Tektronix 212 schematic

TM 9-6625-646-14&P
JUNE 1984
TM 9-6625-646-14&P


is used in the operation of this equipment
may result if personnel fail to observe safety precautions
Never work on electronic equipm ent unless ther e is another per son near by who is familiar with the operation and hazards of the equipment and who is com petent in administering first aid. When the technician is aided by operators, he must warn them about dangerous areas.
Whenever poss ible, the power supply to the equipment must be s hut off befor e beginning work on the equipment. Tak e particular care to ground every capacitor likely to hold a dangerous potential. When working inside the equipment, after the power has been turned off, always ground every part before touching it.
Be careful not to contact high-voltage connections when installing or operating this equipment.
Whenever the nature of the operation permits, keep one hand away from the equipment to reduce the hazard of current flowing through vital organs of the body.
Do not be misled by the term "low voltage." Potentials as low as 50 volts may cause death under adverse conditions.
COMMON and probe ground straps are electr ically connected. Theref ore, an elevated reference applied to any is present on each - as indicated by the yellow warning bands under the probe retractable hook tips.
For Artificial Respiration, refer to FM 21-11.
greater than 500 volts exist in the following units:
1. CRT Power Supply
2. Horizontal Deflection System
3. Vertical Deflection System
a/(b blank)
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Copyright 1972 by Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF TEKTRONIX, INC. Distribution is limited to use in connection with the Multiple Launch Rocket System.
Technical Manual HEADQUARTERS
No. 9-6625-646-14&P Washington, D.C.,
8 June 1984
Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, and
General Support Maintenance Manual
(Including Repair Parts)
(NSN 6625-01-061-5519)
You can help improve this bulletin by calling attention to errors and by recommending improvements and stating your reasons for the recommendations. Your letter or DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications, s hould be mailed directly to Commander, U.S. Army Missile Command, ATTN: DRSMI­SNPM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. A reply will be furnished to you.
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS............................................................................................................................ iii
SECTION 0. GENERAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 0-1
Scope............................................................................................................................ 0-1
Indexes of publications................................................................................................. 0-1
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1-1
Option information........................................................................................................ 1-4
Accessories.................................................................................................................. 1-5
Manual change information.......................................................................................... 1-6
Calibration test equipment replacement....................................................................... 1-7
SECTION 2. FUNCTIONS OF CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS.................................................. 2-1
SECTION 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE.................................................................................... 3-1
Disassembly instructions.............................................................................................. 3-1
Cleaning........................................................................................................................ 3-1
Visual inspection........................................................................................................... 3-1
Semiconductor checks................................................................................................. 3-2
Recalibration................................................................................................................. 3-2
This manual is, in part, authenticated manufacturer’s commercial literature. A Maintenance Allocation Chart and Recommended Spare Parts List has been added to supplement the commercial literature. The format of this manual has not been structured to consider levels of maintenance.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
SECTION 4. CALIBRATION................................................................................................................ 4-1
Test equipment required................................................................................................. 4-1
Preliminary procedure..................................................................................................... 4-3
Preliminary control settings............................................................................................. 4-3
Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
SECTION 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS.......................................................................................... 5-1
Component color-code ................................................................................................... 5-1
Semiconductor lead configurations ................................................................................ 5-2
Equipment recommended .............................................................................................. 5-2
SECTION 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................ 6-1
Block............................................................................................................................... 6-1
Circuit operation.............................................................................................................. 6-1
SECTION 7. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE..................................................................................... 7-1
Obtaining replacement parts........................................................................................... 7-1
Component replacement ................................................................................................ 7-1
Instrument repackaging.................................................................................................. 7-4
Electrical parts list........................................................................................................... 8-2
Mechanical parts list....................................................................................................... 8-12
Exploded drawings.......................................................................................................... 8-17
Circuit board drawings and schematics.......................................................................... 8-19
APPENDIX A. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... A-1
B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)......................................... B-1
C. RECOMMENDED REPAIR PARTS LIST................................................... C-1
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Figure Title Page
1-1 212 Oscilloscope. 0-1 1-2 212 Oscilloscope Accessories. 1-5 2-1 Side Panel Controls and Connectors. 2-1 3-1 Location of Screws Securing Bottom Cover and Side Panel. 3-1 3-2 Location of Circuit Boards Within the 212. 3-2 4-1 Location of Power Supply Test Points and CRT Grid Bias
Adjustment. 4-4 4-2 Location of Trace Rotation Adjustment. 4-4 4-3 Location of Vertical Centering Adjustment and Test Point. 4-5 4-4 Location of Attenuator Compensation Capacitors. 4-7 4-5 Location of Horizontal Centering Adjustment and Test Point. 4-10 5-1 Color Code for Resistors, Ceramic Capacitors, and Dipped Tantalum
Electrolytic Capacitors. 5-1 5-2 Lead Configuration of Semiconductors Used in this Instrument. 5-2 6-1 Vertical Input Amplifiers Detailed Block Diagram. 6-2 6-2 Vertical and Horizontal Output Amplifiers Detailed Block Diagram. 6-3 6-3 Trigger/Sweep Generator Detailed Block Diagram. 6-4 6-4 Power Supply Detailed Block Diagram. 6-5 6-5 CRT Circuit Detailed Block Diagram. 6-6 7-1 Selecting C210 and C212 Capacitance Values for 48 to 52
Hz Operation. 7-2 7-2 Selecting C210 and C212 Capacitance Values for 58 to 62
Hz operation. 7-3 8-0 Mechanical Parts, Exploded View. 8-17
8-1 Block Diagram. 8-19 8-1A Al Input Circuit Board (Front). 8-21 8-1B Al Input Circuit Board (Near). 8-21 8-1C Waveform Conditions - Vertical Amplifier. 8-23 8-1D Vertical Amplifier Schematic Diagram. 8-23 8-1E Vertical Amplifier Schematic Diagram. 8-25 8-2 A2 Amplifier Circuit Board. 8-25 8-2A Waveform Conditions - Horizontal and Vertical Output Sweep
and Trigger. 8-27 8-2B Horizontal and Vertical Output Sweep and Trigger
Schematic Diagram. 8-27 8-3A A3 Power Supply Circuit Board, SN B040000-up. 8-29 8-3B A3 Power Supply Circuit Board, below SN B040000. 8-31 8-4 CRT Circuit Schematic Diagram. 8-33 8-5 Power Supply Schematic Diagram. 8-35
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O-1. Scope. This manual contains instructions for the
operator, organizational, direct support, and general support maintenance of and calibration procedures for Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212. Throughout this manual, Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212 is referred to as the 212.
