
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The scripts may be opened and run from this directory for systems equipped with the UWBTrainer exerciser module.
Test Case 1.1: TD. Beacon Join With BP Length Expansion
This test verifies that the DUT sets the slot states correctly in the Beacon Slot Info bitmap. Test system starts the beacon period and sends a beacon in slot 2 with a BP Length of 3. When the DUT powers on, it should join the beacon group in an available upper slot and signal (4 on – 4 off) in random signaling slot to extend the BP Length.
Test procedure
1. Start analyzer capture.
2. Test system starts the beacon period and sends a beacon in slot 2 with a BP Length of 3.
3. Standard test start-up sequence.
4. After 1 second, test system stops beaconing.
5. After at least 2 seconds, stop analyzer capture.
Background observation checks verify DUT & INTD follow correct signaling and slot contraction behavior.
This test is repeated with the DUT/INTD on TFC’s 1 through 7 during WiMedia Platform Certification tests.
Test Case 1.2: TD.7.8.3 Beacon Slot Info Test
This test verifies that the DUT does not incorrectly change its BPOIE. The tester starts by beaconing normally as a single device in slot 2. It then skips beacon transmission in a single superframe X. The test system sends a beacon normally in superframe X+1 with the movable bit set to zero. The test system then sends a beacon in superframe X+2 with the movable bit set to one. Finally, the test system sends a beacon with an invalid FCS in superframe X+3. It repeats this sequence 100 times each time skipping after sending the 3rd beacon with an FCS error. The DUT and INTD should not change their current slot or movable status throughout this test.
Test procedure
1. Start analyzer capture.
2. Standard test start-up sequence.
3. The test system creates the beacon group in slot 2 as a single device. The BP Length is set to 12.
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4. The test system begins the 3 beacon + 1 skip cycle above indefinitely.
5. After 1 second, test system stops beaconing.
6. After at least 2 seconds, stop analyzer capture.
Background observation checks verify DUT & INTD follow correct signaling and slot contraction behavior. The DUT & INTD fail if they violate any checks defined in section 3.2. of the WiMedia Platform Test Specification.
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