Tektronix WFM2200 User Manual

SD/HD/3G SDI Waveform Monitor & Generator
User Manual
SD/HD/3G SDI Waveform Monitor & Generator
This document supports software version 1.0 and above.
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc. 14150 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. B o x 5 0 0 Beaverto USA
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
n, OR 97077
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200. Worl dwid e, vi sit www.tektronix.com to nd contacts in your area.
Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of o ne (1) year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product w ithout charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may be n the property of Tektronix.
ew or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become
In order to o the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage result b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modied or integrated with other products when the effect of such modication or integration increases the time or difculty of servicing the product.
[W2 – 15AUG04]
btain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of
ing from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product;
Table of Contents
General Safety Summary ........................................................................................ vii
Preface .............................................................................................................. ix
Where to nd more information............................... ................................ .............. ix
Conventions used in this manual.... .................................. ................................ ....... x
Getting started. . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . ..... . . 1
Product description ................... ................................ ................................ ......... 1
Options and optional accessories............................................................................. 4
Installation..................... ................................ .................................. ............... 6
Congure the network interface............................................................................. 16
Incoming inspection .......................................................................................... 21
Storing or shipping the instrument................ ................................ .......................... 23
Getting acquainted with your instrument ... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . ..... . ... 25
Front-panel controls ............................ .................................. ............................ 25
Online help .................................................................................................... 29
Instrument display ............................................................................................ 30
Signal inputs and outputs ............................... ................................ .......................... 37
Connectors..................................................................................................... 37
Signal inputs................................................................................................... 37
Connector conguration ........................... ................................ .......................... 39
Signal outputs ............................. ................................ ................................ .... 40
Display modes ... ................................ .................................. ................................ 42
ANC Data display (Option DATA only) ................................................................... 43
Arrowhead display.................. ................................ ................................ .......... 47
Audio display.................... .................................. ................................ ............ 49
Bowtie display ................................................................................................ 55
Datalist display (Option DATA only)....................................................................... 57
Diagnostics Monitor display................................................................................. 60
Diamond display ................ .................................. ................................ ............ 64
External Reference Waveform display ..................................................................... 66
Generator Status display ..................................................................................... 68
Lightning display ............................................................................................. 71
LTC Waveform display....................................................................................... 74
Picture display................................................................................................. 76
Split Diamond display........................................................................................ 79
Status displays................................................................................................. 81
AES Channel Status display ...... .................................. ................................ .... 82
Alarm Status display..................................................................................... 84
ARIB status displays .......................... .................................. ........................ 85
Audio Control Packet status display ................................................................... 86
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual i
Table of Contents
Audio Session s
Auxiliary Data Status display... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . . .... . . .... . . .... . . .... . . .... 92
Dolby Status display..................................................................................... 94
Error Log status display ............................. ................................ .................... 96
Video Session status display ............................................................................ 99
Timing Measure display ....... .................................. ................................ .......... 103
Vector display ............... ................................ .................................. .............. 107
Waveform display................. .................................. ................................ ........ 111
Functions ......................................................................................................... 115
Gain, sweep, and magnication ............................. ................................ .............. 115
Measurement cursors (Waveform display only)......................... ................................ 119
Display capture (freeze)............................ .................................. ...................... 121
Line select ......... ................................ ................................ .......................... 122
Audio volume and source adjustment .... ................................ ................................ 124
Presets........................................................................................................ 125
Software upgrades ............................. ................................ ................................ .. 131
Before you begin............................................ .................................. .............. 131
