Signal In tegrity, Jitter, and Timing Ana lysis
Verification,Debug, andCharacterization ofSophisticated Designs
and DatacomIndustry Standards
Power Measurementsand Analysis
Spectral Analysis
gand Compliance Testingof SerialData Streamsfor Teleco m
d SerialBus Design (I
gation ofTransient Ph enomena
C, SPI, RS-232, CAN, LIN, and
Data Sheet
The familyfeatures exceptional performance in signal acquisition and
analysis, operational simplicity, and unmatched debugging tools to
accelerate you
the intuitive userinterface provideeasy access to themaximum amount of
r day-to-da y tasks. Thelargest screenin the industry and
User-selectablebandwidthlimiting choices.
Zoomin on four areas ofinterest simultaneously to comparethem.
Unmatched Performance for Greater Insight
Into Your Design to Get Your Work Done
The DPO7000 Series are the new generation of real-time digital phosphor
oscilloscopesand arethe industry’sbest solutionto thechallenging signal
integrityissues facedby designersverifying, characterizing, debugging,and
testing sophisticated electronicdesigns.
Unmatched Acq
Signal Fideli
ty of Tektronix Oscilloscopes Ensures
uisition Performance
Confidence in Your Measurement Results
Highsample rateon allmodels, onall channels,to capturemore signal
details (tra
High bandwi
and enabled by Tektronixproprietary DSP enhancement. The
user-selectable DSPfilter on eachchannel provides magnitude and
phase corre
fidelity for complexmeasurements. TheDSP filteron eachchannel can
alsobe switchedoff to takeadvantage oftrue 2.5GHz analog bandwidth
The DPO700
series of user-selectable bandwidthlimit filters. These filters preserve
the instrument’s bandwidth roll-off characteristics, flatness, and phase
out-of-bandnoise onmeasurements. Now,designers canpurchase one
instrument for their highestbandwidth needs and easily optimizeit to
handle l
Very low
Longacquisition toprovide moreresolution and longertime sequence
Highest-performance pro bing solutions for differentialand single-ended
voltage signalsas well ascurrent measurement, because accurate
and high-fidelitysignal capture
nsients, im perfections, fastedges)
40GS/s onone channelon the2.5 GHz and3.5 GHzmodels
Option 2SRto double the maximum real-time samp le rate forthe
1 GHz model
dth upto 3.5 GHz,matched across 2, 3, or 4 channels
ction p lus extension to3.5 GHz formore accurate signal
al up to 500 million total data pointson 2.5GHz and3.5 GHz
Optionalup to250 milliontotal data pointson the500 MHzand 1 GHz
Easilymanage this deep record length, provide detailed comparison
and analysis of multiple waveform segments with the MultiView
the liveliest display updaterate. Ifyou want a precise measurementand
the highest real-time sample rate thatwill g ive you the most measurement
accuracy,then the Constant Sa mple Rate modeis foryou. Itwill maintain
the highest sample rate and provide the best real-time resolution. Thelast
modeis c
control of the samplerate andrecord length.
opmenu items of interest to create the MyScopecontrol window.
With the MyScope®Feature, Create Your Own Control
Windows with Only the Controls, Features, and
Capabilities that You Care About
Easily createyour own personalized "toolbox" of oscilloscope features
in amatter of minutes u sing a simple, visual, drag-and-drop process.
Once created, these custom control windows are e asily accessed throu gh
a dedicatedMyScope button and menuselection on the oscilloscope
/menu bar, justlike any other controlwindow. You can make an
unlimited n umber of customcontrol windows, enabling each personwho
uses the oscilloscope ina shared environment to havetheir ownunique
control window. MyScope co ntrol windows will benefitall oscilloscope
users,eliminating theramp-up timethat many facewhen returningto the lab
after not using an oscilloscope fora while,and enablesthe poweruser to
oreefficient. Everythingyou needis foundin one control window
be far m
ratherthan havingto constantlynavigate throug h menuafter menuto repeat
similar tasks. 3
Data Sheet
ta into Microsoft Excelusing theunique Excel toolbar, and create custom
ing the Word toolbar.
With OpenChoice®Software, Customize Your Test and
Measurement System with Familiar Analysis Tools
Theanalysis andnetworking featuresofOpenChoice softwareadd flexibility
toWindows XPTektronixoscilloscopes: The WindowsXP RemoteDesktop
functionality enables remote monitoring of the instrument over the internet.
Using the
fast embedded bus, waveformdata canbe moveddirectly from
acquisitionto analysisapplications onthe Windowsdesktop atmuch faster
speeds thanconventional GPIB transfers. Implementationby Tektronix
of industry-stan dard protocols, suchas TekVISA™interface and ActiveX
controls, are included for using andenhancing Windows applications
for data analysisand documentation. Supportfor the DPO7000Series
is also a
IVI-COM instrumentdrivers areincluded to enable easy communication
with the oscilloscope usingGPIB, serialdata, andLAN connections from
programsrunning onthe instrumentor anexternalPC. Or,use theSoftware
Developer’s Kit(SDK)to helpcreate customsoftware toautomate multistep
processes in waveform collection and analysis withVisual BASIC,C, C++,
LabVIEW,LabWindows/CVI, and othercommon Application
Development Environments(ADE). Integration ofthe oscilloscope with
external PCs and non-Windowshosts isalso supportedby theDPO7000
Series software solutions. Inaddition, the OpenChoice architecture
providesa comprehensive software infrastructure for faster,more versatile
operations. Datatransfer programs, such as the Excel or Wordtoolbar,
are used
to simplify analysis and documentation onthe Windowsdesktop
or onan external PC.
FastAcq ac
he probability of capturing elusive glitchesand otherinfrequent eventswith
Accelerate the Debug of Complex Electrical
Clearly Showing Imperfections
More thanjust color grading,FastAcq enabled byTektronixproprietary
waveforms persecond on all4 channels simultaneously,dramatically
increasing the probabilityof discoveringinfrequent faultevents. Andwith a
simple turn of the intensity knobyou canclearly see“a worldothers don’t
see,” b
vendorsclaim highwaveform capturerates forshort burstsof time, butonly
the DPO7000 Series, enabledby DPXtechnology, can deliver thesefast
waveform capture rates on asustained basis– savingminutes, hours, or
even days by q u ickly revealing thenature of faults s o sophisticated trigger
modes canbe appliedto isolate them.
Acquisition Mode Expedites Debugging by
acquisition technologycaptures signals up to morethan 250,000
ecause frequency of occurrence is color coded. Some oscilloscope
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes — DPO7000Series
itches down to 200ps wide.
IsolateSetup and Hold violationsdown to360 ps.
The Abi
lity to Trigger an Oscilloscope on Events of
Interest is Paramount in Complex Signal Debug and
Whether you’retrying to find a systemerror or needto isolate a section
of a complex signalfor further analysis, like aDDR Read or Write burst,
uses SiliconGermanium (SiGe) technology to provide trigger
triggering providesthe solution. The Pinpoint trigger
sensitivity of up tothe bandwidth of the instrument,and allows selection
of most trigger typeson both A and Btrigger circuits. It cancapture very
narrow glitcheswith very littletrigger jitter. Other trigger systems offer
Easily tri
gger on a specificI
C address.
multiple trigger types only ona singleevent (Aevent), withdelayed trigger
(Bevent) selectionlimited toedge-type triggeringandoften donot providea
wayto resetthe triggersequence ifthe Bevent doesn’toccur. ButPinpoint
triggering providesa full suite of advancetrigger types on both Aand B
s w ith Reset triggeringto beginthe trigger sequenceagain aftera
specified time, state, or transition so that even events in themost complex
signals can be captured. Other oscilloscopes typically offer less than 20
trigger c ombinations; Pinpointtriggering offersover 1400 combinations,
all atfull performance.
WithEnhanced Triggering,youcan chooseto compensatefor the difference
intime thereis betweenthe triggerpath andthe displaypath andeliminate
virtually any trigger jitterat thetrigger point. In th is mode, thetrigger point
ed as a measurementreference.
Trigger on the Most Relevant Bit Sequence of the
ry-standard Serial Bus
C (Int er-Integrated Circuit) triggering isa standardfeature and includes
Data Frame, in a10 bitor 7bit format with a specificselection to choose
whether ornot toinclude the R/Wbit.
SPI (SerialPeripheral Interface) triggering is a standard feature and
includes triggering ona datapattern withina user-definableframe.
RS-232 triggering is astandard feature.
ontroller Area Network) triggeringis an optional feature (Opt. LSA)
and includessynchronization tothe Start or End ofa CANframe on any
CAN high or CAN low signal, triggering on Type ofFrame (Data,Remote,
Overload),Identifier, Data, MissingAcknowledge, andBit Stuffingerror. 5
Data Sheet
g on an analogHDTVtri-level sync signal and examininghorizontalblanking
Serialpatterntriggering to debug pattern-dependent issues.
Analog HDTV/EDTV Triggering for emergingstandards like1080i, 1080p,
720p, and480p aswell as standard vide o triggering onany line within a
field, alllines, all fields, odd or even fields forNTSC, SECAM, andPAL
videosignals. Inaddition, IRE andmV graticulescan beselected foreasier
entsand visualinspection. Thisis a standard feature.
Serial Pattern Triggering forNRZ serialdata streams with built-in clock
(available onmodels DPO7254 and DPO7354 only)to debug
serial architectures. The instrument can recoverthe clocksignal, identify
the tran sitions , and decodecharacters and other protocol data. With the
combination of the SerialTriggerand Protocol Decode software, youcan
see the captured bitsequences decoded intotheir wordsfor convenient
analysis(for 8b/10band otherencoded serialdata streams),or youcan set
ed e ncoded words forthe serial patterntrigger tocapture. This
the d esir
serialtrigger optioncovers NRZserial standardsup to1.25 Gb/s.
Lock Triggering addsa new dimensionto NRZ serialpattern
triggering by enabling theoscilloscope totake synchronized acquisitions
of a long serialtest patternwith outstanding time base accuracy. Pattern
lock triggering can be used to removerandom jitter from long serial
data patterns. Effects of specific bit transitionscan be investigated,and
ingcan beused withmask testing. Thisfeature isincluded aspart of
Option PTM on theDPO7254 and7354 models.
Unmatched Usability
The TekVPI™probe interfaceprovides versatilityand easeof useenabled
byintelligent bidirectionaloscilloscope-to-probe communication.
The DPO7000 Series are fast-responding instruments andcontain a
comprehensive suiteof featuressuch as atouch screen, shallow menu
structures, intuitivegraphical icons, knob-per-channelvertical controls,
support for rig ht mouse clicks, mouse wheel improvements, saving
of wavefo
rms and measurements ava ilable in Preview mode, and
Export/Save/Recall menuimprovements.
+ 14 hidden pages
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