TDS5032 and TDS5034
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes

Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes
that in all previously published material. Specifications and price c hange privileges reserved.
Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Bea verton, OR 97077
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.

Product Description
This manual is a supplement to the existing TDS5000 Series User and Service
manuals and product software CD. Refer to the TDS5000 Series documents for
all other manuals information.
H The TDS5032 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope has 2 channels with 350 MHz
bandwidth and 5 GS/s real time sampling rate.
H The TDS5034 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope has 4 channels with 350 MHz
bandwidth and 5 GS/s real time sampling rate.
Specification Tables
Table 1: Channel input and vertical specifications
Characteristic Description
Input impedance, DC coupled 1MΩ ± 1.0% in parallel with 18 pF ±2pF
50 Ω ±2.5%
VSWR: TDS5032 and TDS5034:
≤1.6:1 typical from DC to 350 MHz
TDS5032/TDS5034 SCALE range Bandwidth
1mV/divto1.99mV/div DC to 150 MHz
2mV/divto4.98mV/div DC to 250 MHz
5mV/divto1V/div DC to 350 MHz
TDS5032/TDS5034 SCALE range Rise time
1mV/divto1.99mV/div 2.67 ns
2mV/divto4.98mV/div 1.6 ns
5mV/divto1V/div 1.15 ns
TDS5032 and TDS5034 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes