Tektronix DPO 70000, MSO70000 DATASHEET

Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series Data Sheet
Pinpoint®Triggering – Minimize time spent trying to acquire problem signals for efcient troubleshooting and shortened debug time
6.25 Gb/s Real-time Serial Trigger – Assures triggering on the rst instance of a specied NRZ or 8b/10b pattern to allow isolation of pattern-dependent effects
Search & Mark – Provides waveform pattern matching and software triggers for signals of interest
P7500 TriMode™ Probing System – Perfectly matched s ignal connectivity from 4 GHz to 20 GHz
Application Support for High-speed Serial Industry Standards, RF, Power Supplies, and Memory – Enables standard-speciccertification, measurement automation, and ease of use
Features & Benets
On All Four Channe ls Simultaneously
20, 16, 12 Up to 50 GS/s on Real-time Sample Rate Up to 250 Megasample Record Length with MultiView Zoom™ Feature for Quick Navigation Fastest Waveform Capture Rate with >300,000 wfms/s Maximum per Channel
Uncompromised Bandwidt h – Up to 20 GHz on all 4 channels enables measurement on the latest high-speed serial standards
Superio the truest representation of your waveform
Industry-leading Sam ple Rate and Timing Resolution
100 GS/s on 2 Channe ls (20, 16, and 12.5 GHz models)
16 Logic Channels with 80 ps Timing Resolution for Debug of Digital and Analog Signals (MSO70000 Series only)
.5, 8, 6, and 4 GHz Bandwidth Models
r Signal Integrity and Excellent Signal-to-Noise Ratio – Observe
P6780 and P6717 High-performance 17-channel Logic Probes with Bandwidths up to 2.5 GHz for Connections to Today's Fast Digital Signals (MSO70000 Series only)
Design Verication including Signal Integrity, Jitter, and Timing Analysis
Design Characterization for High-speed, Sophisticated Designs
Certication Testing of Serial Data Streams for Industry Standards
Memory Bus Analysis and Debug
Prototype Turn-on and Power Supply Verication
Research and Investigation of Transient Phenomena
Production Testing of Complex Systems
Spectral Analysis of Transient or Wide-bandwidth RF Signals
Data Sheet
P7500 TriMode probes simplify complex measurement setups.
P6780 Differential Logic probes provide high-bandwidth connections for up to 16 digital signals.
Tools for Your Complete Design Cycle
Tektronix understands that engineers rely on an oscilloscope throughout their design cycle, from prototype turn-on to production testing. The DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopes' unique capabilities combined
h exceptional signal acquisition performance and analysis accelerate
wit your measurement tasks.
Unmatched Acquisition and Signal-to-Noise Performance
The superior signal integrity and excellent signal-to-noise ratio of the DPO/DSA/MSO7 results.
High bandwidth, up to 20 GHz, matched across 4 channels
Bandwidth enhancement eliminates imperfections in frequency response all the way to the probe tip. The user-selectable lter for each channel prov representation of extremely fast signals. In addition, only Tektronix allows the user to disable the bandwidth enhancement for applications needing the
Simultaneous high sample ra te on all channels captures more signal details (transients, imperfections, fast edges)
100 GS/s on 2 channels and 50 GS/s on all analog channels for the
12.5, 16, and 20 GHz models 25 GS/s on all analog channels for the 4, 6, a nd 8 GHz models
12.5 GS/s on all logic channels in the MSO70000 Series
Lowest jitter noise oor and highest vertical accuracy provide additional margin in your measurements
Long record length provides high resolution and extended-duration waveform capture
Standard 10 MS per channel on the DPO70000 and MSO70000 Series and 31 MS on the DSA70000 Series Optional up to 125 MS on all four channels for the 4, 6, and 8 GHz models Optional up to 250 MS on all four channels for the 12.5, 16, and 20 GHz models On the MSO70000 Series, the record length of logic channels match the analog record lengths for uncompromised analog and digital acquisition MultiView Z oom helps you manage long records, compare and analyze multiple waveform segments
With h DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series enable you to perform precise characterization measurem ents. When debugging a DUT, a low noise
and maximum signal delity of the measurement instrument
oor allows you to nd the smallest anomalies that might affect the DUT's performance. For RF signals, a lower noise oor translates into a higher
amic range , opening the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series to a wider
dyn range of applications
Widest Range of Probing Solutions – Whether you need to measure 8 G b/s serial data, fast digital logic, or switching currents from your new power supply design, Tektronix offers a vast array of probing solutions, including
ive single-ended, differential, logic, high voltage, current, optical, and a
act wide range of probe and oscilloscope accessories.