Software upgrade overview.... .................................. ................................ .......... 132
USB software installation.................................................................................. 133
Network software installation ....... ................................ ................................ ...... 135
Verify the software and installed options................................................................. 136
Software installation troubleshooting............. ................................ ........................ 137
Checking chroma/luma delay .................................................................................. 139
Checking gamut.................... .................................. ................................ ............ 141
To set up gamut checks..................... ................................ ................................ 141
Checking RGB gamut .............................. .................................. ...................... 142
Checking composite gamut ................................................................................ 145
Checking luma gamut ...................................................................................... 146
Automating gamut checks . ................................ .................................. .............. 146
ARIB content displays .......................................................................................... 147
To enable the ARIB content displays..................................................................... 147
ARIB Status display........................................................................................ 148
ARIB STD-B.39 display ................................................................................... 149
ARIB STD-B.37 display and status screens ......................... ................................ .... 152
ARIB STD-B.35 display and status screens ......................... ................................ .... 155
ARIB TR-B.23 (1) display and status screens ......................... .................................. 157
ARIB TR-B.23 (2) display and status screens ......................... .................................. 159
ARIB TR-B.22 display and status screens ....... ................................ ........................ 161
Audio monitoring.................................... ................................ ............................ 163
To congure embedded audio inputs and alarms........................................................ 163
To display an audio input .................................................................................. 164
tatus display...................................... .................................. .... 89
ii WFM2200 Waveform Monitor&GeneratorUserManual
Table of Contents
To check audio l
To monitor embedded 16-channel audio ................................................................. 167
To check surround sound. . ..... . ... . . ..... . ..... . ..... . .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . 168
Closed captioning (CC), teletext, AFD, and safe area compliance..................... .................... 172
Monitoring CC and teletext................................................................................ 172
Monitoring for safe area compliance ........... .................................. ........................ 176
Application examples ....................... ................................ .................................. .. 178
Timing a studio.............................................................................................. 178
Troubleshooting cable problems ................ .................................. ........................ 183
evel and phase ........................................................................... 164
for AFD compliance.......................................................................... 177
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual iii
Table of Contents
List of Figure
Figure 1: Instrument online help....................... ................................ .......................... 29
Figure 2: Navigate menus using the arrow keys and select button..................... ...................... 31
Figure 3: Display quadrants and related tile numbers ... . ..... . ..... . . ...... . . ..... . . ..... . . ..... . . ..... . . .... 32
Figure 4: Changing from 4-tile to full-screen view .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . . 33
Figure 5: Thumbnail view in Waveform display............................................................... 34
Figure 6: Elements of the Status bar .......................... .................................. ................ 35
Figure 7: Placement of dual link information in the Waveform display............................. ........ 38
Figure 8: Video signal generation con
Figure 9: AES audio signal generation connection ............................................................ 41
Figure 10: ANC Data display (full screen mode).............................................................. 43
Figure 11: Arrowhead display ................................................................................... 47
Figure 12: Audio display (Surround mode) .. ................................ .................................. 49
Figure 13: Bowtie display ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 14: Datalist display ....................................................................................... 57
Figure 15: Diagnostics Monitor display (page 1).............................................................. 61
Figure 16: Diagnostics Monitor display (page 2).............................................................. 61
Figure 17: Diagnostics Monitor display (page 3).............................................................. 62
Figure 18: Diagnostics Monitor display (page 4).............................................................. 62
Figure 19: Diamond display.................................. ................................ .................... 64
Figure 20: External Reference Waveform display (tri-level sync signal) ....... ............................ 66
Figure 21: Generator Status display ............................................................................. 68
Figure 22: Construction of the Lightning display............................ ................................ .. 71
Figure 23: Lightning display ..................................................................................... 72
Figure 24: LTC Waveform display .............. ................................ ................................ 74
Figure 25: Picture display of color bars signal with Safe Area and Picture Center graticules enabled .. 76
Figure 26: Split Diamond display ................... ................................ ............................ 79
Figure 27: AES Chan
Figure 28: Alarm Status display ................................................................................. 84
Figure 29: Format of the Audio Control Packet ............................................................... 86
Figure 30: Structure of the Audio Control Packet ........................... .................................. 86
Figure 31: Audio Control Packet status display................................................................ 87
Figure 32: Audio Session status display .. ................................ .................................. .... 89
Figure 33: Auxiliary Data Status display . ..... . ..... . ..... . .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . 92
