Spectral Correlation Function (SCF) measurement provides fast
signal-identification capability
Built-in classification capability for WLAN, GSM, W-CDMA, CDMA,
ATSC signals makes quick and simple identification of legitimate signals
Flexibility to edit, upgrade, and share signal databases and signal
classification database u sing CSV file formats
Ability to export I/Q data into CSV, MATLAB®, and IQT format for
additional post-analysis
Features & Benefits
Revolutionary DPX™ Live RF spectrum display technology with DPX
Spectrum Mask provides intuitive understanding of live RF signals
using colors based on frequency of occurrence, processing up to
10,000 spectrums/sec with a 100% Probability of Intercept (POI) to
capture pulsed signals, radar emissions, hopping signals, and any other
intermittent signals with a minimum duration as brief as 125 µs
Benchtop spectrum analyzer performance in a ruggedized handheld
battery-operated field un it offers better than 70 dB spurious free dynamic
range (SFDR), guaranteed -95 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset phase noise
Excellent sensitivity for detecting very low-level signals with -153 dBm
DANL at 10 Hz RBW (equivalent to -163 dBm/Hz) such as RF bugs and
unauthorized transmitters
Spectrum Correlation Function (SCF) finds "embedded" signals or
interferers that hide under other wideband signals
erface for remote control and unattended monitoring stations for
LAN int
spectrum awareness
Rapid targ
documentation tools
Hunt outdo
measurements directly into GPS geo-referenced maps such as Pitney
Bowes Mapinfo, Google™ Earth, Microsoft
many others
Improved spectrum awareness with high-accuracy measurement
synchronization and time stamping
Hunt in-building signals with a single-touch Tap-and-Walk-and-Tap
Backlit display, viewable in direct sunlight, and extended battery
performance with hot-swappable dual batte ries
Rugged design per MIL-PRF-28800F
eting of signals with field-proven signal hunting, mapping, and
or signals with built-in GPS receiver by plotting
MapPoint®, Bitmap, and
Spectrum Managemen t
m Monitoring and Surveillance
Interference Detection and Troubleshooting
Signal Hunting
Signal Identification
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Homeland Security
Data Sheet
Interference Troubleshooting
has Never Been so Easy
The H600 and SA2600 Series will quickly scan the RF environment,
classify the k
with their field-proven signal hunting tools. Featuring real-time DPX™
Live RF spectrum display technology, the H600 and SA2600 Series
offer practical solutions for discovering transient events that slip past
conventional spectrum analyzers. With field-ready, rugged hardware
featuring outstanding displayed average noise level (DANL), spurious free
dynamic rang
in a handheld unit, the H600 and SA2600 Series are a great choice for
general-purpose spectrum measurements and ideal signal-hunting tools.
Evolving digital RF communication standards pose an unprecedented
challenge to the surveillance and security community. Identification of
unknown signals and determining their precise location has traditionally
been accomp
handheld spectrum a nalyzers, oscilloscopes, and offline analysis
capabilities using PCs. When lab equipment is used in the field, several
limitations appear. Such instruments are not meant for field use, can
be easily damaged, are not portable, and require AC power. Signal
classification using these systems often requires a lot of prior knowledge
about these
the unknown signals can be difficult o r impossible to identify.
By scanning the RF spectrum users can spot which signal emitters
are in the are a. Signals with significant power are usually candidates
for furt
color-coding events based on the rate of occurrence, the DPX™ Live RF
spectrum display provides unparalleled insight into the behavior of signals.
Performing 10,000 spectrum updates per second, transients as brief as
nown signals, and help you locate the unknown signals
e (SFDR), phase noise, and easy LAN networking capability
lished using a combination of lab-grade spectrum analyzers,
signals, particularly when they are digital. With such systems
her analysis, as are signals that are present infrequently. By
DPX Spectrum Mask captures and logs spectrum violations with options of warning alarm,
pausing test, export screen, and result save
125 s can be “frozen” in the frequency domain. This offers tremendous
Signals that are present in the spectrum today but were not there yesterday
are of par
from this reference can be quickly identified using the trace math feature.
The H600 and SA2600 Series make analysis easier by quickly logging
signals that are weak, bursting, hopping, time multiplexed, or intentionally
random. It takes advantage of the FFT-based spectrum analysis capability
to allow users to see the true shape of the signal, even when it is bursting.