0000 Series ensures condence in your measurement
ides magnitu de and ph ase correction for more accurate
highest measurement throughput
igh signal-to-noise ratio and low internal noise oor, the
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Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series
Quick S election G uide
Model Analog Bandwidth
DPO70404B 4 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DSA70404B 4 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS MSO70404 4 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DPO70604B 6 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DSA70604B 6 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS MSO70604 6 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DPO70804B 8 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DSA70804B 8 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS MSO70804 8 GHz 25 GS/s 10 MS DPO71254C 12.5 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS DSA71254C 12.5 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS MSO71254C 12.5 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS DPO71604C 16 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS DSA71604C 16 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS MSO71604C 16 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS DPO72004C 20 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS DSA72004C 20 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS MSO72004C 20 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 10 MS
Analog Sample Rate
2/4 Channels
Standard Memory –
Analog + Digital
Analog Channels Logic Channels
4 4 416 4 4 416 4 4 416 4 4 416 4 4 416 4 4 416
System Turn-on and Verication
Fromthetimeadesignisrst powered up through the initial operational checks, the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series provide the features you need.
Uncompromised Four-channel Acquisition
With the industry's lowest noise and up to 50 GS/s sample rate on all four channels the DPO70000 Series ensures that signal integrity checks and timing analysis can be done without worrying about noise and jitter in th e scope distorting the measurements. Single-shot bandwidths up to 20 GHz on all four channels ensure that you'll capture your signals of
t without worrying about undersampling when using more than 1 or
interes 2 c h annels.
ications requiring the lowest internal noise and jitter, 100 GS/s
For appl performance further reduces noise and jitter and provides additional measurement head room.
16-channel Digital Acquisition (MSO70000 Series only)
When you have many interfaces to verify, the MSO70000 Series with 4 analog and 16 logic channels enables efcient channel-to-channel timing checks. With timing resolution of 80 ps, the MSO70000 Series' digital
ion system enables you to make precise timing measurements on as
acquisit many as 20 chann els simultaneously.
iCapture – One Connection for Analog and Digital (MSO70000 Series only)
The number of signals that must be veried can often make the checkout of a design long and involved. By using the iCapture digital-to-analog multiplexer feature, you can easily verify the analog characteristics of any of the 16 signals connected to the MSO70000 Series' digital channels.
apture, you can quickly view the analog characteristics of any in put
Using iC channel. If the signal is working as expected, relegate it to a digital-only view and continue testing other lines.
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Data Sheet
Symbolic bu
s formats simplify identifying system states and setting up bus triggers.
Bus Decoding and Triggering (MSO70000 Series only)
Verifying your system operation often requires the ability to see specific system states on a key bus such as the DDR SDRAM interface. Th e MSO70000 Series includes parallel and low-speed serial bus decoding that provides deeper insight into the system's behavior. Using the bus triggering capability of the MSO70000 Series to isolate the exact state needed or nd invalid bu
s sequences is as easy as dening the bus and choosing the bit
pattern or symbolic word that describes the desired state.
Deep Record Length Available on All Channels
Longer du
ration events such as power supply sequencing and system status words can b e analyzed without sacricing timing resolution u sing the long memory depths available on all four analog channels in the DPO/DSA70000 Series as well as the 16 logic channels of the MSO70000 Series. Optional memory depths up to 125 MS (Option 10XL) on the 4, 6, and 8 GHz models and 250 MS (Option 20XL) on the 12.5, 16, and 20 GHz models ar
e available.
Power supplies can be a critical failure point in any system. Careful testing
wer delivery system's power on sequence can be time consuming.
of the po The M SO70000 Series provides independent logic thresholds for each logic channel enabling multiple logic voltages to be set up and observed simultaneously for quick verication of the system's power rails.
10 ms duration capture of synchronous high-speed and low-speed signals at 25 GS/s.
Protocol and Serial Pattern Triggering
To verify serial architectures, the serial pattern triggering for NRZ serial data streams with built-in c lock recovery in the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series allows correlating events across physical and link layers. The instruments can recover the clock signal, identify transitions, and allow you to set the desired encoded words for the serial pattern trigger to capture. This feature comes standard on the DSA70000 Series and is available on the DPO70000 and MSO70000 Series as Option ST6G. For higher bit rate standards like USB 3.0, the 8b10b serial pattern trigger and decode covers data rates up to 6.25 Gb/s.
