Teledyne USB Chief User Manual

2403 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051-1302 Tel: +1/408.727.6600 Fax: +1/408.727.6622
USB Chief
Bus & Protocol Analyzer
Manual Version 1.7
9 November, 2001
Document Disclaimer
The information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility can be assumed for inaccuracies that may not have been detected.
CATC reserves the right to revise the information presented in this document without notice or penalty.
Changes or Modifications
Any change or modification not expressly approved by CATC voids the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Trademarks and Servicemarks
CATC, NetMate, Advisor, Chief, FireInspector, Inspector, Detective, Traffic Generator, BusEngine, USB4DOS, UPT, HPT, UHT, Galaxy, and Andromeda are trademarks of Computer Access
Technology Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective companies.
Copyright © January 2001, Computer Access Technology Corporation (CATC); All Rights Reserved.
This document may be printed and reproduced without additional permission, but all copies should contain this copyright notice.
FCC Conformance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. The end user of this product should be aware that any changes or modifications made to this equipment without the approval of CATC could result in the product not meeting the Class A limits, in which case the FCC could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
EU Conformance
This equipment complies with the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive 73/ 23/EEC, and their associated amendments for Class A Information Technology Equipment. It has been tested and found to comply with EN55022:1995 Class A and EN61000-4-2:1995, EN61000-4­3:1995, EN61000-4-4:1995,and EN60950:1992. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Part number: 730-0010-00
Chief User’s Manual
Ve rs io n 1 .7
Chapter1:Overview ...................................................... 1
Chapter2:QuickInstallation ............................................... 3
SettingUptheUSBChiefAnalyzer...................................... 3
InstallingtheUSBChiefSoftware....................................... 3
MakingaUSBRecording.............................................. 3
CapturingYourFirstCATCTrace....................................... 4
TraceViewFeatures............................................ 4
Chapter3:Upgrades ...................................................... 7
SoftwareUpgrades................................................... 7
BusEngineandFirmwareUpgrades...................................... 8
DownloadingNewCode......................................... 8
UpgradingtheBusEngine........................................ 8
UpgradingtheFirmware......................................... 9
UpgradingfromChieftoChiefPlus............................... 10
Chapter4:DetailedInstallation ............................................ 13
SystemFeatures .................................................... 13
RecordingFeatures.................................................. 13
SystemComponents/PackingList ...................................... 14
Stand-AloneUnit ............................................. 14
USBChiefSystemSetup ............................................. 16
ACPowerSource............................................. 18
External Interface Breakout Board ................................ 19
PCConnection ............................................... 19
Record&GenerateUSBPort.................................... 20
Secondary Record USB Port..................................... 20
PC-for-AnalysisRequirements......................................... 20
USBChiefProgramInstallation........................................ 21
LoadingtheUSBChiefDrivers.................................. 21
InstallingtheUSBChiefProgram ................................ 21
MakingaUSBRecording....................................... 22
USBChiefProgramStartup........................................... 23
StartingtheUSBChiefProgramfromtheDesktop................... 23
StartingtheUSBChiefProgramfromitsDirectory................... 23
Software,Firmware,andBusEngineRevisions............................ 24
Tool Tips and Context-Sensitive Help ................................... 24
Chapter5:RecordingOptions.............................................. 27
GeneralRecordingOptions ........................................... 27
Recordingtype............................................... 27
Options ..................................................... 28
BufferSize .................................................. 28
TriggerPosition .............................................. 28
Optionsname ................................................ 29
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TraceFileName&Path........................................ 29
EventsRecordingOptions ............................................ 30
PacketIdentifiers ............................................. 30
TokenPatterns ............................................... 31
FramePatterns ............................................... 31
DeviceRequests.............................................. 32
DataPattern.................................................. 33
Bus Conditions ............................................... 33
Errors ...................................................... 34
ExternalSignals .............................................. 34
ActionsRecordingOptions............................................ 35
UsingtheBlueDotMenus...................................... 36
SettingExternalTriggers ....................................... 36
OutputSignalingPinAssignments................................ 36
TokenEventSequencing ....................................... 37
Filter Out/In ................................................. 37
Setting Counters .............................................. 37
ElasticArrow ................................................ 38
SavingRecordingOptions ............................................ 39
RecordingBusData ................................................. 39
Chapter6:DisplayOptions................................................ 41
GeneralDisplayOptions.............................................. 42
ColorDisplayOptions ............................................... 43
FormatsDisplayOptions ............................................. 44
Filters Display Options ............................................... 45
HideFields.................................................. 45
HidePackets................................................. 45
HideTransactions............................................. 45
AdvancedHide............................................... 45
SavingDisplayOptions .............................................. 47
Chapter7:ReadingaCATCTrace ......................................... 49
TraceViewFeatures................................................. 49
SetMarker......................................................... 50
EditorClearMarker................................................. 51
