Teledyne ADFM Pro20, ADFM Analog Output Module, ADFM Hot Tap Technical Manual

Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter
ADFM Analog Output Module
Teledyne Isco P/N 69-7103-001 January 2000
ADFM Pro20
ADFM Hot Tap
ADFM Velocity Profiler
Technical Manual
January 2000
NOTE. This manual applies to ADFM firmware version 6.37 or higher. When newer firmware
versions are released, some commands may be modified or added. Read the README file on the upgrade disk or check MGD’s web site for the latest changes.
MGD Technologies Inc. was acquired as a subsidiary of Teledyne Isco Inc. in December, 2005 and was merged into Teledyne Isco in May, 2006. New contact information is printed below:
Teledyne Isco Inc.
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Lincoln, Nebraska, 68504
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FAX (402) 465-3022
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Copyright © 2000 by MGD Technologies Inc., Copyright © 2006 by Teledyne Isco Inc. - All rights reserved.
Teledyne Isco P/N 69-7103-001 (January 2000)
Table of Contents
Edition 4 – January 14, 2000 – Firmware version 6.37
New editions are complete revisions of the manual. Update packages, which are issued between editions, contain additional and replacement pages to be merged into the manual by the customer. The dates on the title page change only when a new and revised edition is published.
A software and/or firmware version code may be printed before the issue data; this indicates the revision level of the software and/or firmware of this instrument at the time of the manual or update was issued. Many product updates and fixes do not require manual changes and, conversely, manual corrections may be done without accompanying product changes. Therefore, do not expect a one to one correspondence between product updates and manual updates.
The total number of pages in this manual is 148.
Section # of Pages
Table of Contents 10 Chapter 1 6 Chapter 2 10 Chapter 3 6 Chapter 4 8 Chapter 5 10 Chapter 6 10 Appendix-A 10 Appendix-B 6 Appendix-C Appendix-D Appendix-E
Total page count
ii MGD Technologies Inc.
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Edition Effective Description
3 February 96 Firmware version 6.17 through 6.30 4 January 00 Firmware version 6.37
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Table of Contents
iv MGD Technologies Inc.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction to the ADFM Velocity Profiler™.......................................1-1
1-1 Overview ..................................................................................................................1-1
1-2 Getting Started.........................................................................................................1-1
1-3 General Operation....................................................................................................1-2
1-3.1 General Warnings and Cautions .........................................................................1-2
1-4 ADFM Components Overview..................................................................................1-3
1-4.1 What is an ADFM? ..............................................................................................1-4
1-4.2 Principles of Operation........................................................................................1-4
1-4.3 User Data Interfaces............................................................................................1-6
Equipment Setup and Installation .........................................................2-1
2-1 Introduction...............................................................................................................2-1
2-2 Initial Inspection........................................................................................................2-2
2-3 System Interconnection............................................................................................2-2
2-3.1 Connecting the Transducer Cable to the Electronics Unit...................................2-3
2-3.2 Power Supply to the ADFM .................................................................................2-3
Power Supply Options.........................................................................................2-3
Line Voltage Selection.........................................................................................2-4
Mains (AC) Power Cable.....................................................................................2-4
DC Power Supply Cable......................................................................................2-4
2-3.3 Applying Power....................................................................................................2-5
2-4 Built In Tests (BITs)..................................................................................................2-5
2-4.1 Testing Interval....................................................................................................2-5
2-4.2 Test Record.........................................................................................................2-5
2-4.3 Power-UP BIT Procedure/Sequence...................................................................2-6
2-5 Final Preparations for Use........................................................................................2-6
2-5.1 Measure Pipe or Channel Geometry...................................................................2-6
2-5.2 Prepare Installation Hardware.............................................................................2-7
2-5.3 Install Software and Configure Station File .........................................................2-8
2-5.4 Installing and Deploying the ADFM.....................................................................2-9
2-6 Packaging and Shipping the ADFM .........................................................................2-9
2-6.1 Tagging For Service............................................................................................2-9
2-6.2 Packaging............................................................................................................2-9
Software Operation.................................................................................3-1
3-1 Introduction...............................................................................................................3-1
3-2 Computer Requirements..........................................................................................3-1
3-3 WinADFM.................................................................................................................3-2
3-3.1 Related Files........................................................................................................3-2
3-4 Using BBTALK .........................................................................................................3-4
3-4.1 Running BBTALK ................................................................................................3-4
3-4.2 BBTALK Help ......................................................................................................3-4
3-4.3 Wakeup the ADFM..............................................................................................3-5
3-4.4 Communication Parameters................................................................................3-5
3-4.5 BBTALK LOG Files..............................................................................................3-6
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Table of Contents
Maintenance ............................................................................................4-1
4-1 Introduction...............................................................................................................4-1
4-2 Desiccant..................................................................................................................4-1
4-3 Battery Replacement................................................................................................4-2
4-3.1 Replacing the Alkaline Lantern System Batteries................................................4-2
4-3.2 Replacing the Lead-Acid System Batteries .........................................................4-3
4-3.3 Recharging The Lead-Acid System Batteries......................................................4-3
4-3.4 Replacing The Real Time Clock Backup Battery.................................................4-4
4-4 Fuse Replacement...................................................................................................4-4
4-5 Changing Mains Supply Voltage ..............................................................................4-5
4-6 Replacement Parts...................................................................................................4-6
ADFM Test Procedures...........................................................................5-1
5-1 Introduction...............................................................................................................5-1
5-2 Test Setup................................................................................................................5-1
5-3 Built-In Diagnostic Tests...........................................................................................5-2
5-3.1 Automatic Built-In Test Test ................................................................................5-2
5-4 Using BBTALK to Test the ADFM ............................................................................5-3
5-4.1 Diagnostic Tests..................................................................................................5-3
5-4.2 Receive Path Test...............................................................................................5-4
5-4.3 Transmit Test.......................................................................................................5-5
5-4.4 Sensor Test.........................................................................................................5-6
5-4.5 Modem Test.........................................................................................................5-7
5-4.6 Recorder Test......................................................................................................5-7
5-5 Using WinADFM to Test the ADFM..........................................................................5-8
5-5.1 Connect...............................................................................................................5-8
5-5.2 Bench Test ..........................................................................................................5-8
5-5.3 Field Test.............................................................................................................5-9
ADFM Troubleshooting ..........................................................................6-1
6-1 Introduction...............................................................................................................6-1
6-2 Equipment Required.................................................................................................6-2
6-3 Power On Fault Isolation..........................................................................................6-3
6-4 Fault Isolation...........................................................................................................6-3
6-5 Least Replaceable Assembly Fault Isolation............................................................6-6
6-5.1 Built-in Test is Not Executing...............................................................................6-6
6-5.2 Power ..................................................................................................................6-7
6-5.3 BIT Determines a Problem Associated with the Transducer.............................6-10
ADFM System Overview........................................................................A-1
A-1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. A-1
A-2 Electronics Unit Circuit Description ......................................................................... A-1
A-2.1 Power Supply System......................................................................................... A-1
A-2.2 Receiver ............................................................................................................. A-2
A-2.3 Timing Generator................................................................................................ A-3
A-2.4 Central Processing Unit...................................................................................... A-3
A-2.5 User Interface..................................................................................................... A-4
A-3 Transducer Electronics Circuit Description ............................................................. A-5
A-3.1 Multiplexer.......................................................................................................... A-5
vi MGD Technologies Inc.
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A-3.2 Transmit Path..................................................................................................... A-5
A-3.3 Receive Path...................................................................................................... A-5
A-3.4 Temperature Interface........................................................................................ A-6
A-3.5 Transducer Power Supply.................................................................................. A-6
B-1 Physical Specifications............................................................................................ B-1
B-2 Performance Specifications..................................................................................... B-3
B-2.1 Measurement Precision...................................................................................... B-3
Flow Accuracy.................................................................................................... B-3
Velocity............................................................................................................... B-3
Water Level ........................................................................................................ B-4
B-2.2 Packaging and Environmental............................................................................ B-4
Transducer ......................................................................................................... B-4
Electronics Unit................................................................................................... B-4
Transducer Signal Cable.................................................................................... B-4
Acoustic Frequency............................................................................................ B-4
B-2.3 Data Management..............................................................................................B-5
ADFM Velocity Profiler™ Data Output ................................................................ B-5
ADFM Velocity Profiler Software ..................................................................... B-5
Data Storage (optional) ...................................................................................... B-5
Data Interfaces................................................................................................... B-6
B-2.4 Power and Frequency ........................................................................................ B-6
Power ................................................................................................................. B-6
ADFM Commands.................................................................................. C-1
C-1 Introduction..............................................................................................................C-1
C-1.1 ADFM Data Communication and Command Format..........................................C-2
C-1.2 Command Input Processing...............................................................................C-2
C-1.3 Data Output Processing.....................................................................................C-3
C-2 Command Descriptions...........................................................................................C-6
? - Help Menus:..................................................................................................C-7
C-2.1 Control System Commands................................................................................C-8
CA - Communication Timeout.............................................................................C-8
CB - Serial Port Control (Baud Rate/Parity/Stop Bits)........................................C-8
CF - Flow Control: .............................................................................................. C-9
CK - Keep Parameters .....................................................................................C-10
CL – Leapfrog...................................................................................................C-10
CN - Site Number .............................................................................................C-10
CP - Clear BIT Log ...........................................................................................C-10
CR - Retrieve Parameters ................................................................................C-10
CS - Start Pinging (Go)..................................................................................... C-11
CT – Turnkey....................................................................................................C-11
CV - Shut Off Voltage.......................................................................................C-12
CZ - Power Down ADFM..................................................................................C-12
C-2.2 Environmental Sensor Commands...................................................................C-13
EA Heading Alignment ..................................................................................... C-13
EC - Speed Of Sound.......................................................................................C-13
ED - Depth Of Transducer................................................................................C-13
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Table of Contents
C-2.3 Modem Commands ..........................................................................................C-18
C-2.4 Performance and Test Commands...................................................................C-22
C-2.5 Discharge Commands ......................................................................................C-33
C-2.6 Recorder Commands ....................................................................................... C-37
EE - Secondary Depth Max. Probable Error.....................................................C-14
EO - Secondary Depth Zero Offset...................................................................C-14
ER - Secondary Depth Span ............................................................................C-14
ES - Salinity...................................................................................................... C-15
ET - Temperature .............................................................................................C-15
EX - Coord Transform.......................................................................................C-15
EZ - Sensor Source:......................................................................................... C-17
MC - Modem Command ................................................................................... C-18
MH - Hangup on Ping Start .............................................................................. C-18
MI - Modem Answer Init.................................................................................... C-18
MM - Modem Monitor........................................................................................C-19
MN - Dial out Phone Number............................................................................C-20
MO - Check to see if the Modem is OK............................................................C-20
MP - Modem Power.......................................................................................... C-20
MT - Modem Terminal ......................................................................................C-21
MZ - Modem Reset...........................................................................................C-21
PA - User Interactive Tests............................................................................... C-22
PC - Diagnostic Tests.......................................................................................C-22
PD - Data Stream Select ..................................................................................C-23
PF - Display Fault Log...................................................................................... C-23
PI Run Individual Built-In Tests ........................................................................ C-24
PS - Show System Parameters........................................................................C-24
PT - Built-In Tests.............................................................................................C-25
PT0 – Help........................................................................................................ C-26
PT1 – Board Level Receive Test......................................................................C-27
PT2 - Ancillary System Data............................................................................. C-28
PT3 - Receive Path .......................................................................................... C-28
PT4 - Transmit Path ......................................................................................... C-29
PT5 - Electronics Wrap Around........................................................................ C-30
PT6 – Receive Bandwidth ................................................................................C-31
PT8 - Checksum Lookup Tables......................................................................C-32
QB - Bed Level .................................................................................................C-33
QC - Channel Type........................................................................................... C-33
QD - Algorithm Select.......................................................................................C-33
QF - Force Depth.............................................................................................. C-34
QH - Pipe Heights/Epsilons..............................................................................C-34
QO - Transducer Offset from Pipe Bottom .......................................................C-34
QP - Disc Params.............................................................................................C-35
QR - QVD Structure Only Rate.........................................................................C-35
QU - Channel Geometry Units..........................................................................C-35
QW - Pipe Widths/Radii....................................................................................C-36
QZ - Zero Discharge Accumulation ..................................................................C-36
RA - Number Of Deployments Recorded ......................................................... C-37
RB - Blank Check Megabyte # ......................................................................... C-38
RD - Current Deployment Selected..................................................................C-39
RE - Erase Recorder ........................................................................................C-39
RJ - Number Of Ensembles To Jump............................................................... C-39
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RS - Recorder Space Used/Free...................................................................... C-40
RT - Recorder Bit.............................................................................................. C-41
RY - Start YModem...........................................................................................C-42
C-2.7 Timing Commands ........................................................................................... C-43
TE - Time Per Ensemble ..................................................................................C-43
TF - Time Of First Ping.....................................................................................C-43
TP - Time per Ping ........................................................................................... C-44
TS - Set Real-Time Clock.................................................................................C-45
C-2.8 Vertical Beam Commands................................................................................ C-46
VC - Proofing of depth...................................................................................... C-46
VD - Data Out...................................................................................................C-46
VM - Surface Track Mode................................................................................. C-46
VN - Vertical Beam Number Of Depth Cells..................................................... C-47
VP - Pings per Ensemble ................................................................................. C-47
VS - Vertical Beam Depth Cell Size ................................................................. C-47
