Tektronix MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, DPO5000/B, MSO5000/B Technical Reference

MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, and DPO5000/B Series Oscilloscopes Specifications and Performance Verification
Technical Reference
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, and DPO5000/B Series Oscilloscopes Specifications and Performance Verification
Technical Reference
The servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing unless you are qualified to do so. Refer to all safety summaries prior to performing service.
This document supports product firmware version 6.8.0 and above. Revision B
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Pinpoint, TekLink, and RT-Eye are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc. 14150 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
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Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may be new or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of Tektronix.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty of servicing the product.
[W2 – 15AUG04]

Table of Contents

Important safety information .............................................................................................................. iii
General safety summary ................................................................................................................ iii
Terms in the manual ...................................................................................................................... vi
Terms on the product ..................................................................................................................... vi
Symbols on the product ................................................................................................................. vi
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series)
Vertical system analog channels ..................................................................................................... 2
Horizontal and acquisition system ................................................................................................ 48
Trigger specifications ................................................................................................................... 58
Serial trigger specifications .......................................................................................................... 65
Digital acquisition specifications .................................................................................................. 68
Input-output port specifications .................................................................................................... 70
Data storage specifications ........................................................................................................... 73
Power source specification ........................................................................................................... 74
Mechanical specifications ............................................................................................................. 74
Environmental specifications ....................................................................................................... 76
Specifications (MSO/DPO5000/B Series)
Analog channel input and vertical specification ........................................................................... 77
Horizontal and acquisition system specifications ......................................................................... 86
Trigger specifications ................................................................................................................... 88
Digital acquisition specifications MSO5000/B series .................................................................. 93
P6616 digital probe specifications ................................................................................................ 93
Display specificationsContainer ................................................................................................... 94
Input-Output port specifications ................................................................................................... 94
Data storage specifications ........................................................................................................... 96
Power source specifications .......................................................................................................... 96
Environmental specifications ....................................................................................................... 97
Mechanical specifications ............................................................................................................. 98
Performance verification (MSO/DPO70000C, MSO/DPO70000DX, and
DPO7000C series)
Performance verification (MSO/DPO70000C, MSO/DPO70000DX, and DPO7000C series) ... 99
Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 100
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series i
Table of Contents
Brief procedures (MSO/DPO70000C, MSO/DPO70000DX, and DPO7000C series) .............. 102
Self tests ................................................................................................................................ 102
Functional tests ...................................................................................................................... 103
Performance tests (MSO/DPO70000C, MSO/DPO70000DX, and DPO7000C series) ............ 115
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 116
Equipment required ............................................................................................................... 116
Test record ............................................................................................................................. 121
Signal acquisition system checks .......................................................................................... 176
Time base system checks ...................................................................................................... 241
Trigger system checks ................................................................................................................ 253
Check time qualified trigger accuracy ........................................................................................ 253
Check sensitivity edge trigger DC coupled ................................................................................ 257
Output signal checks ................................................................................................................... 265
Check aux trigger out ................................................................................................................. 266
Check probe compensation or fast edge output .......................................................................... 268
Serial trigger checks (Optional on some models) ....................................................................... 271
Check serial trigger baud rate limits ........................................................................................... 271
Check serial trigger clock recovery range <4 GHz models ........................................................ 277
Sine wave generator leveling procedure ..................................................................................... 281
Method 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 281
Method 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 283
Performance verification (MSO/DPO5000/B series)
Performance verification (MSO/DPO5000/B series) ................................................................. 285
Test record .................................................................................................................................. 286
Performance tests (MSO/DPO5000-B series) ............................................................................ 316
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 316
Self test ....................................................................................................................................... 317
Check input impedance (Resistance) .......................................................................................... 318
Check DC balance ...................................................................................................................... 319
Check DC gain accuracy ............................................................................................................ 321
Check offset accuracy ................................................................................................................. 323
Check analog bandwidth ............................................................................................................ 326
Check random noise sample acquisition mode ........................................................................... 329
Check sample rate and delay time accuracy ............................................................................... 330
Check delta time measurement accuracy .................................................................................... 332
Check digital threshold accuracy (MSO5000/B only) ............................................................... 334
Check trigger out ........................................................................................................................ 337
ii MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series

Important safety information

This manual contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user for safe operation and to keep the product in a safe condition.

General safety summary

Use the product only as specified. Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. Carefully read all instructions. Retain these instructions for future reference.
Comply with local and national safety codes.
For correct and safe operation of the product, it is essential that you follow generally accepted safety procedures in addition to the safety precautions specified in this manual.
The product is designed to be used by trained personnel only.
Only qualified personnel who are aware of the hazards involved should remove the cover for repair, maintenance, or adjustment.
Before use, always check the product with a known source to be sure it is operating correctly.
This product is not intended for detection of hazardous voltages.
Use personal protective equipment to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series iii
Important safety information
To avoid fire or personal
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use. Do not use the provided power cord for other products.
Ground the product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded. Do not disable the power cord grounding connection.
Power disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source. See instructions for the location. Do not position the equipment so that it is difficult to operate the power cord; it must remain accessible to the user at all times to allow for quick disconnection if needed.
Connect and disconnect properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test leads while they are connected to a voltage source. Use only insulated voltage probes, test leads, and adapters supplied with the product, or indicated by Tektronix to be suitable for the product.
Observe all terminal ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all rating and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product. Do not exceed the Measurement Category (CAT) rating and voltage or current rating of the lowest rated individual component of a product, probe, or accessory. Use caution when using 1:1 test leads because the probe tip voltage is directly transmitted to the product.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed, or with the case open. Hazardous voltage exposure is possible.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Disable the product if it is damaged. Do not use the product if it is damaged or operates incorrectly. If in doubt about safety of the product, turn it off and disconnect the power cord. Clearly mark the product to prevent its further operation.
Before use, inspect voltage probes, test leads, and accessories for mechanical damage and replace when damaged. Do not use probes or test leads if they are damaged, if there is exposed metal, or if a wear indicator shows.
Examine the exterior of the product before you use it. Look for cracks or missing pieces.
Use only specified replacement parts.
Do not operate in wet/damp conditions. Be aware that condensation may occur if a unit is moved from a cold to a warm environment.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
iv MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Important safety information
Keep product surfaces clean and dry. Remove the input signals before you clean the product.
Provide proper ventilation. Refer to the manual's installation instructions for details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
Slots and openings are provided for ventilation and should never be covered or otherwise obstructed. Do not push objects into any of the openings.
Provide a safe working environment. Always place the product in a location convenient for viewing the display and indicators.
Avoid improper or prolonged use of keyboards, pointers, and button pads. Improper or prolonged keyboard or pointer use may result in serious injury.
Be sure your work area meets applicable ergonomic standards. Consult with an ergonomics professional to avoid stress injuries.
Use care when lifting and carrying the product. This product is provided with handles for lifting and carrying.
WARNING. The product is heavy. To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the device get help when lifting or carrying the product.
Probes and test leads
Use only the Tektronix rackmount hardware specified for this product.
Before connecting probes or test leads, connect the power cord from the power connector to a properly grounded power outlet.
Keep fingers behind the finger guards on the probes.
Remove all probes, test leads and accessories that are not in use.
Use only correct Measurement Category (CAT), voltage, temperature, altitude, and amperage rated probes, test leads, and adapters for any measurement.
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series v
Important safety information

Terms in the manual

Terms on the product

These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the marking.

Symbols on the product

WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
When this symbol is marked on the product, be sure to consult the manual to find out the nature of the potential hazards and any actions which have to be taken to avoid them. (This symbol may also be used to refer the user to ratings in the manual.)
The following symbols may appear on the product:
vi MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series

Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series)

This chapter contains specifications for the instrument. All specifications are guaranteed unless noted as "typical." Typical specifications are provided for your convenience but are not guaranteed. Specifications that are marked with the symbol are checked in this manual. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.
<4 GHz models. Includes the DPO7000C Series instruments unless noted otherwise.
Table 1: Instrument Model Numbers (<4 GHz)
7354C (3.5 GHz)
7254C (2.5 GHz)
7104C (1 GHz)
7054C (500 MHz)
≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models. Includes the MSO70000C and DPO70000C Series instruments unless noted otherwise.
Table 2: Instrument Model Numbers (≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz)
70404C (4 GHz) 70404C (4 GHz)
70604C (6 GHz) 70604C (6 GHz)
70804C (8 GHz) 70804C (8 GHz)
71254C (12.5 GHz) 71254C (12.5 GHz)
71604C (16 GHz) 71604C (16 GHz)
72004C (20 GHz) 72004C (20 GHz)
>20 GHz models. Includes the MSO70000DX and DPO70000DX Series instruments unless noted otherwise.
Table 3: Instrument Model Numbers (>20 GHz)
72304DX (23 GHz) 72304DX (23 GHz)
72504DX (25 GHz) 72504DX (25 GHz)
73304DX (33 GHz) 73304DX (33 GHz)
≥4 GHz models. Includes all MSO70000C/DX and DPO70000C/DX Series instruments.
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 1
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series)
To meet specifications, two conditions must first be met:
The instrument must have been calibrated in an ambient temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C (64 °F and 82 °F).
The instrument must be operating within the environmental limits. (See page 1-78.)
The instrument must be powered from a source that meets the specifications. (See page 2-18.)
The instrument must have been operating continuously for at least 20 minutes within the specified operating temperature range. (60 minutes continuous operation required for the MSO/DPO70000DX instruments if the ambient relative humidity is greater than 60%.)
You must perform the Signal Path Compensation procedure after the warm­up period. See the online help for instructions on how to perform signal path compensation. If the ambient temperature changes more than 5 °C, repeat the procedure.

Vertical system analog channels

Number of channels Four channels, all identical
Input connector
≥ 4 GHz models TekConnect. Power supply compatible with VPI.
< 4 GHz models BNC and VPI probe
Input coupling
>20 GHz models DC, 50 Ω to a programmable termination voltage, and GND.
GND coupling disconnects the input connector from all channel input circuitry and connects a ground reference to the channel input circuitry.
The termination in 50 Ω coupling can be connected to any DC value from –3.5 V to +3.5 V.
≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models DC, 50 Ω, and GND. GND coupling disconnects the input connector from all channel input circuitry
and connects a ground reference to the channel input circuitry.
<4 GHz models DC, AC, or GND. GND coupling approximates ground reference by measuring an unused
preamplifier input that has been connected to ground. The signal being measured is not disconnected from the channel input load.
Input resistance >20 GHz
≤1.2 VFS settings 50 Ω ±3% at 18 to 28 ºC (64 to 82 ºF)
50 Ω ±4% over 5 to 45 ºC (45 to 113 ºF), type tested
>1.2 VFS settings 50 Ω ±4.4% over 5 to 45 ºC (45 to 113 ºF), type tested
2 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Input resistance ≥4 GHz
≤20 GHz models
100 mVFS to 995 mVFS: 50 Ω ±1.5% at 25 ºC (77 ºF)
50 Ω ±2% over 10 to 45 ºC (50 to 113 ºF), type tested
1 VFS to 5 VFS: 50 Ω ±2.2 Ω over 10 to 45 ºC (50 to 113 ºF), type tested
Input impedance DC coupled <4 GHz models
1 MΩ, DC coupled 1 MΩ ± 1% in parallel with 13 pF ± 2 pF
50 Ω, DC coupled 50 Ω ± 1%, typical
Maximum input voltage range >20 GHz models
≤1.2 VFS settings: ±1.5 V relative to the termination bias (30 mA maximum)
±5 V absolute maximum input
>1.2 VFS settings: 8 V. Limited by maximum Vterm current and the attenuator power rating at maximum temperature.
Maximum input voltage ≥4 GHz and ≤20 GHz models
<1.0 V/Full Scale settings: ±3.3 V Maximum
≥ 1.0 V/Full Scale settings: ±5.0 V Maximum
Maximum input voltage <4 GHz models
1 MΩ – DC coupled 150 V. Derate at 20 dB/decade to 9 VRMS above 200 kHz.
1 MΩ – AC coupled, or GND coupled
50 Ω 5 V RMS, with peaks ≤ ± 24 V
Measurement category for MSO­DPO70K and DPO7K series only
Input termination voltage (VTerm) range >20 GHz models
≤1.2 VFS settings: -3.5 V to +3.5 V
>1.2 VFS settings: 0 V
Input termination voltage (VTerm) range ≤20 GHz models
The maximum input voltage at the BNC, between center conductor and ground is 400 V peak. The RMS voltage is limited to <150 V for arbitrary waveshapes including DC. The maximum pulse width for impulses with peaks over 150 V is 50 μs. Example: At 0 V to 400 V peak, rectangular wave, the duty factor is 14%.
The maximum transient withstand voltage is ± 800 V peak.
The measuring terminals on this product are not rated for connection to mains or Measurement Category II, III or IV circuits.
0 V
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 3
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
Input VSWR >20 GHz models, typical
≤1.2 VFS settings: 0 – 17 GHz: 1.4:1
>1.2 VFS settings: 0 – 17 GHz: 1.4:1
Input VSWR ≥4 GHz ≤20 GHz models
Input VSWR <4 GHz models
Measured with a TekConnect TCA-292D adaptor and a network analyzer.
17 – 20 GHz: 1.6:1
20 – 33 GHz: 2.0:1
17 – 33 GHz: 2.0:1
Measured with a TekConnect SMA adapter and a network analyzer
Input Frequency VSWR < 1 V/Full Scale VSWR ≥ 1 V/Full Scale
<2.5 GHz 1.25:1 1.2:1
<6 GHz 1.5:1 1.2:1
<14 GHz 2.1:1 1.5:1
<15 GHz 2.5:1 1.5:1
<20 GHz 3.2:1 1.9:1
Input Frequency VSWR
<3.5 GHz 3.0:1
<2.5 GHz 2.0:1
<2 GHz 1.5:1
<1 GHz 1.2:1
Number of digitized bits 8 bits
Digitizer nonlinearity, typical < 1.0 DL (digitization level), differential; < 1 DL integral, independently based
Sensitivity range
>20 GHz models, 50 Ω 62.5 mVFS to 6 V
≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models, 50 Ω
<4 GHz models, 50 Ω 1 mV/div to 1 V/division, in a 1-2-5 sequence
<4 GHz models, 1 MΩ 1 mV/div to 10 V/division, in a 1-2-5 sequence
DC gain accuracy sample or average acquisition mode ≥4 GHz models
DC gain accuracy sample or average acquisition mode <4 GHz models
100 mVFS to 5 VFS. Below 100 mVFS, Full Scale (FS) is software zoom.
