electronic or mechanical, without the express written permission of TELEDYNE DALSA. Every effort
is made to ensure the information in this manual is accurate and reliable . Use of the products
described herein is understood to be at the user’s risk. TELEDYNE DALSA assumes no liability
whatsoever for the use of the products detailed in this document and reserves the right to make
changes in specifications at any time and without notice.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark; Windows®, Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7,
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All other trademarks or intellectual property mentioned herein belongs to their respective owners.
Printed on January 6, 2016
Document Number: OC-SAPM-INTR0
Printed in Canada
About This Manual
This manual exists in Windows Help, and AdobeAcrobat® (PDF)formats (printed manuals are
available as special orders). The Help andPDFformatsmakefulluse of hypertext cross-references.
The Teledyn e DA LS A home page on theInternet,locatedat
Teledyne DALSA is an internationalhigh performance semiconductor and electronics comp any that
designs, develops, manufactures,andmarketsdigital imaging products and solutions, in addition
to providing wafer foundryservices.
Teledyne DALSA DigitalImagingoffersthe wides t range of machine vision components in the
world. From industry-leadingimagesensors through powerful and sophisticated cameras, frame
grabbers, vision processorsand software to easy-to-use vision appliances and custom vision
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Contents • 3
Supported Industry Standard ................................................................... 5
Camera Information ............................................................................. 46
Message Area ...................................................................................... 46
CAMERA FIRMWARE UPDATE EXAMPLE .................................................................. 46
SALES INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 48
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ...................................................................................... 48
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Sapera LT with GigE V ision Cameras • 5
Sapera LT with GigE Vision
GigE Vision® cameras provide image acquisition using standard Gigabit Ethernet network adapters
and Ethernet cables without the need for frame grabber hardware, and are suitable for a variety of
applications. The GigE Vision standard prov ides a user friendly common interface to control camera
functionality across platforms. GigE Vision cameras use an XML file, stored on the device, to
describe the camera features, which are standardized. These features are then exposed through
the Sapera API.
All cameras that are GigE Vision compliant use the same feature names (established by the
Standard Feature Naming Convention (SNFC)) to control the camera,though manufacturers can
use camera specific features that are not part of this standard.
The Sapera LT SDK includes the Network Imaging packagewhichprovidessupport for cameras
that use the GigE Vision standard. The GigE Vision Modulesoftwareprovidesallcomponents
required to control GigE Vision devices.
GigE Vision cameras require a Gigabit Network Interfaceadapter.Referto the camera
documentation for more information.
Supported Industry Standard
GigE Vision cameras that are compliant with the GigE Vision 1.0
specification which defines the communication interface protocol used by
any GigE Vision device. The dev ice des c r iption and capabilities are
contained in an XML file. For more inf ormation see:
If your application requires image proce ss ing or G PU optimization, Sapera Essential, a fullinformation see www.teledynedalsa.com/imaging/products/software/.
Sapera™ LT is a software API for controlling image acquisition devices such as cameras. Sapera LT
libraries support Teledyne DALSA cameras and frame grabbers as well as hundreds of 3rd party
camera models across all common interfaces formats like GigE V ision®, Camera Link®, as well as
emerging new image acquisition standards such as CLHS.
featured image processing library, is available as a separate software package. For more
The Sapera LT Getting Started Manual provides an introduction to the Sapera LT API a nd is
designed to help programmer's with installation, and quickly performhardware setup and
Sapera LT Licensing
Sapera LT is available free of charge, both SDK and runtimeversions,whenused with Teledyne
DALSA frame grabber or camera products. However,ifSaperaLTisusedwith3
cameras, a license must be purchased to activatetheSaperaNetworkImaging Package; refer to
the section Using Sapera LT with 3
Party GigECameras.
party GigE
The Sapera LT APIs
Sapera LT includes everything you needtoacquireanddisplayimages, using one of its 3
application programming interfaces(API):
• Sapera LT++ classes (basedonC++language)
• Sapera LT .NET classes (basedon.NETlanguages)
• Sapera LT StandardAPI(basedonClanguage)
It is targeted at developersthat havetheirownimage processing libra ries and want to interface
those libraries to a SaperaLTcompatibledevice. Sapera LT includes tools such as CamExpert to
speed up applicationdevelopment.
Hardware independentclassesallowone application to control different Teledyne DALSA devices
through the same API. It also guarantees seamless migration to any future Tele d yne DALSA
hardware product supportedbySapera LT.
If you are using Sapera LT with a GigE Vision camera, the Sapera Network Imaging Package is also
provided to communicate with and control devices using the GigE Vision protocol.
Sapera Tools and Utilities
The Sapera LT SDK and runtime inst allations include the following a set of tools and utilities:
• CamExpert
• Sapera Monitor: real-time event viewing of applications.
• Sapera Log Viewer: error and other message log for applications and hardware
• Network Configuration Tool: network configu ra t i on
: acquisition and device configuration, including image dis play
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Introduction to Sapera LT • 7
Sapera LT Manual Descriptions
typical operations in C++, C# and VB .NET.
User’s Manual
overview of availableGigE demos.
cameras as wellastroubleshooting guidelines.
Programmer’s Manual
classes. SaperaLT ++is based on the C++ language.
applications that require a GUI.
macros (based on the C language).
Sapera LT is supported by the following manuals in PDF, and compiled HTML help formats.
General Sapera LT Getting
Started Manual For
Frame Grabb ers
General Sapera LT User’s Manual Introduces Sapera LT ++ API and Sapera .NET API
GigE Vision GigE Vision Module
GigE Vision Network Imaging User’s
.NET Sapera LT .NET
Programmer’s Manual
C++ Sapera LT ++
C++ Sapera LT GUI Classes
Reference Manual
Provides a general overview of the Sapera LT APIs
with frame grabbers, possible hardware
configurations, and a quick overview of Sapera
programming procedures, including sample code for
Describes the GigE Vision Host Control features and
Network setup andoptimization g uide for GigE V ision
Provides acompletereferenceoftheSapera .NET
Frameworkfor VisualStudio.Sapera .NET reflects the
Providesacompletereference of all the Sapera LT ++
DescribestheC++GUI (graphical user interface)
helper classesused to create common application
dialogs.Theseclasses are used in the Sapera demo
programsand are provided to help users with
C++ Sapera LTLegacy
C SaperaLTAcquisition
C Sapera LT BasicModules
Reference Manual
Describes the obsolete C++ classes that continue to
besupported but have been replaced or ret ired.
Describes the Sapera LT low level acquisition
parameters and capabilities (based on the C
Lists in detail the Sapera LT low-level module
functions as well as data definitions, file formats, and
8 • Introduction t o Sa pera LT
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Supported Operating Systems
• Windows XP® (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 7® (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 8® (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 8.1® (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 10® (32-bit and 64-bit)
(Note: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows Vista are no longer supported.)
Supported Sapera LT Development Environments
• PCI-bus IBM PC or compatible with Pentium class or later processor
• C/C++ and .NET language compilers, for both 32-bit and 64-bit development:
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (with Service Pack 1)
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (with Service Pack 1)
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
For 32-bit development:
•Borland C++Builder XE(versionsXE1toXE5)
If you are using Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 to develop Sapera LTa p plications, then you should h av e
the latest Service P ack plus all security patches installed. You can check if these are insta lle d through
the Help->About menu item in Visual Studio.
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Introduction to Sapera LT • 9
Installation Types
Installation Type
(32 or 64-bit)
(32-bit application for 64-bit OS)
cameras.Featurecontrol only.
When installing Sapera LT, you are provided with a choice of different setup types, each with its
own dedicated installation program.
The full SDK (software development kit) installation provides access to all available Sapera LT
functions, tools, and utilities, such as CamE xpert, for 32 or 64-bit application development, and
optionally the GigE Vision module (if required).
Sapera LT Full SDK Full installation of the software development kit, including all
tools and utilities. Installation options allow you to install
components for frame grabbers only, for GigE Vision cameras
(includes the Sapera Network Imaging Package ) only, or a ll
Sapera LT Runtime
Runtime installation for applicationdeployment, including all
tools and utilities, andoptionallytheGigE Vision module (if
Sapera LT Runtime WoW64
(32-bit application for 64-bit OS)
Warning: The Sapera LT G igE V ision driver is not supported under WoW64 runtime environmen ts .
Alternatively, a Sapera Vision Softw are disk is also available. Use the Sapera Vision Software
installation disk autorun program and select the Software I nstallation option, and follow the
instructions. The software disk also allows you to select any Teledyne DALSA frame grabber drivers
or GigE camera software to install.
Note: The Sapera LT Camera SDK is also available for use when using Teledyne DALSA Camera Link
cameras with third party frame grabbers only. It is provided as par t of th e Teledyne DALSA cam er a
10 • Introduction to Sapera LT
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Upgrading Previous Versions of Sapera LT
Sapera LT 7.30 and Higher
When upgrading from Sapera LT version 7.30 or higher, uninstalling is not required; proceed
directly to installation of Sapera LT 8.10
Sapera LT 7.20 and Lower
Before installing Sapera LT 8.10, uninstall Sapera LT fr om the Windows Control Panel > Programs
and Features.
Start Menu Shortcuts
For Windows 7, Start Menu shortcuts for Sapera LT are available under All Programs > Teledyne
DALSA > Sapera LT and >Sapera Network Imagin g Pack age.
The following screenshots display the menus for the full Sapera LTSDK.
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Introduction to Sapera LT • 11
For Windows 8, shortcuts are presented as tiles on the desk top thro ugh the Apps menu.
See Appendix: File Locationsfor acompletedescription of directory contents.
12 • Introduction to Sapera LT
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Sapera LT Architecture Overview
The following section describes application architecture, related terms, and illustrates Sapera LT’s
library architecture.
Application Architecture
Whichever API is used (Sapera LT ++, Sapera LT .NET, or Standard C), the Sapera LT modular
architecture allows applications to be distributed on different Sapera LT servers. Each server can
run either on the host computer or on a Teledyne DALSA device. Sapera LT calls are routed to
different servers via the Sapera LT messaging layer in a fashion completely independent of the
underlying hardware.
What is a server?
A Sapera Server is an abstract representation of a physical device like a frame grabb e r, a camera,
or a desktop PC. In general,aTeledyne DALSA board is a server. Some processing boards,
however, may contain severalservers; this is true when using multi-processor boards.
A server allows Sapera applications to interact with the server’s resources.
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Introduction to Sa pera L T • 13
Library Architecture
Classes for
feature-based devices
(GigE Vision | GenCP CL)
(hardware control)
Image Display
Or use your own
display mechanism
(for example DirectX)
Classes for controlling
image buffer display
processing algorithms)
Classes for image
Image Acquistion
Class for image
buffer resources
Class for controlling
image acquisition
and transfer
Acquisition Configuration
Software Processing
The typical machine vision application requires configuration of acquisition resources, image
capture and transfer to memory buffers. These image buffers can then be processed or displayed,
analyzed, with results determining subsequent pro cesses. Events can also be monitored to trigger
appropriate responses. The Sapera LT library architecture is organized around these basic machine
vision functional blocks.
Vision applications developed with Sapera LT are typically programmed in either the Sapera LT++
API (Application Programming Interface) or the Sapera LT .NET API. In general, both APIs use
similar classes and naming conventions.
Sapera LT Standard C API is available for programmers who prefer working with the underlying
Sapera LT C layer or who are maintaining legacy code. It provides access most of the same
functionality as the higher level, object oriented programming C++ and .NET APIs (for example, it
does not support flat field calibration and software correction). For more information refer to the
Sapera LT Basic Modules Reference Manual and the Sapera LT Acquisition Parameters Reference
The following block diagram, w hile not exhaustive of all the classesavailable in Sapera LT,
illustrates the major functional blocks with the correspondingclasses.
For the complete reference to the Sapera LT APIs refer to the Sapera LT ++ Programmer’s Manual or Sapera LT.NET Programmer’s Manual.
In addition, the Sapera LT User’s Manual provides explanations and multiple code snippets, in
both C++ and .NET languages, for typical application operations.
It is always recommended to use the source code provided with the demos and examples
as both a learning tool and a starting point for your applications. For a complete list and
description of the demos and examples for GigE cameras included with Sapera LT see
Demos and Examples.
14 • Introduction to Sapera LT
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Configuration Files
Most GigE cameras support saving a user-defined set of parameter settings that can be loaded
instead of the factory defaults on power-up.
If the camera supports file access, the feature parameter settings can be downloaded from the
camera and saved to a file. This file can then be uploaded to a camera to use these feature settings
and saved as a user set. This can be useful if you w ant to use the same settings for multiple
If the camera does not support file access Sapera LT applications can load an acquisition
configuration file before acquiring images from a camera. The camera configuration file has the
extension .ccf.
Use CamExpert to generate a .ccf file for cameras with parameters as required by your imaging
The SapAcqDevice constructor, for GeniCam-compliant cameras, have prototypes that use .ccf
files. For cameras, if no .ccf file is available, the camera default parameters are used.
Sapera LT Getting St a rted Manual
Quick Start Guide • 15
Quick Start Guide
install the SaperaNetworkImagingPackage ; copy the installation executable locally.
For Teledyne DALSA GigE Vision cameras, during inst allation, choose either the option to install
Sapera LT for GigE Vision cameras and the Sapera Network Imaging Package or All acquisition
Note that if youtrytoinstallSaperaLTfrom a network location you will not be able to
Currently, Sapera LTsupportsGenICamGenCP CL and GigE Vision sta ndards (including all
mandatory feature requirements).
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