Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
TDS694C • TDS684C
Time Base System
Time Bases – Main and delayed.
Time/div Range – 200 ps/div to 10 s/div.
Except TDS694C:100 ps/div to 10 s/div.
Time Base Accuracy– ±100 ppm. Except
TDS694C: ±10 ppm.
Time Interval Measurement Accuracy–
TDS684C: ±[(0.2/sample rate) + (100 ppm x
|reading|)] single shot. (≈ 50 ps @ 5 GS/s).
TDS694C: ±[(0.15/sample rate) + (10 ppm x
|reading|)] single shot. (≈ 15 ps @ 10 GS/s).
Record Length per Channel – 500 to 15,000 pts.
Except TDS694C:500 to 30,000 pts.
(optional: 120,000 pts.).
Trigger Jitter– 8ps
Pre-trigger Position – 0% to 100% of record.
Channel-to-channel Deskew Range – ±25 ns.
Vertical System
Vertical Resolution – 8-Bit (>11-Bit with averaging).
Vertical Sensitivity – 1 mV/div to 10 V/div.
Except TDS694C:10 mV/div to 1 V/div.
Floppy Disk Drive – Store reference waveforms,
setups and image files on 3.5 in. 1.44 MB or 720 K
Microsoft DOS-format floppy disk.
Maximum Input Voltage – 300 V CAT II; ±400V
peak. Derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz.
Except TDS694C: 5 V
DC Gain Accuracy– ±1.5%.
Except TDS694C: ±1.0%.
Position Range – ±5 divs.
Offset –
±1 V from 1 to 99.5 mV/div,±10 V from 100 mV to
995 mV/div,±100 V from 1 V to 10 V/div.
Except TDS694C:±0.5 V from 10 to 50 mV/div,
±0.25 V from 50.5 to 100 mV/div,±5 V from 101 mV
to 500 mV/div,±2.5 V from 505 mV to 1 V/div.
Bandwidth Selections – 20 MHz, 250 MHz and full.
Except TDS694C: Full only.
Input Impedance Selections – 1 MΩ in parallel with
10 pF,or 50 Ω (AC and DC coupling).
Except TDS694C: 50 Ω (DC coupled).
Input Coupling – AC, DC or GND. Except TDS694C:
DC or GND.
AC Coupled Low Frequency Limit (except
TDS694C) – <10 Hz when AC,1 MΩ coupled.
<200 kHz when AC,50 Ω coupled.
Channel Isolation – >100:1 at 100 MHz and
>30:1 at BW for any two channels having
equal V/div settings.
Acquisition Modes
Peak Detect – High frequency and random glitch
capture. Captures glitches of 1 ns using acquisition
hardware at all real-time sampling rates.TDS694C
captures glitches of 100 ps.
Sample – Sample data only.
Envelope – Max/min values acquired over one
or more acquisitions.
Average – Waveform data from 2 to 10,000
waveforms (selectable) is averaged.
Single Sequence – Use RUN/STOP button to capture
a single triggered acquisition at a time, which may be
automatically saved to NVRAM with AutoSave.
Triggering System
Trigger Types
EDGE (main and delayed) –
Conventional level-driven trigger.Positive or negative
slope on any channel or rear panel auxiliary input.
Coupling selections: DC,AC,noise reject,HF reject,
LF reject.
LOGIC (main) –
PATTERN: Specifies a logical combination (AND, OR,
NAND, NOR) of the four input channels (high, low,
don’t care).Trigger when pattern stays true or false
for a specified time.
STATE:Any logical pattern of channels 1, 2 and 3 plus
a clock edge on channel 4. Triggerable on rising or
falling clock edge.
SETUP/HOLD:Trigger on violations of both setup time
and hold time between clock and data which are on
two input channels.
PULSE (main) –
GLITCH:Trigger on or reject glitches of positive,
negative or either polarity.Minimum glitch width
is 1.0 ns with 200 ps resolution.
RUNT:Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold
but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing
the first again.
WIDTH:Trigger on width of positive or negative
pulse either within or out of selectable time limits
(1 ns to 1 s).
SLEW RATE:Trigger on pulse edge rates that are
either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can
be rising, falling or either.
TIMEOUT:Trigger on an event which remains high,
low or either,for a specified time period, selectable
from 1 ns to 1 s, with 200 ps resolution.
TLA Cross Trigger (TDS694C only) – Utilize a
TLA700 logic analyzer to detect a multi-channel
event, then trigger the TDS694C.The trigger points
on the TLA and TDS will be aligned in time.
VIDEO (optional; not available in TDS694C)–
Trigger on a particular line of individual,odd/even or
all fields.Trigger on a specific pixel of a line by using
the video trigger with delay by events. Choose positive
or negative horizontal sync polarity.
525/NTSC: Choose monochrome or color (studioquality NTSC) sync formats. 625/PAL:Choose color
or monochrome (studio-quality PAL) sync formats.
HDTV:Choose from 1125/60,1050/60, 1250/50
and 787.5/60 HDTV formats.
Trigger Bandwidth (edge type)–
3 GHz (TDS694C).
1 GHz (TDS684C).
Main Trigger Modes – Auto, normal, single.
Delayed T rigger– Delay by time, events, or events
and time.
Delay by Time Range– 16 ns to 250 s.
Delay by Events Range – 2 to 9,999,999 events.
External Trigger Input – Input impedance: ≥1.5 kΩ;
max. input voltage: ±20 V (DC + peak AC).
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes •