Tektronix TDS684C, TDS694C Datasheet

Features & Benefits
3 GHz and 1 GHz Bandwidths to Work with the Fastest Signals in Today’s Digital Designs
10 GS/s and 5 GS/s Sample Rates on all Channels Simultaneously for Full Bandwidth Single-shot Capture
Waveform Math and Advanced Waveform DSP
Waveform Pass/Fail Template Testing
Color Display RS-232, Centronics and GPIB
Interfaces Included Standard Record Length to 120,000
Timebase Accuracy to 10 ppm, Time Interval Measurement Accuracy to ±15 ps (TDS694C)
Trigger Jitter 8 ps
1% Vertical Accuracy (TDS694C)
100 ps Peak Detect (TDS694C Only)
*1TDS694C with long record length option (1 M) only.
15,000 points/channel maximum on TDS684C.
Validation and Characterization of High Speed Digital Designs
– Verify Simulation
Performance with Real Measurements
– Ensure that Desired Design
Margins Exist
– Jitter Measurements on
High-speed Data, Phase­locked Loops and Spread­spectrum Clock Circuits
– Capture Glitches, Cross-talk,
Setup/Hold Violations
Telecommunications/Data Communications Design
– Characterize Rise Times,
Overshoot, Channel-to­channel Timing
– Verify and Test High-speed
Serial Data Streams
High-energy Physics
– Transient Event Capture
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
TDS694C • TDS684C
Whether you are working on next generation microprocessor designs, high-speed data communications equipment or in high-energy physics research, the TDS694C captures your fastest signals with the best fidelity and resolution available. Its 3 GHz bandwidth preserves your waveform’s fast rising edges and accurately shows signal details.With 10 GS/s digitizing rate simultaneously on all four channels and a high-stability timebase, the TDS694C makes your critical timing measurements with the highest resolution and accuracy – even channel-to-channel measurements made in a single acquisition.
The TDS600C oscilloscopes incorporate all the advanced trigger features you expect in a high performance oscilloscope: triggering on Glitches, Slew Rate violations, Setup-and­hold Time violations, Timeouts, Logic Patterns and States on four channels. For applications where sophisticated multi-channel debugging is required, the TDS694C can be configured for cross triggering with a Tektronix TLA700 Logic Analyzer.
The TDS600C oscilloscopes give you the total solution to your digital design characterization and debugging needs. Now you have the tool you need to verify design margins, character­ize setup-and-hold times and measure clock­to-data skew on the fastest digital designs. The TDS694C’s companion probe, the P6249, offers small size to reliably contact your high­density boards with their fine-pitch, hard to reach components.The P6249 has short ground connection to give the maximum system bandwidth and preserve the details of your signals.
The TDS600C offers 29 automatic measure­ments, with measurement statistics, to make your design verification and characterization job much faster and easier. Available Java­based application packages for jitter analysis, disk drive measurements and processor specification measurements provide cus­tomized measurements and analysis capability. The TDS600C gives you the performance and features you need to get your job done faster and more thoroughly.
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes • www.tektronix.com/scopes
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
TDS694C • TDS684C
Time Base System
Time Bases – Main and delayed. Time/div Range – 200 ps/div to 10 s/div.
Except TDS694C:100 ps/div to 10 s/div. Time Base Accuracy– ±100 ppm. Except
TDS694C: ±10 ppm.
Time Interval Measurement Accuracy–
TDS684C: ±[(0.2/sample rate) + (100 ppm x |reading|)] single shot. (50 ps @ 5 GS/s). TDS694C: ±[(0.15/sample rate) + (10 ppm x |reading|)] single shot. (15 ps @ 10 GS/s).
Record Length per Channel – 500 to 15,000 pts. Except TDS694C:500 to 30,000 pts. (optional: 120,000 pts.).
Trigger Jitter– 8ps
Pre-trigger Position – 0% to 100% of record. Channel-to-channel Deskew Range – ±25 ns.
Vertical System
Vertical Resolution – 8-Bit (>11-Bit with averaging). Vertical Sensitivity – 1 mV/div to 10 V/div.