VX - Vertical Beam Transmit Length ................................................................C-47
C-2.9 Water-Profiling Commands .............................................................................. C-48
WC - Correlation Threshold..............................................................................C-48
WD - WT Data Out ........................................................................................... C-48
WE - Error Velocity Threshold..........................................................................C-48
WF - WT Blank After Transmit.......................................................................... C-49
WG - Percent Good Minimum...........................................................................C-49
WM - WT Profiling Mode .................................................................................. C-49
WN - WT Number Of Depth Cells.....................................................................C-50
WO - Single Beam Mode Select.......................................................................C-50
WP - WT Pings Per Ensemble ......................................................................... C-50
WS - WT Depth Cell Size .................................................................................C-50
WV - WT Mode 1 Ambiguity Velocity................................................................ C-51
ADFM Hot Tap Insertion........................................................................ D-1
ADFM Analog Output Module ............................................................... E-1
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. ADFM Components ......................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-2. Typical ADFM installation.............................................................................................1-4
Figure 1-3. ADFM Beam Geometry................................................................................................1-5
Figure 2-1. ADFM System Interconnection ....................................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2. Pipe Geometry and Parameters...................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-3. Transducer Orientation ................................................................................................2-8
Figure 3-1. BBTALK Menu.............................................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 3-2. BBTALK Help Screen ...................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-3. BBTALK Communication Setup Menu.......................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-4. BBTALK Log File..........................................................................................................3-6
Figure 4-1. ADFM Electronic Housing (Exterior View) – Replaceable Parts Identification .............4-7
Figure 4-2. ADFM Electronic Housing (Interior View) – Replaceable Parts Identification...............4-8
Figure 5-1. WinADFM Operate Dialog Window..............................................................................5-8
Figure A-1. Electronics Unit Block Diagram ................................................................................... A-7
Figure A-2. Transducer Block Diagram.......................................................................................... A-9
Figure B-1. ADFM Transducer Dimensions................................................................................... B-2
Figure B-2. ADFM Field Housing Dimensions............................................................................... B-3
Figure C-1. Pipe Heights/Epsilons............................................................................................... C-34
List of Tables
Table 1-1: User Data Interface Types ...........................................................................................1-6
Table 4-1: List of ADFM Replacement Parts.................................................................................4-6
Table 6-1: List of Least Replaceable Assemblies..........................................................................6-1
Table 6-2: Required Test Equipment.............................................................................................6-2
Table 6-3: List of Test Points.........................................................................................................6-9
Table A-1: Electronics Unit Block Diagram Legend...................................................................... A-8
Table A-2: Transducer Block Diagram Legend........................................................................... A-10
Table C-1: ADFM Commands.......................................................................................................C-3
Table C-2: ADFM Command Groups............................................................................................ C-6
Table C-3: CMD Description ......................................................................................................... C-9
Table C-4: Coordinate Transformation Processing Flags...........................................................C-16
Table C-5: Sensor Source Switch Settings.................................................................................C-17
Table C-6: Data Stream Selections............................................................................................. C-23
Table C-7: Error Code Hex to Binary Conversion.......................................................................C-26
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Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
xii MGD Technologies Inc.
Introduction to the ADFM Velocity Profiler™
Introduction to the ADFM Velocity Profiler™
1-1 Overview
This technical manual is intended to be the detailed reference for the ADFM Velocity Profiler™ (ADFM), using the firmware version listed on the title page. This manual contains information on ADFM set up, operati on, data retrieval, maintenance, testing, and troubleshooting.
1-2 Getting Started
Please take the time to read these instructions. We have tried to make the ADFM and it’s manual easy to use. Before using the ADFM to collect real data:
Page through this manual to become familiar with its contents;
Familiarize yourself with ADFM components by looking at dia-
Use Chapter 2 to install, connect, test, and deploy the ADFM;
Use Chapter 3 to issue software commands and begin collecting
Use Chapter 4 as a maintenance and troubleshooting guide;
Use Appendices for additional reference.
ADFM Technical Manual (January 2000) page 1-1
Chapter 1
If you have questions pertaining to a specific ADFM system installed, please have the following information on hand before contacting us:
Serial # of Electronics Unit and Transducer:
Technical Support will need to know the serial number to obtain the sys­tem’s configuration before they can help you.
Contents of the WinADFM con­figuration file:
A detailed description of the problem:
We need to know the setup of the ADFM, and site details.
Try to answer what happened and when it happened. What were the cir­cumstances leading to the problem. Be as detailed as possible.
1-3 General Operation
Before applying mains power, verify that the power entry module voltage selection matches the available line voltage, the correct fuse is installed, and safety precautions are taken.
1-3.1 General Warnings and Cautions
This section contains a list of items you should be aware of every time you use your ADFM. Please refer to this list often.
Before mains power is supplied to the ADFM, the protective
earth (ground) terminal of the instrument must be connected to the protective conductor of the mains power cord. The mains plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a pro­tective earth contact. The protective action must not be negated by the use of an extension cord (power cable) without a protec­tive conductor (grounding). Grounding one conductor of a two­conductor outlet is not sufficient protection.
Servicing instructions are for use by service-trained personnel. To
avoid dangerous electric shock, do not perfor m any ser vice un­less qualified to do so.
If this instrument is to be supplied via an auto-transformer, make
sure the common terminal is connected to the earth terminal of the power source.
Any interruption of the earthing (grounding) conductor, inside or
outside the instrument, or disconnecting the pr otecti ve earth t er­minal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
page 1-2 MGD Technologies, Inc.