O-2. Indexes of Publications. Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are new editions, changes, or additional publications pertaining to Tektronix Oscillos cope, Model
b. DA Pam 310- 7.
Pam 310-7 to determine whether there are modification work orders (MWO’s) pertaining to Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212.
O-3. Forms, Records, and Reports. Department of Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance and calibration are those prescr ibed by TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System. Accidents involving injury to personnel or damage to materiel will be reported on DA Form 285, Accident Report, in accordance with AR 385-40.
Refer to the latest issue of DA
a. DA Pam 310-4.
O-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR). If your 212 needs
improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you don’t like about your equipment. Let us know why you don’t like the design. Tell us why a procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to Commander, U.S. Army Missile Command, ATTN: DRSMI-SNEM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. We’ll send you a reply.
O-5. Administrative Storage. To prepare the Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212 for placement into and removal from administrative storage, refer to Section 3, Chapter 4, AR 750-25-1, Maintenance of Equipment and Supplies. Temporary storage should be acc omplished in accordance with TB 750-25-1, Section 2, Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment.
O-6. Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel.
Destruction of Tektronix Oscilloscope, Model 212 to prevent enemy use shall be in accordance with TM 43­0002-26, Organizational Maintenance Manual, Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use for Launcher, Rocket, Armored Vehicle Mounted: XM270, Multiple Launch Rocket System.
Figure 1-1. 212 Oscilloscope.
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The 212 Oscilloscope is a dual-channel portable oscilloscope using all solid state and integrated circuitr y (except the CRT). The s m all size of the 212 m ak es it an extremely portable oscilloscope for on-location maintenance in many fields of application.
The 500 kilohertz vertical system provides vertical deflection factors from one millivolt (at a reduced bandwidth) to 50 volts/division at the tip of either of the two integral high-impedance probes. Both single-trace and dualtrace modes of operation are offered. Single­trace displays are achieved by turning off either ver tical channel with its position control. In the dual-trace mode, the instrument automatically chops or alternates, depending upon the sweep rate. The trigger circuits provide stable triggering over the full bandwidth capabilities of the vertical system.
The horizontal deflection system provides calibrated sweep rates from 500 millisec onds to five m icrosec onds/ division. It also provides uncalibrated sweep rates, via a variable sweep magnifier, to at least five times the indicated sweep rate for a maximum of at least one microsecond/ division. In addition, X-Y operation is provided. Channel 1 supplies the horizontal (X) deflection, with a range from less than one millivolt to 50 volts/division (at a reduced bandwidth of 50 kilohertz), and Channel 2 the vertical (Y) deflection. The resultant CRT display is presented on a 6 X 10 divis ion graticule (each division equals 0.203 inch).
The 212 is operated either from AC line voltage or from internal rechargeable batteries. The internal batteries are recharged from the AC power line by the integral battery charger.
This instrument will meet the following electrical characteristics after complete instrument calibration. These characteristics apply over an ambient temperature of -15àC to +55àC (+5àF to +131àF), except as otherwise indicated. W armup time for given accuracies is five minutes.
Calibrated Range: One millivolt to 50 volt/division. 15
steps in 1-2-5 sequence.
Accuracy: Within 5% with VOLT S/DIV VAR control in
CAL position and gain correctly set at 5 mV/div.
Uncalibrated (variable) Range: Continuously variable between calibrated settings. Extends maximum deflection factor to at least 125 volts/division.
BANDWIDTH (with six-division reference):
10 mV/DIV to 50 V/DIV: DC to at least 500 kilohertz.
5 mV/DIV: DC to at least 400 kilohertz.
2 mV/DIV: DC to at least 200 kilohertz.
1 mV/DIV: DC to at least 100 kilohertz.
Lower Bandwidth Limit, AC (capacitively) Coupled: about 2 hertz at all deflection factors.
Approximately one megohm. INPUT CAPACITANCE:
1 mV/DIV to 50 mV/DIV: Approximately 160 picofarads.
100 mV/DIV to 50 V/DIV: Approximately 140 picofarads.
50 V/DIV to .1 V/DIV: 600 volts (DC + peak AC). 600 volts peak-to-peak AC (five megahertz or less).
50 mV/DIV to 1 mV/DIV: 600 volts (DC + peak AC). AC not over 2 kilohertz or risetime not less than 100 nanoseconds.
From 500 ms/DIV to 2 ms/DIV of time base at approximately 50 kilohertz.
From 1 ms/DIV to 5ps/DIV of time base. INPUT IMPEDANCE MATCHING:
Matched to within approximately 10%.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Within 5% with both VOLTS/DIV VAR controls in CAL
position and gain correctly set at 5 mV/DIV.
