Tektronix MSO2000, DPO2000 User Manual

06 Oct 2008 page 1 3GW-22048-0
Digital Phosph
or Oscilloscopes
MSO2000 Series • DPO2000 Series
Features & Benets
Key Performance Specications
100 MHz and 200 MHz bandwidth models
2 or 4 analog channels
Sample rates up to 1 GS/s on all channels
1 Mega sample record length on all channels
5,000 wfm/s maximum waveform capture rate
Suite of advanced triggers
Serial Bus Trigger and Decode
I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, and RS-232/422/485/UART serial triggering, decode, and analysis options
Ease of Use Features
Wave Inspector® Navigation and Search provides unprecedented efciency in waveform analysis
FilterVu™ variable low-pass lter allows for removal of unwanted signal noise while still capturing high-frequency events
7 in (180 mm) bright, widescreen, TFT-LCD color display
USB 2.0 on front panel for quick and easy data storage
USB 2.0 device port on rear panel for direct PC control of oscilloscope using USBTMC or direct printing to any PictBridge® compatible printer
Plug ‘n’ Play PC connectivity and analysis software solutions
TekVPI® Probe Interface supports active, differential, and current probes for automatic scaling and units
Small footprint and light weight – only 5.3 in (134 mm) deep and 7 lb 14 oz (3.6 kg)
Mixed Signal Design and Analysis (MSO2000 Series)
Ability to time correlate up to 4 analog and 16 digital channels
Parallel bus trigger and analysis
Multichannel setup and hold triggering
Next-generation digital waveform display
Embedded design and debug
Mixed signal design and debug
Power measurements
Automotive electronics
Education and Training
Video design and debug
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TektronixMSO2000andDPO2000Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Feature-Rich Tools for Debugging Mixed Signal Designs
The Power to Solve Problems Quickly - The MSO2000 and DPO2000 Series digital phosphor oscilloscopes (DPOs) deliver the performance and tools you
need to visualize your signals and nd an swers quickly. The DPO2000 Series are the rst oscilloscopes to provide 1 M points of usable record length on all
channels, serial trigger and decode analysis options, a variable low-pass lter that also allows you to see signal details to the oscilloscope’s full bandwidth and
all in a compact form factor. The MSO2000 Series adds 16 integrated digital channels, enabling you to visualize and time correlate analog and digital signals
on a single instrument. This integration extends triggering functionality across all 20 channels – which is ideal for debugging mixed analog and digital designs.
Digital phosphor technology enables 5,000 waveforms/second waveform capture and real-time intensity grading on the MSO2000 and DPO2000 Series
Designed to Make Your Work Easier
Wave Inspector® Navigation and Search
Imagine trying to efciently use the Internet if search engines such as Google and Yahoo didn’t exist and Web browser features such as Favorites and Links
didn’t exist. Now you know how most modern oscilloscope users feel when trying to use the long record length in their digital oscilloscope. Record length, one
of the key specications of an oscilloscope, is the number of samples it can digitize and store in a single acquisition. The longer the record length, the longer
the time window you can capture with high timing resolution (high sample rate).
The rst digital oscilloscopes could capture and store only 500 points, which made it very difcult to acquire all relevant information around the event being
investigated. Over the years, oscilloscope vendors have provided longer and longer record lengths to meet market demands for long capture windows with
high resolution. These mega-point record lengths often represent thousands of screens worth of signal activity. While standard record lengths have increased
greatly over the years and can now satisfy the vast majority of applications in the marketplace, tools for effectively and efciently viewing, navigating, and
analyzing long record length acquisitions have been sorely neglected until now.
The Tektronix MSO/DPO2 000 Series redenes expectations for working with long record lengths with the following innovative Wave Inspector controls:
Wave Inspector controls provide unprecedented efciency in viewing, navigating, and analyzing waveform data. Zip through your 1 M point r ecord by turning the outer pan control (1). Get from the beginning to end in seconds. See something of interest and want to see more details? Just turn the inner zoom control (2).
Zoom/Pan – A d edicated, two-tier front-panel control provides intuitive control of both zooming and pa nning. The inner control adjusts the zoom factor
(or zoom scale); turning it clockwise activates zoom and goes to progre ssively higher zoom facto rs, while turning it counterclockwise results in lower
zoom factors and eventually turning zoom off. The outer control pans the zoom box across the waveform to quickly get to the portion of the waveform you
are interested in. The outer control also utilizes force-feedback to determine how fast to pan on the waveform. The farther you turn the outer control, the
faster the zoom box moves. Pan direction is changed by simply turning the control the other way. No longer do you need to navigate through multiple
menus to adjust your zoom view.
Play/Pause – A dedicated play/pause button on the front panel scrolls the waveform across the display automatically while you look for anomalies or an event
of interest. Playback speed an
d direction are controlled using the intuitive pan control. Once again, turning the control further makes the waveform scroll faster
and changing direction is as simple as turning the control the other way.
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User Marks – See something interesting on your waveform? Press the Set Mark button on the front panel to leave one or more “bookmarks” on the waveform.
Navigating between marks is as simple as pressing the Previous () and Next () buttons on the front panel.