Pattern lock triggering adds an extra dimension to NRZ serial pattern triggering by enabling the oscilloscope to take synchronized acquisitions of a long serial test pattern with outstanding time base accuracy. Pattern lock triggering can be used to remove random jitter from long serial data pat terns. Effects of specic bit transitions can be investigated, and
ng can be used with mask testing . Pattern lock triggering supports
averagi up to 6.25 Gb/s NRZ serial data streams and is standard on the DSA70000 Series instruments, or is included as part of Option ST6G on the DPO70000 and MSO700 00 Series.
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Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series
System Characterization and Margin Testing
When a design is working correctly and the next task is to fully characterize its performance, the DSA70000 Series offers the industry's most comprehensive set of analysis and certication tools, such as math expressions, waveform mask testing, pass/fail testing, event searching, and event marking process of making hundreds of characterization measurements.
Advanced Waveform Analysis
Full analysis of the power, voltage, and temperature corners of your system under test can be ve ry time consuming. The DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series offer a wide range of built-in advanced waveform analysis tools.
Waveform cursors make it easy to measure trace-to-trace timing characteristics, while cursors that link between YT and XY display modes make it easy to investigate phase relationships and Safe Operating Area violations. Select f rom 53 automatic measurements using a graphical palette that logically organizes measurements into Amplitude, Time, Histogram, measurement results with statistical data such as mean, min, max, standard deviation, and population.
Dene and a in terms that you can use. Access common waveform math functions with the touch of a button. Or, for advanced applications, create algebraic expressions consisting of live waveforms, reference waveforms, math functions, measurement values, scalars, and user-adjustable variables with an easy-to-use calculator-style editor.
With deep acquisition memory, margin testing can be done over many cycles and long duration trends in the data can be observed. Plus, data from the oscilloscope can be captured into Microsoft Excel using the unique Excel tool provided with the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series.
Automated Tools to Increase Measurement Throughput
Ease of use and measurement throughput are key when a large number of measurements must be completed with a performance oscilloscope.
. Tools for automation reduce the tedium and speed up the
and Communications categories. Gather further insight into your
pply math expressions to waveform data for on-screen re sults
bar, and formatted into custom reports using the Word toolbar
concerns, highest se
ter and Eye Diagram Analysis – Simplify identifying signal integrity
jitter, and their related sources with DPOJET software. DPOJET provides the
nsitivity and accuracy available for real-time oscilloscopes.
The DSA70000 Series comes standard with the DPOJET Advanced Jitter and Eye Diagram measurem ent application, providing the tools you need to quickly perform a high volume of measurements and collect statistics. DPOJET Essentials is standard on the DPO70000 and MSO70000 Series wi
th the DPOJET advanced version available as an option. Application-specic measurement packages are also available that extend DPOJET and perform the extensive set of tests required by industry standard groups.
RF and Vector Signal Analysis
When vector signal analysis of RF or baseband signals are needed the optional SignalVu application enables measurements in multiple domains (frequency, time, phase, modulation) simultaneously. SignalVu measurements are fully correlated with the scope's time domain acquisition
gering. Time domain events, such as commands to a RF
and trig subsystem, can be used as trigger events, while the subsystem's RF signal can be seen in the freq uency domain.
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Data Sheet
USB 3.0 pro and receiv Universal selection selectio USB-TX le
3.0 solut
TekExpress SATA Automated Compliance Test Software – Complete support for SATA Gen1 and SATA Gen2 dened test suites for transmitters and receivers. Reduce your compliance test time by approximately 70% with simple, efcient automation of all required test suites with TekExpress software. Also included is auto-recognition of all required test equipment, precise DUT/Host control, and one-button testing.
s USB 3.0 Automated Test Software (Option USB-TX) – TekExpress
vides an automated, simple, and efcient way to test USB 3.0 transmitter
er hosts and devices consistent with the requirements of the SuperSpeed
Serial Bus Electrical Compliance Test Specication. The application automates
of appropriate CTLE and reference channel emulation lters and measurement
ns based on device type, test type, test points, and selected probes. In addition,
verages DPOJET allowing for debug and advanced characterization of USB
TekExpress® Software Automation Framework
ekExpress software automation framework has been developed for
The T automated o ne-button testing of high-sp eed serial data standards. Built on top of National Instruments TestStand product, TekExpress efciently executes the required tests for many serial standards like SATA Rev 3.0,
SDLA - Serial Data Link Analysis (Option SLE and SLA) – Offers the capability to emulate the serial data channel, de-embed a xture or other network, and add or remove transmitter equalization. Option SLA adds processing of waveforms with FFE and DFE equalizations and automatic equalizer training. DPOJET provides advanced measurement and jitter analysis of the resulting waveforms.
