Teledyne AORM User Manual

AORM Software
Instruction Manual
AORM Software Instruction Manual
© 2013 Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication of Teledyne LeCroy documentation materials other than for internal sales and distribution pur­poses is strictly prohibited. However, clients are encouraged to distribute and duplicate Teledyne LeCroy documentation for their own internal educational purposes.
AORM and Teledyne LeCroy are registered trademarks of Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective hold­ers. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
923133 Rev A June 2013
AORM Software Package
WHAT CAN AORM DO?..................................................................................... 7
Trending..................................................................................................................................... 7
Model of Optical Recording Processing ....................................................................................7
Selecting Parameters ................................................................................................................7
SETUP AND MEASUREMENT DIALOG............................................................. 9
AORM Measurement Menus ................................................................................................... 11
Measurement Table................................................................................................................. 15
View Menu Selections ............................................................................................................. 16
Equalizer and PLL Dialog ........................................................................................................17
CREATING AND ANALYZING HISTOGRAMS................................................. 18
Selecting the Histogram Function............................................................................................18
Histogram Trace Setup Dialog ................................................................................................18
Setting Binning and Histogram Scale...................................................................................... 19
DISPLAYING TRENDS...................................................................................... 20
Trend Calculation.....................................................................................................................22
Parameter Buffer...............................................................................................................22
Parameter Events Capture ...............................................................................................22
Reading Trends.................................................................................................................22
MAKING OPTICAL DATA MEASUREMENTS.................................................. 24
View Modes .............................................................................................................................24
Configuration Options..............................................................................................................25
Configuration Menus ...............................................................................................................26
Setting Levels ..........................................................................................................................28
Setting nT ................................................................................................................................30
Maximizing Performance .........................................................................................................30
Pit or Space Identification........................................................................................................31
nT Pit/Space Categorization....................................................................................................33
BES BEGINNING EDGE SHIFT..................................................................... 34
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Display Options........................................................................................................................36
BESS BEGINNING EDGE SHIFT SIGMA.....................................................37
Display Options........................................................................................................................38
EES ENDING EDGE SHIFT............................................................................39
Display Options........................................................................................................................41
EESS ENDING EDGE SHIFT SIGMA...........................................................42
Display Options........................................................................................................................43
BEES BEGINNING ENDING EDGE SHIFT ...................................................44
Display Options........................................................................................................................46
DP2C DELTA PIT TO CLOCK.......................................................................47
Display Options........................................................................................................................49
DP2CS DELTA PIT TO CLOCK SIGMA......................................................50
Display Options........................................................................................................................51
EDGSH EDGE SHIFT.....................................................................................52
Display Options........................................................................................................................52
Example ............................................................................................................................ 53
More On Edge Shift .................................................................................................................54
PAA PIT AVERAGE AMPLITUDE..................................................................56
Display Options........................................................................................................................56
Example ............................................................................................................................ 57
2 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
PASYM PIT ASYMMETRY............................................................................ 58
Display Options........................................................................................................................58
Example ............................................................................................................................ 59
PBASE PIT BASE......................................................................................... 60
Display Options........................................................................................................................60
Example ............................................................................................................................ 61
PMAX PIT MAXIMUM.................................................................................... 62
Display Options........................................................................................................................62
PMIDL PIT MIDDLE LEVEL ........................................................................... 64
Display Options........................................................................................................................64
Example ............................................................................................................................ 65
PMIN PIT MINIMUM...................................................................................... 66
Display Options........................................................................................................................66
Example ............................................................................................................................ 67
PMODA PIT MODULATION AMPLITUDE..................................................... 68
Display Options........................................................................................................................68
PNUM PIT NUMBER...................................................................................... 72
Display Options........................................................................................................................72
Example ............................................................................................................................ 73
PRES PIT RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 74
Display Options........................................................................................................................74
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Example ............................................................................................................................ 75
PTOP PIT TOP...............................................................................................77
Display Options........................................................................................................................77
Example ............................................................................................................................ 78
PWID PIT WIDTH...........................................................................................79
Display Options........................................................................................................................79
Example ............................................................................................................................ 80
Example 2: Histogramming ............................................................................................... 80
T@PIT TIME AT PIT........................................................................................84
Example ............................................................................................................................ 84
TIMJ TIMING JITTER......................................................................................90
Display Options........................................................................................................................90
Example ............................................................................................................................ 90
More About Timing Jitter .........................................................................................................92
SIGNALS, COUPLING, AND THRESHOLD SETTINGS ...................................94
Choice of Signals.....................................................................................................................94
Threshold Selection.................................................................................................................94
USING PARAMETERS WITH TRENDS AND XY PLOTS .................................96
Example and Step-by-Step Instructions............................................................................96
BASE AND TOP CALCULATION DETAILS....................................................100
THEORY OF OPERATION...............................................................................103
Teledyne LeCroy DSO Process .............................................................................................103
Parameter Buffer ...................................................................................................................104
Parameter Events Capture ....................................................................................................104
4 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
Histogram Parameters........................................................................................................... 105
Zoom Traces and Segmented Waveforms............................................................................ 106
Histogram Peaks ...................................................................................................................106
Example ..........................................................................................................................106
Binning and Measurement Accuracy..................................................................................... 107
DVD PROCESSING MODEL........................................................................... 108
DVD RAM ..............................................................................................................................108
FILTERING ............................................................................................................................ 110
APPENDIX A: NOTES ON ODATA MATH FUNCTION.................................. 112
Equalized ............................................................................................................................... 112
Operational Notes.................................................................................................................. 113
Leveled ..................................................................................................................................114
Extract Clk .............................................................................................................................114
How the Starting VCO Frequency and Phase are Determined.............................................120
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 5
6 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
The Advanced Optical Recording Measurement (AORM) package for Teledyne LeCroy digital oscilloscopes provides a set of waveform measurements and mathematical functions for the analysis of optical recording signals. Parameter measurements allow the categorizing and listing of measurement values in a variety of ways. The math functions (Histogramming and Trending) enable information to be revealed graphically.
The Advanced Optical Recording Measurement package provides parameter measurements for evaluating jitter due to intersymbol interface and emulation of DVD’s equalizer, slicer, and PLL. This functionality helps you to perform clock and jitter measurements, independent of a specific Integrated Circuit, allowing you to concentrate on optical head or media performance only. To support advanced optical recording drives that have constant angular velocity (CAV) or zone constant linear velocity (ZCLV), parameter measurements support automatic determination of the clock period.
Histograms can be created for any waveform parameter. They are displayed based on a set of user settings such as bin width or number of parameter events to be used. Histogram parameters are provided for measuring different histogram features such as standard deviation, number of peaks, and most populated bin. Histograms are selected by defining a trace as a math function, and selecting Histogram as the math function. As with other Zoom traces, histograms can be positioned and expanded by using the front panel POSITION and ZOOM knobs.
The Trend function allows you to create a graph containing successive waveform parameter measurement values. The trend function provides useful visual information on the variation of a waveform parameter within a sector, or even over multiple sectors. The Trend functionality,
coupled with other scope features, enables you to graph certain parameters against one another.
Model of Optical Recording Processing
In many applications, it is important to make timing and jitter measurements directly from the RF signal, independent of a specific DVD chip. The optical recording processing function in AORM can perform this processing and can let you view the equalized data, sliced data, threshold, and/or the recovered clock. You can control the cutoff frequency and boost of the equalizing filter, the closed loop bandwidth of the 1
order integrating slicer, and the bandwidth of the phase-
locked loop (PLL).
Selecting Parameters
1. Select Measure from the menu bar,
2. Touch the Px tab for the desired parameter position (P1 to P8).
3. Touch inside the Measure field, then select the Optical Recording group of parameters:
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 7
Paramete cursors. The position of the cursors can be set by dragging, entering an exact value in the
Standard Cursors dialog, or by means of the Cursors front panel knobs. When you enable
tracking by checking the Track checkbox, you can move the parameter cursors across the waveform so that measurement results can be taken on different sections of the waveform.
8 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
rs allow measurements of the section of waveform lying between the parameter
AORM Software Package
The “AORM Measurements” dialog is accessed from the menu bar’s Analysis menu. AORM is
supplied with X-Stream software version 4.2 and later. This highly interactive dialog allows you to set up and configure the clock and data sources, select a measurement type, and analyze the waveform, including statistics on parametric measurements:
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10 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Measurement Menus
Field Description
AORM Software Package
Allows you to
quickly select the most common views, with
Selects the p
rimary measurement to be made. In the Parameter view, the result for the selected measurement is displayed along with other parameters.