Figure 34: Dolby Status display ................................................................................. 94
Figure 35: Error Log status display ......................... ................................ .................... 96
Figure 36: Video Session status display of an HD signal ..................................................... 99
Figure 37: Timing Measure display ........................................................................... 103
Figure 38: Timing display of non-integer multiples of reference rates .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . . 106
nection.................................................................. 40
nel Status display......................................................................... 82
iv WFM2200 Waveform Monitor&GeneratorUserManual
Table of Contents
Figure 39: Vect
Figure 40: Vector display in Composite mode ............................................................... 108
Figure 41: Using measurement cursors in the Waveform display.......................................... 120
Figure 42: Navigating line selection .......................................................................... 123
Figure 43: Sample of transfer.exe window after the upgrade is complete ...... .......................... 136
Figure 44: Determining transition intersections in the Lightning display. . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . .. 140
Figure 45: D
Figure 46: Out-of-gamut examples............................ ................................ ................ 143
Figure 47: Arrorwhead gamut display plots.................................................................. 145
Figure 48: ARIB Status display, showing no ARIB data present .......................... ................ 148
Figure 49: ARIB STD-B.39 display (with the associated ARIB Status display) ......................... 149
Figure 50: ARIB STD-B.37 display (with the associated ARIB Status display) ......................... 152
Figure 5
Figure 52: ARIB TR-B.23 (1) display (with the associated ARIB Status display) ...................... 157
Figure 53: ARIB TR-B.23 (2) display (with the associated ARIB Status display) ...................... 159
Figure 54: ARIB TR-B.22 display (with the associated ARIB Status display)........................... 161
Figure 55: Audio levels............... ................................ ................................ .......... 165
Figure 56: Checking for phase correlation ................. ................................ .................. 166
Figure 58: Surround sound indicators. ................................ ................................ ........ 169
Figure 59: Auxiliary Data Status display . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... 174
Figure 60: Closed caption display area ....................................................................... 175
Figure 61: Safe Action and Safe Title areas . . ..... . .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . . 177
1: ARIB STD-B.35 display (with the associated ARIB Status display)......................... 155
re 57: 16-Channel audio bars display .................................................................... 168
or display in Normal mode with the compass rose and I/Q axis graticules enabled ... 107
iamond display plot .............................................................................. 142
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual v
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Table i: Product documentation.................................................................................. ix
Table 1: Key
Table 2: Instrument options .......... ................................ .................................. ........... 4
Table 3: Optional accessories ..................................................................................... 4
Table 4: Power cord options........ ................................ .................................. ............. 5
Table 5: Service options ........................ ................................ ................................ ... 5
Table 6: Battery charge-level meter icons .......... ................................ ............................ 13
features .............................................................................................. 2
vi WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
General Safety Summary
General Safet
To Avoid Fi
re or Personal
Review the fo this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid pot
Only qualied personnel should perform service procedures.
Use proper
certied for the country of use.
Observe a
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Power disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source. Do not block the power cord; it must remain acce ssible to the user at all times.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product w ith covers or panels removed.
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
ential hazards, use this product only as specied.
power cord. Use only the power cord specied for this product and
ll terminal ratings. To avoid re or shock hazard, observe all ratings
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualied service personnel.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.
Replace batteries properly. Replace batteries only with the specied type and rating.
Recharge batteries properly. Recharge batteries for the recommended charge cycle only.
Use proper AC adapter. Use only the AC adapter specied for this product.
o not operate in wet/damp conditions.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep product surfaces clean and dry.
Provide proper ventilation. Refer to the manual's installation instructions for details
on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual vii
General Safety Summary
Symbols and Terms on the
These terms may
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER in the marking.
WARNING read the marking.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
appear in this manual:
dicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you
N indicates a hazard to property including the product.
viii WFM2200 Waveform Monitor&GeneratorUserManual
This manual contains the following information to help you use the Tektronix WFM2200 SD/HD/3G SDI Waveform Monitor & Generator:
How to set up various waveform displays for monitoring SD-SDI, HD-SDI, and 3 Gb/s SDI video signals.
How to set up audio displays to monitor embedded AES/EBU audio signals.
How to set up parameters for monitoring auxiliary data, ancillary data, closed captions, and timecode.
How to freeze video data.
How to s et up error logging and alarms.
How to operate the instrument remotely.
How to n a
vigate instrument menus.
How to operate the instrument front panel.
Where to nd more information
This product is shipped with a Product Documentation CD that contains various
documents for all users and reference information for system integrators. The
user following table shows you where you can nd this and more information about your product. You can always nd the most updated documentation and software for your product on the Tektronix Web site at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
Table i: Product documentation
To read about Tektronix part num ber Use these documents
Installation and safety
Instrument operation 077-0661-XX
Content-sensitive help topics
Installation and Safety Instructions
ovides installation, safety, general specications, and
Pr compliance information.
