Teledyne Mini Compact Outdoor, Paradise Datacom Mini Compact Outdoor Operation Manual

Mini Compact Outdoor
Solid State Power Amplifier
Operations Manual
Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC Phone: (814) 238-3450 328 Innovation Blvd., Suite 100 Fax: (814) 238-3829 State College, PA 16803 USA Web: Email:
208143 REV C ECO 16945 07/24/2012
Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC, a Teledyne Telecommunications company, is a single source for high power solid state amplifiers (SSPAs), Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), Block Up Converters (BUCs), and Modem products. Operating out of two primary locations, Witham, United Kingdom, and State College, PA, USA, Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a 20 year history of providing innovative solutions to enable satellite uplinks, battlefield communications, and cellular backhaul.
Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC Teledyne Paradise Datacom Ltd.
328 Innovation Blvd., Suite 100 2-3 The Matchyns, London Road, Rivenhall End State College, PA 16803 USA Witham, Essex CM8 3HA United Kingdom (814) 238-3450 (switchboard) +44 (0) 1376 515636 (814) 238-3829 (fax) +44 (0) 1376 533764 (fax)
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The latest revision of this document may be downloaded from the company web site:
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC.
All rights are reserved in this document, which is property of Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC. This document contains proprietary information and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed, reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC.
All other company names and product names in this document are property of the respective companies.
© 2012 Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC
Printed in the USA
2 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 3
Section 1: General Information ............................................................................................ 9
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Description .............................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Specifications .......................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Equipment Supplied .............................................................................................. 10
1.4 Safety Considerations ........................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 High Voltage Hazards ............................................................................. 10
1.4.2 RF Transmission Hazards ...................................................................... 10
1.5 Compact Outdoor and Mini Compact Outdoor SSPAs Comparisons .................... 11
Section 2: Installation .......................................................................................................... 13
2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Inspection ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Connector Pin-Outs ............................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 RF In (J1) [Type N (F)] ............................................................................ 14
2.2.2 RF Out (J2) ............................................................................................. 14
2.2.3 RF Output Sample Port (J3) [Type N (F)] ................................................ 14
2.2.4 Port J4 Monitor & Control Connections ................................................... 14 Alarms on J4 .............................................................................. 16 Summary Alarm (J4) Form C Contacts ........................ 16 Auxiliary Alarm (J4) Form C Contacts .......................... 16 Open Collector Alarm Outputs (J4) .............................. 16 Serial I/O Control (J4) ............................................................... 16
2.2.5 Link Port (J5) [MS3112E10-6S] ............................................................... 17
2.2.6 Switch Port (J6) [MS3112E10-6S] ........................................................... 17
2.2.7 AC In (J7) [MS3102R16-10P] .................................................................. 17
2.2.8 Auxiliary Power Port (J8) [MS3112E10-6S] ............................................. 18
2.2.9 Chassis Ground Pin ................................................................................ 18
2.3 Physical Features ................................................................................................. 18
2.3.1 Summary Alarm Indicator ........................................................................ 18
2.3.2 Air Flow and Removable Fan Tray .......................................................... 19
2.4 Dimensions and Weight ....................................................................................... 20
2.5 Mounting Kit Installation ....................................................................................... 20
2.5.1 Safety Considerations ............................................................................. 20
2.5.2 Mounting Kit Inspection ........................................................................... 20
2.5.3 Installation ............................................................................................... 21
Section 3: Quick Start and Operation ................................................................................ 23
3.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 23
3.0.1 Remote Communications Connections ................................................... 23
3.1 Quick Start Cables ................................................................................................ 24
3.2 Quick Start Connection ......................................................................................... 25
3.2.1 Set PC Configuration............................................................................... 25
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3.2.2 Quick Start Ethernet Connection ............................................................. 26
3.2.3 Quick Start RS-232 Connection .............................................................. 27
3.3 Universal M&C Operation ..................................................................................... 28
3.3.1 Universal M&C Status Window ................................................................ 29 Signal Indicators ........................................................................ 29 Fault Status Indicators ............................................................... 30 Voltage, Current and Temperature Display ............................... 31 Gain Adjustment ........................................................................ 31 RF Power Indicator .................................................................... 31 Reference Source ...................................................................... 31
3.3.2 Universal M&C Settings Window ............................................................. 32
3.3.3 IP Setup................................................................................................... 34
3.3.4 Universal M&C Preferences .................................................................... 35
3.4 Web-based M&C ................................................................................................... 36
3.4.1 Navigating the Web M&C ........................................................................ 37
Section 4: L-Band Operation .............................................................................................. 41
4.0 Block Up Converter Overview ............................................................................... 41
4.1 Converter Features ............................................................................................... 42
4.2 Theory of Operation .............................................................................................. 43
4.3 Smart Reference Technology ............................................................................... 43
4.4 FSK Monitor and Control ....................................................................................... 44
4.5 Typical System Configuration ............................................................................... 45
4.6 IFL Cable Considerations ...................................................................................... 45