Search Marks – Don’t want to take the time to inspect the entire acquisition manually to nd the event you’re looking for? The MSO/DPO2000 Series features
a robust automatic waveform search feature that allows you to search through your long acquisition based on user-dened criteria. All occurrence s of the event
are highlighted with search marks and are easily navigated to, using the front-panel Previous ( ) and Next () buttons. Search types include edge, pulse
width, runt, logic, setup and hold, rise /fall time and parallel, I
Search step 1: You dene what you would like to nd
C, SPI, RS-232/422/485/UART, CAN, and LIN packet content.
Search step 2: MSO/DPO2000 automatica
Search step 3: Use previous and next buttons to jump from one event to the next
1. Zoom/Pan – Dedicated front-pa nel controls for zooming and pa nning. Get from the start to the end of your 1 M record in seconds. The inne
lly searches through the record and marks each event with a hollow white triangle
r control
adjusts the zoom factor while the outer ring adjust pans the zoom box across the waveform. Navigating your waveform has never been easier.
2. Marks – Want to mark yo ur waveform for future reference or for quick navigation between events of interest? Simply press the Set Mark b utton to place
“bookmarks” on your waveform. Use the next and previous buttons to navigate through user marks a nd search generated marks.
3. Search – Tired of turning the horizontal position control en dlessly on your current scope to nd the event you’re looking for? Use the MSO/DPO2000’s
powerful Search feature to automatically nd and mark all occurrences of an event based on user spe cied criteria. Search types include edge, pulse
width, runt, logic, multichannel setup and hold, rise/fall time and I
C, SPI, CAN, LIN, and RS-232/422/485/UART packet content.
4. 2 or 4 Analog Channels and 16 Dig ital Channels – View and trigger on up to 20 time-correlated signals on the same display.
(16 Digital Channe ls on MSO models only.)
5. Parallel and Serial Buses – Trigger on parallel or serial packet level content, view acquired data as a bus with all data de co ded into hex, binary, or ASCII,
search through acquisitions for specic content and even view all decoded data in a tabular format, much like you would see on a logic analyzer.
Standards supported include I
C, SPI, CAN, LIN, and RS-232/422/485/UART. Analyze up to two buses at the same time.
(Parallel is available on MSO models only.)
6. Dedicated Vertical Controls – Vertical controls provide simple and intuitive operation. No longer do you need to share one set of vertical controls
across all four channels.
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7. Large Widescreen, digital phosphor disp lay – The MSO/DPO20 00 Series boasts a bright, 7 inch (180 mm), widescreen display. Discover and
troubleshoot design problems faster with 5,000 waveforms/second continuous waveform capture rate and real-time intensity grading. Continuous high
waveform capture rate saves time by quickly revealing the nature of faults so advanced triggers can be applied to isolate them.
Real-time intensity grading exposes the “history” of a signal’s activity as they accumulate. The digital phosphor display makes its easier to understand the
cteristics of the transients you have captured. It intensies the areas where the signal trace occurs more frequently.
8. FilterVu™ Variable Low-Pass Filter – Tired of dealing with unwanted noise on your signal? Ever wished your oscilloscope had bandwidth limiters below
20 MHz? Simply turn on FilterVu and adjust the variable low-pass noise lter. Unlike other variable low pass lters, FilterVu lters out the unwanted
noise from your signal while still capturing glitches and o ther signal details up to the full bandwidth of the oscilloscope. FilterVu is ideal for repetitive,
single-shot, and nonrepetitive events.
9. Serial Trigger and Dec ode Application Module – MSO/DPO2000 Series have 2 slots for application modules. Application specic modules extend how
you use your oscilloscope by adding serial bus triggering and decode.
DPO2AUTO – Automotive serial bus triggering and decode with support for CAN and LIN buses.
DPO2COMP- Computer bus serial triggering and decode with support for RS-232/422/485/UART buses.
DPO2EMBD – Embedded bus serial triggering and decode with support for I
10. USB – Use the front-panel USB host port for simple and convenient storage of screenshots, waveform data, and oscilloscope setups. Use the rear-panel
USB device port to easily commu nicate and control your oscilloscope from a PC. Or use the rear-panel USB device port to directly print your screen
image to any PictBridge® compatible printer.
C and SPI buses.
11. Tek VPI® – TekVPI probe interface provides for direct-connect current probes, intuitive comp box controls, remote control of probe settings, and smarter
communication between the oscilloscope and the probe.
Optional LAN and VGA video ports! – Connect your oscilloscope to your network to remotely control and collect data . Display your screen on an external
monitor or projector.
Only5.3inchesdeep! –Free up valuable space on your b ench or desktop.
See the MSO/DPO2000 Series in action for yourself.
Try out the MSO/DPO2000 Virtual Oscilloscope at: www.tektronix.com/mso2000
Serial Triggering and Analysis
One of the most common applications requiring long record length is serial data analysis in embedded system design. Embedded systems are virtually
everywhere. They can contain many different types of devices including microprocessors, microcontrollers, DSPs, RAM, EEPROMs, FPGAs, ADCs, DACs,
and I/O. These various devices have traditionally communicated with each other and the outside world using wide parallel buses. Today, however, more
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