This is a printed manual and is also available on the Web at
ser Manual (this manual)
In-depth descriptions of instrument operation.
Available on the Web at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
Online Help
Detailed instrument operation and UI help is available in your instrument by pressing the HELP button on the front panel of the instrument.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual ix
Table i: Product documentation (cont.)
To read about Tektronix part number Use these documents
Specications and procedures for checking instrument performance
Information about declassifying the instrument
Information about the WFM200BA battery pack
Information about the WFM200BC battery charger
075-1041-XX WFM200BA Rechargeable Battery Pack Instructions
Specications and Performance Verication Technical Reference
Physical, electrical, and environmental specications; functional checks and performance verication procedures.
Available on the Web at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
Declassication and Security Instructions
Detailed information about how to sanitize the instrument.
Available on the Web at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
Provides safety, operating, and recycling information for the Lithium-Ion battery pac k.
This is a printed manual and is also available on the Web at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
WFM200BC External Battery Charger Instructions
Provides safety and operating information for the optional, external battery charger.
This is a printed manual and is also available on the Web at www.tektronix.com/downloads.
Conventions used in this manual
The following icon is used throughout this manual:
Sequence step or item
x WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
Your instrument was shipped with a printed Installation and Safety Instructions manual which includes safety, compliance, and o perating requirements along with power-on, in online at www.tektronix.com/downloads. This User manual contains information about operating the instrument.
This chapter will help you set up and begin to use the instrument. It is divided into the following four sections:
Product description describes your instrument and provides a list of key features.
Options and optional accessories lists the options and optional accessories which are available for the instrument.
Network installation describes how to set up your instrument for use on an Ethernet network.
Incoming inspection provides a procedure for verifying the basic operation and functionality of your instrument.
stallation, and accessories information. That manual is also available
Product description
The WFM2200 SD/HD/3G SDI Waveform Monitor and Generator is a portable baseband video monitor, offering uncompromised monitoring quality for eld applications with a large 6.5 inch high-brightness, low-power consumption LED backlit display, and weighing in at less than 4.4 lbs (2 kg).
This instrument provides an array of basic monitoring tools for video (SD, HD, Dual Link, and optional 3G) and audio (Embedded and AES) signals. You can
ngure the instrument for a full screen or quad-tile display, which allows you to
co see all of the necessary signal information at a glance. The ANC Data Inspector, Data list, and closed caption decode features are invaluable for troubleshooting problems within the ancillary data space.
You can use the Tektronix patented Timing display and the external reference waveform display to assist in ensuring correct video timing and troubleshooting timing problems. The instrument includes a color bar and pathological video signal generator for troubleshooting signal paths and equipment.
A range of accessories can expand the versatility of the WFM2200 for eld operations such as production setup and troubleshooting. The instrument can be powered by the supplied rechargeable/replaceable Li-Ion battery pack or the supplied 100-240 V AC adapter, which provides 19 VDC to the instrument.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 1
Getting started
Key features
The following k
ey features make this instrument an easy to use, exible, and
effective tool.
Table 1: Key features
Item Description
Flexible til Full and Quad Tile
Digital support
Fully digital process
Video a signal generation
Innite Persistence All trace displays can also be set, tile by tile, to Innite Persistence.
Gamut monitoring Arrowhead, Spearhead, Diamond, and Split Diamond displays offer
LTC waveform display Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) is monitored in a frame rate display
External Reference Waveform display
nd audio test
orm display
r display
Quad Tile (4-Tile): View four measurement displays at once, one in each tile.
In Quad Tile concurrent views of a monitored signal (with a maximum o f two trace displays at once). The instrument also provides the exibility to congur you to quickly check the integrity of a signal.
Full: View the active display full screen.
Customizable presets allow you to quickly save and recall commonly
Support f
Fully Di operation that surpasses traditional analog designs.
Multi­engineers with a simple signal source for quick signal path verication during system and/or equipment setup and troubl
Tradi paraded.
Vector display with Composite and Component Compass Rose Graticules, and gain, sweep, and magnication controls. Traditional and L both luma and chroma amplitudes, and quanties inter-channel timing.
s mode traces waveforms over time on the same display,
Thi providing a visual history of the trace.
user-selectable gamut thresholds so that you can set monitoring
mits appropriate to a specic operation. Ga mut monitoring is fully
li integrated with the alarm logging and reporting capabilities.
to allow observation of amplitude and noise, and verify LTC is
ocked to the video.