Section 5: Fiber-Optic Option ............................................................................................. 47
5.0 Fiber-Optic Option ................................................................................................. 47
5.0.1 RCPF-1000 Fiber Optic Controller .......................................................... 47
5.0.2 External L-Band to Fiber Interface ........................................................... 48
Section 6: Performance Tests ............................................................................................ 51
6.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Standard tests ....................................................................................................... 51
6.1.1 Swept Gain ............................................................................................. 51
6.1.2 Spurious ................................................................................................. 52
6.1.3 Input Return Loss ................................................................................... 52
6.1.4 Output Return Loss ................................................................................ 52
6.1.5 Intermodulation Distortion ....................................................................... 53
6.1.6 Power Requirements .............................................................................. 53
6.1.7 Earth Ground .......................................................................................... 54
6.1.8 Sample Port ............................................................................................ 54
6.1.9 P1dB and Psat ....................................................................................... 54
6.1.10 I/O Test ................................................................................................. 54
6.1.11 Ethernet ............................................................................................... 54
6.2 Tests for units with integrated BUC ....................................................................... 55
6.2.1 Reference Lock ....................................................................................... 55
6.2.2 FSK ......................................................................................................... 55
6.2.3 Phase Noise ............................................................................................ 55
6.2.4 Microphonics ........................................................................................... 55
4 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
6.3 Optional Tests ....................................................................................................... 56
6.3.1 Noise Figure ............................................................................................ 56
6.3.2 Group Delay ............................................................................................ 56
6.3.3 AM/PM .................................................................................................... 56
6.3.4 Noise Power ............................................................................................ 56
6.3.5 Harmonics ............................................................................................... 56
Section 7: Maintenance and Troubleshooting .................................................................. 57
7.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 57
7.1 Cooling System Maintenance ............................................................................... 57
7.2 Fan Removal and Heatsink Cleaning .................................................................... 57
7.2.1 Fan Replacement .................................................................................... 57
7.3 Troubleshooting guide .......................................................................................... 58
7.3.1 Unit doesn’t power up .............................................................................. 58
7.3.2 Unit powers on, LED lamp glows red ...................................................... 58
7.3.3 Unit powers on, LED lamp glows green, no RF output ........................... 58
7.3.4 Cannot connect to unit through remote control interface ......................... 58
7.3.5 FSK link between modem and unit is not working ................................... 59
Section 8: Redundant System Configurations .................................................................. 61
8.0 Redundant System Concepts ............................................................................... 61
8.1 1:1 Redundant Systems ........................................................................................ 61
8.2 1:2 Redundant Systems ........................................................................................ 62
Section 9: Remote Control Interface .................................................................................. 63
9.0 Serial Protocol Overview ....................................................................................... 63
9.1 Serial communication ............................................................................................ 65
9.1.1 Header Packet ........................................................................................ 65 Frame Sync Word ...................................................................... 65 Destination Address .................................................................. 65 Source Address ......................................................................... 66
9.1.2 Data Packet ............................................................................................. 66 Protocol ID ................................................................................. 66 Request ID................................................................................. 66 Command .................................................................................. 66 Data Tag .................................................................................... 67 Data Address / Error Status / Local Port Frame Length ............ 68 Data Length ............................................................................... 68 Data Field .................................................................................. 68
9.1.3 Trailer Packet .......................................................................................... 69 Frame Check ............................................................................. 69
9.1.4 Timing issues .......................................................................................... 69
9.1.5 Serial Communications Protocol ............................................................. 70
9.2 Ethernet Interface ................................................................................................. 74
9.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 74
9.2.2 IPNet Interface ........................................................................................ 74 General Concept ....................................................................... 74 Setting IPNet interface ............................................................... 76 Troubleshooting IP connectivity ................................................. 76
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9.2.3 SNMP interface ....................................................................................... 77 SNMP MIB tree .......................................................................... 78 Description of MIB entities ......................................................... 79
9.3 M&C via SNMP ..................................................................................................... 83
9.3.1 Connecting to a MIB browser .................................................................. 84
Appendix A: Documentation ............................................................................................... 85
Figure 2-1: Outline Drawing, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA, Ku-Band ........................ 13
Figure 2-2: Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA Air Flow ..................................................... 19
Figure 2-3: Attach Mounting Supports to Unit ............................................................. 21
Figure 2-4: Install All-Thread stud ............................................................................... 22
