Tektronix PQA600 DATASHEET

Picture Quality Analysis System
PQA600 Data Sheet
Features & Benets
Fast,Accurate,Repeatable,and ObjectivePicture Quality Measurement Predicts DMOS(Differential Mean Opinion Score) based on Human
VisionSystem Model Picture QualityMeasurements can bemade on aVarietyof HD Video
Formats ( 1080i, 720p) andSD VideoFormats (525ior 625i) Makes PictureQuality Comparison acrossDifferent Resolutions fro m
HD toSD, or SD/HDto CIF User-congurable ViewingCondition andDisplay Modelsfor Reference
and Comparison Attention/Artifact WeightedMeasurement RegionOf Interest (ROI) on MeasurementExecution andReview Automatic Temporal andSpatial Alignment Easy Regression Testing and Automation using XML Scriptingwith
"Export/Import" Filefrom GUI Multiple Results View Options Optional SD/HDSDI Interfacewith Simultaneous Generation/Capture,
2-channel Capture and 2-channel Gene ration with Swap-channel Capability
Preinstalled Sample Reference andTestSequences
CODEC Design Conformance Testing,Transmission Equipme nt, and System Evaluation Digital VideoMastering Video CompressionServices DigitalConsumer Product Developmentand Manufacturing
, Optimization,and Verication
Picture Quality Analysis System
The PQA600is the latest-generation Picture QualityAnalyzer built onthe EmmyAward winningTektronixPQA200/300. Basedonthe conceptsof the human vision system, thePQA600 providesa suiteof repeatable,objective quality mea visual assessment. These measurements provide valuable info rmation to engineersworking to optimize videocompression and recovery,and maintaining a level ofcommon carrierand distributiontransmission service to clientsand viewers.
Compressed Video Requires New Test Methods
The truemeasure of anytelevision system isviewer satisfaction. While the qualityof analog andfull-bandwidth digital videocan becharacterized indirectly bymeasuring the distortionsof static testsignals, compressed television systemspose afar more difcultchallenge. Picturequality in a compressed systemcan change dynamicallybased on acombination of data rate staticnature of te st signals doesnot providetrue characterizationof picture quality.
Human viewertesting has been traditionallyconducted as described in ITU-R Rec. BT.500-11. Atest scene with natural content and motion is displayed ina tightly controlled environment, with human viewers expressing theiropinion of picture quality to create a DifferentialMean Opinion Score, orDMOS. Extensive testing using this method can be rened to evaluatingthe capabilities of a compressed video system canbe inefcient, taking severalwee ks to months to perform the experiments. This test methodology can be extremelyexpensive tocomplete, andoften theresults are notrepeatable. Thus, subjectiveDMOS testing withhuman viewers is impracticalfor the CODEC designphase, and inefcient forongoing operati repeatable, andobjective measurement alternative to subjective DMOS evaluation ofpicture quality.
surements that closelycorrespond with subjective human
, picturecomplexity,and the encodingalgorithm employed. The
yield aconsistent subjective rating. However, this method of
onal qualityevaluation. The PQA600 provides afast, practical,
Data Sheet
UserInterface of PQA600. Showing reference, testsequences, with differencemap and statisticalgraph.
System Eva
The PQA600 can beused for installation, verication, andtroublesh ooting ofeach blo
ckof the videosystem becauseit isvideo technology agnostic: any visibledifferences between videoinput and output fromprocessing componentsin the systemchain canbe quantiedand assessedfor video quality degradation. Not only canCODEC technologies beassessed in a system, butany process that has potentialfor visible differencescan also be assessed. Forexample, digital transmissionerrors, format co nversion
0i to480p in set-top box conversions), 3-2pull-down, analog
(i.e. 108 transmission degradation, da ta errors, slowdisplay responsetimes, frame rate reduction(for mobile transmissionand videophone teleconferencing), andmore can allbe evaluated,separately orin anycombination.
How It Works
The P QA600 takes twovideo les asinputs: areference videosequence and a compressed, impaired,or processed versionof thereference. First, the PQA600performs a spatialand temporal alignmentbetween the two sequences, withoutthe need fora calibration stripeembedded within the
quence. Then the PQA600 analyzes the qualityof the testvideo,
videose using measurementsbased on the humanvision system and attention models, an d then outputsquality measurements thatare highlycorrelated with subjectiveassessments. Theresults include overallquality summary metrics,frame-by-frame measurement metrics,and animpairment map for eachframe. ThePQA600 alsoprovides traditionalpicture qualitymeasures such asP
SNR (PeakSignal-to-Noise Ratio) as anindustry benchmark impairment diagnosistool for measuring typicalvideo impairments and detecting artifacts.
Eachreference video sequenceand testclip canhave different resolution s and framerates. The PQA600 can provide picturequality measurement betweenHD vs SD, SD vsCIF,or anycombination. Thiscapability sup ports
Picture Quality Analysis System
a varietyof repurposing applications such as format conversion, DVD authoring, IPbroadcasting, and semiconductordesign. ThePQA600 can also supportmeasurement clips withlong sequence duration,allowing a video clipto be quantied for picture quality throughvarious conversion processes.