ViewRawBits ..................................................... 51
MeasureTimefromTrigger........................................... 52
MeasureTimefromMarker........................................... 53
Searchforthenext… ................................................ 54
ExpandedandCollapsedDataFormats .................................. 54
ViewDataBlock.................................................... 55
HidePacketsandFields .............................................. 56
FromtheToolBar............................................. 56
From the User-Defined Hide Window ............................. 56
SwitchtoTransactionsView .......................................... 58
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ViewDecodedTransactions........................................... 60
ExpandedandCollapsedTransactions............................. 60
SwitchtoTransferView.............................................. 61
ViewDecodedTransfers ............................................. 62
ExpandedandCollapsedTransfers................................ 63
DecodingofProtocol-SpecificFieldsinTransactions/Transfers............... 64
Chapter8:DecodeRequests ............................................... 65
GeneralOptions .................................................... 65
USBRequest................................................. 65
DecodingClassRequests....................................... 66
Decoding Vendor Requests ..................................... 66
DecodingUSBRequests........................................ 67
Decoding Class- and Vendor-Specific Descriptors ................... 67
Creating a New Class or Vendor Definition File ........................... 67
Class/Vendor Decoding Options . . ..................................... 69
Request Recipient to Class/Vendor Decoding ....................... 69
Class/Vendor Endpoint Decoding . ..................................... 71
Chapter9:OtherFeatures................................................. 75
Search............................................................ 75
GotoTrigger ................................................ 75
GotoPacket................................................. 75
GotoMarker................................................. 76
Goto....................................................... 76
Find... ...................................................... 80
FindNext ................................................... 83
ChangeDirection ............................................. 83
Right-ClickShortcutsWindow......................................... 84
Power and Connection Settings . . . ..................................... 84
EditComment...................................................... 85
Export Packets ..................................................... 86
PacketstoText(PacketViewFormat)............................. 86
PacketstoText(GeneratorTextFileFormat) ....................... 87
Data........................................................ 88
Alternate Access to the Export Data Window ....................... 89
Reports ........................................................... 89
FileInformation .............................................. 89
ErrorSummary............................................... 90
TimingandBusUsageCalculator ................................ 92
TransactionSummary.......................................... 92
Chapter10:TrafficGeneration(HostEmulation) ............................. 95
PreparingtheUSBChiefforTrafficGeneration........................... 95
TextFileFormatforTrafficGenerationInput....................... 95
GeneratingUSBTraffic .............................................. 98
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SettingUptheGenerator ....................................... 98
Generating Traffic Without a Device Connected ..................... 99
OpeningaTrafficGenerationFile................................ 99
Exporting a Traffic Generation File .............................. 100
StartTrafficGeneration ....................................... 102
RepeatMode................................................ 102
StopTrafficGeneration ....................................... 102
Chapter11:SecondaryChannelRecording.................................. 105
Secondary Recording Main Display Window ............................ 107
Secondary Recording File Options . .................................... 107
SaveAs.................................................... 107
Print....................................................... 108
Export ..................................................... 108
Secondary Setup Options ............................................ 109
GeneralRecordingOptions .................................... 109
EventsRecordingOptions ..................................... 109
ActionsRecordingOptions..................................... 110
Secondary Report Options ........................................... 110
Secondary Recording File Information............................ 110
Secondary Recording Timing Calculations ........................ 110
Secondary Recording Transaction Summary ....................... 111
Search........................................................... 111
SearchIn................................................... 111
View............................................................ 112
StatusBarSearchStatus....................................... 112
HidePrimary................................................ 112
Hide Secondary.............................................. 112
Appendix.............................................................. 113
External Interface Breakout Board . .................................... 113
Setting Up the External Interface Breakout Board ................... 113
USBCurrentMeasure......................................... 115
PrototypeReworkArea ....................................... 115
The Main Display Windows .......................................... 117
ViewOptions ..................................................... 118
ToolBar ......................................................... 119
StatusBar ........................................................ 119
RecordingProgress........................................... 120
RecordingStatus............................................. 120
RecordingActivity........................................... 121
SearchStatus................................................ 121
ZoomIn.................................................... 121
ZoomOut .................................................. 122
NoWrap................................................... 122
HideDevices................................................ 122
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USB Chief Keyboard Shortcuts . . . .................................... 123
HowtoContactCATC................................................... 125
WarrantyandLicense ................................................... 125
Chief User’s Manual
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Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