Internal: COMP: 0.2 division from DC to 500
CH 2: 0.2 division from 2 hertz to 500 kilohertz.
1.0 volt from DC to 500 kilohertz.
Triggered at preset level on positive slope of
triggering signal. Sensitivity same as stated above. DISPLAY JITTER:
0.5 microsecond or less at 500 kilohertz.
Input Resistance: Approximately one megohm. Input Capacitance: Approximately 30 picofarads. Maximum Usable Input Voltage: 8 volts (DC + peak
AC) 16 volts peak-to-peak AC (one megahertz or less).
calibrated settings. Extends maxim um sweep rate to at least 1.0 microsecond/division.
Calibrated Deflection Factor: 1 millivolt to 50 volts/ division.
Variable: At least five times (using HORIZ MAG).
Accuracy: Within 10% (with HORIZ MAG control in CAL position).
X-Y Phasing: Less than 3à at five kilohertz.
Maximum Input Voltage: 600 volts (DC + peak AC) ; 600 volts (peak-to-peak AC).
Type: Internal black line, non-illuminated.
Area: Six divisions vertical by 10 divisions horizontal. Each division equals 0.203 inch.
P31 Standard.
Calibrated Range: 500 milliseconds to five
microseconds/ division. 16 steps in 1-2-5 sequence.
Accuracy (over center eight divisions): Within 5% with HORIZ MAG control in CAL position and timing correctly set at 1 ms/DIV (disregard f irs t 0.5 microsecond of total sweep length).
Linearity (any two division portion within center eight divisions): W ithin 5% (disregard f irst 10% of total sweep length).
Variable Magnifier: Continuously variable between
PROBE COMMON TO 212 CASE EXTERIOR: (When battery operated with AC power plug secured in the insulated cover.) Maxim um s afe potential between pr obe common (floating circuit ground) and 212 case exterior not to exceed 500 V RMS sinusoidal, or 700 V (DC + peak AC).
PROBE COMMON TO AC LINE: Maximum safe potential between probe common (f loating c irc uit ground) and the AC power line is not to exceed 250 V RMS sinusoidal minus the AC power line RMS voltage. (i.e., when the AC power line RMS voltage is 117 V, the maximum allowable potential on the probe common is 250 -117 = 133 V RMS.)
CAUTION Due to the capacitive line input circuit, sudden voltage changes may cause damaging input current transients. Avoid operating this instrument from squarewave inverter supplies, or other sources that produce large voltage transients.
LINE VOLTAGE RANGE: 110 to 126 volts, AC. Batteries can not be charged during AC operation. Instrument can be operated between 104 and 110 volts with resulting slow discharge of internal batteries.
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(+5°F) (+68°F to +860F) (+131°F)
0°C (+32°F) 40% 60% 50% +20àC to +30àC 65% 100% 85% (+68° F to +86à F) 40°C (+104àF) 40% 65% 55%
LINE FREQUENCY: 58 to 62 hertz.
NOTE Refer to Option and Corrective Maintenance information for other line voltages and frequencies.
MAXIMUM POWER CONSUMPTION: Three watts or less at 126 volts, 60 hertz.
BATTERIES: 10 rechargeable A nickel-cadmium cells. CHARGE TIME (from AC line): 16 hours f or full charge
(instrument off during charge cycle). POWER (BAT TERY) INDICATOR: When ex tinguished,
indicates less than 10 minutes of sc ope operating life left in the batteries.
BATTERY EXCESSIVE DISCHARGE PROTECTION: Instrument operation automatically interrupted when battery charge drops to 10 volts +0.5 volt.
TYPICAL OPERATING TIME (at maximum trace intensity after full charge cycle at +20àC to +30àC): Three to five hours. Longest operating tim e provided at lower trace intensity.
Operating from Batteries , -15°C to +55 àC (+5àF to
Charging or operating from AC line, 0°C to +40°C
(+32°F to +104àF).
Storage, -40àC to +60°C (-40àF to +140à F).
Operating, to 25, 000 feet (maximum operating temperature decreased by 10C per 1, 000 f eet above 15, 000 feet).
Non-operating, to 50, 000 feet.
Humidity (operating and non-operating): 5 cycles (120 hours) to 95% relative humidity referenced to MIL-E-16400F.
Shock (operating and non-operating): Tested with two shocks at 150 g, one-half sine, two millisecond duration each direction along three major axes.
WEIGHT (without accessories):
3.4 pounds (1.5 kilograms)
DIMENSIONS (measured at maximum points):
TYPICAL CHARGE CAPACITY (reference to charge/ discharge at +20àC to +30àC):
Height: 3.0 inches (7.6 centimeters).
Width: 5.25 inches (13.2 centimeters).
Depth: 8.9 inches (22.6 centimeters).
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Your instrument may be equipped with one or more options. T his s ection desc ribes thos e options or dir ects the reader
to where the option is documented.
Option 1 equips the 212 for operation from a 220 to 250 V ac 48 to 52 Hz power line source. O ption 1 parts values that differ from the standard 212 are listed here. A power cord cable assembly, for adapting to appropriate power plugs, is included with Option 1 instruments. Refer to the Corrective Maintenance and Diagrams sections of this manual for additional information concerning Option 1.
A3 670-2405-21* POWER SUPPLY Circuit Board Assembly (Option 1) C204 283-0279-00 0.001 UF, 20%, 3 KV C210 285-0932-00 1.0 UF, 10%, 400V C212 285-0933-00 2.0 UF, 10%, 400V C215 283-0279-00 0.001 UF, 20%, 3 KV
(Adapts to users plug type)
*In some Option 1 instruments, the suffix number on the board may not be marked -21.
