Tektronix DPO4000, MSO4000 User Manual

MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Programmer Manual
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series
Programmer Manual
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Tektronix, Inc. 14200 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. Box 50 Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200. Worl dwi
de, visit www.tektronix.com to nd contacts in your area.
Table of Contents
Getting Started .. ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .... 1-1
Setting Up Remote Communications.... . ..... . .... . . .... . ..... . ..... . ... . . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . .. 1-1
Command Syntax........................................ ................................ ......................... 2-1
Command and Query Structure ............................................................................ 2-1
Clearing the oscilloscope ... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... 2-3
Command Entry.............................................................................................. 2-3
Constructed Mnemonics .................................................................................... 2-5
Argument Types... ................................ .................................. ......................... 2-7
Command Groups .............................................................................................. 2-11
Acquisition Command Group .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . .... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . ... . . . 2-11
Alias Command Group... .................................. ................................ ............... 2-12
Bus Command Group ..................................................................................... 2-13
Calibration and Diagnostic Command Group .......................................................... 2-17
Cursor Command Group... .................................. ................................ ............. 2-17
Display Command Group................................................................................. 2-19
Ethernet Command Group ................................................................................ 2-20
File System Command Group ............................. ................................ ............... 2-21
rd Copy Command Group.. ................................ ................................ ........... 2-22
Horizontal Command Group .. .................................. ................................ ......... 2-24
Mark Command Group............... .................................. ................................ ... 2-24
Math Command Group..................... .................................. ............................. 2-26
Measurement Command Group..................... ................................ ..................... 2-27
Miscellaneous Command Group ......................................................................... 2-30
PictBridge Command Group .. ................................ .................................. ......... 2-32
Power Command Group ........... .................................. ................................ ..... 2-32
Save and Recall Command Group ....................................................................... 2-40
Search Command Group....... ................................ ................................ ........... 2-41
Status and Error Command Group ................................ ................................ ....... 2-47
Trigger Command Group ...... ................................ .................................. ......... 2-48
Vertical Command Group...................................... ................................ ........... 2-58
Waveform Transfer Command Group ................................................................... 2-61
Zoom Command Group................................................................................... 2-67
Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order ......................... ................................ ........... 2-69
Status and Events ................................................................................................. 3-1
Registers ..................... ................................ .................................. ............... 3-1
Queues ........................................................................................................ 3-4
Event Handling Sequence................................................................................... 3-5
Synchronization Methods ............................ ................................ ....................... 3-7
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual i
Table of Contents
Appendix A: Cha
Appendix B: Reserved Words.................................................................................. B-1
Appendix C: Factory Defaults ................................................................................. C-1
Default Setup .............................. ................................ ................................ .. C-1
Appendix D: Programming Example.......................................................................... D-1
racter Set ......................... .................................. .......................... A-1
ii MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
This manual explains the use of commands for remotely controlling your oscilloscope. With this information, you c an write computer programs to perform func performing statistical calculations, and exporting data for use in other programs.
Setting Up Remote Communications
You can remotely communicate between your oscilloscope and PC via the Ethernet, USB, and, GPIB using the TEK-USB-488 Adapter.
tions, such as setting the front-panel controls, taking measurements,
If you are Ethernet port (RJ-45 connector) on the rear panel of your oscilloscope. This connects the oscilloscope to a 10/100 Base-T local area network.
To change the Ethernet settings on your oscilloscope, do the following:
1. On the front panel, push Utility.
2. Push Utility Page.
3. Select I/O with the Multipurpose knob.
using Ethernet, start by connecting an appropriate Ethernet cable to the
4. Push Ethernet Network Settings.
5. On the side-bezel menu, if you are on a DHCP Ethernet network and using a through cable, set DHCP/BOOTP to On.
6. If you are using a cross-over cable, set DHCP/BOOTP to Off, and set a hard
coded TCPIP address.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 1-1
If you are using USB, start by connecting an appropriate USB cable to the U SB
2.0 high-speed device port on the rear panel of your oscilloscope.
Getting Started
With USB, the system automatically congures itself. To verify that the USB is enabled:
1. On the front panel, push Utility.
2. Push Utility Page.
3. Select I/O with the Multipurpose knob.
4. Push USB, and verify that USB is enabled.
5. If USB is disabled, push Connect to computer on the side-bezel menu.
After connection, the host, with appropriate software, can list the oscilloscope as a USB device with the following parameters. (See Table 1-1.)
Table 1-1: USB Device Parameters
Parameter Value
Manufacturer ID 0x0699 (decimal 1689)
Product ID
Serial number Serial number
Manufacturer description
Interface description “USBTMC-USB488”
0x0401 (decimal 1025)
To use GPIB, start by connecting an appropriate USB cable to the USB 2.0 high speed device port on the rear panel of your oscilloscope. Connect the other end to the TEK-USB-488 Adapter host port. Then connect a GPIB cable from the TEK-USB-488 Adapter to your PC.
Supply power to the Adapter in either of these two ways:
1. Use the optional 5 V
power adapter connected to the 5 VDCpower input
on the Adapter.
2. Use an appropriate USB cable connected to a powered USB host port on your PC and the Device port on the TEK-USB-488 Adapter.
1-2 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
The oscillosco through USBTMC or GPIB with a TEK-USB-488 Adapter. The USBTMC protocol allows USB devices to communicate using IEEE488 style messages. This lets you run your GPIB software applications on USB hardware.
Before setting up the oscilloscope for remote communication using the electronic (physical) GPIB interface, you should familiarize yourself with the following GPIB requirements:
A unique device address must be assigned to each device on the bus. No two devices can share the same device address.
No than 15 devices can be connected to any one line.
One device should be connected for every 6 feet (2 meters) of cable used.
No than
At least two-thirds of the d evices on the network should be powered on while using
pe has a USB 2.0 High speed device port to control the oscilloscope
65 feet (20 meters) of cable should be used to connect devices to a bus.
the network.
Connect the devices on the network in a star or linear conguration. Do not
oop or parallel congurations.
use l
To function correctly, your oscilloscope must have a unique device address. The
ault setting for the GPIB c onguration is GPIB Address 1.
To change the GPIB address settings, do the following:
1. On the front panel, push Utility.
2. Push Utility Page.
3. Select I/O with the Multipurpose knob.
4. Push GPIB.
5. Enter the GPIB address on the side-bezel menu, using the multipurpose knob.
This will set the GPIB address on an attached TEK-USB-488 Adapter
The oscilloscope is now set up for bidirectional communication with your controller.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 1-3
Getting Started
The following d Web site at www.tektronix.com:
MSO4000 and DP
Information about installing and operating the oscilloscope.
Getting Sta
from your oscilloscope into a ny one of several available analysis tools.
MSO4000 and Reference. Oscilloscope specications and a performance verication procedure.
TekVI SA P r
implementation of the VISA Application Programming Interface (API). TekVISA is industry-compliant software for writing interoperable oscilloscope drivers in a variety of Application Development Environments (ADEs).
ocuments are available for download on the Manuals Finder
O4000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes User Manual.
rted with OpenChoice ™ Solutions Manual. Options for getting data
DPO4000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Technical
ogrammer Manual. Description of TekVISA, the Tektronix
1-4 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
You can control the operations and functions of the oscilloscope through the Ethernet port or the USB 2.0 device port using commands and queries. The related topi The topics also describe the conventions that the oscilloscope uses to process them. See the Command Groups topic in the table of contents for a listing of the commands by command group, or use the index to locate a specic command.
cs listed below describe the syntax of these commands and queries.
Backus-Naur Form
This documentation describes the commands and queries using Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation. Refer to the following table for the symbols that are used.
Table 2-1: Symbols for Backus-Naur Form
Symbol Meaning
| Exclusive OR
{ } Group; one element is required
[] .. .
( ) Comment
Command and Query Structure
mmands consist of set commands and query commands (usually called
Co commands and queries). Commands modify oscilloscope settings or tell the oscilloscope to perform a specic action. Queries cause the oscilloscope to return data and status information.
Dened element
Is dened as
Optional; can be omitted
Previous element(s) may be repeated
Most commands have both a set form and a query form. The query form of the command differs from the set form by its question ma rk at the end. For example, the set command commands have both a set and a query form. Some commands have set only and some have query only.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-1
A command message is a command or query name followed by any information the oscilloscope n eeds to execute the command or query. Command messages may contain ve element types, dened in the following table.
ACQuire:MODe has a query form ACQuire:MODe?.Notall
Command Syntax
Table 2-2: Comm
Symbol Meaning
<Comma> A single c
ds cause the oscilloscope to perform a specic function or change one of
and Message Elements
This is the basic command name. If the header ends with a question mark, the command is a query. The header may begin with a colon (:) c haracte the beginning colon is required. Never use the beginning colon with command headers beginning with a star (*).
This is a header subfunction. Some command headers have only one mnemonic. I character always separates them from each other.
This is a qu Some commands have no arguments while others have multiple arguments. A <space> separates arguments from the header. A <comma> se
commands. Optionally, there may be white space characters before and after the comma.
A white space c haracter is used between a command header and the related argument. Optionally, a white space may consist of m ultiple white sp
r. If the command is concatenated with other commands,
f a command header has multiple mnemonics, a colon (:)
antity, quality, restriction, or limit associated with the header.
parates arguments from each other.
omma is used between arguments of multiple-argument
ace characters.
the settings. Commands have the structure:
eader>[<Space><Argument>[<Comma> <Argument>]...]
A command header consists of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierarchical
ee structure. The rst mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each
or tr subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch off the previous one. Commands at a higher level in the tree may affect those at a lower level. The leading colon (:) always returns you to the base of the command tree.
2-2 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
Queries cause t have the structure:
[:]<Header>[<Space><Argument> [<Comma><Argument>]...]
You can specify a query command at any level within the command tree unless otherwise noted. These branch queries return information about all the mnemonics below the specied branch or level.
Use the HEADer command to control whether the oscilloscope returns headers as part of the query response. If header is on, the query response returns command headers, then formats itself as a valid set command. When header is off, the response includes only the values. This may make it easier to parse and extract the information from the response. The table below shows the difference in responses.
Table 2-3: Comparison of Header Off and Header On Responses
Query Header Off Header On
he oscilloscope to return status or setting information. Queries
14:30:00 :TIME “14:30:00”
Clearing the oscilloscope
You can clear the Output Queue and reset the oscilloscope to accept a new command or query by using the selected Device Clear (DCL) function.
Command Entry
The following rules apply when entering commands:
You can enter commands in upper or lower case.
You can precede any command with white space characters. White space characters include any combination of the ASCII control characters 00 through 09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal (0 through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
The oscilloscope ignores commands consisting of any combination of white space characters and line feeds.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-3
Command Syntax
You can abbrevi
ate many oscilloscope commands. Each command in this documentation shows the minimum acceptable abbreviations in capitals. For example, you can enter the command ACQuire:NUMAvg simply as ACQ:NUMA or acq:numa.
Abbreviation rules may change over time as new oscilloscope models are introduced. Thus, for the most robust code, use the full spelling.
If you use the HEADer command to have command headers included as part of query responses, you can further control whether the returned headers are abbreviated or are full-length with the VERBose command.
You can concatenate any combination of set commands and queries using a semicolon (;). The oscilloscope executes concatenated commands in the order received.
When concatenating commands and queries, you must follow these rules:
1. Separate completely different headers by a semicolon and by the beginning
colon on all commands except the rst one. For example, the commands
TRIGger:MODe NORMal and ACQuire:NUMAVg 8, can be concatenated
into the following single command:
2. If concatenated commands have headers that differ by only the last mnemonic,
you can abbreviate the second command and eliminate the beginning colon. For example, you can concatenate the commands
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope
and ACQuire:NUMAVg 8 into a single command:
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope; NUMAVg 8
The longer version works equally well:
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 8
3. Never precede a star (*) command with a colon:
Any commands that follow will be processed as if the star command was not there so the commands,
ACQuire:MODe ENVel
ope;*OPC;NUMAVg 8
will set the acquisition mode to envelope and set the number of acquisitions for averaging to 8.
4. When you concat enate queries, the responses to all the queries are
concatenated into a single response message. For example, if the display graticule is set to Full and the display style is set to dotsonly, the concatenated query
DISplay:GRAticule?;STYle:DOTsonly? will return the following.
2-4 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
If the header is
5. Set commands and queries may be concatenated in the same message. For example,
is a valid message that sets the acquisition mode to sample. The message then queries the number o f acquisitions for averaging and the acquisition state. Concatenated commands and queries are executed in the order receive d.
Here are some invalid concatenations:
DISPlay:STYle:NORMal;ACQuire:NUMAVg 8 (no colon before ACQuire)
DISPlay:GRAticule FULL;:DOTSONLY OFF (extra colon before DOTSonly. You could use DISPla y:DOTsonly OFF instead)
DISPlay:GRAticule FULL;:*TRG (colon before a star (*) command)
MATH:HORizontal:SCAle 1.0e-1;HORizontal:POSition 5.0el
(levels of the mnemonics are different; either remove the second use of
HORizontal: or place :MATH in front of HORizontal :POSition)
This documentation uses <EOM> (End of Message) to represent a message terminator.
Table 2-4: End of Message Terminator
Symbol Meaning
Th concurrently with the last data byte). The last data byte may be an ASCII line feed (LF) character.
This oscilloscope does not support ASCII LF only message termination. The oscilloscope always terminates outgoing messages with LF and EOI.
Constructed Mnemonics
Some header mnemonics specify one of a range of mnemonics. For example, a channel mnemonic can be CH1, CH2, CH3, or CH4. You use these mnemonics in the command just as you do any other mnemonic. For example, there is a CH1:POSition command, and there is also a CH2:POSition command. In the command descriptions, this list of choices is abbreviated as CH<x>.
Message terminator
e end-of-message terminator must be the END message (EOI asserted
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-5
Command Syntax
Math Spe
Cursor Position
cier Mnemonics
When cursors ar
e displayed, commands may specify which cursor of the pair to
Table 2-5: Channel Mnemonics
Symbol Meaning
CH<x> A channel specier; <x> is 1 through 4.
Table 2-6: C ursor Mnemonics
Symbol Meaning
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
Commands can specify the mathematical waveform to use as a mnemonic in the header.
Table 2-7: Math Specier Mnemonics
Symbol Meaning
A math waveform specier; <x> is 1.
Measurement Specier
hannel Mnemonics
Reference Waveform
Commands can specify which measurement to set or query as a mnemonic in the header. Up to eight automated measurements may be displayed.
Table 2-8: Measurement Specier Mnemonics
Symbol Meaning
MEAS<x> A measurement specier; <x> is 1 through 4.
Commands specify the channel to use as a mnemonic in the h eader.
Commands can specify the reference waveform to use as a mnemonic in the header.
Table 2-9: Reference Waveform Mnemonics
Symbol Meaning
A reference waveform specier; <x> is 1, 2, 3, or 4 for 4-channel oscilloscopes and 1 or 2 for 2-channel oscilloscopes.
2-6 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Argument Types
Command Syntax
Commands use arguments such as enumeration, numeric, quoted string and block. Each of these arguments are listed in detail below.
Enter these arguments as unquoted text words. Like key words, enumeration arguments follow the same convention where the portion indicated in uppercase is required and that in lowercase is optional.
For example:
Many osci
lloscope commands require numeric arguments. The syntax shows the format that the oscilloscope returns in response to a query. This is also the preferred format when sending the command to the o scilloscope though any of the formats will be accepted. This documentation represents these arguments as described below.
Table 2-10: Numeric A rguments
Symbol Meaning
<NR2> Floating point value without an exponent
<NR3> Floating point value with an exponent
Signed integer value
Digital data in binary format
Most numeric arguments will be automatically forced to a valid setting, by either rounding or truncating,, when an invalid number is input, unless otherwise noted
the command description.
Quoted String
Some commands accept or return data in the form of a quoted string, w hich is simply a group of ASCII characters enclosed by a single quote (’) or double quote
"). The following is an example of a quoted string:
. This documentation represents these arguments as follows:
"This is a quoted
Table 2-11: Quoted String Argument
Symbol Meaning
<QString> Quoted string of ASCII text
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-7
Command Syntax
A quoted string
can include any character dened in the 7-bit ASCII character
set. Follow these rules when you use quoted strings:
1. Use the same ty example:
2. You can mix q previous rule. For example:
3. You c an i ncl example:
4. Strings ca
pe of quote character to open and close the string. For
"this is a valid string".
uotation marks within a string as long as you follow the
"this is an ’acceptable’ string".
ude a quote character within a string b y repeating the quote. For
"here is a "" mark".
n have u pper or lower case characters.
5. If you use a GPIB network, you cannot terminate a quoted string with the END messa
ge before the c losing delimiter.
6. A carriage return or line feed embedded in a quoted string does not terminate the stri
ng. The return is treated as another character in the string.
7. The maximum length of a quoted string returned from a query is 1000
Here are some invalid strings:
"Invalid string argument’ (quotes are not of the same type)
"test<EOI>" (termination character is embedded in the string)
Several oscilloscope commands use a block argument form, as dened in the table below.
Table 2-12: Block Argument
Symbol Meaning
<DChar> A character with the hexadecimal equivalent of 00 through FF (0
A nonzero digit character i n the range of 1–9
A digit character, in the range of 0–9
through 255 decimal)
A block of data bytes dened as: <Block> ::= {#<NZDig><Dig>[<Dig>...][<DChar>...] |#0[<D Char>...]<term inator>}
<NZDig> species the number of <Dig> elements that follow. Taken together, the <NZDig> and <Dig> elements form a decimal integer that species how many <DChar> elements follow.
2-8 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-9
Command Syntax
2-10 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
This manual lists the MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series IEEE488.2 commands in two ways. First, it presents them by functional groups. Then, it lists them alphabetica provides detail on each command. (See page 2-69, Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order.)
Acquisition Command Group
Use the commands in the Acquisition Command Group to set up the m odes and functions that control how the oscilloscope acquires signals input to the channels, and processes them into waveforms.
Using the commands in this group, you can do the following:
Start and stop acquisitions.
Control whether each waveform is simply acquired, averaged, or enveloped over successive acquisitions of that waveform.
Set the controls or conditions that start and stop acquisitions.
lly. The functional group list starts below. The alphabetical list
ol acquisition of channel waveforms.
Set acquisition parameters.
e 2-13: Acquisition Commands
Command Description
urns acquisition parameters
ACQuire:MAGnivu Sets or returns the MagniVu feature
ACQuire:MODe Sets or returns the acquisition mode
ACQuire:NUMACq? Returns number of acquisitions that have
ACQuire:NUMAVg Sets or returns the number of acquisitions for
ACQuire:STATE Starts or stops the acquisition system
ACQuire:STOPAfter Sets or returns whether the acquisition is
turns the maximum real-time sample rate
an averaged waveform
continuous or single sequence
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-11
Command Groups
Alias Command
Use the Alias commands to dene new commands as a sequence of standard commands. You may nd this useful when repeatedly using the same commands to perform ce
rtain tasks like setting up measurements.
Aliases are similar to macros but do not include the capability to substitute parameters
into alias bodies. The alias mechanism obeys the following rules:
The alias name must consist of a valid IEEE488.2 message unit, which may not appear
in a message preceded by a colon, comma, or a command or query
program he ader.
The alias
name may not appear in a message followed by a colon, comma,
or question mark.
An alias
name must be distinct from any keyword or keyword short form.
An alias name cannot be redened without rst being deleted using one of
as deletion functions.
the ali
Alias names do not appear in response messages.
2-14: Alias Commands
Command Description
ALIas:CATalog? Returns a list of the currently dened alias
ALIas:DELEte:ALL Deletes all existing aliases
ALIas[:STATE] Sets or returns the alias state
Sets or returns the alias state
Assigns a sequence of program messages
n alias label
to a
moves a specied alias
Removes a specied alias
2-12 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
Bus Command Gr
Use the Bus commands when working with serial or parallel bus measurements.
Install the DPOEMBD application module when working with I2CorSPI bus signals.