Figure 2-5: Mount Unit to Antenna Boom .................................................................... 22
Figure 3-1: J4 connections for Ethernet Comms, Default IP Address ......................... 23
Figure 3-2: J4 connections for Ethernet Comms, User-Defined IP Address ............... 23
Figure 3-3: J4 connections for RS-485 Comms .......................................................... 24
Figure 3-4: J4 connections for RS-232 Comms .......................................................... 24
Figure 3-5: Ethernet Quick Start Cable, 207755 (Revision A and beyond) ................. 24
Figure 3-6: RS232 Quick Start Cable, 207988 ............................................................ 25
Figure 3-7: Universal M&C Add Unit menu ................................................................. 28
Figure 3-8: Add Compact Outdoor SSPA window, via Serial or Internet ..................... 28
Figure 3-9: Universal M&C Status Window ................................................................. 29
Figure 3-10: Universal M&C, Settings ......................................................................... 32
Figure 3-11: Spare Fault Wizard ................................................................................. 33
Figure 3-12: Universal M&C, IP Setup ........................................................................ 34
Figure 3-13: Preferences Window ............................................................................... 35
Figure 3-14: Example, Log entry ................................................................................. 35
Figure 3-15: Enter IP address for unit (default is .................................... 36
Figure 3-16: M&C Applet loading into browser window .............................................. 36
Figure 3-17: Enter password (default is “paradise”) .................................................... 37
Figure 3-18: Status and Faults window descriptions ................................................... 37
Figure 3-19: Communication Settings window descriptions ........................................ 38
Figure 3-20: General Settings window descriptions .................................................... 39
Figure 3-21: Fault Settings window descriptions ......................................................... 40
Figure 4-1: Configuration Matrix, Compact Outdoor SSPA, BUC Options .................. 41
Figure 4-2: Compact Outdoor Block Diagram of BUC / SSPA System ....................... 42
Figure 4-3: Mini Compact Outdoor SSPB with PD25 Evolution Modem ..................... 45
Figure 5-1: RCPF-1000 front, rear panels ................................................................... 47
Figure 5-2: Outline Drawing, External L-Band to fiber interface .................................. 48
Figure 5-3: Block Diagram, Compact Outdoor with external fiber transceiver ............. 49
Figure 5-4: System example, SSPA with External Fiber to L-Band Converter ............ 49
Figure 6-1: Spurious and Gain Data ........................................................................... 51
Figure 6-2: Return Loss, Intermodulation and Phase Noise Data ............................... 52
Figure 6-3: M&C, Output Power, Ground, Phase Lock and Misc. Data ...................... 53
Figure 8-1: Standard 1:1 Redundant System with coax input and w/g output ............ 61
Figure 8-2: 1:1 Redundant System with input splitter substituted for input switch ....... 61
Figure 8-3: 1:1 Redundant System with L Band input ................................................. 62
Figure 8-4: 1:2 Redundant System Block Diagram ..................................................... 62
6 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Figure 9-1: Compact Outdoor remote control interface stack ..................................... 63
Figure 9-2: Basic Communication Packet ................................................................... 65
Figure 9-3: Header Sub-Packet .................................................................................. 65
Figure 9-4: Data Sub-Packet ...................................................................................... 66
Figure 9-5: Trailer Sub-Packet .................................................................................... 69
Figure 9-6: UDP Redirect Frame Example ................................................................. 75
Figure 9-7: Universal M&C, IP Setup tab .................................................................... 83
Figure 9-8: Universal M&C, Settings tab ..................................................................... 83
Figure 9-9: GetIF Application Parameters Tab ........................................................... 84
Figure 9-10: Getif MBrowser window, with update data in output data box ................ 84
Table 2-1: J4 Monitor & Control Port Pin-Outs ............................................................ 15
Table 2-2: J5 Link Port Pin-Outs ................................................................................. 17
Table 2-3: J6 Switch Port Pin-Outs ............................................................................. 17
Table 2-4: J7 AC In Port Pin-Outs ............................................................................... 17
Table 2-5: Power Requirements ................................................................................. 18
Table 2-6: J8 Auxiliary Power Port Pin-Outs ............................................................... 18
Table 2-7: Unit weights (typical) .................................................................................. 20
Table 2-8: Universal CO Mounting Kit Parts List ......................................................... 21
Table 4-1: BUC Frequency Specifications .................................................................. 42
Table 4-2: BUC RF output phase noise specification .................................................. 43
Table 4-3: Common Coaxial Cable Characteristics ................................................... 45
Table 9-1: Interface Selection ..................................................................................... 64
Table 9-2: Command Byte Values .............................................................................. 67
Table 9-3: Data Tag Byte Values ................................................................................ 67
Table 9-4: Error Status Bytes ...................................................................................... 68
Table 9-5: Request Frame Structure ........................................................................... 70
Table 9-6: Response Frame Structure ........................................................................ 70
Table 9-7: System Settings Data Values .................................................................... 71
Table 9-8: System Threshold Data Values ................................................................. 72
Table 9-9: System Condition Addressing ................................................................... 73
Table 9-10: OSI Model for Compact Outdoor SSPA Ethernet IP Interface ................. 75
Table 9-11: Detailed Settings for Mini CO SSPA mode (Device Type=9) ................... 80
Table 9-12: Detailed Thresholds ................................................................................. 82
Table 9-13: Detailed Conditions .................................................................................. 82
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8 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Section 1: General Information
1.0 Introduction
This section provides the general information for the Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC line of Mini Compact Outdoor Solid State Power Amplifiers. The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA has been designed and manufactured to be an extremely robust and reliable amplifier. It is well suited for harsh outdoor environments.
1.1 Description
The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA is a smaller version of Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s popular Compact Outdoor SSPA. It is a one-piece integrated Satcom amplifier system which includes an AC/DC power supply, microwave amplifier module, microprocessor based moni­tor and control circuitry, and an efficient thermal management system. The unit’s enclosure protects these components against the ingress of dirt and water.