The units u
sed for the horizontal parameter results. Absolute
refers to voltage or time units. Percent refers to results being
calculated as a percent of the clock period.
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 11
Field Description
s which table of values is displayed below the grid.
When Parameters is selected, a checkbox is displayed that
enables you to turn on or off the display of statistics values.
Source This can be a channel, math function, or memory
trace. A Use Equalizer checkbox is provided to
apply a filter to the data source.
Data Gate This can be a channel, math function, memory
trace, or other. It specifies the input that will be used to determine where to perform measurements on the input signal. The polarity is always high.
This checkbox enables filtering of the data source.
Data Slope Polarity of the pits/spaces to use for the
measurement, when appropriate. Pos polarity refers to pits, Neg polarity refers to spaces, Both
can be selected to use both pits and spaces.
Hysteresis The Hysteresis selection imposes a limit above and
below the Threshold, which precludes measurements of noise or other perturbations within this band. The width of the band is specified in divisions.
Guidelines for Use
1. Hysteresi noise spi
2. The larg than the dista
s must be larger than the ma
ke you want to ignore.
est value of hysteresis usable
nce from the threshold to the closest
is less
extreme value of the waveform.
3. Unle extreme level
ss you know the largest noise and closes
that will ever occur on any cycle,
leave some margin on both sides of the threshold.
12 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
Field Description
The clock need only be specified if the parameter requires a clock for the calculation, or it is used as the source of the period.
Clock/Period By selecting From Data, you can have the clock
recovered from the data. In this case, all other clock setup fields except Clock Slope are unavailable.
When From Clock is selected, the period is automatically measured from the clock provided. The clock must then be configured.
When Period Only is selected,
Period From
Indicates the period of the clock.
When a standard is selected, the period is set to the value defined by the standard. You can also set a xN multiplier (e.g., 10x).
Clock Source This can be a channel, math function, or memory
Clock Slope Choose Pos, Neg, or Near. “Near” means the
nearest clock edge to the data edge.
Hysteresis Size of the hysteresis band (in screen divisions)
with the level at the center of the band. Any waveform being analyzed must pass beyond this band before the next threshold crossing is
recognized. The Level may be set to Absolute or Percent.
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 13
Field Description
Subject nT
For BES, EES, BEES, BESS, and EESS, this specifies the pit of interest. The results will be computed for each space/pit (pit/space) pair using the subject pit and all the spaces within the range specified.
Preceded by low nT Preceded by high nT
From nT To nT
Specifies the range of n indices that define the pits/spaces used in the calculation. The range of n coupled with T are used to
categorize the pits/spaces based on their widths.
Specifies the range of n indices that define the pits/spaces used in the calculation. The range of n coupled with T is used to
categorize the pits/spaces based on their widths.
14 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
Measurement Table
When the Parameter view is selected, up to 4 additional parameters, which are related to the selected
measurement, are displayed. The following table shows these additional parameters. For parameters that can be shown in the XY display, it also shows the parameter that is used for the X axis.
Measurement Parameters XY
(setup for custom parameters) (x axis)
dp2c (s) t@pit,pwid,pnum t@pit
EDGESH t@pit,pwid,pnum t@pit
EES (s) pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum n/a
BES (s) pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum n/a
PAA pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum n/a
Pit width t@pit, ptop,pbase,pnum t@pit
timj t@pit, ptop,pbase,pnum t@pit
Pit base pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum pwid
Pit top pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum pwid
Pit minimum pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum pwid
Pit middle pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum pwid
Pit asym pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum n/a
Pit max pwid,ptop,pbase,pnum pwid
Pit num pwid,ptop,pbase n/a
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 15
View Menu Selections
View Displays Additional Keys
XY Plot
The source traces will be displayed along with the custom parameters (see Measurement Table, next). If two traces are to be displayed, dual grids will be drawn.
When Histogram is selected, a
histogram of the selected parameter is displayed in a second grid, and a new tab, “AORM Histogram,” appears.
When Trend is selected, a trend plot
of the selected parameter is displayed in a second grid, and a new tab, “AORM Trend,” appears.
Plots the trend of the selected measurement vs. either the trend t@pit or pwid, as appropriate; not available for all measurements (see Measurement Table, next, for details).
When XY Plot is selected, a trend
plot of the selected parameter is displayed in a second grid, and a new tab, “AORM Trend Y,” appears.
Statistics: toggles the parameter
statistics on/off.