The External Reference waveform display check the external reference signal integrity, including its shape and amplitude. This display is independent of the input video signal.
mode, the high-resolution LED display provides four
e each of the four display tiles independently, enabling
used congurations.
or digital applications.
gital Processing allows for accurate, repeatable, drift-free
rate color bar and pathological signal generation provides
tional waveform displays allow signals to be overlaid or
ightning Vector displays are available. The latter visualizes
2 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
Table 1: Key features (cont.)
Item Description
Audio monitoring
Auxiliary data monitoring
Timing display
Closed Captioning support (Option DATA only)
Picture area
Status screens Status screens provide content status at a glance.
Error tracking
Remote control
Data List display
Ancillary data inspector
Audio Surround Sound Display licensed from Radio Technische Werksütten GmbH and Co. KG (RTW).
Surround Sound display of audio signals and phase relationships of normal channel pairs.
16-channel embedded AES/EBU audio simultaneous monitoring
support with Multichannel Surround Sound
display, exible Lissajous display, and two channel AES/EBU BNC input monitoring. The Lissajous display lets you monitor a user-specied pairing of channel inputs.
Support and options for viewing and monitoring both levels of normal channel pairs for embedded audio signals.
Support for audio control packet coding and many popular audio scales, including BBC scales.
Support for monitoring auxiliary data including data conforming to ARIB standards and CEA608, CEA708, AFD, and CGMS-A.
A Tektronix proprietary display that simplies measuring the timing difference between two signals. Using the Timing display enables you to easily compare and correct the timing between two signals.
Support for simultaneous decode and display in multiple languages of CC standards (CEA 608 (VBI), CEA 608 (ANC), CEA (608/708), CEA 708, TeletextB (VBI), TeletextB OP47 S DP (ANC), and TeletextB OP47 Multi (ANC)) with caption text and V-chip information overlaid on the picture (monitor mode). There are also settings for missing or incorrectly inserted closed captioning.
Support for standard and custom Safe Graticules for Picture displays that look for incorrect placements of graphics, logos, Black events, and Frozen events. Two Safe Area graticules and Safe Title graticules are supported.
Congurable alarms and error logging.
Full remote control for complete installation exibility.
Examines the contents of all digital formats, structures, and transports and displays the data without any interpolation.
Allows you to monitor all ancillary data present in a signal.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 3
Getting started
Options and op
Instrument o
tional accessories
Your instrument may have been ordered with one or more of the options listed in this section.
The following options are available for the instrument:
Table 2: Instrument options
Option Description
3G Adds support for 3G-SDI (Level A and Level B) signal formats.
DATA Adds comp
Check the installed options.
When th
e instrument is powered on, you can check which options are installed on
your instrument by performing the following steps:
1. Press t
he CONFIG button on the front panel.
2. Use the General knob to navigate to Utilities.
rehensive data monitoring, which helps to quickly resolve difcult content quality and reliability issues through closed captioning, subtitles, AFD decode/display and full ANC data support.
Optional accessories
3. Press the right arrow button to navigate to the Utilities submenu and select View Instrument Options. The menu box on the right side of the display
s the installed options.
You can purchase any of the following accessories for your instrument.
Table 3: Optional accessories
Accessory Description
WFM200BA Additional Li-Ion rechargeable battery pack. The instrument is shipped
with one WFM200BA rechargeable battery pack.
WFM200BC External battery charger for the WFM200BA rechargeable battery pack.
WFM200FSC Soft carrying case to protect the instrument with room for the instrument,
AC adapter, and battery pack(s).
4 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
International power cord
The instrument
was shipped with an AC adapter and one of the following power cord options. Power cords for use in North America are UL listed and CSA certied. Cords for use in areas other than North America are approved by at least one authority acceptable in the country to which the product is shipped.
Table 4: Power cord options
Option Descriptio
A0 North America power
A1 Universal EUR power
A2 United Kin
A3 Australia power
A6 Japan power
A11 India po
A12 Brazil power
When ordering the A99 option, it is the responsibility of the end user to be sure that a certied power cord, for
ntry or region in which it is installed, is used with this instrument.
the cou
Switzerland power
China power
No power cord
gdom power
Service options
You can add any or all of the following service options to any instrument. (See Table 2 .)
e 5: Service options
Option Description
C3 Adds 3 years of Calibration Service.
C5 Adds 5 years of Calibration Service.
Adds a Calibration Data Report.
Adds 3 years of Calibration Data Report (when ordered with option C3).
Adds 5 years of Calibration Data Report (when ordered with option C5).
Adds 3 years of Repair Service (including the period under warranty). This option is available only at the time that the product is purchased.
Adds 5 years of Repair Service (including the period under warranty). This option is available only at the time that the product is purchased.
Adds 3 years of Repair Service (including the period under warranty). This option is available only after the product is purchased.
Adds 5 years of Repair Service (including the period under warranty). This option is available only after the product is purchased.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 5
Getting started
Your handheld instrument is shipped in a fully enclosed metal chassis with a protective rubber boot. A ange with a threaded hole is provided on the bottom panel for use with a tripod mount.
If you need to install your instrument in a custom application, such as a console, be sure to provide adequate airow and make sure the intake air to the side vents does not exceed 40 °C. Do not block or restrict the ventilating holes. See the
WFM2200 Sp
the complete operating specications.
CAUTION. To prevent risk of re, adequate airow must be maintained. Failure
to provide adequate airow to the instrument could cause the instrument to shut down. Inadequate airow includes placing the instrument in any small, enclosed room that lacks a ventilation system, such as a closet. If the airow is restricted or blocked the instrument could be permanently damaged.
ecications and Performance Verication Technical Reference for
and the instrument does not shut down, the risk of re is increased and
Power requirements
nstrument is designed to be powered by a 19 VDC input or by a Li-Ion
This i rechargeable battery pack. However, the instrument will operate from any regulated DC voltage between 11 V and 20 V. Input voltages below 18.5 V should not be used while the battery pack is installed, as the battery pack will discharge until it is below the input voltage level.
ower. When the instrument operates from an external AC adapter, the
AC p
following power requirements apply:
WARNING. Fire can cause personal injury and/or property damage. To prevent
risk of re, when using an external DC source other than the provided AC adapter, make sure that it has a suitable current limiting device (such as a fuse).
A single-phase power source with one current-carrying conductor at or near earth-ground (the neutral conductor).
The power source frequency must be 50 or 60 Hz, the operating voltage range must be from 100 to 240 VAC, continuous. The typical power draw is 27 W.
WARNING. To reduce risk of fire and shock, make sure the mains supply voltage
uctuations do not exceed 10% of the operating voltage range.
6 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
Systems with bo (such as phase-to-phase in multiphase systems) are not recommended as power sources.
NOTE. Only the line conductor is fused for over-current protection. The fuse is
internal and not user replaceable. Do not attempt to replace the fuse. If you suspect the fuse has blown, return the unit to an authorized service center for repair.
Use the proper power cord with the AC adapter. (See page 5, International power cord options.)
Reference for additional information on power and environmental requirements.
battery pack. One WFM200BA battery pack is provided with the instrument. If needed, you can purchase additional battery packs.
NOTE. For optimum performance, charge the battery pack completely before
using it for the rst time or after prolonged storage.
the WFM2200 Specications and Performance Verication Technical
y power. This instrument can be powered by a Lithium-Ion rechargeable
th current-carrying conductors live with respect to ground
When installed, the battery pack will charge whenever the supplied AC adapter is connected, whether the instrument is O n, Off, or in Standby mode. The charging rate is unaffected by instrument operation.
If you are using the WFM200BA battery pack to power the instrument, read the following battery safety notices. See the WFM200BA Rechargeable Battery
ck Instructions for information about how to properly operate and maintain
the battery pack.
CAUTION. To avoid damage to the battery pack, use only the waveform monitor
or the optional WFM200BC battery charger to charge the battery pack. Do not connect any other voltage source to the battery pack.
To avoid overheating of the battery pack during charging, do not exceed the allowable ambient temperature of 0 to 40 °C. The battery pack will stop charging if it gets too hot.
The temperature at which the battery pack will stop charging varies depending on the charging current and the battery heat dissipation characteristics. This is particularly true when the instrument is being operated while the battery pack is charging. The actual battery-charging temperature limit may be lower than 40 °C.