USB 3.0, DisplayPort, and 10GBASE-T Ethernet. Run on an external Windows PC, the TekExpress SATA software orchestrates the instrument setup and control sequences to provide complete test results for complete design validation.
Beyond using the TekExpress framework, custom applications that you develop yourself using application development environments such as MATLAB
can further exten d the tool set of the DPO/DSA/MSO70000
Characterization measurements depend upon accuracy and repeatability. The wide bandwidth and unmatched signal delity of the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 analog front end ensures that your signal quality measurements such as rise times are faithful and amplitude correct with atness of ±0.5 dB.
Custom Filter and De-embed Capability
ate your own lters or use the lters provided as standard with the
Cre DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series to enhance your ability to isolate or remove a c omponent of your signal (noise or specic harmonics of the signal). These customizable FIR lters can be used to implement signal-processing techniques, such as removing signal pre-emphasis or minimizing the effects of xtures and cables connected to the device under test. Using the optional
ial Data Link Analysis (SDLA) application, you can gain further insight
Ser into serial data links with the capability to emulate the serial data channel from its S-parameters, de-embed the xture or other network, and add or remove transmitter equalization (de-emphasis/pre-emphasis).
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Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series
Beforeaproductcangotomarket,youoftenneedtocompleteaseriesof certication tests on the industry-standard high-speed serial buses in your design. These tests can involve many hours of wrestling with test xtures, reading certi that your system passes the required tests.
Application-specic Solutions – Enable Standard-specicCertification, Measurement Automation, and Extended Signal Analysis
Accurate, Simple, and Customizable Physical Layer Certication Testing – For designers with industry-standard certication needs, standard-specific compliance a mask and measurement limit testing are available as options on the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series. Modules are available for PCI Express DDR Memory, Serial ATA and SAS, InniBand, HDMI, Ethernet, DisplayPort, DVI, UWB, MIPI USB.
See the following list for highlights of the available application-specific solutions.
cation documents, and collecting sufcient data to validate
nd analysis modules that congure the pass/fail waveform
D-PHY and M-PHY, Power Supplies, and
USB 3.0 Transmitter Test Solution (Option USB3) – Perform verication, characterization, and debug of USB 3.0 devices. Measurements are implemented in DPOJETandarecomplianttotheUSB3.0specification. For compliance and automation, USB-TX is available.
DDR Memory Bus Analysis (Option DDRA) – Automatically identify DDR1, LPDDR1, LPDDR2, DDR2, DDR3, and GDDR3 Reads and Writes and makes JEDEC conformance measurements with pass/fail results on all edges in every Read and Write burst. DDRA provides capabilities for measurements of clock, address, and control signals. In addition to enabling conformance testing DDRA with DPOJET is the fastest way to debug complex memory signaling issues. DDRA can also use the Command/Address lines to trigger on specic read/write states when running on the MSO70000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, which offers 16 channels of digital logic probing.
PCI Express Analysis Test Solution (Option PCE) – Analyze the performance of your PCI Express Rev 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 (draft spec) design with comprehensive test support. Using DPOJET, Option PCE enables tests that conform to PCI-SIG standards.
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Data Sheet
Ethernet Compliance Test Solution (Option ET3) – Receive full PHY layer support for Ethernet variants 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 1000BASE-T with the comprehensive, integrated Tektronix Ethernet tool set. Analog verication, automated compliance software, and device characterization solutions are all included.
MIPI®D-PHY Debug, Analysis, Characterization, and Compliance Test Solution (Option D-PHY) –VerifytotheD-PHYspecication by rapidly characterizing and
discovering sources of jitter and signal integrity concerns using the fully exible and customizable test setup. Using DPOJET, Option D-PHY enables transmitter high-speed data-clock timing measurements, along with a full range of electrical characteristics in high-speed or low-power modes.
MIPI®M-PHY Debug, Analysis, Characterization and Conformance Test Solution (Option M-PHY) –VerifytotheM-PHYspecication by rapidly characterizing and
discovering sources of jitter and signal integrity concerns. Using DPOJET, Option M-PHY enables transmitter signaling and timing measurements such as differential transmit eye diagrams, rise and fall times, slew rate, amplitude parameters, common mode voltages on each lane for both the large and small amplitude congurations, as well as the terminated and unterminated cases.
XGbT 10GBASE-T Automated Compliance Software – Quickly perform 10GBASE-T measurements per the IEEE 802.3an-2006 standard including Power Spectral Density (PSD), Power Level, and Linearity, with a simplied instrument conguration. XGbT provides exible control over test congurations and analysis parameters, enabling more in-depth device characterization.
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Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series
DVI Compliance Test Solution (Option DVI) – Obtain quick and dependable results with the DVI compliance test software. Automated testing based on pass/fail detection dramatically enhances productivity.
DisplayPort Compliance Test Solution (Option DSPT) – Support DisplayPort Compliance Test Standard (CTS) source test with four-line simultaneous testing using the Tektronix P7300SMA Series probes and DisplayPort software. Detailed test reports with waveform plots, pass/fail results, and margin analysis are included.
HDMI Compliance Test Solution (Option HT3) – Fast, efcient solution for HDMI compliance measurement challenges, no matter if you are working on a Source, Cable, or Sink solution. This application provides all the HDMI compliance test solutions you need to ensure quality and interoperability.
Ultra-Wideband Spectral Analysis Software (Option UWB) – Analyze hundreds of packets, TFC, and data-rate combinations. In addition, the automatic WiMedia modulation analysis conguration will analyze how complex wideband signals change frequency and amplitude with time using real-time spectrograms spanning 20 GHz.
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Data Sheet
Power Measurement and Analysis Software (Option PWR) –Improvetheefficiency of switching power supplies with increased power densities. Measure and analyze power dissipation in power supply switching devices and magnetic components, and generate detailed test reports in customizable formats.
SignalVu® Vector Signal Analysis – Easily verify wide-bandwidth designs such as wideband radar, high data-rate satellite links, or frequency-hopping radios and characterize wideband spectral events. SignalVu combines the functionality of a vector signal analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, and the powerful triggering capabilities of the DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series – all in a single package.
DSA70000 – A Dedicated Solution Congured for Today's High-speed Serial Design Challenges
The DSA70000 Digital Serial A nalyzers are specially congured to addre ss high-speed serial data designs by encapsulating many of the serial domain features neede d for high-speed serial verication and characterization. These standard features on the DSA70000 Series are options on the DPO70000 and MSO70000 Series.
Serial Pattern Triggering – Real-time serial pattern triggering and protocol
tions Mask Testing.
decode with built-in clock recovery recovers the clock signal, identies the transitions, and decodes characters and other protocol data. You can see the 8b/10b bit sequences decoded into their words for convenient
, or you can set the desired encoded words for the serial pattern
analysis trigger to capture. With pattern lock triggering, the DSA70000 Series can synchronize to long serial te st patterns with data rates up to 6.25 Gb/s and remove random jitter.
tter, Timing, and Eye Diagram Analysis –
The DSA70000 Series features th e highest-accuracy jitter and timing measurements as well as comprehensive analysis algorithms. Tight timing margins demand stable, low-jitter designs. You can make jitter measurements over contiguous clock cycles on every valid pulse in a single-shot acquisition. Multiple measurements and trend plots quickly show system timing under variable
ons, including Random and Deterministic Jitter separation.
Communications Mask Testing – Provides a complete portfolio of masks for
verifying compliance to serial communications standards. Over 150 masks for the following standards are supported – PCI Express, ITU-T/ANSI
Ethernet IEEE 802.3, ANSI X3.263, Sonet/SDH, Fibre Channel,
T1.102, InniBand, USB, Serial ATA, Serial Attached SCSI, IEEE 1394b, RapidIO, OIF Standards, Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI), Common Public Ra dio Interface (CPRI).
31 MS Rec
ord Length –
31 MS on all four channels provides a longer time sequence at high resolution. Optional record lengths up to 125 MS for the 4, 6, and 8 GHz mod els, 250 MS for the 12. 5, 16, and 20 GHz mo dels extend the acquisition time sequence.
With standard features that extend the functionality of the Tektronix DPO70000 Series to address high-speed serial signal analysis and certication, th e DSA70000 Series offers a specialized instrument that efciently addresses your design challenges.
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