Chapter 1: Overview

The CATC USB Chief Bus & Protocol Analyzer is an invaluable development and test tool for designers involved with the Universal Serial Bus (USB). When connected to any USB branch, the USB Chief Analyzer can monitor the bus activity and display information about the recorded packets. The easy-to-use USB Chief program operates in the Windows 95® (OSR 2.1), Windows 98®, Windows 98SE®, and Windows 2000® environments.
The USB Chief Analyzer consists of the Bus & Protocol Analyzer unit and USB Chief software. Not to be confused with the USB bus being monitored, the Analyzer unit itself is configured and controlled by a personal computer through a USB port. The Analyzer is connected to a USB branch with a non-intrusive, high impedance tap. It listens and records relevant signals on the bus and is also capable of transmission.
The USB Chief Analyzer supports the Universal Serial Bus, version 1.1. The USB industry standard refers to a cable bus that supports data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. The attached peripherals share USB bandwidth through a host-scheduled, token-based protocol. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation.
Please refer to the Universal Serial Bus Specification, version 1.1 for details on the protocol. The USB specification is available from the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) at
USB Implementers Forum 1730 SW Skyline Blvd. Suite 203 Portland, OR 97221
Tel: +1/503.296.9892 Fax: +1/503.297.1090 Web:
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

Chapter 2: Quick Installation

The USB Chief Bus & Protocol Analyzer components and software are easily installed and quickly ready to run on most personal computer systems. You can begin making USB recordings after following these initial steps. However, if you are new to personal computers and protocol Analyzers, if you are unsure about what to do after reading the Quick Installation instructions, or if your Analyzer does not work after you follow these instructions, read through the subsequent sections in this manual.

Setting Up the USB Chief Analyzer

Step 1 Connect the AC power cable to the rear of the Analyzer.
Step 2 Turn on the power switch on the rear of the Analyzer.
Step 3 Insert the first diskette for your operating system.
Step 4 Connect the USB port on the back of the Analyzer to the PC for analysis
using the LONG (6’) USB cable.
Step 5 Connect the USB host (or hub) and the device being analyzed to the
primary USB port on the front of the Analyzer (Record & Generate) using the
SHORTER (3’) USB cables.
Step 6 Follow the on-screen Plug-and-Play instructions under Windows.
Step 7 Search the diskette for the USB Chief Bus & Protocol Analyzer drivers.

Installing the USB Chief Software

Step 1 Run the program a:\setup and follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 2 Launch the CATC USB Chief program from the CATC programs group.

Making a USB Recording

After installation, the software is configured to make a one-Mbyte snapshot recording of your USB traffic.
To make this recording, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click on the Tool Bar.
After 1 Mbyte of traffic is recorded, the Analyzer uploads the data and displays the packets.
To upload and display less than one Mbyte of traffic,
Step 2 Click on the Tool Bar at any time before recording automatically
When the recording session is finished, the bus traffic is saved to the hard drive as a file named data.usb or whatever name you assign as the default filename.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
To save a current recording for future reference, follow these steps:
Step 3 Select Save As under File on the Menu Bar.
Click on the Tool Bar.
You see the standard Save As screen.
Step 4 Give the recording a unique name and save it to the appropriate directory.