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 7
Getting started
Connect power
This section pr the battery pack.
Power cord installation. Connect the AC adapter to the power connector on the instrument top panel as shown below.
NOTE. If a battery pack is installed in the instrument, it will automatically charge
whenever th Off, or in Standby mode.
ovides procedures for installing the power cord and installing
e supplied AC adapter is connected, whether the instrument is On,
8 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
Battery pack in
WFM200BA Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery pack. Perform the following steps to install the battery pack.
NOTE. For optimum performance, charge the battery pack completely before
using it for the rst time or after prolonged storage.
The battery pack can be installed, removed, or replaced while the instrument is turned on and operating with the AC adapter.
See the WFM200BA Rechargeable Battery Pack Instructions for more information about the battery pack.
1. On the rear panel of the instrument, remove the cover for the battery
a. Lift up the battery-cover ring.
b. Turn the battery cover ring ¼ turn counterclockwise.
c. Lift away the battery cover.
2. Inser
stallation. The WFM2200 waveform monitor is shipped with a
t the WFM200BA battery pack into the battery compartment as shown
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 9
Getting started
3. Secure the batt
4. Replace the battery compartment cover:
a. Insert the three tabs on the battery cover into the chassis slots as shown
ery pack tab as shown below.
10 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
b. Close the batte
to secure the cover.
c. Press the batt
ry cover and turn the battery cover ring ¼ turn clockwise
ery cover ring down so that it latches into place as shown
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 11
Getting started
Power-on and power-off
This section pr
Power-on procedure. Perform the following steps to power on the instrument:
1. Connect power to the instrument:
AC adapter. C
Battery pac
2. Press the S on.
3. If you are power level before operating the instrument. (See page 13, Battery charge level indicators.)
Power-off procedure. Perform the following steps to power off the instrument:
1. Press the Standby button using one of the following two methods:
Press and hold the Standby button for one second and then release to
ovides procedures for powering the instrument on and off.
onnect the AC adapter to the power connector on the
instrument. (See page 8, Power cord installation.)
k. Install the WFM200BA battery pack. (See page 9, Battery
pack installation.)
tandby button on the instrument front panel to turn the instrument
powering the instrument using only the battery pack, check the
put the instrument in Standby mode. In Standby mode, the instrument consumes less power than when it is turned on and also takes less time to turn back on than when it is turned completely off. The Standby button
ins illuminated when the instrument is in Standby mode.
Press and hold the Standby button for four seconds and then release to
n the instrument off.
NOTE. When you press and hold the Standby button, a message box appears
stating how long to hold the button for Standby mode or to turn the instrument off. To turn the instrument off, hold the button until the message “Release the POWER button to power off now” is displayed.
2. To remove power completely from the instrument, disconnect the AC adapter from the power connector and remove any installed battery pack.
12 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
Getting started
Battery charge
level indicators. When the WFM200BA battery pack is not
installed in the instrument, you can check the charge level by pressing the Check button on the back of the battery pack. LEDs will illuminate to indicate the amount of charge remaining in increments of approximately 20%.
When a bat
tery pack is installed in the instrument, the charge level meter is shown on the bottom right of the status bar. The following table shows examples of the meter icons.
Table 6: Battery charge-level meter icons
Item Description
Battery fully charged, AC adapter plugged in
Battery partially charged, AC adapter plugged in and charging
Battery level low, AC adapter not plugged in
Battery level critically low, AC adapter not plugged in
WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual 13
Getting started
Tripod installation
The bottom pane instrument on a camera tripod as shown below.
l provides a ¼-20 threaded hole that can be used to mount the
nstrument can operate almost anywhere in the distribution system where
Video system installation
14 WFM2200 Waveform Monitor & Generator User Manual
The i serial digital system monitoring is needed.
Line termination. The video inputs (SDI A, SDI B, and REF IN) each have 75 internal terminations.
mpatibility of BNC center pins. Most BNC connectors for video equipment,
whether 50 or 75 ,usea50standard center pin. Some laboratory 75 BNC connectors use a smaller diameter center pin. The BNC connectors on the instrument are designed to work with the 50 standard (large diameter) center pins.
Do not use connectors or terminators with the smaller center pins. They could cause intermittent connections.
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