Except TDS694C:10 mV/div to 1 V/div. Floppy Disk Drive – Store reference waveforms,
setups and image files on 3.5 in. 1.44 MB or 720 K Microsoft DOS-format floppy disk.
Maximum Input Voltage – 300 V CAT II; ±400V peak. Derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz. Except TDS694C: 5 V
DC Gain Accuracy– ±1.5%. Except TDS694C: ±1.0%.
Position Range – ±5 divs. Offset –
±1 V from 1 to 99.5 mV/div,±10 V from 100 mV to 995 mV/div,±100 V from 1 V to 10 V/div. Except TDS694C:±0.5 V from 10 to 50 mV/div, ±0.25 V from 50.5 to 100 mV/div,±5 V from 101 mV to 500 mV/div,±2.5 V from 505 mV to 1 V/div.
Bandwidth Selections – 20 MHz, 250 MHz and full. Except TDS694C: Full only.
Input Impedance Selections – 1 Min parallel with 10 pF,or 50 (AC and DC coupling). Except TDS694C: 50 (DC coupled).
Input Coupling – AC, DC or GND. Except TDS694C: DC or GND.
AC Coupled Low Frequency Limit (except TDS694C) – <10 Hz when AC,1 Mcoupled.
<200 kHz when AC,50 coupled. Channel Isolation – >100:1 at 100 MHz and
>30:1 at BW for any two channels having equal V/div settings.
Acquisition Modes
Peak Detect – High frequency and random glitch capture. Captures glitches of 1 ns using acquisition hardware at all real-time sampling rates.TDS694C captures glitches of 100 ps.
Sample – Sample data only. Envelope – Max/min values acquired over one
or more acquisitions. Average – Waveform data from 2 to 10,000
waveforms (selectable) is averaged. Single Sequence – Use RUN/STOP button to capture
a single triggered acquisition at a time, which may be automatically saved to NVRAM with AutoSave.
Triggering System Trigger Types
EDGE (main and delayed) –
Conventional level-driven trigger.Positive or negative slope on any channel or rear panel auxiliary input. Coupling selections: DC,AC,noise reject,HF reject, LF reject.
LOGIC (main) –
PATTERN: Specifies a logical combination (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) of the four input channels (high, low, don’t care).Trigger when pattern stays true or false for a specified time. STATE:Any logical pattern of channels 1, 2 and 3 plus a clock edge on channel 4. Triggerable on rising or falling clock edge. SETUP/HOLD:Trigger on violations of both setup time and hold time between clock and data which are on two input channels.
PULSE (main) –
GLITCH:Trigger on or reject glitches of positive, negative or either polarity.Minimum glitch width is 1.0 ns with 200 ps resolution. RUNT:Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again. WIDTH:Trigger on width of positive or negative pulse either within or out of selectable time limits (1 ns to 1 s). SLEW RATE:Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling or either. TIMEOUT:Trigger on an event which remains high, low or either,for a specified time period, selectable from 1 ns to 1 s, with 200 ps resolution.
TLA Cross Trigger (TDS694C only) – Utilize a TLA700 logic analyzer to detect a multi-channel event, then trigger the TDS694C.The trigger points on the TLA and TDS will be aligned in time.
VIDEO (optional; not available in TDS694C)–
Trigger on a particular line of individual,odd/even or all fields.Trigger on a specific pixel of a line by using the video trigger with delay by events. Choose positive or negative horizontal sync polarity. 525/NTSC: Choose monochrome or color (studio­quality NTSC) sync formats. 625/PAL:Choose color or monochrome (studio-quality PAL) sync formats. HDTV:Choose from 1125/60,1050/60, 1250/50 and 787.5/60 HDTV formats.
Trigger Bandwidth (edge type)–
3 GHz (TDS694C). 1 GHz (TDS684C).
Main Trigger Modes – Auto, normal, single. Delayed T rigger– Delay by time, events, or events
and time.
Delay by Time Range– 16 ns to 250 s. Delay by Events Range – 2 to 9,999,999 events. External Trigger Input – Input impedance: 1.5 kΩ;
max. input voltage: ±20 V (DC + peak AC).
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes • www.tektronix.com/scopes
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