Fine adjustment available with ≥1% resolution
Fine adjustment available with ≥1% resolution
± 2%
± 1.0% with 0 V net offset
Add 0.5% for ranges <2 mV/div
4 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Add 1.5% x | net offset/Max offset | for ranges <5 mV/div
Add 0.5% x | net offset/Max offset | for ranges ≥ 5 mV/div
Add 0.5% for ranges ≥ 1 V/div in 1 MΩ coupling and with net offset >10 V
DC voltage measurement
accuracy >20 GHz models
DC voltage measurement
accuracy ≥4 GHz ≤20 GHz models
Average acquisition mode ( ≥16 averages)
Delta voltage measurement between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired under the same setup and ambient conditions
Average acquisition mode ( ≥16 averages)
Delta voltage measurement between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired under the same setup and ambient conditions
Gain setting DC measurement accuracy
62.5 mVFS – 1.2 V
±[2% | reading - net offset | +
0.4% | net offset | + 0.2% | net offset – Vterm setting | +2.5 mV + 0.014 FS]
1.21 VFS – 6 V
±[2% | reading - net offset | +
0.4% | net offset | + 12.5 mV +
0.014 FS]
62.5 mVFS – 6 V
±[2% | reading – net offset | +
0.008 FS]
Gain setting DC measurement accuracy
100 mVFS to 995 mV
±[2% | reading – net offset | +
0.35% | net offset | +1.5 mV +
0.014 FS]
1 VFS to 5 V
±[2% | reading – net offset | +
0.35% | net offset | +7.5 mV +
0.014 FS]
100 mVFS to 5 V
±[2% | reading | + 0.008 FS]
DC voltage measurement
accuracy <4 GHz models
Average acquisition mode
DC accuracy (in volts)
Net offset = offset - ( position × volts/division).
±(DC Gain Accuracy × | reading -(net offset) | + offset accuracy + 0.1 division)
( ≥16 averages)
Delta voltage measurement
±(DC Gain Accuracy × | reading | + 0.05 division)
between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired with the same setup and ambient conditions
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 5
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
Sample acquisition mode, typical
Delta voltage measurement between any two samples acquired with the same setup and ambient conditions, typical
Position range ± 5 divisions
±(DC Gain Accuracy × | reading -(net offset) | + offset accuracy + 0.15 division + 0.6 mV)
±(DC Gain Accuracy × | reading | + 0.15 division + 1.2 mV)
Convert offset, position and the constant offset term to volts by multiplying by the appropriate volts/ div.
Specification applies to any sample and to the High, Low, Max, Min, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, and Cycle RMS measurements. Delta volts specification applies to subtractive calculations involving two of these measurements. Delta volts specification applies to the Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, peak-peak, and amplitude measurements.
6 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Offset range
>20 GHz models
≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models Offset is reduced to allow for position control according to the following formulas:
Full Scale voltage range Offset range
62.5 mVFS – 1.2 V
>1.2 VFS – 6 V
±3.4 V
±6 V
10 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div: Offset range = ±(0.5 V - (V/div setting × 5 div))
100 mV/div to 500 mV/div: Offset range = ±(2.5 V - (V/div setting × 5 div))
SCALE range Offset range
10 mV/div ±0.450 V
12 mV/div ±0.440 V
14 mV/div ±0.430 V
16 mV/div ±0.420 V
18 mV/div ±0.410 V
19.9 mV/div ±0.4005 V
20 mV/div ±0.400 V
30 mV/div ±0.350 V
40 mV/div ±0.300 V
49.8 mV/div ±0.251 V
50 mV/div ±0.250 V
60 mV/div ±0.200 V
70 mV/div ±0.150 V
80 mV/div ±0.100 V
90 mV/div ±0.050 V
99.5 mV/div ±0.0025 V
100 mV/div ±2.00 V
120 mV/div ±1.90 V
140 mV/div ±1.80 V
160 mV/div ±1.70 V
200 mV/div ±1.50 V
248 mV/div ±1.260 V
250 mV/div ±1.250 V
300 mV/div ±1.00 V
400 mV/div ±0.50 V
500 mV/div ±0.00 V
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 7
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
<4 GHz models, 50 Ω coupling
SCALE range Offset range
1 mV/div to 50 mV/div ±1.0 V
50.5 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div ±1.5 V - 10 divisions
100 mV/div to 500 mV/div ±10 V
505 mV/div to 1 V/div ±15 V - 10 divisions
<4 GHz models, 1 MΩ coupling
SCALE range Offset range
1 mV/div to 50 mV/div ±1 V
50.5 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div ±1.5 V - 10 divisions
100 mV/div to 500 mV/div ±10 V
505 mV/div to 995 mV/div ±15 V - 10 divisions
1.0 V/div to 5 V/div ±100 V
5.05 V/div to 10 V/div ±150 V - 10 divisions
Offset accuracy Net offset = offset - (position × volts/division).
>20 GHz models
Full scale voltage range Offset accuracy
62.5 mVFS to 1.2 V
>1.2 VFS to 6 V
±(0.4% | net offset | + 0.2% | net offset – Vterm setting | + 2.5 mV + 1% Full Scale)
±(0.6% | net offset | + 13.4 mV + 1% Full Scale)
≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models
<4 GHz models
Analog bandwidth >20 GHz models
SCALE range Offset accuracy Temperature variation
10 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div ±(0.35% × | net offset | +
1.5 mV + 1% x Full Scale)
100 mV/div to 0.5 V/div ±(0.35% × | net offset | +
±(0.45% × | offset | /°C)
7.5 mV + 1% x Full Scale)
SCALE range Offset accuracy
1 mV/div to 9.95 mV/div ±(0.2% × | net offset | + 1.5 mV + 0.1 div × V/div
10 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div ±(0.35% × | net offset | + 1.5 mV + 0.1 div × V/
div setting)
100 mV/div to 1 V/div ±(0.35% × | net offset | + 15 mV + 0.1 div × V/
div setting)
1.01 V/div to 10 V/div ±(0.25% × | net offset | + 150 mV + 0.1 div × V/div setting)
Bandwidth with a TCA292D adapter.
Operating ambient temperature <30 °C. Use the Temperature variation table to determine the amount of performance derating above the temperature limit.
Enhanced bandwidth only applies to full scale (FS) stepped gain settings of 62.5 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, and 5 V.
8 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
The MSO/DPO73304DX, MSO/DPO72504DX, and MSO/DPO72304DX instrument bandwidths with BWE disabled are typical.
BW settings Bandwidth Sample rate
No BWE DC to >33 GHz, typical All
33 GHz BWE DC to >33 GHz 100 GS/s
23 GHz BWE DC to >23 GHz 50 GS/s
BW settings Bandwidth Sample rate
No BWE DC to >25 GHz, typical All
25 GHz BWE DC to >25 GHz 100 GS/s
23 GHz BWE DC to >23 GHz 50 GS/s
BW settings Bandwidth Sample rate
No BWE DC to >23 GHz, typical 50, 100 GS/s
23 GHz BWE DC to >23 GHz 50, 100 GS/s
Typical temperature derating
Frequency TC, (dB/°C)
DC — 5 GHz 0.005 dB/°C
10 GHz 0.010 dB/°C
15 GHz 0.025 dB/°C
20 GHz 0.045 dB/°C
25 GHz 0.065 dB/°C
30 GHz 0.115 dB/°C
33 GHz 0.160 dB/°C
Analog bandwidth ≥4 GHz,
≤20 GHz models
DC 50 Ω coupling, full bandwidth, TCA-292mm or TCA-N adapter, operating ambient temperature 15 °C to 40 °C (59 °F to 104 °F).
Enhanced bandwidth only applies to full scale (FS) settings of 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, and
2.5 V. Enhanced bandwidth of 4 GHz, 6 GHz, and 8 GHz is only available at 25 GS/s and 50 GS/s.
Use the Temperature variation table to determine the amount of performance derating above the temperature limit.
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 9
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
The MSO/DPO72004C and MSO/DPO71604C instrument bandwidths with BWE disabled are typical.
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
20 GHz BWE 20 mV, 50 mV, 100 mV, and 250 mV/div
20 GHz BWE 100 mV full scale (10 mV/div)
No BWE DC to >16 GHz, typical <30 °C
DC to >20 GHz <30 °C
DC to >18 GHz <30 °C
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
BWE DC to >16 GHz <30 °C
No BWE DC to >16 GHz, typical <30 °C
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
BWE DC to >12.5 GHz <30 °C
No BWE DC to >12.5 GHz <30 °C
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
BWE DC to >8 GHz <45 °C
No BWE DC to >8 GHz <45 °C
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
BWE DC to >6 GHz <45 °C
No BWE DC to >6 GHz <45 °C
BW Settings Bandwidth Temp constraint
BWE DC to >4 GHz <45 °C
No BWE DC to >4 GHz <45 °C
Typical temperature variation
Frequency TC, (dB/°C)
DC — 11 GHz 0
12.5 GHz – 0.02
16 GHz – 0.04
18 GHz – 0.09
20 GHz – 0.09
Analog bandwidth with P7313 active probe, ≥4 GHz models
MSO/DPO72004C, MSO/DPO71604C DC >12.5 GHz, typical
MSO/DPO71254C DC >11 GHz, typical
MSO/DPO70804C DC >8 GHz, typical
MSO/DPO70604C DC >6 GHz, typical
MSO/DPO70404C DC >4 GHz, typical
10 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Analog bandwidth 50 Ω DC
coupled <4 GHz models
Full bandwidth, operating ambient of ≤ 30 °C (86 °F), derated by 1% for each °C above 30 °C (86 °F)
Note: The DPO7354C is guaranteed 3.5 GHz bandwidth with BWE On and can be verified with a 4­division sine wave. Typical bandwidth when measured with an 8-division sine wave is 3 GHz.
SCALE range Bandwidth
10 mV/div to 1 V/div DC to 3.5 GHz, BWE on
DC to 2.5 GHz, BWE off
5 mV/div to 9.99 mV/div DC to 2.0 GHz
2 mV/div to 4.99 mV/div DC to 500 MHz, typical
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 200 MHz, typical
SCALE range Bandwidth
10 mV/div to 1 V/div DC to 2.5 GHz
5 mV/div to 9.99 mV/div DC to 2.0 GHz
2 mV/div to 4.99 mV/div DC to 500 MHz, typical
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 200 MHz, typical
SCALE range Bandwidth
5 mV/div to 1 V/div DC to 1.0 GHz
2 mV/div to 4.99 mV/div DC to 500 MHz, typical
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 200 MHz, typical
Analog bandwidth 1 MΩ DC coupled <4 GHz models
Analog bandwidth with TAP2500 VPI probe, typical, DPO7254C
SCALE range Bandwidth
5 mV/div to 1 V/div DC to 500 MHz
2 mV/div to 4.99 mV/div DC to 400 MHz, typical
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 200 MHz, typical
Full bandwidth, operating ambient temperature of ≤ 30 °C (86 °F), derated by 1% for each °C above 30 °C (86 °F)
SCALE range Bandwidth
5 mV/div to 10 V/div DC to 500 MHz, typical
2 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div DC to 350 MHz, typical
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 175 MHz, typical
Full bandwidth, operating ambient of ≤ 30 °C (86 °F), derated by 1% for each °C above 30 °C (86 °F)
SCALE range Bandwidth
≥ 100 mV/div DC to 2.5 GHz
50 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div DC to 2.0 GHz
20 mV/div to 49.8 mV/div DC to 500 MHz
10 mV/div to 19.9 mV/div DC to 200 MHz
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 11
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
Analog bandwidth with X10 passive probe, typical, <4 GHz models
Analog bandwidth selections <4 GHz models
Lower frequency limit AC coupled <4 GHz models
Upper frequency limit 250 MHz bandwidth limited <4 GHz models
Upper frequency limit 20 MHz bandwidth limited <4 GHz models
Passband flatness, BWE, typical
MSO/DPO73304DX, MSO/ DPO72504DX, MSO/ DPO72304DX
Full bandwidth, operating ambient of ≤ 30 °C (86 °F), derated by 1% for each °C above 30 °C (86 °F)
SCALE range Bandwidth
5 mV/div to 10 V/div DC to 500 MHz
2 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div DC to 300 MHz
1 mV/div to 1.99 mV/div DC to 175 MHz
20 MHz, 250 MHz, and Full
10 Hz when 1 MΩ, AC coupled. The limit is reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X, passive probes are used.
250 MHz
20 MHz
Step settings Temperature constraint
62.5 mVFS, 100 mVFS, 200 mVFS, 500 mVFS,
1 VFS, 2 VFS, and 5 V ± 0.5 dB from DC to 50% of nominal bandwidth. ± 1.5 dB from 50% to 80% of nominal bandwidth.
All other gain settings
± 1.0 dB from DC to 50% of nominal bandwidth ± 2.0 dB from 50% to 80% of nominal bandwidth.
At 25 °C
MSO/DPO72004C, MSO/ DPO71604C, MSO/DPO71254C
Use the Temperature variation table to determine the amount of performance derating above the temperature limit.
Step settings Temperature constraint
100 mVFS, 200 mVFS, 500 m VFS, 1 VFS, and
2.5 VFS
± 0.5 dB from DC to 50% of nominal bandwidth. ± 1.5 dB from 50% to 80% of nominal bandwidth.
Non-step settings
± 1.0 dB from DC to 50% of nominal bandwidth ± 2.0 dB from 50% to 80% of nominal bandwidth.
At 25 °C
12 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
MSO/DPO70804C, MSO/ DPO70604C, MSO/DPO70404C
Typical temperature variation
Calculated rise time 50 Ω, typical, >20 GHz models
Calculated rise time 50 Ω, typical, ≥4 GHz ≤20 GHz models
Step settings Temperature constraint
± 0.5 dB from DC to 50% of nominal bandwidth. ± 1 dB from 50% to 80% of nominal bandwidth.
Frequency TC, (dB/°C)
DC – 11 GHz
12.5 GHz 16 GHz 18 GHz 20 GHz
10% - 90% 20% - 80% 10% - 90% 20% - 80%
MSO/DPO73304DX 13 ps 9 ps 21 ps 14 ps
MSO/DPO72504DX 16 ps 12 ps 22 ps 15 ps
MSO/DPO72304DX 17 ps 13 ps 24 ps 16 ps
10% - 90% 20% - 80% 10% - 90% 20% - 80%
MSO/DPO72004C at 20 GHz 19 ps 14 ps NA NA
MSO/DPO72004C at 18 GHz 22 ps 15 ps NA NA
MSO/DPO71604C 24.5 ps 17 ps 30 ps 20 ps
MSO/DPO71254C 32 ps 22 ps 33 ps 23 ps
MSO/DPO70804C 49 ps 34 ps 47 ps 32 ps
MSO/DPO70604C 65 ps 45 ps 62 ps 43 ps
MSO/DPO70404C 98 ps 68 ps 93 ps 65 ps
10 °C to 40 °C
0 – 0.02 – 0.04 – 0.09 – 0.09
Calculated rise time 50 Ω, typical, <4 GHz models
Scale 10% - 90%
1 mV/div - 1.99 mV/div 1.2 ns
2 mV/div - 4.99 mV/div 650 ps
5 mV/div - 9.9 mV/div 180 ps
10 mV/div - 1 V/div, BWE off 145 ps
10 mV/div - 1 V/div, BWE on 115 ps (signals limited to 4 vertical divisions)
Scale 10% - 90%
1 mV/div - 1.99 mV/div 1.2 ns
2 mV/div - 4.99 mV/div 650 ps
5 mV/div - 9.9 mV/div 180 ps
10 mV/div - 1 V/div 160 ps
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 13
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
Step response settling time, typical, >20 GHz models
DSP off
Scale 10% - 90%
1 mV/div - 1.99 mV/div 1.2 ns
2 mV/div - 4.99 mV/div 580 ps
5 mV/div - 9.9 mV/div 300 ps
10 mV/div - 1 V/div 300 ps
Scale 10% - 90%
1 mV/div - 1.99 mV/div 1.2 ns
2 mV/div - 4.99 mV/div 680 ps
5 mV/div - 9.9 mV/div 460 ps
10 mV/div - 1 V/div 460 ps
The time by which the step response enters and stays below the indicated % error. Step transition occurs at the 50% amplitude point of the step leading edge.
Instrument Gain setting (FS) Settling Error Time
MSO/ DPO73304DX,
MSO/ DPO72504DX,
62.5 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, <6% 150 ps – 400 ps
500 mV, 1 V, 1.2 V, 1.4 V, <5% (<5.5% 400 ps – 3 ns
2 V, 4 V MSO/
DPO73304DX) <3%
3 ns – 1 ms
DSP on (fastest BWE setting) DSP on (fastest BWE setting) Instrument Gain setting (FS) Settling
Instrument Gain setting (FS) Settling Error Time
MSO/ DPO72504DX,
62.5 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, <3.5% 150 ps – 400 ps
500 mV, 1 V, 1.2 V, 1.4 V, <2.5% 400 ps – 3 ns
2 V, 4 V <1.5% 3 ns – 1 ms
14 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Step response settling time ≥4 GHz, ≤20 GHz models
DSP off
DSP on
The time by which the step response enters and stays below the indicated % error. Step transition occurs at the 50% amplitude point of the step leading edge.
Instrument Gain setting (FS) ± Step
MSO/ DPO72004C MSO/ DPO71604C MSO/ DPO71254C
MSO/ DPO70804C MSO/ DPO70604C MSO/ DPO70404C
Instrument Gain setting (FS) ± Step
MSO/ DPO72004C MSO/ DPO71604C MSO/ DPO71254C
MSO/ DPO70804C
MSO/ DPO70604C
MSO/ DPO70404C
100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V
100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V
100 mV 200 mV 500 mV 1 V 2 V 5 V
100 mV 200 mV 500 mV 1 V 2 V 5 V
100 mV 200 mV 500 mV 1 V 2 V 5 V
100 mV 200 mV 500 mV 1 V 2 V 5 V
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
≤ 100% FS, ≤ 50% FS overdrive
Settling Error
< 9% < 5.5% < 2.5% < 0.15%
< 6% < 3% <2.5% <0.15%
Settling Error
Amount Time
<6% <3% <2.5% <0.15%
< 6% < 3% < 2.5% < 0.15%
< 6% < 3% < 2.5% < 0.15%
< 6% < 3% < 2.5% < 0.15%
150 ps 400 ps 3 ns 1 ms
150 ps 600 ps 3 ns 1 ms
100 ps 400 ps 3 ns 1 ms
150 ps 600 ps 3 ns 1 ms
200 ps 800 ps 3 ns 1 ms
300 ps
1.2 ns 3 ns 1 ms
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 15
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
Pulse response peak detect or envelope mode <4 GHz models
This instrument uses analog peak detection for pulse capture in Peak Detect or Envelope mode at sample rates of 125 MS per second and slower. At faster sample rates the instrument uses conventional sampling.
The minimum single pulse widths for 50% or greater amplitude capture for pulses greater than 2 divisions in magnitude.
Sample rate setting Minimum pulse width
≤ 10 GS/s 1 ÷ (sample rate) or 100 ps
40 MS/s 1 ÷ (sample rate) or 25 ps
16 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
Vertical system analog channels (cont.) Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C
Effective bits, typical, ≥4 GHz models
DSP on, Enhanced MIMO filter, full bandwidth
Nine division sine wave input at the indicated frequency, sampled at 500 mVFS vertical sensitivity and maximum sample rate.
Input frequency
10 MHz 5.4 bits 5.4 bits 5.3 bits 5.7 bits 5.3 bits 5.9 bits
