Teledyne PCIUW User Manual

PCIUW Operating Instructions
1. PCIUW is located at c:\Program Files\Catalyst\PCUTIL\Windows directory.
2. Install the active extender in accordance with the manual.
3. Place the Unit-Under-Test on top of the active extender, ensuring the mechanical switch is in the On
4. Power up the machine.
5. When the machine has completed booting, select the PCI Util icon
6. Using the arrow icons, step until the desired board information is displayed. Note the device number.
8. Power cycle the Active Extender (Swap Unit-Under-Test)
9. Enter PCIUW
10. Goto file menu, select open and load the configuration space data file.
11. Step until desired device is displayed
12. Select Write PCI Configuration to this device, option
Now the Unit-Under-Test should work properly, for future test of the same type of board only steps 8 thru 12 need to be performed. If you desire to reload the configuration space data without having to enter PCIUW, there is a command line command which allows the user to select which device to save, and later reload. To use this method follow the below steps.
1. Perform steps 1 thru 6 above, exit the program
2. Goto MS-DOS or Start Run, change the directory to c:\Program Files\Catalyst\PCIUTIL\Windows
3. Type PCIUW /s ww xx yy zz, where ww is the bus number, xx is the hex number of the desired
device, yy is the bus number for the second device and zz is the hex number of a second device number if needed.
4. Power cycle the extender. (Swap Unit-Under-Test)
5. Type PCIUW /w the reload the configuration space data for the Unit-Under-Test
Now the Unit-Under-Test should work properly, for future tests of the same type of board, only steps 4 & 5 above need to be performed.