Introduction to the ADFM Velocity Profiler™
Only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and specified
type should be used. Do not repa i r fuses or s hort c ircuit fuse­holders. To do so could cause a shock or fire hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modi-
fications to the instrument.
Certain test measurements described in the manual are performed
with power supplied to the instrument while protective covers are removed. Energy available at many points may, if contacted, result in personal injury.
Any maintenance and repair of the opened instrument under volt-
age should be avoided as much as possible, and when inevitable, should be carried out only by a skilled person who is aware of the hazards involved.
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged even if the
instrument has been disconnecte d from it s sour ce of s uppl y.
1-4 ADFM Components Overview
Figure 1-13 illustrates the three major components of a ADFM system. Two components are installed at each site: a transducer, installed in the bottom of a pipe or channel, and its Electronics Unit, installed nearby in a non­hazardous atmosphere. These two components communicate with the third system component, a remote host IBM compatible PC computer, either via a Modem, or a serial data interface (RS-232 or RS- 422) .
Computer with Modem
Telephone line
Figure 1-1. ADFM Components
Serial cable
Laptop computer
TransducerTransducer cable
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Chapter 1
To allow measurements close to the bottom of the pipe or channel and to minimize debris collection on the transducer, the ADFM transducer is de­signed to have a low profile. It therefor e contai ns a mini mum of re quired electronics. The Electronics Unit and transducer contain all circuitry and systems needed to measure directional flow, the level within the sewer pipe, to record results, and to transfer data from and to local or remote locations.
Use of a laptop computer running Windows 95 and the WinADFM software is recommended for initial setup of the ADFM on-site. Subsequent data collection and re-programming may be performed locally or remotely via modem if a telephone telemetry connection is available.
1-4.1 What is an ADFM?
The ADFM V elocity Profiler (ADFM) is a flow meter based on the Dop­pler principle. The ADFM consists of a transducer assembly mounted in the flow, a signal processing unit and an interface cable
1-4.2 Principles of Operation
Figure 1-24 shows a typical ADFM installation for measuring open channel
flow in a pipe. A transducer assembly is mounted on the invert of a pipe or channel. Piezoelectric ceramics emit short pulses along narrow acoustic beams pointing in different directions. Echoes of these pulses are backscat­tered from material suspended in the flow. As this material has motion rela­tive to the transducer, the echoes are Doppler shifted in frequency. Meas­urement of this frequency enables the calculation of the flow speed. A fifth ceramic mounted in the center of the transducer assembly, and aimed verti­cally, is used to measure the depth.
Velo c ity Profile # 2
Dept h c e lls
Velo c ity P ro f ile # 1
Flow pattern
Figure 1-2. Typical ADFM installation
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Introduction to the ADFM Velocity Profiler™
The ADFM divides the return signal into discrete regular intervals that cor­respond to different depths in the flow. Velocity is calculated from the fre­quency shift measured in each interval. The result is a profile, or linear dis­tribution of velocities, along the direction of the beam. Each of the small black circles in Figure 1-24 represent an individual velocity measurement in a small volume known as a depth cell.
The directions of the velocity profiles in Figure 1-24 are based on the ge­ometry of the ADFM’s transducer assembly. Figure 1-35 shows a side view of the transducer assembly. The profiles shown in Figure 1-24 are gener­ated from velocity data measured by an upstream and downstream beam pair. The data from one beam pair are averaged to generate Profile #1, and a beam pair on the opposite side of the transducer assembly generates Pro­file #2.
Since Doppler measurements are directional, only the component of veloc­ity along the direction of transmit and receive is measured, as shown in
Figure 1-35. Narrow acoustic beams are required to accurately determine
the horizontal velocity from the measured component. The narrow acoustic beams of the ADFM insure that this measurement is accurate. Also, the range-gate times are short and the depth cells occupy a small volume - cyl­inders approximately 5 centimeters (2 inches) long and 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter. This insures that the velocity measurements are truly representative of that portion of the flow. Potential bias in the return energy spectrum due to range dependent variables is avoided. The result is a very precise measurement of the vertical and transverse distribution of flow ve­locities.
Flow Velocity Vector
Vector Componen t
Figure 1-3. ADFM Beam Geometry
The velocity data from the two profiles are entered into an algorithm to de­termine a mathematical description of the flow velocities throughout the
ADFM Technical Manual (January 2000) page 1-5
Chapter 1
entire cross-section of the flow. The algorithm fits the basis functions of a parametric model to the actual data. The result predicts flow velocities at all points throughout the flow. These results are integrated over the cross­sectional area to determine the discharge.
The key benefit to this approach is that the system will operate accurately under different hydraulic conditions. As hydraulic conditions change, the change will manifest itself in the distribution of velocity throughout the depth of flow. As the ADFM is meas ur ing the velocit y di stri buti on dir ectl y, it will adapt to the changes in hydraulics, and generate a flow pattern that is representative of the new hydraulic conditions, insuring an accurate esti­mate of flow rate.