The reduced size and weight of this amplifier system allow it to be used in a wide variety of installations. This amplifier is ideal for mounting on the boom of small antennas or anywhere that size and weight are a major concern.
Features include:
Compact Size: 9.0 in x 12 in x 6.50 in. (229 mm x 305 mm x 165 mm)
Very light weight: Base units weigh as little as 24.5 lb. (11.1 kg)
Auto-Sensing Power Factor Corrected Power Supply
RF Gain Adjustment: 55 dB to 75 dB minimum with 0.1 dB resolution
Output Power Detection
Output Power Sample Port
Internal 1:1 Redundant Capability
Serial (RS 232 / RS 485), Ethernet or Parallel Monitor & Control Circuitry
Windows Monitor & Control Software
Available options include:
Optional L-Band Input Capability
Mounting kit
1RU Remote Control Panel
1:2 Redundant Capability with external 1RU Redundant Control Panel
1.2 Specifications
Refer to Appendix A for full specifications of the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA.
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1.3 Equipment Supplied
The following equipment is supplied with each unit:
The Mini Compact Outdoor Amplifier Assembly;
Prime power mating connector: AC - MS3106F16-10S
Quick Start Serial (Ethernet) Communication Cable, L207755-2, -OR- Quick Start
Serial (RS-232 / RS-485) Communication Cable, L207998-2
Product Guide CD with SSPA Monitor & Control Software
M&C (J4) Mating Connector, MS3116F18-32P
Waveguide gaskets (dependent on frequency band)
Sealing tape (87F730)
1.4 Safety Considerations
Potential safety hazards exist unless proper precautions are observed when working with this unit. To ensure safe operation, the user must follow the information, cautions, and warnings provided in this manual as well as the warning labels placed on the unit itself.
1.4.1 High Voltage Hazards
Only qualified service personnel should service the internal electronic circuitry of the Compact Outdoor Amplifier. High DC voltages are present in the power supply section of the amplifier. Care must be taken when working with devices that operate at this high voltage levels. It is recommended to never work on the unit or supply prime AC power to the unit while the cover is removed.
1.4.2 RF Transmission Hazards
RF transmissions at high power levels may cause eyesight damage and skin burns. Prolonged exposure to high levels of RF energy has been linked to a variety of health issues. Please use the following precautions with high levels of RF power.
Always terminate the RF input and output connector prior to applying prime AC input power.
Never look directly into the RF output waveguide
Maintain a suitable distance from the source of the transmission such that the power
density is below recommended guidelines in ANSI/IEEE C95.1. The power density spec­ified in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 is 10 mW/cm2. These requirements adhere to OSHA Standard 1910.97.
When a safe distance is not practical, RF shielding should be used to achieve the recommended power density levels.
10 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
1.5 Compact Outdoor and Mini Compact Outdoor SSPAs Comparisons
Some of the main differences between the standard Compact Outdoor and Mini Compact Outdoor amplifiers are listed below:
AC Mains connector
Slight variation in protocol
No analog gain control on J4 in Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
No RF Power Detector analog output on J4 in Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
No Low RF Fault output on J4 in Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
No BUC Alarm output on J4 in Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
No Spare Input on J4 in Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Due to the size differences between the standard Compact Outdoor SSPA and the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA, the following form factors also differ:
Mounting kit configuration
Waveguide center line measurements
Location of connectors
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12 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Section 2: Installation
2.0 Introduction
This section provides a physical description of the Mini Compact Outdoor, including pin-outs of all connectors, power requirements for the installed unit, and instructions on single-unit boom mounting.
2.1 Inspection
When the unit is received, an initial inspection should be completed. First ensure that the shipping container is not damaged. If it is, have a representative from the shipping company present when the container is opened. Perform a visual inspection of the Compact Outdoor Amplifier to make sure that all items on the packing list are enclosed. If any damage has occurred or if items are missing, contact:
Teledyne Paradise Datacom LLC
328 Innovation Blvd., Suite 100 State College, PA 16803 Phone: 1 (814) 238-3450 Fax: 1 (814) 238-3829
2.2 Connector Pin-Outs
The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA utilizes a variety of connectors for communication with the amplifier. Figure 2-1 shows the various connector locations.
M & C
Figure 2-1: Outline Drawing, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA, Ku-Band
Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA 208143 REV C 13
2.2.1 RF In (J1) [Type N (F)]
The RF Input signal is applied to J1, which is a type N female connector. The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA has a default maximum nominal gain of 75 dB minimum. Therefore the maximum input signal required to saturate the amplifier can be calculated as:
Input Power = P
– 75 dB
For example, if a 50 W Ku-Band Mini Compact Outdoor amplifier is used in a system it has a
= 47.0 dBm. Therefore the maximum input power should be limited to -28 dBm. Slightly
higher input power levels will not damage the amplifier but will result in higher levels of distortion in the output signal.
WARNING! The maximum input level should be limited to +15 dBm to avoid damaging the amplifier.