Option 2 equips the 212 for operation from a 90 to 110 V ac 48 to 52 Hz power line source. Option 2 parts values that differ from the standard 212 are listed here. Refer to the Corr ective Maintenance and Diagrams s ections of this manual for additional information concerning Option 2.
A3 670-2405-31 ** POWER SUPPLY Circuit Board Assembly (Option 2) C210 285-0934-00 2.2 UF, 10%, 200V C212 285-0935-00 4.4 UF, 10%, 200V
**ln some Option 2 instruments, the suffix number on the board may not be marked -31.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Fig. &
Index Tektronik Serial/Model No. Mfr No. Part No. Eff Dscont Qty 1 2 3 4 5 Name & Description Code Mfr Part Number
-1 015-0199-01 1 VISOR, CRT: 80009 016-0199-01
-2 016-0512-00 1 CASE, CARRYING: 80009 016-0512-00
-3 346-0104-00 1 STRAP, CARRYING: 17516 4188-BA
-4 159-0121-00 2 FUSE, CARTRIDGE :DIN, 0.4A, 250V,5 SEC 75915 212.400 070-1375-00 1 MANUAL, TECH: OPERATORS 80009 070-1375-00 070-1376-00 1 MANUAL, TECH: INSTRUCTION 80009 070-1376-00
Figure 1-2. 212 Oscilloscope Accessories
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
At Tektronix, we continually strive to keep up with latest electronic developments by adding circuit and component
improvements to our instruments as soon as they are developed and tested.
Sometimes, due to printing and s hipping requirements, we can’t get these changes imm ediately into printed manuals.
Hence, your manual may contain new change information on following pages.
A single change may affect sever al sections. Since the change inform ation sheets are c arried in the manual until all changes are permanently entered, some duplic ation may occur. If no such change pages appear following this page, your manual is correct as printed.
Because of the universal parts procurement problem, some electrical parts in your instrument may be different from those described in the Replaceable Electrical Parts List. The parts used will in no way alter or compromise the performance or reliability of this instrument. They are installed when necessary to ensure prompt delivery to the customer. Order replacement parts from the Replaceable Electrical Parts List.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Calibration Test Equipment Chart
This chart compares TM 500 produc t perform ance to that of older Tek tronix equipm ent. Only those characteris tics where significant specification differences occur, are listed. In some cases the new instrument may not be a total functional replacement. Additional support instrumentation may be needed or a change in calibration procedure may be necessary.
Comparison of Main Characteristics
DM 501 replaces 7D13 PG 501 replaces 107 PG 501 - Risetime less than 3.5 ns into 107 - Risetime less than 3.0 ns into
108 PG 501 - 5 V output pulse; 3.5 ns Risetime. 108 - 10 V output pulse; 1 ns Risetime. 111 PG 501 - Risetime less than 3.5 ns; 8 ns 111 - Risetime 0.5 ns; 30 to 250 ns
114 PG 501 + 5 V output. 114 - ±10 V output. Short proof output. 115 PG 501 - Does not have Paired, Burst, Gated, 115 - Paired, Burst, Gated, and Delayed
PG 502 replaces 107
108 PG 502 - 5 V output 108 - 10 V output. 111 PG 502 - Risetime less than 1 ns; 10 ns 111 - Risetime 0.5 ns; 30 to 250 ns
114 PG 502 -+5 V output 114 - 10 V output. Short proof output. 115 PG 502 - Does not have Paired, Burst, Gated, 115 - Paired, Burst, Gated, Delayed & Un-
2101 PG 502 - Does not have Paired or Delayed 2101 - Paired and Delayed pulse; 10 V
PG 506 replaces 106 PG 506 - Positive-going trigger output signal 106 - Positive and Negative-going trigger
067-0502-01 PG 506 - Does not have chopped feature. 0502-01 - Comparator output can be alter-
SG 503 replaces 190,
190A, 190B SG 503 - Amplitude range 5 mV to 5.5 V p-p. 190B - Amplitude range 40 mV to 10 V p-p.
191 SG 503 - Frequency range 250 kHz to 250 MHz. 191 - Frequency range 350 kHz to 100 MHz.
067-0532-01 SG 503 - Frequency range 250 kHz to 250 MHz. 0532-01 - Frequency range 65 MHz to 500
TG 501 replaces 180,
180A TG 501 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 1 ns. 180A - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 1 us.
181 TG 501 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 1 ns. Sine- 181 - Marker outputs, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 184 TG 501 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 1 ns. Sine- 184 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 2 ns. Sine-
2901 TG 501 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 1 ns. Sine- 2901 - Marker outputs, 5 sec to 0.1 us.
Pretrigger pulse delay. Pretrigger Pulse delay.
or Delayed pulse mode; +5 V dc pulse mode; + Offset. Has +5 V output. Short-proof output.
Pretrigger pulse delay. Pretrigger pulse delay.
Delayed & Undelayed pulse mode; delayed pulse mode; +10 V output.
Has ±5 V output. Short-proof output. pulse. Has ±5 V output. output. at least 1 V; High Amplitude out- output signal, 50 ns and 1 V; High
put, 60 V. Amplitude output, 100 V.
nately chopped to a reference voltage.
Sinewave available at 5, 2, and 1 ns. Sinewave available at 20, 10, Trigger output - slaved to marker and 2 ns. Trigger pulses 1, 10, output from 5 sec through 100 ns. 100 Hz; 1, 10, and 100 kHz. One time-mark can be generated at a Multiple time-marks can be time. generated simultaneously.
wave available at 5, 2, and 1 ns. and 10, 000 us, plus 10 ns sinewave. wave available at 5, 2, and 1 ns. wave available at 50, 20, 10, 5,
Trigger output - slaved to marker and 2 ns. Separate trigger pulses output from 5 sec through 100 ns. of 1 and .1 sec; 10, 1, and .1 ms; One time-mark can be generated at 10 and 1 /s. Marker amplifier pro­a time. vides positive or negative time
marks of 25 V min. Marker intervals of 1 and .1 sec; 10, 1, and .1 ms; 10 and 1 us.
wave available at 5, 2, and 1 ns. Sinewave available to 50, 10, Trigger output - slaved to marker and 5 ns. Separate trigger output from 5 sec through 100 ns pulses, from 5 sec to 0.1 us. One time-mark can be generated at Multiple time-marks can be gene­a time. rated simultaneously.
10 V output.
NOTE: All TM 500 generator outputs are short-proof. All TM 500 plug-in instruments require TM 500-Series Power Module.
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TM 9-6625-646-14&P
The controls and connectors neces sary for operation of the 212 are located on the right side of the instrument. (See Fig. 2-1.) The POWER (BATTERY) indicator is on the front panel. A brief description of each contr ol and connector is given here.
VOLTS/DIV-selects vertical deflection factor (vertical
VARiable control must be in CAL position for
indicated deflection. INPUT COUPLING-selects the method used to couple
the channel input signal to the vertical amplifier system.
AC-the DC component of input signal is blocked. GND-vertical amplifier input circuit is grounded.
The applied input signal is connected to ground through a one megohm resistor to provide a precharge path for the AC input coupling capacitor.
DC-all components of the input signal are passed to the vertical amplifier system input.
STEP ATTEN BALance-a screwdriver adjustment to
balance the vertical amplifier system for minimum trace shift when switching deflection factors.
Vertical POSition-controls the vertical position of the
appropriate trace. OFF detent turns the channel off.
VOLTS/DIV VARiable-provides a continuously variable
deflection factor between the calibrated settings of the VOLTS/DIV switch for the appropriate vertical channel.
VERTical GAIN-screwdriver adjustment to set the gain of
the vertical amplifier system.
AUTO PRESET-screwdriver adjustment to set the AUTO
PRESET trigger point for automatic trigger operation.
Trigger SOURCE-selects the source of the trigger signal.
COMP-the sweep is triggered from a sample of the vertical deflection signal after the vertical switching.
CH 2-the sweep is triggered from a sample of the vertical deflection signal before the vertical switching and only from CH 2.
EXT-the sweep is triggered from the signal applied to the EXT TRIG banana jack.
Figure 2-1. Side Panel controls and connectors.
LEVEL/SLOPE-selects the amplitude point and the s lope
of the trigger signal on which the sweep is triggered.
When the indicator dot is to the left of center, the
sweep is triggered on the positive-going slope of the
trigger signal; to the right of center, on the negative-
going slope. When the LEVEL/SLOPE control is set
to the AUTO PRESET detent, the sweep is
automatically triggered at a preset level on the
positive-going slope. INTENSITY-controls brightness of CRT display.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Horizontal POSition-controls the horizontal position of the
SEC/DIV-selects horizontal sweep rate (HORIZ MAG
must be in CAL position for indic ated sweep rate) X-Y position allows for X-Y operation; CH 2 supplies the vertical deflection and CH 1 the horizontal deflection.
EXT TRIG-banana jack for input of an external trigger
SWP CAL-screwdriver adjustment to provide calibrated
sweep timing. POWER-controls power to the instrument. Does not
interrupt charging current to the internal batteries
when the instrument is connected to an AC line
voltage. FOCUS-screwdriver adjustm ent to obtain a well-defined
display. HORIZontal MAGnifier-provides continuously variable
sweep magnification to a max imum of approxim ately
five times the sweep rate indicated by the SEC/DIV
switch. HORIZontal GAIN-screwdriver adjustment to set the
basic gain of the horizontal amplifier system.
COMMON-banana jack to establish common ground
between the 212 and the external signal source or equipment under test.
WARNING COMMON and probe ground straps are electrically connected. Therefore, an elevated reference applied to any is present on each - as indicated by the yellow warning bands under the probe retractable hook tips.
POWER ( BATTERY) Indicator-red light to indicate when
the instrument is on. When light extinguishes, less than 10 minutes of operating life remain.


Preventive maintenance, when performed on a regular basis, can prevent instrument breakdown and may improve the reliability of this instrument. The severity of environment to which the 212 is subj ected will determine the frequency of maintenance. A convenient time to perform preventive maintenance is preceding recalibration of the instrument.
To gain access to the interior of the instrument, unwind both the probe cords and the power cord from the rear of the instrument. Remove the five screws in the bottom cover of the instrument. See Fig. 3- 1. G ently separate the bottom cover from the instrument and lay aside. The Power Supply circuit board with the batteries can be lifted up and pivoted out of the way. Most of the internal workings of the instrument are now accessible.
If it is necessary to have access to the front of the Input circuit board, remove the knobs from all of the external control shafts. Remove the four screws securing the side panel to the Input circuit board and remove the instrument side panel.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
The 212 should be cleaned as often as operating conditions require. Accumulation of dir t in the inst rument can cause component breakdown.
The high impact plastic covers provide protection against dust in the interior of the instrument. Loos e dust accumulated on these covers can be removed with a soft cloth or small brush. The brush is also useful for dislodging dirt on and around the side-panel controls. Dirt which remains can be removed with a soft cloth dampened in a mild detergent and water solution. Abrasive cleaners should not be used.
It should be only occasionally necessary to c lean the interior. The best way to clean the interior is to blow off the accumulated dust with dry, low-velocity air. A softbristle brush or a cotton-tipped applicator is useful for cleaning in narrow spaces or for cleaning more delic ate circuit components.
Figure 3-1. Location of screws securing bottom cover and
side panel.
CAUTION Avoid the use of chemical cleaning agents which might damage the plastics used in this instrument. Avoid chemicals which contain hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, or sulfuric acid.
Visual Inspection
The 212 should be inspected occasionally for such defects as broken connections, improperly seated transistors, damaged circuit boards, and heat-damaged parts.
parts. The corrective procedure for most visible defects is apparent; however, particular care must be taken if heat-damaged components are found. Overheating usually indicates other trouble in the instrument; therefore, it is important that the cause of the overheating be corrected to prevent recurrence of the damage.
Semiconductor Checks
Periodically checking the semiconductors in the 212 is not recommended. The best check of semiconductor performance is actual operation in the instrument. If it is desired to check the performance of a semiconductor out of the instrument, a dynamic checker such as a TEKTRONIX Type 576 Transistor Curve Tracer is recommended. Lead configurations of the semiconductors used in the 212 are shown in Fig. 5-2.
An extracting tool should be used to remove the 14-, and 16-pin flat integrated circuits to prevent damage to the pins. If an extracting tool is not available when removing one of these integrated circuits, pull s lowly and evenly on both ends of the device. Try to avoid having one end of the integrated circuit disengage from the socket before the other, as the pins may be damaged. When replacing semiconductors, key the semiconductor’s index with that of its soc ket. Failure to do so can result in damaged components.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
To assure accurate measurements, check the calibration of this instrument after each 1000 hours of operation or every six months if used infrequently. In addition, replacement of components may necessitate recalibration of the affected circuits. The calibration procedure can also be helpful in localizing certain troubles in the instrument. In some cases, minor troubles may be revealed or corrected by recalibration.
Figure 3-2. Location of circuit boards within the 212.


TM 9-6625-646-14&P
To assure instrument accuracy, check the calibration of the 212 every 1000 hours of operation, or every six months if used infrequently. Before complete calibr ation, throughly clean and inspect this instrument as outlined in the Preventive Maintenance section.
The following test equipment and accessories, or their
equivalent, are required for complete calibration of the
212. Given specifications for the test equipment are the minimum necessary for acc urate calibration. Therefore, the specifications of any test equipment must either meet
or exceed those listed below. All test equipment is
Tektronix, Inc., provides complete instrument repair and recalibration at local Field Service Centers and the Factory Service Center. Contact your local TEKTRONIX Field Office or representative for further information.
assumed to be correctly calibrated and operating within the listed specifications. Detailed operating instruc tions for the test units are not given in this procedure. Refer to the instruction manual for the test equipment if more information is needed.
To aid in locating a step in this procedure, an index is given prior to the complete procedure. Completion of each step in the Calibration procedure ensur es that this
Special Calibration Fixtures
instrument meets the electrical specifications given in the Introduction of this manual. Where possible, instrument performance is checked before an adjustment is made. For best overall instrument performance, make each adjustment to the exact setting even if the CHECK- s tep is within the allowable tolerances.
Special TEKTRONIX Calibration fixtures are used in this procedure only where they facilitate instrument calibration. These special calibration fixtures are available from Tektronix, Inc. Order by part number through your local TEKTRONIX Field Office or representative.
TABLE 4-1.
Description Minimum Specifications Usage Example
1. Time-Mark Generator Marker outputs, 5 microseconds to 0.1 Horizontal timing check a. TEKTRONIX 2901 second; marker accuracy, within 0.1%. and adjustment. Time-Mark Generator.
b. TEKTRONIX 184 Time-Mark Generator.
2. Standard Amplitude Amplitude accuracy, 0.25%; signal Vertical and horizontal a. TEKTRONIX
Calibrator amplitude, 5 millivolts to 100 volts; amplifier gain checks and calibration fixture Part
output signal one-kilohertz square adjustments. Number 067-0502-01. wave.
3. Square-Wave Frequency, one kilohertz; risetime, Vertical amplifier a. TEKTRONIX Type
Generator 100 nanoseconds or less; output compensation checks and 106 Square-Wave
amplitude, 0.4 volt to 40 volts. adjustments. Generator.
4. Low-Frequency Frequency, one kilohertz to 500 Vertical Amplifier a. General Radio
Constant-Amplitude kilohertz; output amplitude, at least bandwidth check. Trigger 1310-B Oscillator. Signal Generator 200 millivolts. operation checks.
5. DC Voltmeter Range, zero to 1000 volts; accuracy, Power supply output level a. Triplett Model within 3%; input impedance, checks. Vertical and 630-NA. 20, 000/volt. horizontal centering
adjustment. CRT grid bias b. Simpson Model 262. adjustment.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
TABLE 4-1 (cont)
Description Minimum Specifications Usage Example
6. Cable Impedance, 50 ohms; type, RG-58/U; External trigger operation a. TEKTRONIX Part length, 42 inches; connectors, BNC. check. Horizontal gain Number 012-0057-01.
check and adjustment.
7. Adapter Connectors, BNC female and dual External trigger checks. a. TEKTRONIX Part banana plug. Number 103-0090-00.
8. Adapter Connectors, GR874 and BNC female. Vertical Amplifier a. TEKTRONIX Part
compensation checks and Number 017-0063-00. adjustment.
9. Termination Impedance, 50 ohms; accuracy, 2%; Vertical amplifier a. TEKTRONIX Part connectors, BNC. compensation checks and Number 011-0049-01.
10. Attenuator Ratio, 10X; connectors, BNC; Vertical amplifier a. TEKTRONIX Part impedance, 50 ohms. bandwidth check. Number 011-0059-01.
11. Adapter Connectors, probe tip to BNC. Used throughout a. TEKTRONIX Part
procedure for signal Number 013-0084-01. interconnection.
12. T-Connector Connectors, BNC. External trigger operation a. TEKTRONIX Part
checks. Number 103-0030-00.
13. Screwdriver Three-inch shaft, 3/32 inch bit. Used throughout a. Xcelite R-3323.
Procedure to adjust variable resistors.
14. Low-Capacitance 1 1/2-inch shaft. Used to adjust variable a. TEKTRONIX Part
Screwdriver capacitors. Number 003-0000-00.
Power Supply and Display
1. Check Power Supply DC Levels
2. Adjust CRT Grid Bias (internal adjustment of
3. Adjust FOCUS (external side panel adjustment
of R398)
4. Adjust Trace Rotation (internal adjustment of
Vertical System Adjustment
5. Adjust Vertical DC Centering (internal
adjustment of R101)
6. Adjust CH 1 STEP ATTENuation BALance
side panel adjustment of R415)
7. Adjust CH 2 STEP ATTENuation BALance
(external side panel adjustment of R315)
8. Adjust VERTical GAIN (external side panel
adjustment of R470)
9. Check CH 2 VARiable VOLTS/DIV Range
10. Check CH 2 VOLTS/DIV Accuracy VOLTS/DIV
11. Check CH 1 VOLTS/DIV Accuracy and VARiable
12. Adjust CH 1 VOLTS/DIV Switch Compensation
(internal side panel adjustment of C407, C408, C409)
13. Adjust CH 2 VOLTS/DIV Switch Compensation
(internal side panel adjustment of C307, C308, C309
14. Check CH 2 Vertical Amplifier Bandwidth
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
15. Check CH 1 Vertical Amplifier Bandwidth
Trigger Circuit Adjustment
16. Adjust AUTO PRESET (external side panel
adjustment of R375)
17. Check Trigger Circuit Operation
Horizontal System Adjustment
18. Adjust Hor izontal Centering (internal adjustm ent
of R366)
19. Adjust HORIZontal GAIN (external side panel
adjustment of R475)
20. Adjust SWEEP CALibration (external side panel
adjustment of R370)
21. Check HORIZ MAG Range
22. Check SEC/DIV Accuracy
NOTE Titles for external controls of this instrument are fully capitalized in this procedure (e.g., INTEASITY). Internal adjustments are initial capitalized only (e.g., Grid Bias).
Preset the instrument controls to the settings given
below when starting a calibration procedure.
Channel 1 Controls
Channel 2 Controls
This instrument should be adjusted at an ambient
temperature of +250C (+ 50C) for best overall accuracy.
1. Remove the instrument covers as described in the Disassembly Instructions in the Preventive Maintenance section.
2. Connect the instr ument to a 117 VAC 60 Hz line source. If the batteries are not fully charged, leave the 212 connected to the line with the power switch turned off for a period of approximately one hour before continuing with calibration.
3. Set the instrument controls as given under Preliminary Control Settings. Allow at least five minutes of warmup before proceeding.
Trigger Controls
Sweep Controls
Display Controls
POWER ON INTENSITY Fully Counterclockwise
Equipment Required
1. DC Voltmeter 2. Three-inch Screwdriver
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
Control Setting
Preset instrument controls to the settings given under
Preliminary Control Settings.
1. Check Power Supply DC Levels
NOTE If the instrument has been operating satisfactorily prior to recalibration, proceed with step 2.
a.Using the DC voltmeter, measure the DC level of the power supplies given in Table 4-2. Observe proper meter polarity. See Fig. 4-1 for test point locations.
TABLE 4-2.
Power Supply Accuracy
Supply Measurement
-5.6 volt -5.6 volts ±0.4 volt +5.6 volt +5.6 volts ±0.4 volt +65 volt +65 volts ±4 volts
-1000 volt -960 volts ±40 volts (due to meter loading)
2 of plug P3 (negative meter lead to pin 2) on the Power Supply Board. See Fig. 4-1.
b.Turn the INTENSITY control fully clockwise. c.CHECK-Meter reading of +1.9 volts. d.ADJUST-CRT Grid Bias, R273 (s ee Fig. 4-1) for
a meter reading of +1.9 volts.
e.Disconnect all test equipment. Turn the
INTENSITY control fully counterclockwise.
3. Adjust FOCUS
a.Turn CH 2 POS midrange and CH 1 POS to the
OFF detent.
b.Set the SEC/DIV switch to X-Y and adjust the
INTENSITY control for a nominal display intensity.
c.ADJUST-FOCUS, R398 (located on the 212 side
panel) for a well-defined dot.
4. Adjust Trace Rotation
a.Set the SEC/DIV switch to 1 m. b.CHECK-Free-running sweep is parallel with a
horizontal graticule line.
c.ADJUST-Trace Rotation, R141 (see Fig. 4-2) s o the trace is parallel with the center horizontal graticule line.
2. Adjust CRT Grid Bias
a.Connect the DC voltmeter between pin 5 and pin
Figure 4-1. Location of power supply test points and CRT
Grid Bias
Figure 4-2. Location of Trace Rotation adjustment.