Install the DPO4COMP module when working with RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, or UART bus signals.
Install the DPO4AUDIO module when working with I2S, Left Justied (LJ), Right Justified (RJ), or TDM bus signals.
Install the DPO4AUTO or DPO4AUTOMAX module when working with CAN or LIN bus signals.
Install the DPO4AUTOMAX module when working with FlexRay bus signals.
NOTE. LIN and FlexRay work on DPO4000s with serial numbers greater than
0 and on all MSO4000s.
NOTE. The parallel bus commands work with MSO4000 Series oscilloscopes only.
NOTE. The Search Command Group and the Trigger Command Group also
contain bus-related commands.
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:BITOrder Sets or returns the bit order for the AUDIO
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:CHANnel:SIZe Sets o r returns the number of bits per
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:CLOCk:POLarity Sets or returns the clock polarity for the
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:CLOCk:SOUrce Sets or returns the clock source waveform
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DATa:POLarity Sets or returns the data polarity for the
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DATa:SIZe Sets or returns the number of bits per word
turns the parameters for each bus
ts or returns the number of delay bits for
Se the AUDIO bus
channel for the AUDIO bus
for the AUDIO bus
for the AUDIO bus
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-13
Command Groups
Commands Description
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DATa:SOUrce Sets or returns the data source waveform for
the A UD IO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:DISplay:FORMat Sets or returns the display format for the
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAME:SIZe Sets or returns the number of channels in
each frame for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAMESync:POLarity Sets or returns the frame sync polarity for
the A UD IO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:FRAMESync:SOUrce Sets or returns the frame sync source
waveform for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:TYPe Sets or returns the audio format ( type) for
the A UD IO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:WORDSel:POLarity Sets or returns the word select polarity for
the A UD IO bus
BUS:B<1-4>:AUDio:WORDSel:SOUrce Sets or returns the word select source
waveform for the AUDIO bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:BITRate Sets or returns the bit rate for the CAN bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:PRObe Sets or returns the probing method used to
probe the CAN bus
BUS:B<x>:CAN:SAMPLEpoint Sets or returns the sample point (in %) to
sample during each bit period
BUS:B<x>:CAN:SOUrce Sets or returns the CAN data source
BUS:B<x>:DISplay:FORMAt Sets the display format for the numerical
information in the specied bus waveform
BUS:B<x>:DISplay:TYPe Sets the display type for the specied bus
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:BITRate Sets or returns the bit rate for FLEXRAY
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:CHannel Sets or returns the FLEXRAY ID format
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:SIGnal Sets or returns the FLEXRAY standard
BUS:B<x>:FLEXray:SOUrce Sets or returns the FLEXRAY data source
BUS:B<x>:I2C:ADDRess:RWINClude Sets and returns whether the read/write bit is
included in the address
BUS:B<x>:I2C{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:SOUrce Sets or returns the I2C SCLK source
BUS:B<x>:I2C{:DATA|:SDATA}:SOUrce Sets or returns the I2C SDATA source
BUS:B<x>:LABel Sets or returns the waveform label for the
specied bus
BUS:B<x>:LIN:BITRate Sets or returns the bit rate for LIN
BUS:B<x>:LIN:IDFORmat Sets or returns the LIN ID format
BUS:B<x>:LIN:POLARity Sets or returns the LIN polarity
BUS:B<x>:LIN:SAMPLEpoint Sets or returns the sample point (in %) at
which to sample during each bit period
2-14 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
Table 2-15: Bus Commands (cont.)