2.2.2 RF Out (J2)
The amplifier’s output is brought out through the waveguide port, J2. Caution should be observed here to make sure that the antenna or a suitable termination is connected to this port before operating the amplifier. The amplifier is protected against full reflection but dangerous levels of microwave energy can be present at this port.
Ku-Band amplifiers have a WR-75 Grooved Flange while the C-Band and X-Band amplifiers have CPR style grooved flanges (CPR-137G for C-Band; CPR-112G for X-Band). S-Band amplifiers utilize a Type N (F) connector. An isolator is provided at the output flange with a termination capable of handling full reflected output power.
WARNING! Never look directly into the RF output waveguide.
2.2.3 RF Output Sample Port (J3) [Type N (F)]
The RF Output Sample port, J3, is located on the bottom of the amplifier as shown in Figure 2-1. This connector provides a -40 dBc coupled sample of the amplifier’s output signal. It is a
type N female connector.
2.2.4 Port J4 Monitor & Control Connections
The M&C (Monitor and Control) connector is the primary input for controlling the amplifier and monitoring fault conditions. It is a 32-pin circular connector, MS3112E18-32S. It requires a mating connector, MS3116F18-32P, which is supplied with the unit. Table 2-1 on the follow­ing page shows the pin-outs of the J4 Monitor and Control Connector.
The Mini Compact Outdoor Amplifier has no on/off switch or circuit breaker in the AC Input path. As soon as AC power is applied to J7, the unit’s power supplies and microcontroller are enabled and the cooling fans should begin to spin. However, the internal amplifier module is disabled until the Mute Line Input (J4, Pin B) is pulled to Ground (J4, Pin V). If it is desired to have the RF enabled every time the AC input is applied, a permanent connection can be made between J4, Pin B and J4, Pin V.
14 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
Table 2-1: J4 Monitor & Control Port Pin-Outs
Pin # Signal Type Function Notes
Unit powers up muted. This line
B Mute Input Closure to Ground Disables DC power to SSPA
P Auxiliary Input Closure to Ground Auxiliary Fault Input
must be pulled to ground (V or d) to enable amplifier.
L a b Summary Alarm Form C Relay
Auxiliary Alarm Form C Relay
Closed on Fault Common Open on Fault
Closed on Fault Common Open on Fault
L-a: normally open
a-b: normally closed
N-Z: normally open
Z-M: normally closed
G Auxiliary Alarm Open Collector High on Fault Requires external pull-up
W 10 Base-T Tx- Refer to M&C Section
H 10 Base-T Rx+ Refer to M&C Section
J 10 Base-T Rx- Refer to M&C Section
X 10 Base-T Tx+ Refer to M&C Section
S Reserved Make no connection
R Reserved Make no connection
A Reserved Make no connection
f Reserved Make no connection
RS485 TX- or
Closure to Ground
Serial TX Output Serial Link Data Port Refer to M&C Section
Selects Serial Communication
Default is RS485; Pull to ground (d) to enable RS232
RS485 RX- or
RS232 IN
Serial RX Input Serial Link Data Port Refer to M&C Section
T RS485 TX+ Serial TX Output Serial Link Data Port Refer to M&C Section
U RS485 RX+ Serial RX Input Serial Link Data Port Refer to M&C Section
V Chassis Ground Signal Ground Common Signal Return
d Isolated Ground Signal Ground Isolated Comm Ground Ground for Signals D, E & F
Interface Select 0
Interface Select 1
Closure to Ground Select Baud Rate & Protocol Refer to M&C Section
Closure to Ground Select Baud Rate & Protocol Refer to M&C Section
g PGM Switch Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
c PGM CLK Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
K PGM-Sout Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
Y PGM-Sin Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
h PGM +5V Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
C PGM Enable Flash Firmware Port Reserved for Programming
Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA 208143 REV C 15 Alarms on J4
A variety of alarm signals are present at the M&C connector, J4. Both Form-C relays and open collector outputs are available. Summary Alarm (J4) Form C Contacts
The Summary Alarm is accessible in both Form C relay and open collector format. The Form C relay is “energized” under normal operating conditions and “de-energized” when a Fault condition exists. Auxiliary Alarm (J4) Form C Contacts
The Auxiliary Alarm relay is an end user alarm that can be used to signal an alarm condition that is dependent on the state of the Auxiliary Input (J4-Pin P).
The Auxiliary Input is a contact closure to ground. When this input is pulled to ground the Auxiliary Alarm relay is energized (Normal State). When the Auxiliary Input is open circuited the Auxiliary Alarm relay is de-energized (Alarm State). Open Collector Alarm Outputs (J4)
The open collector alarm outputs will require external pull-up resistors (unless connected to the Auxiliary Input). They are capable of sinking up to 20mA current at 30 VDC. The open collector outputs are pulled to ground under normal operating condi­tions and switch to high impedance state during an alarm condition.
Auxiliary Alarm: follows state of Auxiliary Input as described above Serial I/O Control (J4)
For serial data control of the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA, a Windows-based Monitor &Control program is supplied with the amplifier that allows all of the control and alarm func­tionality over a serial communication link.
Both RS-232 and RS-485 can be used to communicate with the amplifier. The amplifier default is to operate on RS-485 but can easily be set to RS-232 by pulling the RS-232/ RS-485 Select line low. This is done by connecting J4-Pin D to J4-Pin V.
The Mini Compact Outdoor Amplifier may be supplied with a Quick Start Cable in which this connection is already made. This allows the user to quickly setup the amplifier and verify its operation. The other side of the cable has a 9-Pin female D connector that mates with most notebook and desktop personal computers.
Communication links using RS-232 are typically good up to 30 ft. (9 m) in length. Installations exceeding this length can use the RS-485 mode which will allow serial control up to 4000 ft. (1200 m).
16 208143 REV C Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
2.2.5 Link Port (J5) [MS3112E10-6S]
The interface connector is used to connect between two Mini Compact Outdoor Amplifiers when used in a 1:1 redundant system. It is a 6-pin circular connector, MS3112E10-6S. It requires a mating connector, MS3116F10-6P. A link cable is provided with a 1:1 Redundancy Kit, which can be purchased separately. See Table 2-2 for a pin-out of this connector.
Table 2-2: J5 Link Port Pin-Outs
Pin # Connection Pin # Connection
A Link Out D N/C
B Link In E N/C
C N/C F Ground
2.2.6 Switch Port (J6) [MS3112E10-6S]
When used in a 1:1 redundant system, the waveguide switch must be connected to the switch port of each amplifier (MS3112E10-6S). See Table 2-3.
Table 2-3: J6 Switch Port Pin-Outs
Pin # Connection Pin # Connection
B N/C E Pos 2
C +28 VDC F Pos 1
2.2.7 AC In (J7) [MS3102R16-10P]
The Prime power connector at Port J7 is a 3-pin circular connector, MS3102R16-10P. A mat­ing connector, MS3106F16-10S, is provided. The power supplies provide universal AC input by using auto-sensing power supplies. The AC input can operate over a range of 85-265 VAC, at 47 to 63 Hz. The power supply is also power factor corrected, enabling the unit to achieve a power factor greater than 0.95.
The AC Line input connector configuration is given in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4: J7 AC In Port Pin-Outs
Pin # Connection
A L1
C L2/N
The prime power requirements for each model is summarized in Table 2-5.
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Table 2-5: Power Requirements
Model Number RF Output (P
) RF Output (P
) AC Input w/ RF
HPACC3075AC_XXXX 48.8 dBm (76W) 48.5 dBm (70W) 550 W
HPACC3100AC_XXXX 50.0 dBm (100W) 49.5 dBm (89W) 660 W
HPACC3175AC_XXXX 52.5 dBm (175W) 48.5 dBm (70W) 1100 W
HPAXX3050AC_XXXX 47.0 dBm (50W) 46.5 dBm (45W) 465 W
HPAXX3075AC_XXXX 48.8 dBm (76W) 48.3 dBm (68W) 600 W
HPAXX3100AC_XXXX 50.0 dBm (100W) 49.5 dBm (89W) 710 W
HPAXX3175AC_XXXX 52.5 dBm (175W) 48.5 dBm (70W) 1120 W
HPAKU3050AC_XXXX 47.0 dBm (50W) 46.0 dBm (40W) 665 W
HPAKU3080AC_XXXX 49.0 dBm (80W) 45.0 dBm (32W) 820 W
at P
rather than P
2.2.8 Auxiliary Power Port (J8) [MS3112E10-6S]
The +15 VDC Output, J8, is located on the bottom side of the amplifier as shown in Figure 2-1. This provides +15 VDC and up to 1 Amp current to any external equipment. It is a 6-pin MS-type connector. See Table 2-6.
Table 2-6: J8 Auxiliary Power Port Pin-Outs
Pin # Connection Pin # Connection
A External Fault IN D Ground
B Fault Pullup E +15V External
C +15V LNA F Ground
2.2.9 Chassis Ground Pin
A Chassis ground terminal is provided on the bottom side of the amplifier. A ¼ - 20 threaded terminal is provided for equipment grounding.
2.3 Physical Features
In addition to the I/O connectors, the Mini Compact Outdoor user-friendly features include a summary alarm indicator and a removable fan tray.
2.3.1 Summary Alarm Indicator
A summary alarm indicator LED is located on the input side of the amplifier. When the SSPA is online, this indicator illuminates GREEN. When in a fault condition, it illuminates RED.
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2.3.2 Air Flow and Removable Fan Tray
The Mini Compact Outdoor Amplifier’s cooling system represents a landmark in microwave telecommunication amplifiers. It is a unique system of heatsinks that have been computer optimized to provide extremely efficient cooling of all of the system’s functional blocks. This high efficiency cooling system is primarily responsible for the small overall package size and reduced weight of the unit (approximately 24.5 lbs or 11.1 kg).
The cooling system is based on a forced convection technique in which the system fans provide the air intake while the exhaust is brought out around the outer perimeter of the fans. The fans are 132 CFM rated and operate into approximately 0.3 in. H2O back pressure, and produce 68.0 dB-A measured at a distance of 1 meter from the fan intake.
The air intake and exhaust are both located on the bottom side of the amplifier. The intake is brought through two fans while the exhaust is along the two rows of heatsink fins as seen in
Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2: Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA Air Flow
A minimum clearance of 6 inches (152 mm) should be maintained between the bottom of the amplifier and any mounting surface. This will ensure that there is no forced re-circulation of airflow from exhaust to intake.
Warning! The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA should NEVER be mounted with the fans facing up. Doing so will void your warranty.
The fans should be examined periodically and any obstruction or debris should be cleared. Inadequate air flow can cause the amplifier to overheat and cause a temperature fault. See
Section 7: Troubleshooting and Maintenance for cleaning instructions.
Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA 208143 REV C 19
2.4 Dimensions and Weight
The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA enclosure dimensions are 9.00 in. W x 12.00 in. L x 8.00 in. H. The addition of the RF Output waveguide and I/O connectors add a few inches to the over­all length of the unit, but the width and height remain constant, independent of the frequency band of the unit. See Figure 2-1 for an outline drawing of a Ku-Band Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA.
The base unit weighs approximately 24.5 lbs. There are several options available for the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA that will add to the base weight. These are listed in Table 2-7, along with the approximate weights for each power level.
Table 2-7: Unit weights (typical)
Model Number Weight Units
HPACC3075AC_XXXX 26.0 (11.8) lbs. (kg)
HPACC3100AC_XXXX 26.0 (11.8) lbs. (kg)
HPAXX3050AC_XXXX 25.5 (11.6) lbs. (kg)
HPAXX3075AC_XXXX 25.5 (11.6) lbs. (kg)
HPAXX3100AC_XXXX 25.5 (11.6) lbs. (kg)
HPAXX3175AC_XXXX 25.5 (11.6) lbs. (kg)
HPAKU3050AC_XXXX 24.5 (11.1) lbs. (kg)
HPAKU3080AC_XXXX 24.5 (11.1) lbs. (kg)
2.5 Mounting Kit Installation
The light-weight chassis of the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA is ideal for mounting the unit—or redundant assembly—directly to an antenna boom. These instructions outline how to install a Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA unit onto an antenna boom using a Universal CO mounting Kit. This kit allows installation of the unit on antenna booms up to 10” thick.
2.5.1 Safety Considerations
These instructions are designed to be used by a single operator. As such, several safety issues should be kept in mind during the installation.
1. The Teledyne Paradise Datacom Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA base unit weighs ~ 24.5 lbs., and should be handled with care to avoid scratching the exterior coating and compro­mising the unit’s corrosion resistance;
2. All bolts should be torqued down to within reasonable limits to avoid stripping the threads.
3. The section of antenna boom the unit is to be mounted on should be straight, dry and free from corrosion or defects.
2.5.2 Mounting Kit Inspection
On receiving the Universal CO Mounting Kit, inspect the contents to ensure all parts listed in Table 2-8 are present.
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Table 2-8: Universal CO Mounting Kit Parts List
Item # Qty Description Part No.
1 4 Bracket, Mounting L201394-2
2 4 Uni-Strut, 13.5” Lengths L201393-1
3* 4 1/2”-13 All-Thread Stud, SS 188FTS 8-11 or -15
4 12 1/2” Lock Washer 50LW188
5 12 Nut, Hex, 1/2”-13 1/2-13 Nut
6 16 Washer, Flat, Std. 1/2” MS15795-819
7 4 Bolt, Hex, 1/2”-13 x 1.25, SS MS35307-411
8 1 Gasket,6”x12”,1/32” THK, Adhesive backed 8991K51
9 4 Nut, Self-hold, 1/2” B911-1/2
* Kits are supplied with two different All-Thread lengths (11.0” or 15.0”) depending on the installation. The 11-inch All-Thread allows mounting on booms up to 6” diameter. The 15-inch All-Thread allows mounting on booms up to 10” diameter.
2.5.3 Installation
1. Cut gasket (Item 8) into four (4) 1.5” x 7” pieces. Attach gasket to each support bracket (Item 1) as shown in Figure 2-3. Trim gasket around bottom corners and slot in bracket.
2. Locate the mounting studs on the bottom of the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA unit. Using a 1/2” bolt (Item 7), two flat washers (Item 6), and a 1/2” nut (Item 5), firmly bolt one mount­ing bracket to each mounting stud, as shown in Figure 2-3. Be sure the gasket installed in Step 1 is between the bracket and the unit, that each bracket is vertical, and the top flange of the mounting bracket points away from the unit.
M & C
Figure 2-3: Attach Mounting Supports to Unit
3. Place one piece of Uni-Strut (Item 2), with the open channel up, at each end of the unit, across the flanges of the mounting brackets, lining up the holes. Run on a self-holding nut (Item 9) about 1” from the end of each All-Thread stud (Item 3). Slip the self-holding nut into the channel and through the Uni-Strut and mounting flange. Secure firmly in place with a flat washer (Item 6), lock washer (Item 4) and nut (Item 5). The unit should now look as shown in Figure 2-4.
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Figure 2-4: Install All-Thread stud
4. Bring the unit up tight under the boom (with the long axes parallel), sliding the All-Thread studs past the sides of the boom to show above the boom top. Place the remaining pieces of Uni-Strut (Item 2) open channel down across the boom onto the protruding All-Thread stud ends. Secure firmly with a flat washer (Item 6), lock washer (Item 4) and 1/2” nut (Item 5) on each of the four All-Thread stud ends. Looking from the end of the boom, the mounted unit should look as shown in Figure 2-5.
M & C
Figure 2-5: Mount Unit to Antenna Boom
5. Connect the signal input, output, communication cables and power to the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA unit as directed elsewhere in this manual.
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Section 3: Quick Start and Operation
3.0 Introduction
The Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA is available with a standard Ethernet & RS232/485 interface. This section summarizes the connections to a remote computer for various remote communications. Table 2-1 summarizes the hardware connections of Port J4 for all remote communication connections.
3.0.1 Remote Communications Connections
Units can be configured for either Ethernet (default IP or user-defined IP), RS-485, or RS-232 communications. The units cannot be used simultaneously with multiple communication protocols. The user must select one of the four formats. Figures 3-1 through 3-4 show the proper configuration of J4 for each of the four communication formats.
Note: When shipped from the factory, the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA is set to start up in IPNet mode when not connected to a QuickStart cable.
Interface Select 0
Chassis Ground
TX Enable
Figure 3-1: J4 Connections for Ethernet Communications, Default IP Address
Interfac e Selec t 1
Chassis Ground
TX Enable
Figure 3-2: J4 Connections for Ethernet Communications, User-Defined IP Address
Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA 208143 REV C 23
Chassis Ground
TX Enable
Interface Select 0
Interface Select 1
RS232/RS485 Select
Isolated Return for RS232/RS485
RS485 (RX-) RS232 (RX)
RS485 (TX-) RS232 (TX)
RS485 (TX+)
RS485 (RX+)
Figure 3-3: J4 Connections for RS-485 Communications
Chassis Ground
TX Enable
Interface Select 0
Interface Select 1
RS232/RS485 Select
Isolated Return for RS232/RS485
RS232 (RX)
RS232 (TX)
Figure 3-4: J4 Connections for RS-232 Communications
3.1 Quick Start Cables
For convenience all units ship with a ‘Quick-Start’ communications cable. This allows the user to immediately connect the amplifier to a PC and begin operation. Units ship with a Quick Start cable fitted with a 10-base T connector as shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5: Ethernet Quick Start Cable, 207755 (Revision A and beyond)
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Units may ship with a RS-232 Quick Start cable fitted with a DB9 connector. See Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6: RS232 Quick Start Cable, 207988
3.2 Quick Start Connection
This section describes the necessary steps to communicate with a Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA using the Ethernet Quick Start cable and the Universal M&C Software. The Teledyne Paradise Datacom Universal M&C Software is a free Windows-based application that can be downloaded from the company web site,
Both the Ethernet and Serial Quick Start Cables force the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA into a known state. Once communication is established using these cables, all permanent settings must be saved to the unit. If changes are not saved, the unit will revert back to the state before the Quick Start cables were used.
3.2.1 Set PC Configuration
To set your Windows-based PC to remotely communicate with the Mini Compact Outdoor unit, perform the following steps.
If using Windows XP:
1. Open the PC’s Control Panel (Start Menu Settings Control Panel);
2. Double-click on the Network Connections icon;
3. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties;
4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on the Properties button;
5. Select “Use the following IP address” and enter the following information:
IP address: Subnet mask:
6. Click the “OK” button and close out of all of the Control Panel windows.
Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA 208143 REV C 25
If using Windows 7 or Windows Vista:
1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner and select Control Panel;
2. Click on the Network and Sharing Center link;
3. Click on the Local Area Connection link;
4. Click on the Properties button;
5. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP v4) and click on the Properties button;
6. Select “Use the following IP address” and enter the following information:
IP address: Subnet mask:
6. Click the “OK” button and close out of all of the Control Panel windows.
3.2.2 Quick Start Ethernet Connection
The following steps outline how to quickly connect to your Compact Outdoor SSPA using the Ethernet Quick Start cable.
1. Unpack the amplifier and connect the RF Input and RF Output.
2. Ensure the J1 RF Output port is properly terminated.
3. Connect the AC input power to connector J7.
4. When shipped from the factory, the Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA will remain muted until Port J4 Pin B is shorted to ground at Port J4 Pin V.
5. Connect the supplied “Quick-Start” Control Cable from Port J4 to the Ethernet port on your computer. This connection will unmute the amplifier. Review the cable schematic in Figure 3-4.
6. Launch the Windows-based Paradise Datacom Universal M&C Software.
NOTE: If the Mini Compact Outdoor unit is powered up with the Ethernet Quick Start Cable connected to Port J4, the following default conditions apply to the unit:
IPNET Interface
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Local Port: 1007
IP Lock:
Web password: paradise
Read Community: public
Write Community: private
Amplifier is un-muted
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