1-4.3 User Data Interfaces
The ADFM has three user data interfaces, which are listed in Ta ble 1- 16 be­low.
Table 1-1: User Data Interface Types Type: Description:
RS-232 Serial Data Interface, EIA standard RS-232C, used for local data
communication with the ADFM. Not to be used over distances more than 15 meters. Maximum baud rate is 57600 Baud.
RS-422 Serial Data Interface, EIA standard RS-422, used for local or remote
data communication over distances up to 1.2 km. Maximum Baud rate is 115 kBaud.
Modem 28800 bps Modem with data compression and error correction
capabilities, used for remote data communication with the ADFM.
For a complete set of specifications for the serial data interfaces please refer to the EIA specifications. For more information on available modems, please contact MGD Te chnologies Inc.
page 1-6 MGD Technologies, Inc.
Equipment Setup and Installation
Equipment Setup and Inst allation
2-1 Introduction
This section of the manual contains information and instructions for inspec­tion, configuration, testing, installation, and deployment of the ADFM Ve­locity Profiler™. Included in this section are:
Initial inspection procedures
Connecting the ADFM components
Power supply options
Built-in tests (BITs)
Final preparations for use
Installing and deployment
Packing and shipping information
The general sequence of events in installing and deployment of an ADFM are:
Prepare portable computer to be taken to installation site.
Perform pre-installation equipment and operational checks.
Connect the ADFM Transducer and Electronics Unit via the
Transducer Cable.
Measure channel dimensions and determine geometry.
Setup ADFM configuration file for each installation site.
Install the ADFM transducer and electronics unit, conduct final
Program desired data logging parameters into the ADFM.
Connect phone line to ADFM Modem port, if required.
ADFM Technical Manual (January 2000) page 2-1
Chapter 2
2-2 Initial Inspection
On receipt, inspect the shipping contai ner for damage. If shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have been c h ecke d for c ompleteness and the system has been checked both mechanically and electrically. If the contents are incomplete, if there is evidence of mechanical damage or defects, or if the syste m indi­cates a failure in some component during the initial testing procedure, please notify MGD Technologies Inc. as soon as possible. If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning material shows signs of stress, no­tify the carrier as well as MGD Technologies Inc. Keep the shipping mate­rials for the carrier’s inspection.
2-3 System Interconnection
Use Figure 2-12 to connect the ADFM cables and the computer.
Internal Batterie
Serial Cable (Optional - for Testing Only)
Laptop Computer (Optional - for Testing Only)
115 to 230 VAC 50 - 60 Hz
Figure 2-1. ADFM System Interconnection
Modem Port (Optional)
24 to 36 VDC (Optional)
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Equipment Setup and Installation
2-3.1 Connecting the Transducer Cable to the Electronics Unit
The transducer cable is a multi-pair, multi-shielded cable designed specifi­cally for use with the ADFM. The standard cable length is 15 meters (49 feet), but other cable lengths are available. Contact MGD Technologies Inc. for details. Extension cables are not recommended due to EMI/RFI con­straints.
The transducer cable connects to the electronics unit using a 14-position keyed connector. The receptacle on the electronics unit is located on the bottom right side of the unit.
To make the connection, remove the blank cap from the receptacle on the electronics unit. Insert the cable connector into the receptacle, rotating it until the keyed portions are properly aligned. Thread the coupling ring onto the receptacle to complete the connection. Reverse this procedure when disconnecting the cable from the electronics unit.
2-3.2 Power Supply to the ADFM
CAUTION. BEFORE connecting mains (AC) power to this instrument, be
sure the line voltage selector jumpers inside the Electronics Unit is set properly and the correct fuse is installed.
Power Supply Options
The ADFM is designed to operate from one of three independent power sources: internal batteries, external DC power supply, or external AC power supply. All sources may be used concurrently; the source that supplies the highest voltage will automatically supply power to the system. Mains (AC) power is converted to a DC supply of approximately 28-30 VDC after recti­fication and filtering inside the ADFM. By combining external mains power with internal batteries, one can obtain uninterrupted operation of the ADFM during brief power outages. Both front panel power switches must be in the “On” position for this to occur.
Two internal battery options are available for the ADFM. The standard con­figuration consists of four 6-volt alkaline lantern batteries wit h spri ng t er­minals. Recommended alkaline batteries are the Eveready Energizer, Model EN529. These alkaline batteries have approximately 2.5 times the
ADFM Technical Manual (January 2000) page 2-3
Chapter 2
power/life of the lead-acid type. An optional conversion kit for using two (2) 12-volt, 7-amp hour sealed lead-acid gel cell batteries is also available.
The ADFM will operate from an external DC power supply of 12 to 35 volts, with a power consumption of 3 watts maximum. A supply voltage of 24 to 35 VDC is recommended to allow operation from the internal batter­ies when the external power supply is interrupted. Operation from external mains (AC) power requires a power s o urce of 115 or 230 VAC, ±10%; 50 to 60 Hz, with a power consumption of 5 VA maximum.
Line Voltage Selection
The ADFM should be delivered pre-configured for the proper voltage. The current configuration will be indicated by a sticker on the exterior of the Electronics Unit adjacent to the AC input connector. Before applying mains power, verify that the ADFM is configured for the correct line voltage. If the ADFM is configured for the wrong voltage, please contact MGD Tech­nologies Inc. for instructions.
Mains (AC) Power Cable
CAUTION. BEFORE CONNECTING THIS INSTRUMENT TO MAINS, the protective earth (ground) terminal of the instrument must be connected to the protective conductor of the mains power cord. The mains power cable must be connected to a protective earth contact. The protective action must not be negated by use of an extension cord (power cable) without a protective conductor (grounding). Grounding a two-conductor outlet does not provide an instrument ground.
This instrument is provided with a three-conductor power cable for mains supply. When connected to an appropriate power outlet, this cabl e grounds the instrument unit. The mains power supply cable normally ships as a pig­tail assembly for field wiring to the mains power supply. The connector on the cable mates with the left-most receptacle on the ADFM, and that is the only receptacle it will mate with. Wiring assignments for the mains powe r cable are as follows:
Pin Color Function
(L) 1 Brown Line (N) 2 Blue Neutral (PE) 3 Green Protective Earth
DC Power Supply Cable
This instrument is provided with a two-conductor cable for DC power sup­ply. This cable provides no grounding. The DC power supply cable nor­mally ships as a pigtail assembly for field wiring to the DC power supply.
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Equipment Setup and Installation
The power supply cable mates with the smallest connector on the ADFM. Wiring assignments for the power cable are as follows:
Pin Color Function
(+) 1 Red + DC (-) 4 Black - DC
2-3.3 Applying Power
Two key switches on the inner front panel control power to the ADFM. A third momentary key switch provides a reset function. Ensure that both power switches are in the “off” position, and the reset switch is not held in the “reset” position. Connect the appropriate power supply cables to the ADFM and the power source, if required. Ensure that the batteries are se­curely mounted in the ADFM and that the battery supply wiring harness is attached. Use the supplied switch-key to switch the appropriate power source switch(es) to the On-position, indi cated by “1”; this will power-up the ADFM. If you intend to use both mains and battery power, ensure that both switches are on.
2-4 Built In Tests (BITs)
When power is first applied to the ADFM, an internal self-test will auto­matically be performed. Result messages will scroll on the LCD display, culminating in a display showing the ADFM firmware version number on the first line and a hexadecimal-coded error map on the second line. The software used to operate the ADFM will periodically report and reset the error code map, and to re-run selected tests. By interpretation and further fault isolation, it is possible to isolate a hardware problem to a least re­placeable assembly (LRA) level. For a list of LRAs refer to Chapter 4-
Table 4-1, page 4-6: List of Least Re plac eable Assemblies
2-4.1 Testing Interval
Routine execution of the built-in tests is not required during normal system operation. Execution of selected built-in tests from software is recom­mended quarterly or at each battery change, whichever is more frequent. The built-in tests should also be performed whenever a hardware problem with the ADFM is suspected. See further details.
2-4.2 Test Record
The WinADFM software by default will create a log containing details of all ADFM operations, including the status of the error code map and the re­sults of all built-in tests. No further test record is required unless specifi­cally requested by Technical Support Personnel.
Chapter 3 and the software manual for
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Chapter 2
2-4.3 Power-UP BIT Procedure/Sequence
a. Switch power to the ADFM off. b. Switch power on again; however, make sure at least ten minutes
have passed since all power was switched off. The ADFM’s LCD display should show firmware version and error code map followed by the “wake up message”:
RD Instruments:
------------------­Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter
c. The ADFM’s LCD display should begin displaying the results of the
power-up BIT, as these tests are executed. The power-up BIT tests will take approximately one or t wo mi nutes t o per for m af ter which the LCD display will show the firmware version and BIT error code map (see Chapter 5 for details):
ADFM Ver. V6.xx 09000080
d. To repeat the power-up BIT tests you may turn and release the Reset
key switch, located on the front panel of the Electronics Unit.
2-5 Final Preparations for Use
2-5.1 Measure Pipe or Channel Geometry
In order for the ADFM to measure flow accurately, it must have information about the pipe or channel in which it is installed. Refer to Figure 2-27 for a diagram of the channel geometries directly supported by the ADFM. The pipe/channel shape must be symmetrical about the vertical cente rli ne. Ap­plication of the ADFM in pipes or channels of other geometries may be possible. Please contact MGD Technologies Inc. with specific detai ls of your application for further information.