Find Center And Width: determines
the best scaling for the histogram based on up to the last 20,000 samples collected. This occurs automatically if the Enable Auto Find checkbox is checked.
Find Scale: determines the best
scaling for the trend (center and height). This occurs automatically if the Auto Find Scale checkbox is checked.
Find Scale: determines the best
scaling for trends (center and height). This occurs automatically if the Auto Find Scale checkbox is checked.
16 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
Equalizer and PLL Dialog
Field Description
AORM Software Package
Track Clock
Filter Cutoff and Boost
Slicer Bandwidth
PLL Bandwidth
PLL Startup Period From
Check this checkbox to enable tracking.
An equalizer filter is applied prior to the measurements. You can adjust the cutoff frequency and boost of the filter.
The data passes through a slicer to level the data (removes the threshold due to low frequency effects). You can set the bandwidth of the slicer.
If you checked the Clock From Data checkbox, a PLL is used to
recover the clock from the data waveform. In that case, the bandwidth of the PLL can be adjusted.
Auto When Auto is selected, the startup frequency will be
determined by analyzing the peaks of the input signal.
User When User is selected, you can set the startup
frequency yourself. This is useful when the startup frequency cannot be reliably determined from the input signal.
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 17
Selecting the Histogram Function
Histograms are created by graphing a series of waveform parameter measurements. The first step is to define the waveform parameter to be histogrammed. The next figure shows a screen display accompanying the selection of a frequency (freq) parameter measurement for a sine wave on Channel 1.
waveform cycles are shown, which will provide four freq parameter values for each histogram on each sweep. With a freq parameter selected, a histogram based on it can be specified.
Histogram Trace Setup Dialog
Each time a waveform parameter value is calculated it can be placed in a histogram bin.
Enter the #Bins from 20 to 2000.
You can set from 20 to 2 billion parameter value calculations for histogram display in the
#Values field.
18 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
The current horizontal per division setting for the histogram. The unit type used is determined by the waveform parameter type that the histogram is based on.
The vertical scale.
Linear make
linear. Th desi
gnates a bin value of 0.
nts increase beyond th
cou can be displayed on screen using the curre
nt vertical scale, this
automatically increa
s the vertical scale
e baseline of the histog
As the bin
at which
scale is
sed in a 1-2-
LinConstMax sets the vertical scalin
to a linear val full vertical di
ue that uses clos
splay capability of
e to the
the scope. The height of the histogram will rem
ain al
most constant.
Setting Binning and Histogram Scale
For either the Linear or LinConstantMax vertical scale option, the scope automatically increases
the vertical scale setting as required, ensuring that the highest histogram bin does not exceed the vertical screen display limit.
The Center and Width fields allow specification of the histogram center value and width per
division. The width per division multiplied by the number of horizontal display divisions (10)
determines the range of parameter values centered on the number in the Center field, used to
create the histogram.
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 19
The Trend function for processing waveforms creates a graph of successive waveform parameter values. It provides useful visual information on waveform parameter variation. Used together with other scope features, it allows you to graph certain parameters compared to others.
To Con
20 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
figure a Trend:
From the menu bar select Math, then Math Setup… from the drop
2. Touch default).
3. Touch
an Fx tab that is not currently assigned a math function (i.e., Zoom function
inside the Source1 field and select a source waveform from the pop-up
-down menu.
AORM Software Package
4. Touch inside the Operator1 field and select Trend Opera
tor pop-up menu. The "Trend" setup dialog will appear at the right of the screen
Decide whether all the parameter values, all per trace, or only the averag para
meter calculations for each waveform acquisition should be placed in the tre
All -- every p Av
erage -- trends only the average of all the values calculated on a given acquisition an
yields on
All per Trace -- for ea
culations from the new data in the trend. Unless this is specifically required, All shou
be sel
arameter calculation on each waveform will be placed
e point in the trend per acqui
ch acquisition, clears the buffer and places all param
from the Select Math
e of all
in the trend.
Choose the number of values to be placed in the generated trend.