Equipment Requested
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
1.Standard Amplitude Calibrator
2.Square-Wave Generator
3.Low Frequency Constant Amplitude Signal Generator
4.DC Voltmeter
5.GR-to-BNC Female Adapter
Control Settings
Preset instrument controls to the settings given under
Preliminary Control Settings, except as follows:
5. Adjust Vertical DC Centering
a.Connect the DC voltmeter between pin 11 of U105 (positive meter lead to pin 11) and ground (see Fig. 4-3).
b.Adjust CH 1 Vertical POS control for a 0 volt meter reading.
c.CHECK-Trace should be within approximately
0.4 division of graticule center.
d.ADJUST-Vertical Centering, R101 (see Fig. 4-3) to position the trace to the center horizontal graticule line.
e.Disconnect all test equipment.
6.Probe Tip-to-BNC Adapter
7.50-Ohm BNC Termination
8.10X 50-Ohm Attenuator
9.Three-inch Screwdriver
10.Low-Capacitance Screwdriver
6. Adjust CH 1 STEP ATTENuator BALance
a.Rotate the CH 1 VOLTS/D)V switch from 50 m
to 1 m.
b.CHECK-The CRT display for 0.1 division or less of trace shift between adjacent switch positions when rotating the VOLTS/DIV switch from 50 m to 1 m.
c.ADJUST-CH 1 STEP ATTEN BAL, R415 (located on the side panel) for minimum trace shift when rotating the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch from 50 m to 1 m.
7. Adjust CH 2 STEP ATTENuator BALance
a.Turn the CH 1 POS control to the OFF detent and the CH 2 POS control to midrange.
b.Rotate the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switch from 50 m to 1 m.
c.CHECK-The CRT display for 0.1 division or less of trace shift between adjacent switch positions when rotating the VOLTS/DIV switch from 50 m to 1 m.
d.ADJUST-CH 2 STEP ATTEN BAL, R315 (located on the side panel) for minimum trace shift rotating the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switch from 50 m to 1 m.
Figure 4-3. Location of Vertical Centering adjustment and
test point.
8. Adjust VERTical GAIN
a.Set the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switch to 5 m.
b.Connect the CH 2 probe tip to the output of the Standard Amplitude Calibrator via a probe tip-to-BNC adapter.
c.Set the Standard Amplitude Calibrator for a 20 millivolts output signal.
d.CHECK-The CRT display for four divisions of deflection within 0.2 division.
e.ADJUST-VERT GAIN, R470 (located on the side panel) for exactly four divisions of deflection.
TM 9-6625-646-14&P
9. Check CH 2 VARiable VOLTS/DIV Range
a.Rotate the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV VAR control fully
b.CHECK-The CRT display for 1.6 divisions or less of deflection. 1.6 divisions of deflection indicates a VARiable VOLTS/DIV range of at least 2.5: 1.
c.Set the VARiable VOLTS/D IV control to CAL.
10. Check CH 2 VOLTS/DIV Accuracy
a.CHECK-Using the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV switch and Standard Amplitude Calibrator settings given in Table 4­3, check that the deflection factor acc uracy for CH 2 is within 5% at each position.
TABLE 4-3.
Vertical Deflection Accuracy
VOLTS/DIVStandard Vertical Maximum
Switch AmplitudeDeflection Error For
Setting Calibrator in Ù5% Accuracy
Output Divisions
1 m 5 millivolts 5 Ù0.25 division 2 m 10 millivolts 5 5 m 20 millivolts 4 Previously set in
10 m 50 millivolts 5 20 m 0.1 volt 5 50 m 0.2 volt 4
.1 0.5 volt 5 .2 1 volt 5 .5 2 volts 4
1 5 volts 5 2 10 volts 5
5 20 volts 4 10 50 volts 5 20 100 volts 5 50 100 volts 2
Ù0.25 division
step 8.
Ù0.25 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.2 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.2 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.2 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.25 division Ù0.1 division
b.Disconnect the CH 2 probe tip from the Standard
Amplitude Calibrator.
a.Turn CH 2 POS to the OFF detent and the CH 1
POS to midrange.
b.Connect the CH 1 probe tip to the output of the Standard Amplitude Calibrator via a probe tip-to-BNC adapter.
c.CHECK-Using the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch and Standard Amplitude Calibrator settings given in Table 4­3, that the deflection factor accuracy of CH 1 at each position is within 5%.
d.Set the Standard Amplitude Calibrator for a 20 millivolts output signal.
e.Set the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 5 m.
f.Rotate the CH 1 VARiable VOLTS/DIV control
fully clockwise.
g.CHECK-The CRT display for 1.6 divisions or less of deflection. 1.6 divisions of deflection indicates a VARiable VOLTS/DIV range of at least 2.5: 1.
h.Set the VARiable VOLTS/DIV control to CAL.
12. Adjust CH 1 VOLTS/DIV Switch Compen-sation
a.Set the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 0.1 V.
b.Connect the CH 1 probe tip to the high amplitude output of the Type 106 Square-Wave generator via a GR-to-BNC female adapter, a 50-ohm BNC ter mination, and a probe tip-to-BNC adapter.
c.Adjust the Square-Wave generator for a four­division display of a one kilohertz square wave.
d.Adjust the Triggering controls for a stable display.
e.CHECK-The CRT display for flat-top waveform with no more than +0.2 division, -0.1 division, or a total of
0.2 division of aberration.
NOTE If C307, C308, C309, C407, C408, or C409 require adjustment, it will be necessary to remove the instrument side panel from the Input Board. Refer to the Disassembly Instructions for removal procedure.
11. Check CH 1 VOLTS/DIV Accuracy and VARiable VOLTS/DIV Range
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