Tektronix Phaser 300X, Phaser 450, Phaser 480X, PhaserMatch User Manual

User Manual Release Note
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Tektronix, Inc.
November 1996 Part Number 070-9270-82
User Manual Release Note
New features and updates
Installing the PhaserMatch application
Refer to the following table to locate the instructions in this release note for installing and using your printer with the PhaserMatch application.
Other features
Hints and tips for using Calibration Curves
See page 10 in this release note for information on using the curve editing feature.
Using the Send Profile command
This command has improved performance over the description in the
PhaserMatch User Manual . See page 12 in this release note for
Printing a densitometry test print
See page 13 in this release note for information on making a test print on your target printing device.
Printing with custom profiles
See page 13 in this release note for instructions on printing custom profiles you created in the PhaserMatch application.
Printer Macintosh
installation instructions
Windows installation instructions
Using the PhaserMatch application
Phaser 480X
page 2 page 3 page 8
Phaser 450
page 2 page 3 page 8 and page 9
Phaser 300X
page 2 page 3 page 8
Phaser 600
page 2 page 7 page 8
Installing the PhaserMatch application: Macintosh
Phaser 480X, Phaser 450, Phaser 300X, and Phaser 600 printers
The PhaserMatch application for Macintosh is compatible with Apple Macintosh II computers, or later, including PowerPCs.
Refer to the instructions in your printer’s
manuals for installation
Phaser 480X printers
The installer program for the PhaserMatch application is on the printer’s CD-ROM. Refer to the
PhaserMatch User Manual for more
Phaser 450 printers
The installer program for the PhaserMatch application is on the printer’s CD-ROM. Refer to the
Phaser 450 Drivers and Utilities
Printing Reference
manual for more information.
Phaser 300X printers
The installer program for the PhaserMatch application is on the printer’s CD-ROM for the extended features option. Refer to the
Phaser 300X Drivers and Utilities Printing Reference manual for more
Phaser 600 printers
The installer program on the printer’s CD-ROM installs the PhaserMatch application. Refer to the
Phaser 600 Color Printer
User Manual
for more information.
The files created by the PhaserMatch application are stored in the following locations:
PhaserMatch folder inside a PhaserTools folder created by the
installer application.
PhaserMatch folder in the Preferences folder, in the Extensions
folder, inside the
System Folder on your hard disk.
User Manual Release Note
Installing the PhaserMatch application: Windows
Phaser 480X, Phaser 450, and Phaser 300X printers
Use the following instructions to install PhaserMatch for Windows for these printers:
Phaser 480X printers
Phaser 300X printers
Phaser 450 printers
If you have an older version of the PhaserMatch application installed on your computer, you should delete its icon from the existing Phaser Tools Group, then delete the Phaser Tools Group. Any saved calibrations or profiles will be available for use in the new version of PhaserMatch in the new PhaserTools Group after installation.
Start Windows.
Insert the appropriate printer’s CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
From the File Manager , select the drive the CD-ROM is in, followed by the
PHSRMTCH directory.
Locate the SETUP.EXE file; double-click the file to start the installer.
At the Start Installation dialog box, click Yes to install now.
In the Select Installation Drive dialog box, select the drive to install the software to, then click
In the Setup dialog box, select the directory to install the software in. Use the default
C:\PHSRMTCH , or type a new path name.
Then click
User Manual Release Note
In the Icon Installation dialog box, click one of the buttons to determine the group where you want the PhaserMatch application to reside. You can change your mind and return to this dialog box.
Click the Use Existing Group button to use an existing group. The Installer looks for an existing
PhaserTool s group. Select a group
from the list, then click
. Or, click Go Back to return to the
Icon Installation dialog box.
Click the Create New Group button to use either the default
PhaserTools group name or type a new group name.
Then click
. Or, click Go Back to return to the Icon Installation
dialog box.
At the Installation Complete message, click Yes to exit the installation program
and open a README document about this
procedure; click
to exit the installation program.
PhaserMatch application is available in the group you
The files created by the PhaserMatch application are stored in the following locations:
Windows 95: PhaserMatch files are stored in the
WIN95/PHSRMTCH directory.
Windows 3.1: PhaserMatch files are stored in the
User Manual Release Note
Installing the PhaserMatch application: Windows
Phaser 600 printers
Use the following instructions to install PhaserMatch for Windows for Phaser 600 printers.
The PhaserMatch application for Windows is compatible with Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
The installer program on the Phaser 600 printer’s CD-ROM installs the PhaserMatch application. Refer to the instructions in the
Phaser 600 Color
Printer User Manual
for installation instructions.
The files created by the PhaserMatch application are stored in the following locations:
Windows 95: PhaserMatch files are stored in the
WIN95/PHSRMTCH directory.
Windows 3.1: PhaserMatch files are stored in the
Using the PhaserMatch application
Using PhaserMatch calibration options
You can use the calibration options in the PhaserMatch application with the following printers:
Phaser 480X
Phaser 450
Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibrating the Printer,” in the
PhaserMatch User Manual
for instructions. Substitute your printer’s name where ever the manual refers to a Phaser 480X printer.
Using PhaserMatch custom profiles
You can use the custom profile options in the PhaserMatch application with the following printers:
Phaser 480X
Phaser 450
Phaser 300X
Phaser 600
Refer to Chapter 4, “Editing Profiles,” in the
PhaserMatch User Manual for
instructions. Substitute your printer’s name where ever the manual refers to a Phaser 480X printer. For instructions on printing with custom profiles from printer drivers, refer to your printer’s manuals.
Special notes for Phaser 300X and Phaser 600 printers
The Paper Color command in the Profile menu is not available (grayed-out) for Phaser 300X and Phaser 600 printers; all other
Profile menu commands
are available.
All of the calibration commands in the
File menu and in the Calibrate menu
are grayed-out. Also, in the User Mode dialog box, available under Preferences in the File menu, the calibration options are grayed out.
User Manual Release Note
Special notes for Phaser 450 printers
The PhaserMatch application offers different features depending on the version of the printer you have.
Phaser 450: standard version of the printer
With the standard version of the printer, you can use only the calibration options with the PhaserMatch application.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibrating the Printer,” in the PhaserMatch User Manual for instructions on calibrating the printer to adjust the gray balance and gray linearity values in the printer for individual transfer rolls to ensure consistency in your printed images.
Phaser 450: Extended Features option
If you upgraded your Phaser 450 printer to the Extended Features option, you need to reinstall the PhaserMatch application from the printer’s CD-ROM for Extended Features.
With the printer’s Extended Features option, you can use both the calibration and the profile options with the PhaserMatch application.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibrating the Printer,” in the PhaserMatch User Manual for instructions on calibrating the printer to adjust the gray balance and gray linearity values in the printer for individual transfer rolls to ensure consistency in your printed images.
Chapter 4, “Editing Profiles,” in the PhaserMatch User Manual for instructions on creating custom profiles to improve color matching between the printer and another output device, such as a specific printing press.
Hints and tips for using Calibration Curves
The Calibration Curves command is available with the PhaserMatch application for Phaser 480X and Phaser 450 printers only.
Modifying Calibration Curves is an expert feature. For most users, the Easy Calibration mode is sufficient and easier to use.
The Calibration Curves feature is not a profile editor. Use the options in the Profile menu to adjust the printer’s colors to match a specific printing press.
Use the Calibration Curves feature to perform a more complete calibration on the printer than available with the Easy Calibration mode, to produce a neutral gray and linear gray.
For best results, adjust Calibration Curves in the following order:
Adjust the CMYK curves together to set the overall tone reproduction level.
Adjust the strongest individual color to adjust for a color cast in a neutral gray.
Make fine adjustments to other colors as needed.
Things to keep in mind:
When you first open the Calibration Curves dialog box, there are
no visible control points on the curves. Once a point has been added or set on a curve, it appears as a small black dot.
You can add or set points on a curve by clicking on the curve or by
adjusting the value in an edit box.
The curves and the numbers in the edit boxes represent the same
values. You can adjust either the curves or the numbers; changing one changes the other.
User Manual Release Note
To change the position of a point along a curve, delete an existing
point and add a new one.
Macintosh: Select the point so it turns black, then press the
Delete key.
Windows: Click on the point with the right mouse button.
It is possible to select any point on a curve at 5 percent intervals: 5,
10, 15, and so on. Not all percentages are visible in the edit boxes, but all percentages are adjustable on the curves.
There are limits to the amount of change available at any given
control point. A point is not allowed to be higher than the next highest point, or lower than the next lowest point. For example, if a curve has control points at 5, 25, and 50 percent, you cannot drag the 25 percent point higher than the 50 percent point, or lower than the 5 percent point.