If desired, you can also configure the center and heig
7. the para used to center the trend after it has been
asso while u
the para
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 21
meter being trended. However, this is not a requirement, and Find Scale can be
ter is for selecting the mantissa, exponent, or number of digits resolution, us
ciated knob. The configuration is the value at the horizontal center line on th
nits are those of the parameter trende
v selects the vertical value of each vertical screen division. Units ar
meter trend
ht of the trend in the base units of
ing the
e grid,
e those of
Trend Calculation
Once the trend has been configured, parameter values will be calculated and trended on each subsequent acquisition. Immediately following an acquisition, its trend values will be calculated. The resulting trend is a waveform of data points that can be used the same way as any other
waveform. Parameters can be calculated on it, and it can be zoomed, serve as the x or y trace in
an XY plot, and can be used in cursor measurements.
The sequence for acquiring trend data is:
1. trigger
2. waveform acquisition
3. parameter calculations
4. trend update
5. trigger rearm
If the timebase is set in non-segmented mode, a single acquisition occurs prior to parameter calculations. However, in segment mode, an acquisition for each segment occurs prior to parameter calculations. If the source of trend data is a memory, storing new data to memory effectively acts as a trigger and acquisition. Because updating the screen can take significant processing time, it occurs only once a second, minimizing trigger dead time (under remote control the display can be turned off to maximize measurement speed).
Parameter Buffer
The parameter buffer allows you to include up to one million values in the trend calculation.
Parameter Events Capture
The number of events captured per waveform acquisition or display sweep depends on the parameter type. Acquisitions are initiated by the occurrence of a trigger event. Sweeps are equivalent to the waveform captured and displayed on an input channel (1, 2, 3, or 4). For non­segmented waveforms, an acquisition is identical to a sweep. Whereas for segmented waveforms, an acquisition occurs for each segment, and a sweep is equivalent to acquisitions for all segments. Only the section of a waveform between the parameter cursors is used in the calculation of parameter values and corresponding trend events.
Reading Trends
A trend is like any other waveform: its horizontal axis is in units of events, with earlier events in the leftmost part of the waveform and later events to the right. And its vertical axis is in the same units as the trended parameter. When the trend is displayed, trace labels appear in their customary place on the screen identifying the trace, the math function performed, and giving
horizontal and vertical information:
# number of events per horizontal division
Units per vertical division, in units of the parameter being measured
22 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
Vertical value at point in trend at cursor location when using cursors
Number of events in trend that are within unzoomed horizontal display range.
Percentage of values lying beyond the unzoomed vertical range when not in cursor measurement mode.
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 23
View Modes
The two modes available for Optical Recording Measurements, “Custom” and “List by nT,” both display measurements either as waveform parameters or as a list of values. This chapter further describes these modes. The following table indicates which measurements can be made in each mode.
Measurement Parameter nT Table
BEES x x
BES x x
BESS x x
Dp2c x x
Dp2cs x x
EES x x
EESS x x
PAA x x
Pit asym x
Pit base x x
Pit max x x
Pit middle x x
Pit minimum x x
Pit moda x
Pit number x x
Pit res x
Pit top x x
Pit width x x
T@pit x
Timj x x
24 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
AORM Software Package
Configuration Options
All configuration options are available for each parameter, except as noted in this table:
Range of nT
Subject nT
Pit asym
Pit base
Pit max
Pit middle
Pit minimum
Pit moda
Pit num Pit res*
Pit top
Pit width
Timj x
x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
* Available from Measure dialog
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 25
Configuration Menus
The menus described on the following pages show how to configure any parameter.
Display the AORM dial
bar at the top of the screen and selecting AORM Measurements… from the drop-down menu.
Touch insi the pop-up menu.
de the View field and select a graph display from
og by touching Analysis in the menu
Touch insi default group of parameters is automatically displayed when
Parameter is selected. In addition, if Show Statistics is
checked, standard statistics (mean, min, max, sdev, num) are also displayed.
When nT Table is selected, a default list of nT is displayed:
26 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
de the Show field and select a display mode. A
AORM Software Package
Touch inside the Measurement field and select a
measurement from the pop-up menu. Besides the parameters included in this menu, others are available from
the Select Measurement menu, accessible from the Measure dialog:
923133 Rev A ISSUED: June 2013 27
Setting Levels
To identify pits or spaces, thresholds and hysteresis are set.
Touch inside the Data Source field and select
a signal source.
Check Use Equalizer to apply a filter to the
Data Source.
To set up the
and PLL tab.
Touch insi an edge from the pop-up menu.
equalizer, touch the Equalizer
de the Data Slope field and select
28 ISSUED: June 2013 923133 Rev A
+ 95 hidden pages