Capturing Your First CATC Trace

Trace View Features

The USB Chief packet view display makes extensive use of color and graphics
to fully document the captured traffic.
Packets are shown on separate rows, with their individual fields both labeled
and color coded.
Packets are numbered (sequentially, as recorded), time-stamped (with a
resolution of 83.3ns), and highlighted to show the transmitted speed (low-speed or full-speed).
Display formats can be named and saved for later use.
Pop-up Tool Tips annotate packet fields with detailed information about their
Data fields can be collapsed to occupy minimal space in the display (which can
in turn be zoomed in and out to optimize screen utilization).
The display software can operate independent of the hardware and so can
function as a stand-alone Trace Viewer that may be freely distributed.
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Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

Chapter 3: Upgrades

From time to time as modifications are made to the Analyzer, it is necessary to update the Chief for optimal performance. These changes require that you be familiar with the procedures for updating the three portions of the Analyzer: the software, the firmware, and the BusEngine. If you haven’t already done so, you may also want to upgrade from USB Chief to Chief Plus so that you can use your Analyzer to generate traffic.
You can check the version of USB Chief you are running by selecting About USB Chief from the Help menu.

Software Upgrades

When a new software release is available, it is posted on the Support page of the CATC website at
To update the software, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the About USB Chief screen, verify which version of USB Chief
Software you are currently running.
Step 2 Find the latest released software version on the CATC website under
If you are running the latest version of the software, no further action is needed.
If you are not running the latest version, continue to Step 3.
Step 3 Click on the first link to download the zipped Disk 1 files for your
operating system.
Step 4 ClickonthesecondlinktodownloadthezippedDisk2files.
Step 5 Unzip the files into your choice of directory.
Step 6 Click Start,thenRun, and browse to where you unzipped the files.
Step 7 Select the program named Setup and click Open.
Step 8 Click OK to run the Setup and begin the installation.
Step 9 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Step 10 Read the Readme file for important information on changes in the
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

BusEngine and Firmware Upgrades

To update the BusEngine and the USB Chief Analyzer Firmware, follow these steps:
Step 1 From the Setup menu, select Analyzer.
The Analyzer Setup window appears:
Step 2 Click Reset Analyzer
The Analyzer resets, performs self-diagnostics, and returns to service.
Note The self-diagnostics should complete about five seconds after the trigger LED
lights. If the diagnostics fail, the trigger LED blinks on and off continually, indicating faulty hardware. If this occurs, contact CATC for customer support.

Downloading New Code

The BusEngine core is the heart of the USB Chief Analyzer. Using state-of-the-art PLD technology, it incorporates both the high speed recording engine and the configureable building blocks that implement data/state/error detections, triggering, capture filtering, external signal monitoring, and event counting and sequencing. Both the BusEngine program and the Firmware that manages the internal microcontroller are fully field upgradeable.

Upgrading the BusEngine

Within a new software release, it may be necessary to update the Analyzer’s BusEngine hardware for proper operation. The Readme file lets you know if this is necessary.
To update the BusEngine, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click Update BusEngine on the Analyzer Setup screen.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
The Select engine file window appears:
The program has already automatically searched for the correct file and displays it in the File name field.
Note The most current Primary BusEngine file (chief.rbf), Secondary Channel
BusEngine file (chief_s.rbf), and Firmware file (chieffw.ihx) were copied to your \CATC\USB Chief directory when you installed the program.
Step 2 Click Open.
It is not necessary to restart the Analyzer. Once upgraded, the Analyzer takes approximately 15 seconds to reinitialize, with Time Remaining displayed on the screen. During this time the Trigger LED is on, indicating that power-on diagnostics are being run. If there is a hardware failure, the Trigger LED continues to blink after initialization is complete. If this occurs, contact CATC for customer support.

Upgrading the Firmware

Within a new software release, it may also be necessary to upgrade the Analyzer’s firmware for proper operation. The Readme file informs you if this is necessary.
To upgrade the firmware, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click Upgrade Firmware on the Analyzer Setup screen.
The Select firmware file window appears:
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The program has already automatically searched for the correct file and displays it in the File name field.
Step 2 Click Open.
The Analyzer upgrades the Firmware.
Step 3 Unplug the USB cable from the back of the Analyzer box and then
reinsert it so the new Firmware upgrade can take effect.