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Equipment Setup and Installation
Rectangular and Trapezoidal shaped:
H = Heights in meters
W = Widths in meters
Circular or Egged-shaped
a = Angles in degrees
R = Radii in meters
Figure 2-2. Pipe Geometry and Parameters
During installation, the following parameters need to be recorded, as they are needed by the software to estimate discharge:
Cross-sectional geometry: For rectangular channels, the width
(W) and the height (H) need to be recorded. For circular pipes/channels the, radii (R) and angles (a) nee d to be recorde d. These parameters will be entered into software and used to esti­mate discharge. Note that for a circular channel only the Diame­ter (D) needs to be recorded.
Normal distance from the surface of the transducer fifth beam t o
the invert of the pipe: Enter these dimensions into the “Zero Off­set” box in the WinADFM setup screen.
Level of silt in the pipe or channel should be entered into the
“Bed Level” box in the WinADFM setup screen.
2-5.2 Prepare Installation Hardware
Installation hardware is available from MGD Technologies Inc. for a variety of channel shapes and sizes. Please contact MGD Technologies Inc. for fur­ther information, or if you desire assistance in applying the ADFM to your specific situation.
The ADFM transducer assembly includes three drilled and tapped mounting holes. To avoid damage to the transducer assembly and ceramics, these holes are the only locations that should be used to mount the transducer as­sembly to the installation hardware. These mounting holes are drilled and tapped for a metric size machine screw, size M6-1.0. Inserts are available to convert the existing holes from metric M6 to metric M3 and US standard #6-32 size threads.
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Chapter 2
Installation of the ADFM transducer assembly must also comply with the following parameters to maintain the accuracy of the final installation:
Transducer must be installed in such a way that the vertical beam
(beam 5) is oriented normal with respect to the pipe’s or chan­nel’s invert. Note that the vertical beam is normal to the trans­ducer’s top surface.
Transducer must not be rotated about the vertical Z-axis. A sight-
ing device or similar s h oul d be used t o mi ni mi ze r otat iona l mi s ­alignment.
Transducer must be installed such that positive longitudinal flow
direction is from the “non-cable” side of the transducer to the “cable” side. See Figure 2-38 below for further explanation of the flow direction.
Positive (Downstream) direction of flow
+z out of page
Figure 2-3. Transducer Orientation
2-5.3 Install Software and Configure Station File
Before the ADFM can be used in a specific application, it must be programmed for that application. This is most easily done using the WinADFM software. See Chapter 3 and the Software Manual for further details.
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Equipment Setup and Installation
2-5.4 Installing and Deploying the ADFM
Detailed procedures for installing the ADFM in a specific application can­not be provided without detailed knowledge of the application. Please con­tact MGD Technologies Inc. if you desire information or assistance in your application. “Deployment” refers to the programming of an ADFM with the site, channel, profiling, and data logging characteristics desired at the site. Deployment is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3 and the software manual.
2-6 Packaging and Shipping the ADFM
Clean the Electronics Unit and transducer assembly with mild soap and wa­ter prior to packaging and shipment. vents as they will damage these surfaces. MILD chlorine bleach solutions may be used if odors persist or if disinfection of the unit is desired. Use caution to prevent water from entering the Electronics Unit housing while cleaning. Ensure that the unit is completely dry prior to packaging and shipment to avoid corrosion or other damage during shipment. The ADFM may be shipped with batteries installed, however, all key switches should be in the “off” position for shipment. Removal of batteries from the unit may be desirable to reduce the shipping we ight.
DO NOT use abrasive agents or sol-
2-6.1 Tagging For Service
If the instrument is to be shipped to MGD Technologies Inc. for service or repair, attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner, address of owner, complete instrument model and serial number, and a description of the service required. Mark the container FRAGILE to ensure careful han­dling. In any correspondence, refer to the system by model and full serial number.
2-6.2 Packaging
The original factory packaging material should be stored for reuse in the event it becomes necessary to transport the ADFM. If the original packag­ing material is unavailable or unserviceable, mater ials identi ca l or eq uiva­lent to those used in factory packaging are available through MGD Tech­nologies Inc.
For repackaging with commercially available materials follow these instruc­tions:
Wrap Electronics Unit and transducer assembly separately in
bubble wrap or other cushioning material.
Use strong shipping container suitable for the weight of the
ADFM. Shipping containers made of wood or plastic are prefer-
ADFM Technical Manual (January 2000) page 2-9
Chapter 2
able, but corrugated shipping boxes of at least 200-lb. test may be used.
Use a layer of shock-absorbing materiel, at least 25 mm (1 in)
thick around all sides of the Electronics Unit and transducer as­sembly to firmly cushion and prevent movement inside the con­tainer. Special care must be taken to protect the transducer ce­ramics on the upper face of the transducer assembly from dam­age.
Seal shipping container securely.
Mark shipping container FRAGILE to ensure careful handling.
In any correspondence, refer to system by model number and se-
rial number.
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