Masks can
compare this mask to the current trace and if a mask violation occurs, the
trace is logged. Finally, when the spectrogram is paused, you can scroll
through the spectro gram’s time axis and view the results.
ent over swept analysis techniques.
ticular interest. Reference signals can be stored and deviations
be automatically created from traces captured earlier. You can
2 www.tektronix.com/products/rsa
Spectrum Analyzer — H600 / SA2600 Series
Classify low SNR signals reliably
Once signals of interest are found, it becomes necessary to identify
and classify each of them. Are they authorized, legal signals, or are
they illegitimate, malicious signals? Digital signal classification can be
aparticularlydifficult part of the signal hunter’s job requiring extensive
knowledge of signal characteristics. The signal may be weak, subject
to fading or intermittent conditions. In addition antenna position may be
suboptimal. All of th is makes classi fication of signals more challenging
when using traditional signal identification tools. The H600 Series and
SA2600 Series with Option SC1 provide advanced algorithms that are
capable of classifying signals that cannot be analyzed with other methods.
The H600 Series and SA2600 Series with Option SC1 offer unique expert
systems guidance to aid the user in classifying signals. It provides graphical
tools that allow users to quickly create a spectral region of interest, enabling
users to identify and sort signals efficiently. The spectral profile mask, when
overlaid on top of a trace, provides signal shape guidance while frequency,
bandwidth, channel number, and location are displayed allowing for quick
checks. In-depth analysis is provided by a Spectral Correlation Function
(SCF) measurement which will reveal hidden cyclo-stationary components.
SCF provides information on how well the framing, time slot, chip rates, and
other internal signal rates match the rates of a valid signal. It is faster than
manual signal identification techniques, does not require prior knowledge of
the signal, and is robust when working with poor signals. SCF tolerates a
poor SNR, large carrier frequency offset and fading.
Once the signal has been identified as a threat, the H600 and SA2600
Series provide various field-proven signal hunting tools to locate the
offending signals. For the easier-to-find signals, the signal strength meter
produces tones that vary with pitch as a function of the strength of this
Color-coded signal classification database can be saved, recalled, imported, exported,
and shared to keep track of spectrum activities at different locations
Locate interference with integrated mapping solution
l. This allows the operator to look for signals while watching their
surroundings, not the screen.
gnals that are harder to find, such as signals influenced by multipath,
For si
fading, low signal strength, etc, the H600 and SA2600 Series provide
several signal mapping tools to facilitate hunting for these signals.
Analyzing mapped signals is a quick way to find signals that can be difficult
to find otherwise. The mapping capability is also a way to document what
you have found. Traces can be recorded on a map either manually or
matically. Built-in GPS can be used to automatically record signal
position and time data as the operator moves. For indoor use, a unique
tap-and-walk interface provides signal mapping capability. Color-coded
icons automatically record the relevant measurements based on preset
thresholds for acceptability.
www.tektronix.com/products/rsa 3
Data Sheet
General Perfo
RF Input
rmance Characteristics
Operating Frequency Range10 kHz - 6.2 GHz
Maximum Operating Input Level
+20 dBm peak envelope power
This is the maximum input level at which the instrument will meet its performance specifications.
For a signal without any amplitude variation, peak envelope power = rms.
Maximum Input Power without Damage
IF Output
Output Impedance
IF Center
50 W
15 W
50 ohms
140 MHz
een 3.2 GHz and 6.2 GHz
IF 3 dB Bandwidth24 MHz
IF Output Level (nominal performance at 0 dBm input)
Input FrequencyIF Output Level
1.6 GHz
3.6 GHz
4.35 GHz
5.75 GHz
Internal Timebase
-12 dBm
-12 dBm
-10 dBm
-11 dBm
-16 dBm
-22 dBm
Frequency Error (factory calibration corrected)±0.5 PPM from 0 °C to 50 °C
±1.0 PPM aging/year
Twenty-minute warm-up period required to meet accuracy specification
Frequency Error (GPS corrected)±0.01 ppm (typical)
Frequency Error (after GPS Lock Loss)±0.03 ppm, 10 minute interval after Lock Loss (unit operated for >20 minutes before Lock Loss and < 5 °C temperature
change over interval) (typical)
External Reference Input
Impedance1500 ohm
Frequency Range1 MHz up to 20 MHz ± 1 PPM in 1 MHz steps
Input Level Range-15 dBm to +15 dBm, 1 MHz to 15 MHz