Upgrading from Chief to Chief Plus

Traffic Generation (Host Emulation) is an optional feature of the USB Chief Analyzer and requires hardware support. Each unit is capable of supporting Traffic Generation and must be upgraded only once to enable this additional feature. Once upgraded, your USB Chief Analyzer becomes a USB Chief Plus Analyzer.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
To upgrade your Analyzer for Traffic Generation, follow these steps:
Step 1 From the Setup menu, select Traffic Generation .
The Traffic Generation Setup window appears:
Step 2 In the Password field, enter the password supplied by CATC .
If your unit has already been upgraded, the dialog will notify you of this and a password will not be necessary.
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Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

Chapter 4: Detailed Installation

System Features

Third generation Analyzer, backward compatible with Inspector
Modular system architecture with field upgradeable firmware & recording
Trace files
Fully USB version 1.1 compliant
One year warranty and hotline customer support
Expanded 128MB of physical data recording memory
New secondary recording channel to aid in the development of hub devices
High speed USB connection to desktop or portable host PC
Convenient access to measure device current, detect bad device power, and
scope USB D+/D- signals
High impedance tap that inserts non-intrusively into any branch of a USB
Convenient detach device switch that saves time and reduces USB
cable/connector wear for multiple connects and disconnects to the host
Detection and alert for every potential bus error, protocol violation, and
combinations thereof
High resolution, accurate time stamping of bus packets, timing measurement,
and analysis functions
The popular CATC Trace graphical display of bus packets, transactions, and
Extensive search and packet hiding capabilities
Enhanced device class decoding plus user-defined protocol decoding
Software operation as stand-alone Trace Viewer
Built-in USB bus Traffic Generation (“Plus” model only)
new or enhanced feature not available in the Detective or Inspector Analyzer

Recording Features

Versatile triggering—bit-wise value and mask data patterns up to eight bytes
wide for SETUP transactions and data packets
Advanced triggering with event counting and sequencing
Triggering on multiple error conditions—PID bad, bit stuffing bad, CRC bad,
end-of-packet bad, babble, loss of activity, frame length violation, time-out or turn-around violation, data toggle violation
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Real-time traffic capture filtering
Automatic detection and capture of full- and low-speed traffic
new or enhanced feature not available in the Detective or Inspector Analyzer

System Components/Packing List

One stand-alone USB Chief Analyzer unit with AC power cord
One External Interface Breakout Board with a 37-pin ribbon cable
Three USB cables: two 3-foot (1-meter) cables and one 6-foot (2-meter) cable
USB Chief software program installation diskette(s)
Product documentation including on-line help

Stand-Alone Unit

The USB Chief Analyzer has several user-accessible controls on its front and rear panels.
Figure 1: Front Panel
Red PWR (power) indicator LED (lights when the unit power is switched on)
Green REC (recording) LED (lights when the unit is recording)
Yellow TRG (triggered) LED (lights when the unit triggers an event)
Also lights during power-on testing and blinks when the hardware is faulty
Yellow GEN (generate) LED (lights when the unit is generating traffic)
Manual Trigger push-button (allows a manual Trace capture)
After beginning a recording session, press the Manual Trigger switch to
force a Trigger condition. The session completes when a specified post-Trigger amount of bus data is recorded or when you manually stop a recording session.
Detach Device push-button (allows a momentary disconnection of the device
from the host on the primary port).
This is especially useful when the traffic of interest occurs during device
enumeration. Use the Detach Device switch shortly after starting recording to capture a Trace of the device’s enumeration.
Two USB ports, Record & Generate (Primary Port) and Secondary Record
(Secondary Port), each with a type "A" and a type "B" connector
— (Record & Generate) records and generates traffic
— (Secondary Record) records only
Figure 2: Rear Panel
Wide range AC connector module
Power socket
Enclosed fuse
Power on/off switch
External Clock (EXT CLK) input for future enhancement
USB type “B” host computer connector
Data In/Out DB-37 (37-pin) external interface connector
Figure 3: Data In/Out Connector
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Use the 37-pin Data In/Out connector located on the rear of the USB Chief Analyzer box to connect the External Interface Breakout Board.
Table 1 lists the pin-out and signal descriptions for the Data In/Out connector. Signal inputs (IN x) function under the control of the USB Chief program and may be set as active-low or active-high in Recording Options. Signal inputs 0 through 3 can be recorded optionally along with USB traffic and displayed in a CATC Trace. Signal outputs (OUT x) function under the control of the USB Chief program and are used to link any events to an external signal.
Table 1: Data In/Out Connector – Pin-Out
Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
1 5V, 500mA DC source 20 Ground
2 TRIGGER OUT (active low) 21 Ground
3 Not connected 22 Ground
4 IN 0 – Signal input 23 Ground
5 IN 1 – Signal input 24 Ground
6 IN 2 – Signal input 25 Ground
7 IN 3 – Signal input 26 Ground
8 IN 4 – Signal input 27 Ground
9 TRIGGER IN 28 Ground
10 CURRENT MEASURE + 29 Ground
11 CURRENT MEASURE - 30 Ground
12 OUT 0 – Signal output 31 Ground
13 OUT 1 – Signal output 32 Ground
14 OUT 2 – Signal output 33 Ground
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Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
15 OUT 3 – Signal output 34 Ground
16 OUT 4 – Signal output 35 Ground
17 OUT 5 – Signal output 36 Ground
18 GATED VP 37 Ground

USB Chief System Setup

The USB Chief Analyzer functions with any personal computer using the Windows 95 (OSR 2.1), Windows 98, Windows 98SE, or Windows 2000 operating systems and equipped with a functional USB interface. The Analyzer is a stand-alone unit configured and controlled through a personal computer USB port. It can be used with portable computers for field service and maintenance as well as with desktop units in a development environment. It is easily installed by connecting a cable between the computer’s USB port and the Analyzer’s USB port.
USB Chief
PC Connection
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
USB Chief
PC for Analysis
USB Host
External Events
USB Device
USB Under Analysis
The USB Chief Analyzer provides on-the-fly detection of and triggering on such events as specific user-defined bus conditions, packets matching any Packet Identifier (PID), packets matching a Token or Setup transaction, data patterns, and many abnormal (error) bus conditions. Whether recording manually or with a specified trigger condition, the USB Chief Analyzer continuously records the bus data in a wrap-around fashion until manually stopped or until the Trigger Event is detected and a specified post-Trigger amount of bus data is recorded.
Upon detection of a triggering event, the Analyzer continues to record data up to a point specified by the user. Real-time detection of events can be individually enabled or disabled to allow triggering on events as they happen. This includes predefined exception or error conditions and a user-defined set of trigger events. The unit can also be triggered by an externally supplied signal. An external DB-37 connector provides a path for externally supplied data or timing information to be recorded along with bus traffic.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Real-time event detection information is available via an external DB-37 connector and makes many control, timing, and recovered signals available externally. These signals can be probed and used by other circuitry.
The USB Chief software provides powerful search functions that enable investigation of particular bus events and allow the software to identify and highlight specific events. In addition to immediate analysis, you can print any part of the data. Use the Save As feature to save the data on disk for later viewing. The program also provides a variety of timing information and data analysis reports.
The USB Chief Analyzer is designed to work with either desktop or laptop computers equipped with a functional USB interface. To set up the system hardware,
Connect the Analyzer to an AC power source.
Connect the External Interface Breakout Board to the Data In/Out connector
Connect to the personal computer via USB.
Connect the USB host and the device being analyzed to the Record &
Generate USB port.

AC Power Source

Step 1 Connect the Analyzer box to a 120-volt or 240-volt supply using the
provided power cord.
Note The Analyzer is capable of supporting supply voltages between 100-volt and
240-volt, thus supporting all known supply voltages around the world.
Step 2 Use the power switch located on the rear panel to turn the Analyzer unit
on and off.
Note At power-on, the Analyzer initializes itself in approximately ten seconds and
performs an exhaustive self-diagnostic that lasts about five seconds. The Trigger LED illuminates during the power-on testing and turns off when testing is finished. If the diagnostics fail, the trigger LED blinks continuously, indicating a hardware failure. If this occurs, call CATC Customer Support for assistance.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

External Interface Breakout Board

The External Interface Breakout Board is an accessory that allows convenient access to several potentially useful TTL output and input signals. It also offers a simple way to connect logic analyzers or other tools to the Analyzer unit. Four ground pins and one 5-volt pin are provided.
The Breakout Board connects via a ribbon cable to the Data In/Out connector
located on the rear of the Analyzer box. Each pin is isolated by a 100series
resistor and a buffer inside the Analyzer box.
For more detailed information on the Breakout Board installation and setup, please refer to External Interface Breakout Board in the Appendix.

PC Connection

Use the LONGEST (6-foot/2-meter) of the three USB cables provided to connect the host computer to the USB Chief Analyzer box.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7

Record & Generate USB Port

The USB Bus uses keyed connectors so that the type ‘A’ connector joins a cable directed to downstream devices or to a hub and the type ‘B’ connector joins a cable directed to an upstream host controller or to a hub. A USB hub is used to join multiple devices to an upstream host controller and therefore has both type ‘A’ and type ‘B’ connectors.
USB Host
USB Device
The Record & Generate port has both type ‘A’ and type ‘B’ connectors so the Analyzer can conveniently tap a USB branch. To connect your USB branch for analysis, use the two SHORT (3-foot/1-meter) USB cables to insert the Analyzer in place of the existing cable. Connect one cable to the type ‘A’ connector and join it downstream to your device or hub. Connect the other cable to the type ‘B’ connector and join it upstream to your host or hub.
Note The USB Chief Bus & Protocol Analyzer is not a hub device; it connects to a USB
branch by inserting a non-intrusive, high impedance tap. Because of the poor signal quality in the middle of a USB cable, CATC recommends using the shortest possible cables so that the total length of both cables together is less than 6 feet. The USB cables provided with your Analyzer meet this requirement. When longer cables are used, the Analyzer may record incorrect data.

Secondary Record USB Port

When connected, the Secondary Record port taps another USB branch and records bus traffic in the same fashion as the primary port. This port allows the simultaneous recording of traffic on two USB branches. The USB Chief analyzes the traffic from both ports and presents the analysis in a unified view.
Note When recording on both the Primary and the Secondary Channels, Generate is

PC-for-Analysis Requirements

x86-based personal computer (386 minimum, Pentium MMX, or Pentium II
USB connection to the computer (unless using the PC only as a viewer)
Microsoft Windows 95(OSR 2.1), Windows 98, Windows 98SE, or Windows
2000 for recording and viewing traffic
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Microsoft Windows 95 or any later Windows system, including NT4.0, for
viewing traffic only
Minimum of 16MB physical RAM; 32 MB recommended for viewing
At least 10 MB hard disk space, plus additional memory for recordings (as
much as 200MB when recording a full buffer size)
Monitor resolution at least 800x600 with thousands of colors

USB Chief Program Installation

The CATC USB Chief software is provided on two 3½ inch diskettes and requires a Windows 95 (OSR 2.1), Windows 98, Windows 98SE, or Windows 2000 operating system.
Note The USB Chief program also operates on earlier versions of Windows 95 or
Windows NT (4.0) systems in a Trace View mode. That is, it may be used to view, analyze, and print data that was collected and saved on another system.
There are different installations for Windows 95 and Windows 98/2000 because of the difference in the Plug-and-Play drivers that automatically load when an active USB device is detected. Use the diskette(s) appropriate for the operating system on your computer.

Loading the USB Chief Drivers

Step 1 Insert the USB Chief program floppy for your operating system labeled
Disk 1 of 2 into the a: drive.
Step 2 Power-on the USB Chief Analyzer.
Step 3 Connect the USB cable to the rear of the Analyzer and to the personal
The host operating system detects the Analyzer and begins to install the driver.
Step 4 Follow the installation instructions provided on your screen and insert
the USB Chief program floppy labeled Disk 2 of 2 into the a: drive when prompted.
Note When Windows prompts you for a file, browse to the CATC floppy in the a: drive.

Installing the USB Chief Program

Step 1 Insert the USB Chief program floppy into the a: drive on your computer.
Step 2 Click Start.
Step 3 Click Run.
Chief User’s ManualCATC Version 1.7
Yo u s ee t he Run screen.
Step 4 Click Browse.
Yo u s ee t he Browse screen.
Step 5 Select the a: drive.
Step 6 Click Setup.exe
Step 7 Click Open.
YoureturntotheRun screen.
Step 8 Click OK.
The CATC USB Chief Install Wizard automatically installs the necessary files to the computer’s hard drive. USB Chief software is installed in the c:\Program Files\CATC\USB Chief directory unless you specify otherwise. Follow the installation instructions on your screen.

Making a USB Recording

After installation, the software is configured to make a one-Mbyte snapshot recording of your USB traffic.
To make this recording,
Step 1 Click on the Tool Bar.
After 1 Mbyte of traffic is recorded, the Analyzer uploads the data and displays the packets.
To upload and display less than one Mbyte of traffic,
Step 2 Click on the Tool Bar at any time before recording automatically
When the recording session is finished, the bus traffic is saved to the hard drive as a file named data.usb or whatever name you assign as the default filename.
To save a current recording for future reference,
Step 3 Select Save As under File on the Menu Bar.
Click on the Tool Bar.
You see the standard Save As screen.
Step 4 Give the recording a unique name and save it to the appropriate directory.
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