1 GHz 5.3 bits 5.2 bits 5.3 bits 5.7 bits 5.2 bits 5.8 bits
2 GHz 5.2 bits 5.2 bits 5.2 bits 5.5 bits 5.2 bits 5.7 bits
3 GHz 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 5.4 bits 5.1 bits 5.6 bits
4 GHz 5.2 bits 5.1 bits 5.2 bits 5.4 bits 5.2 bits 5.6 bits
5 GHz 5.1 bits 5.2 bits 5.1 bits 5.4 bits 5.1 bits 5.6 bits
6 GHz 5.1 bits 5.0 bits 5.1 bits 5.3 bits 5.0 bits 5.6 bits
7 GHz 5.1 bits 5.0 bits 5.1 bits 5.3 bits 5.1 bits 5.5 bits
8 GHz 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 5.3 bits 5.1 bits 5.6 bits
9 GHz 5.0 bits 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 5.3 bits 5.0 bits 5.6 bits
10 GHz 5.1 bits 5.2 bits 5.1 bits 5.5 bits 5.0 bits 5.5 bits
11 GHz 4.9 bits 5.1 bits 4.9 bits 5.4 bits 4.9 bits 5.4 bits
12 GHz 5.0 bits 5.2 bits 5.0 bits 5.5 bits 5.0 bits 5.5 bits
13 GHz 4.9 bits 5.1 bits 4.9 bits 5.4 bits 4.9 bits 5.4 bits
14 GHz 4.9 bits 5.1 bits 4.9 bits 5.3 bits 4.8 bits 5.3 bits
15 GHz 4.8 bits 4.9 bits 4.8 bits 5.2 bits 4.8 bits 5.1 bits
16 GHz 4.8 bits 4.8 bits 4.8 bits 5.2 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
17 GHz 4.8 bits 4.9 bits 4.8 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
18 GHz 4.8 bits 4.9 bits 4.8 bits 5.1 bits 4.8 bits 5.3 bits
19 GHz 4.8 bits 4.8 bits 4.7 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
20 GHz 4.6 bits 4.7 bits 5.1 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.1 bits
21 GHz 4.8 bits 4.8 bits 4.9 bits 5.2 bits 4.8 bits 5.3 bits
22 GHz 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 5.1 bits 4.8 bits 5.3 bits
23 GHz 4.9 bits 5.2 bits 5.2 bits
24 GHz 5.0 bits 5.2 bits
25 GHz 4.8 bits 5.2 bits
26 GHz 4.9 bits
27 GHz 4.8 bits
28 GHz 4.7 bits
29 GHz 4.9 bits
30 GHz 4.9 bits
31 GHz 4.8 bits
32 GHz 4.8 bits
33 GHz 4.8 bits
50 GS/s 100 GS/s 50 GS/s 100 GS/s 50 GS/s 100 GS/s
MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series 17
Specifications (MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, and DPO7000C series) Vertical system analog channels (cont.)
DSP on, full bandwidth Nine division sine wave input at the indicated frequency, sampled at 500 mVFS vertical sensitivity
and maximum sample rate
Input frequency
10 MHz 5.2 bits 5.4 bits 5.2 bits 5.7 bits 5.2 bits 6.0 bits
1 GHz 5.0 bits 5.4 bits 5.0 bits 5.4 bits 5.0 bits 5.5 bits
2 GHz 5.0 bits 5.4 bits 5.0 bits 5.1 bits 5.0 bits 5.3 bits
3 GHz 4.9 bits 5.0 bits 4.9 bits 5.3 bits 4.9 bits 5.4 bits
4 GHz 4.8 bits 4.5 bits 4.6 bits 4.6 bits 4.5 bits 4.8 bits
5 GHz 4.7 bits 4.7 bits 4.7 bits 5.0 bits 4.7 bits 5.3 bits
6 GHz 4.7 bits 4.8 bits 4.7 bits 5.0 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
7 GHz 4.8 bits 4.9 bits 4.8 bits 5.2 bits 4.8 bits 5.3 bits
8 GHz 4.8 bits 5.0 bits 4.8 bits 5.0 bits 4.8 bits 5.4 bits
9 GHz 4.7 bits 5.0 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits 4.7 bits 5.3 bits
10 GHz 4.7 bits 5.0 bits 4.7 bits 5.3 bits 4.7 bits 5.4 bits
11 GHz 4.7 bits 5.0 bits 4.7 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
12 GHz 4.7 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits 4.7 bits 5.3 bits
13 GHz 4.7 bits 4.7 bits 4.7 bits 5.1 bits 4.7 bits 5.2 bits
14 GHz 4.8 bits 5.0 bits 4.8 bits 5.2 bits 4.8 bits 5.2 bits
15 GHz 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.0 bits 4.6 bits 5.1 bits
16 GHz 4.6 bits 4.6 bits 4.6 bits 5.0 bits 4.6 bits 5.2 bits
17 GHz 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.0 bits 4.6 bits 5.1 bits
18 GHz 4.6 bits 4.7 bits 4.6 bits 4.9 bits 4.6 bits 5.1 bits
19 GHz 4.6 bits 4.5 bits 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.0 bits
20 GHz 4.5 bits 4.4 bits 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.0 bits
21 GHz 4.6 bits 4.4 bits 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.1 bits
22 GHz 4.6 bits 4.6 bits 4.6 bits 4.8 bits 4.6 bits 5.1 bits
23 GHz 4.6 bits 5.0 bits 5.1 bits
24 GHz 4.7 bits 4.9 bits
25 GHz 4.7 bits 5.1 bits
26GHz 4.6 bits
27 GHz 4.6 bits
28 GHz 4.6 bits
29 GHz 4.6 bits
30 GHz 4.6 bits
31 GHz 4.5 bits
32 GHz 4.5 bits
33 GHz 4.5 bits
50 GS/s 100 GS/s 50 GS/s 100 GS/s 50 GS/s 100 GS/s
18 MSO70000C/DX, DPO70000C/DX, DPO7000C, MSO5000/B, DPO5000/B Series
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