When editing CMY or CMYK, several curves are being adjusted at
the same time. It is best to change them all by the same amount so the individual curves all have the same control points (or that all curves have no control points).
If you have made adjustments to individual curves, and then need to adjust all of the curves together, first click OK to save the adjustments on the individual curves. Then, reopen the Calibration Curves dialog box and select CMY or CMYK to adjust all curves together.
Using the Send Profile command
The Send Profile command is available only in the Expert Calibration user mode. This command is available for
all supported printers.
Use the Send Profile dialog box to send a profile to the printer to change the printer’s default color profile.
For Phaser 480X, Phaser 450, and Phaser 300X printers: Make sure DIP Switches 8 and 9 on the printer’s rear panel are in the up position. (This step is not necessary for Phaser 600 printers.)
Select Send Profile from the File menu.
From the list, select the profile you want sent to the printer.
Click OK to send the selected profile to the printer.
When a standard profile, such as SWOP Press or Commercial Press, is sent to the printer, it remains in the printer’s memory as the printer’s default color profile until it is replaced with another standard profile. The standard profile remains in the printer’s memory even if the printer is turned off.
However, a user-modified profile remains in the printer’s memory as the printer’s default color profile only while the printer is turned on. If the printer is turned off, then on again, the default profile in the printer is the standard or “based-on” profile that was used for the user-modified profile; the user-modified information is lost. For example, if a user-modified profile that started with Commercial Press as the “based-on” profile, is sent to the printer, only the Commercial Press information is left in the printer’s memory after the printer is turned off. Your original user-modified profile is still intact and available for use, but it must be sent to the printer again.
This downloading procedure does not affect a profile you may be editing in PhaserMatch.
User Manual Release Note
Printing a densitometry test print
Densitometry Test EPS (Macintosh) and TESTPRNT.EPS (PC) are EPS files for use in making a test print on the target output device, such as a printing press. The files are located with the PhaserMatch software on your printer’s CD-ROM.
To use the test prints, import the EPS file into an application that can make prints on your target output device.
Refer to the PhaserMatch User Manual for instructions on making densitometry measurements and using the Densitometry dialog box.
Printing with custom profiles
Custom profiles you create in the PhaserMatch application are available in the Color Corrections list in the printer drivers shipped with your printer. However, to use these profiles, PhaserMatch software cannot be running. Quit the PhaserMatch application before opening a driver to print with a custom profile.
User Manual
First printing June 1995 070-9270-00
1995 by Tektronix, Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Tektronix, Inc.
This instrument, in whole or in part, may be protected by one or more U.S. or foreign patents or patent applications. Information provided upon request from Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-1000.
If acquired subject to FAR or DFARS, the following shall apply:
Unpublished — rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
Restricted Rights Legend — Use, duplication or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software at DFARS
252.227-7013, or in subparagraph (c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-1000.
and Phaser
are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. TekColor™ and PhaserMatch™ are
trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Adobe™, PostScript™ are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The printer contains an implementation of the LZW algorithm licensed under U.S. Patent 4,558,302.
Portions copyright Sequel Imaging, 1995.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
User Manual
1 Introduction to PhaserMatch™
Calibration 1-1 Profiles 1-2 Learning to use PhaserMatch 1-3
Tutorial on Phaser 480X CD-ROM 1-3
2 Getting Started
PhaserMatch for the Macintosh 2-1
Locating the software 2-1 System requirements 2-1 Installing the software 2-2 Starting the application 2-3 Using the application 2-4
PhaserMatch for Windows 2-5
Locating the software 2-5 System requirements 2-5 Installing the software 2-6 Starting the application 2-7
Using the application 2-8 Selecting a user mode 2-9 PhaserMatch at a glance 2-11
3 Calibrating the Printer
Overview 3-1
When to use PhaserMatch 3-1
How to use PhaserMatch 3-2 Setting Gray Balance values 3-3 Setting Gray Linearity values 3-10 Adjusting calibration curves 3-15
How values are displayed 3-16
Adjusting the curve settings 3-18 Controlling calibration files 3-21
Loading existing calibration settings 3-21
Saving calibration settings 3-22
Sending calibration settings to the printer 3-23
Deleting existing calibration settings 3-24
Exporting calibration settings 3-25
Importing calibration settings 3-26
Selecting calibration preferences 3-27
User Manual
4 Editing Profiles
Overview 4-1
Deciding which Profile menu command to use 4-2 Adjusting for Dot Gain 4-4 Editing profile curves 4-8 Making densitometry measurements 4-12 Specifying paper or background color 4-15 Using edited profiles 4-22 Controlling profiles 4-23
Loading existing profiles 4-23
Saving a profile 4-24
Sending a profile to the printer 4-25
Deleting existing profiles 4-26
Exporting profile settings 4-27
Importing profile settings 4-28
Selecting profile preferences 4-29
5 Technical Notes
If you get an error when making a test print 5-1 If some users cannot use the CD-ROM 5-2 Software files 5-3 Values for IT8.7-3 Basic Color Target test pattern 5-4 Values for IT8.7-3 Color Standard Chart test pattern 5-7
User Manual
Introduction to PhaserMatch
PhaserMatch™ is an application for Macintosh and Windows users that provides a simple visual approach to calibrating the printer and editing color profiles. PhaserMatch provides an Easy Calibration user mode for step-by-step calibration requiring no training or special measurement equipment. An Expert Calibration user mode is designed for the most demanding users who need to consistently and accurately predict and control colors.
Calibration is the process of compensating for certain color printing factors to ensure consistency in printing. Using the different test prints available in PhaserMatch, you can make adjustments to compensate for variations between printers and for variations in ink levels in different transfer rolls. The PhaserMatch Calibration commands have the following features:
Allow consistency across printers and transfer rolls without expensive measurement equipment.
Eliminate color casts in neutral grays.
Modify a printer’s calibration table to improve color matching. Edit a calibration table or use a curve editing window with a graphic display.
Save and load, import and export, calibration settings for different transfer rolls or transfer roll types.
The calibration commands are available for the Phaser 480X, Phaser 480, and Phaser 440 dye sublimation color printers.
Introduction to PhaserMatch™
The Profile feature is available only for the Phaser 480X dye sublimation color printer.
A profile is a TekColor color correction that attempts to match the printer’s output to a specific reference, such as a printing press. Editing profiles is an
advanced feature used to modify standard TekColor profiles (SWOP Press,
SNAP Press, Commercial Press, and Euroscale Press) to improve color matching. For proofing pre-press work, you can create and use custom profiles to improve the color matching to a specific printing press. The PhaserMatch Profile commands have the following features:
Modify profiles using a simple table, a curve editing window, or a detailed table of measured data.
Adjust the dot gain of printing press profiles to more closely match the dot gain of individual printing presses.
Adjust the background paper color of printing press profiles to reflect the color of the actual paper (white or off-white) used for printing.
Adjust color density and color reproduction curves to simulate the color output of a target printing press.
Save and load, import and export, custom profiles for different paper background colors or for the dot gain expected on a particular printing press.
Custom profiles can be easily selected in Tektronix drivers for Macintosh and Windows users.
For best results, you should always calibrate a printer before creating a custom profile.
Introduction to PhaserMatch™
User Manual
Learning to use PhaserMatch
Tutorial on Phaser 480X CD-ROM
The Phaser 480X CD-ROM includes an on-line tutorial for using PhaserMatch. This interactive program uses a simple visual approach to lead you through the application’s features.
Insert the Phaser 480X CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
Open the PhaserMatch folder.
Double-click the PhaserMatch tutorial’s icon to start the program.
Introduction to PhaserMatch™
User Manual
Getting Started
PhaserMatch for the Macintosh
Locating the software
The PhaserMatch software can be used with Phaser 480X, Phaser 480, and Phaser 440 printers. The software is available in the following locations:
On the Phaser 480X CD-ROM. (Part number: 063-2448-00)
On the PhaserMatch for Macintosh diskette. (Part number: 063-2266-00)
System requirements
To use PhaserMatch, you must have the Tektronix driver for your printer installed on your hard disk. Refer to the drivers and utilities manual for your printer to install the driver.
PhaserMatch for the Macintosh requires the following hardware and software:
An Apple Macintosh II computer (or later).
At least 0.5 Mbyte of available RAM.
System Software version 7.0 or later.
Works best with monitors having 256 or more colors.
Optional: CD-ROM drive.
Getting Started
Installing the software
To install PhaserMatch on a Macintosh, follow these steps:
Insert the Phaser 480X CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
Open the PhaserMatch folder.
Floppy diskette: Insert the PhaserMatch for Macintosh diskette into
your computer’s disk drive.
Double-click the PhaserMatch Installer icon.
At the introduction screen, click anywhere in the window, or press any key, to continue.
Help text is visible in the lower part of the installer window. Move the mouse around the window to see explanations of the different sections.
Click on the Recommended icon in the left side of the window and drag it to the disk in the right side of the window where you want the software installed.
At the installation complete dialog box, click Quit .
Locate the PhaserMatch application in the Phaser Tools folder on your Macintosh hard disk.
Getting Started
User Manual
Starting the application
PhaserMatch works only with the following Tektronix Phaser dye sublimation color printers: Phaser 480X, Phaser 480, and Phaser 440.
To start PhaserMatch on a Macintosh, follow these steps:
Open the Chooser and select the appropriate driver and printer. For example, select the
Phaser 480X driver and your Phaser 480X
printer. Then close the
Chooser .
If you do not have the appropriate driver installed for your printer, refer to the drivers and utilities manual that came with your printer for driver installation instructions.
Locate the PhaserMatch application in the Phaser Tools folder on your Macintosh hard disk.
Double-click the PhaserMatch icon to start the application; a menu bar appears at the top of the screen listing the
File , Calibrator ,
Profile , and Help menus.
If the currently selected printer is not a Phaser 480X, a Phaser 480,
or a Phaser 440, a message appears instructing you to select one of these printers in the Chooser.
PhaserMatch checks the selected printer for information on the
installed transfer roll; this information is required by the application. If the printer is busy with other jobs, PhaserMatch waits for them to finish before connecting. If you don’t want to wait, click the Cancel button in the status dialog box to quit the application. You can try again later when the printer isn’t busy.
Getting Started
Using the application
Calibration and Profiles
Refer to Chapter 2, “Calibrating the Printer,” and Chapter 3, “Editing Profiles” for step-by-step instructions on using PhaserMatch.
Help text in PhaserMatch
Help text in the PhaserMatch application is arranged as a list of topics that are always available for selection whenever the Help dialog box is opened.
Help text is available in the following places in the PhaserMatch application:
From the Help button available in most dialog boxes.
From the question mark icon in the right of the menu bar.
Open the Help dialog box in one of the ways described above.
Click on a topic in the left column to see an explanation in the right column.
Getting Started
User Manual
PhaserMatch for Windows
Locating the software
The PhaserMatch software can be used with Phaser 480X, Phaser 480, and Phaser 440 printers. The software is available in the following locations:
On the Phaser 480X CD-ROM. (Part number: 063-2448-00)
On the PhaserMatch for Windows diskette.
(Part number: 063-2266-00)
System requirements
To use PhaserMatch, you must have the Tektronix driver for Windows 3.1 installed for a Phaser 480X, a Phaser 480, or a Phaser 440 printer. Refer to the drivers and utilities manual for your printer to install the driver.
PhaserMatch for Windows requires the following hardware and software:
An IBM or compatible PC, with a 386, or higher, processor.
One floppy-disk drive (3.5-inch drive with 1.44-Mbyte capacity).
A hard disk with at least 0.5 Mbyte of available RAM.
MS-DOS 5.0 operating system, or higher.
Windows version 3.1, or higher.
Optional: CD-ROM drive.
For best results, use the following:
Super VGA monitor with 800 x 600 dpi or higher resolution.
A monitor with 256 or more colors.
Getting Started
Installing the software
To install PhaserMatch on a PC with Windows 3.1, follow these steps:
Insert the Phaser 480X CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
Open the PHSRMTCH directory.
Floppy diskette: Insert the PhaserMatch for Windows diskette into your computer’s disk drive.
Start Windows.
Use the File/Run command in the Program Manager to start SETUP.EXE from the CD-ROM or diskette.
Or, double-click SETUP.EXE in the File Manager.
In the PhaserMatch Setup dialog box, make the following selections:
Select the location on your hard drive where you want the PhaserMatch files saved. Use the default path C:\PHSRMTCH listed in the edit box, or type in the path you want, or click Change Directory to locate the path you want.
Click Continue.
A message appears asking if you want to read the phsrmtch.wri file. Click Ye s or No.
At the installation complete dialog box, click OK.
Locate the PhaserMatch application in the Phaser Tools group.
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