Commands Description
BUS:B<x>:LIN:SOUrce Sets or returns the LIN data source
BUS:B<x>:LIN:STANDard Sets or returns the LIN standard
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:BIT<x>:SOUrce Sets or returns the Parallel bit source for the
specied bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:EDGE Sets or returns the Parallel clock edge for
the specied bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:ISCLOCKed Sets or returns the Parallel bus clock function
for the specied bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:CLOCK:SOUrce Sets or returns the Parallel clock source for
the specied bus
BUS:B<x>:PARallel:WIDth Sets or returns the w idth of the Parallel bus
BUS:B<x>:POSition Sets or returns the position of the specied
bus waveform
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:BITRate Sets or returns the RS-232 bit rate for the
specied bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DATABits Sets or returns the number of bits for the
data frame
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DELIMiter Sets or returns the RS-232 delimiting value
for a packet on the specied bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DISplaymode Sets or returns the display mode for the
specied bus display and event table
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:PARity Sets or returns parity for RS-232 data
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:POLarity Sets or returns the RS-232C polarity for the
specied bus
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:RX:SOUrce Sets or returns the RS-232 RX source
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:TX:SOUrce Sets or returns the RS-232 TX Source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:BITOrder Sets or returns the bit order for the specied
SPI bus
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI SCLK polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:CLOCK|:SCLK}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI SCLK source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:IN|:MISO}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI MISO polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:IN|:MISO}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI MISO source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA{:OUT|:MOSI}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI MOSI source
BUS:B<x>:SPI:DATA:SIZe Sets or returns the number of bits per word
BUS:B<x>:SPI:FRAMING Sets or returns the SPI framing type
BUS:B<x>:SPI:IDLETime Sets or returns the SPI bus idle time in
Sets or returns the SPI MOSI polarity
for the specied bus
seconds for the specied bus
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-15
Command Groups
Commands Description
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:SELect|:SS}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI SS polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:SELect|:SS}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI SS source
BUS:B<x>:STATE Turns the specied bus on and off
BUS:B<x>:TYPE Sets or returns the specied bus type
BUS:LOWerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the lower threshold for each
BUS:THReshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the threshold for a channel
BUS:THReshold:D<x> Sets or returns the threshold for a digital
BUS:UPPerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the upper threshold for each
2-16 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
Calibration a
nd Diagnostic Command Group
The Calibration and Diagnostic commands provide information about the current state of oscilloscope calibration. They also initiate internal signal path calibration (SPC) or exec calibration are not described in this manual. They are described in the Service manual, located on the DPO4000 Documentation CD-ROM in PDF format. You can also order a printed copy.
Table 2-16: Calibration and Diagnostic Commands
*CAL? Instructs the oscilloscope to perform
CALibrate:FACtory:STATus? Returns the factory calibration status value
CALibrate:INTERNal Starts a signal path compensation
CALibrate:INTERNal:STARt Starts the internal signal path calibration
CALibrate:INTERNal:STATus? Returns the current status of the internal
CALibrate:RESults? Returns the status of all calibration
CALibrate:RESults:FACtory? Returns the status of internal and factory
CALibrate:RESults:SPC? Returns the results of the last SPC operation
DIAg:LOOP:OPTion Sets the self-test loop option
DIAg:LOOP:OPTion:NTIMes Sets the self-test loop option to run N times
DIAg:LOOP:STOP Stops the self-test at the end of the current
DIAg:RESUlt:FLAg? Returns the pass/fail status from the last
DIAg:RESUlt:LOG? Returns the internal results log from the last
DIAg:SELect:<function> Selects one of the available self-test areas
DIAg:STATE Sets the oscilloscope operating state
DIAg:SELect Runs self tests on the specied system
ute diagnostic tests. Commands that are specictofactory
self-calibration and returns the oscilloscope self calibration status
saved in nonvolatile memory
signal path calibration
subsystems without performing an SPC operation
self-test sequence execution
self-test sequence execution
Cursor Command Group
Use the commands in the Cursor Command Group to control the cursor display and readout. You can use these commands to control the setups for cursor 1 and cursor 2, such as cursor position.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-17
Command Groups
You can also use
the commands to select one of the following cursor functions:
Off. Turns off the display of all cursors.
Waveform Cursors. Consists of two cursors. Waveform cursors enable you to conveniently measure waveform amplitude and time.
Screen Cursors. Consists of two pairs of independent horizontal and vertical cursors. You can use these cursors to indicate an arbitrary position within the wavefor
m display area.