Prediction of Human Vision Perception
PQA600 measurementsare developed from thehuman vision system model andadditional algorithms have beenadded to improve uponthe model usedin the PQA200/300. Thisnew extended technology allows legacy PQR measurements forSD whileenabling predictions ofsubjective quality ratingof video for a varietyof video formats(HD, SD, CIF, etc.). It takes into consideration different display typesused to view the video(for example, interlacedor progressiveand CRTor LCD) anddifferent viewing conditions (for example, roomlighting and viewin g distance).
A modelof the human visionsystem has beendeveloped to predict the response tolight stimuluswith respectto thefollowing parameters:
Contrast includingSupra-threshold Mean Luminance Spatial Frequency Temporal Frequency Angular Extent Temporal Extent Surround Eccentricity Orientation Adaptation Effects
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A: Modulation Sensitivity vs. TemporalFrequency
Picture Quality Analysis System— PQA600
C: Reference Picture
B: Modulation Sensitivity vs. SpatialFrequency
This modelhas been calibrated, over theappropriate combinations of
s for these parameters, with reference stimulus-response data from
range visionscience research. As aresult ofthis calibration,the modelprovides a highly accurateprediction.
ptual Contrast Map
The graphsabove areexam ples of scienticdata regarding humanvision characteristics usedto calibrate the humanvision system model in the PQA600. Graph (A) showsmodulation sensitivity vs. temporal frequency, and graph (B ) shows modulation sensitivity vs. spatial frequency. The
over 1400calibration pointssupports high-accuracy measurement
use of results.
re (C)is a single frame fro m the reference sequence ofa moving
Pictu sequence, andpicture (D)is theperceptual contrast mapcalculated bythe PQA600. The perceptualcontrast mapshows howthe viewerperceives the reference s equence. The blurringon thebackground iscaused by temporal masking due to camera panning and theblack area around the jogger showsthe masking effectdue to the highcontrast betweenthe background
ejogger. The PQA600creates the perceptualmap forboth reference
andth and testsequences, then createsa perceptual differencemap for usein making percep tually based, full-referencepicture quality measurements.
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Data Sheet
E: Reference
Comparison of Predicted DMOS with PSNR
In theexample above, Reference (E)is a scenefrom oneof the VClips libraryles. Theimage Test (F),has been passedthrough a compression system which has degraded the resultant image. In this case the background ofthe joggerin Test (F) is blurred comparedto the Reference image (E). A PSNR measurement ismade onthe PQA600of thedifference
en the Reference and Testclip and the highlighted whiteareas
betwe of PSNR Map (G) shows the areasof greatest difference betweenthe original and deg raded image. Anothermeasurement is then made bythe PQA600, thistime usingthe Predicted DMOSalgorithm and theresultant Perceptual D ifference Map forDMOS (H) imageis shown. Whiter regions
ptual Difference Map forDMOS
in thisPerceptual Contrast Difference mapindicate greater perceptual contrast differencesbetween the referenceand test images. In creating the Perceptual Contrast Differencemap, thePQA600 usesa human vision system model to determinethe differencesa viewer wouldperceive when
ing the video.
watch The Predicted DMOS measurement uses the Perceptual Contrast
rence Map(H) to measure picture quality. ThisDMOS measurement
Diffe wouldcorrectly recognize theviewers perceivethe joggeras lessdegraded than the treesin the background. The PSNR measurement uses the differencemap (G) andwould incorrectly includedifferences that viewers do not see.
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AttentionMap Example: The joggeris highlighted
Attention Model
ThePQA600 alsoincorporates an AttentionModel thatpredicts focusof attention. Thismodel considers:
Motion of Objects Skin Coloration(to identify people) Location Contrast Shape Size ViewerDistraction due toNoticeable Quality Artifacts
These attention parameters canbe customized to give greateror less importanceto each characteristic. Thisallows each measurementusing an
on modelto beuser-congurable. Themodel is especiallyuseful to
attenti evaluatethe video process tuned tothe specicapplication. For example, if the content issports programming, theviewer is expected to have higher attentionin limited reg ional areas of the scene. Highlightedareas within th e attention imagemap will showthe areas of th e image drawing theeye’s attention.
Artifact Detection
Artifact Detection reports avariety of differentchanges tothe edges of the image:
Loss ofEdges or Blurring Addition ofEdges orRinging/Mosquito Noise Rotationof Edges to Verticaland Horizontalor EdgeBlockiness Loss of Edges withinan Image Block or DCBlockiness
They work as weighting parameters for subjective and objective measurements with any combination. The resultsof these different
rement combinationscan help toimprove picture qualitythrough
measu the system.
Picture Quality Analysis System— PQA600
ArtifactDetection Settings
For example,artifact detection canhelp answer questionssuch as: “Will theDMOSbeimprovedwithmorede-blockingltering?” or, “Should less preltering be used ?”
If edge-blockingweighted DMOS ismuch greater thanblurring-weighted DMOS, theedge-b loc king isthe dominant artifact, and perhaps more de-blocking lteringshould be considered.
In someapplications, itma y be knownthat added edges,such as ringing and m osquito noise, aremore objectionablethan the otherartifacts. These weightingscan becustomized bythe userand congured forthe application toreectthis viewerpreference, thus improvingDMOS prediction.
Likewise, PSNRcan be measured with these artifact w determine howmuch of theerror contributing tothe PSNR m easurement comes from each artifact.
The Att ention Model andArtifact Detectioncan also be used inconjunction with anycombination of picture quality measurements. This allows,for
le, e valuation of howmuch of aparticular noticeable artifactwill be
examp seen wherea viewer ismost likely tolook.
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