Table 2-17: Cursor Commands
CURSor:DDT? Returns the cursor deltaY/deltaT (dY/dT)
CURSor:FUNCtion Sets or returns the cursor type
CURSor:HBArs:DELTa? Returns hbars cursors vertical difference
CURSor:HBArs:POSITION<x> Sets or r eturns the hbar cursor<x> vertical
CURSor:HBArs:USE Sets the horizontal bar cursor measurement
CURSor:MODe Sets or returns whether cursors move in
CURSor:VBArs? Sets or returns the position of vertical bar
CURSor:VBArs:ALTERNATE<x>? Returns the alternate readout for the
CURSor:VBArs:DELTa? Returns the horizontal difference between
CURSor:VBArs:HPOS<x>? Returns the vertical value of the specied
CURSor:VBArs:POSITION<x> Sets or returns the vbar cursor<x> horizontal
CURSor:VBArs:UNIts Sets or returns the horizontal units for vbar
CURSor:VBArs:USE Sets the vertical bar cursor measurement
CURSor:VBArs:VDELTa? Returns the vertical difference between the
CURSor:XY:POLar:RADIUS:DELta? Returns the difference between the cursors
Returns cursor settings
Returns hbar cursor settings
Returns hbar cursor units
scale, for use with ratio cursors
unison or separately
waveform (V bar) cursors
vbar cursors
vertical bar tick
two vertical bar cursor ticks
X radius and the cursor Y radius
2-18 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
Table 2-17: Cursor Commands (cont.)
Command Groups
CURSor:XY:POLar:RADIUS:POSITION<x>? Returns the polar radius of the specied
CURSor:XY:PRODUCT:DELta? Returns the difference between the cursors
CURSor:XY:PRODUCT:POSITION<x>? Returns the position of the X or Y cursor used
CURSor:XY:RATIO:DELta? Returns the ratio of the difference between
CURSor:XY:RATIO:POSITION<x>? Returns the X or Y position for the specied
CURSor:XY:RATIO:UNIts? Returns the X and Y cursor units for the ratio
CURSor:XY:READOUT Sets or returns the XY cursor readout
CURSor:XY:RECTangular:X:POSITION<x> Sets or returns the cursor X rectangular
CURSor:XY:RECTangular:X:UNIts? Returns the Cursor X rectangular units
CURSor:XY:RECTangular:Y:POSITION<x>> Sets or returns the cursor Y rectangular
Returns the polar radius units
Returns the XY cursor polar coordinate delta
Returns the cursor X or cursor Y polar coordinate
Returns the cursor polar coordinate units
X position and cursor Y position
to calculate the X × Y cursor measurement
Returns the XY cursor product units
the cursor X position and cursor Y position
Returns the cursor X delta value in rectangular coordinates
Returns The cursor Y delta value in rectangular coordinates
Returns the cursor Y rectangular units
Display Command Group
Use the commands in the Display Command Group to change the graticule style, the display intensities, and to set the characteristics of the waveform display.
NOTE. Your settings globally affect all displayed waveforms.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-19
Command Groups
Table 2-18: Dis
DISplay:CLOCk Sets or returns the display of the date/time
DISplay:DIGital:HEIght Sets or returns the number of available digital
DISplay:FORMat Sets or returns the display format
DISplay:INTENSITy:BACKLight Sets or returns the backlight intensity for the
DISplay:INTENSITy:GRAticule Sets or returns the graticule intensity for the
MESSage:BOX Sets or returns the coordinates of the
MESSage:CLEAR Clears the contents of the message box.
MESSage:SHOW Sets or returns the contents of the message
play Commands
Returns curre
waveform po
Sets or ret displayed
Returns a
Sets or
Sets o
a dots-only display
or queries message box (screen
Sets annotation) parameters
message box
ontrols the display of the message box
nt display settings
sition slots
urns the type of graticule that is
ll display intensity settings
returns the intensity of the waveforms
r returns display persistence setting
Ethernet Command Group
Use the commands in the Ethernet Command Group to set up the Ethernet remote interface.
Table 2-19: Ethernet Commands
ETHERnet:DHCPbootp Sets or returns the network initialization
ETHERnet:DNS:IPADDress Sets or returns the network Domain Name
ETHERnet:DOMAINname Sets or returns the network domain name
2-20 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual
search for a DHCP/BOOTP server
Server (Dns) IP address
Returns the Ethernet address value assigned to the oscilloscope
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