Tefal DW1 605 FI Instruction Manual

DW1 605 FI
12 placesettings
Dear Cus tom er ,
Pleasecarefully rea d this manualbeforeusing the dishwasher,itwillhelpyou t o use and maintainthe dishw ash er prope rly.
Keepit tor efertoit at a later date.
Passitontoanysubsequent owner of theappliance.
This manual contains secti ons on safety Instru ct io ns , OperatingInstructions,InstallationInstructions and Troubles hooti ng Tip s, etc.
A WaterSoften er............ ... ...... ....... ..... ..... .....4
C Fill theRinse AidDispen ser.... .... ... .. . ..... . .....5
D Funct i on of Det e rg ent .... ... .. . . ... .. ... . ...... .. . .. .. 6
Attenti on b efor e or after loadi ng theDishwas her
Loadi n g the upper ...... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... .. . 10Basket
LoadingtheLower ...............................10Basket
To re view th e sec tion o n tro ubleshooting Tips willhelpyoutosolve somecommonproblems byyourself .
Ifyou can notsolve the problemsby yo urself , please ask f or the helpof p rofessiona l techn ician s.
The manufac turer,following apolicy of con sta nt developmentand updating of the product, may make modificatio ns witho ut gi ving priornotice.
This user ma nualshall alsobegotfrom the manufacturer or responsiblevendor.
WashCycle Table...........................................11
Turning onthe Appl ianc e. .. ...... . .. .... ... .. .... ... .. ..11
ChangetheProgramme.............. ................12....
At theendof theWashCycle...........................12
Filtering System.............................................13
Carin g for th e Dishwas he r.... . .. ... . ... .. ..... .... .. . ..1 4.
......... ......................... 15Install atio n p repara tion
...16Aest h e tic pane l's dime n sio ns and ins tal l at io n
........ ......18Tension a djus tment ofthe doorspring
............................. . 18Connection of drain hoses
.........................19Dis h washer inst a ll ati on ste ps
AboutElectricity Connecting. ............... ...........20
ColdWater C onnection.... ............... ............... 21
Beforecallingfor service........................... .....23.
Errorcodes.................................... ..............24.
Technical information.............................. .....25..
When using your dishwasher, follow the precautions listed below:
Thisapplianceisintended to be used in household andsimilarapplicationssuch as:
-staff kitch en areas in shop s, offices an dother worki ng env ironmen ts;
-farm ho uses;
-byclients in hotels, motelsandother residentialtype environments;
-bedandbreakfasttypeenvironments. Thisappliancecanbe usedby childrenagedfrom8 yearsand aboveandpersonswith reducedphysical, sensory or m ental capa bilities or l ack of experience andknowledgeiftheyhave beengivensupervision or instruction concerning use of the applianceina safe way and understandthe hazardsinvolved. Children shall not playwiththeappliance. Cleaning andusermaintenanceshallnotbemadebychildren withoutsupervision. ForEN6033 5-1
This applianc eis no tintend ed for use by p ersons (including childre n)withreduced physical,sensory or me nta l c apa bi li ti es , or la ck o f e xp er ie nc e an d knowled ge ,unles s they h ave be en given s upervisio n or instruction concerning use of the appliancebya personresponsiblefortheir safety. ForIEC60335-1
Thisapplianceisforindoor use only,forhousehold useonly. Toprote ct ag ainst the risk of elect rical sho ck, do no t immerse theunit,cordorpluginwateror other liquid. Pleaseunplug before cleaningandmaintenance the appliance. Use a soft clothmoistenwith mild soap, and then use adryclothtowipeitagain.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing apath of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Improper connection of the equipment-earthing conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher. Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure
panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out. Do not place any heavy objects on or stand on the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward. When loading items to be washed:
1) Locate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal;
2) Warning: Knives and other utensils with sharp points must be loaded in the basket with their points down or placed in a horizontal position. Check that the detergent powder is empty after completion of the wash cycle. Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked,
check the manufacturer's recommendations. Use only detergent and rinse additives designed for an automatic dishwasher. Never use soap, laundry detergent, or hand washing detergent in your dishwasher. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. The door should not be left open, since this could increase the risk of tripping. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. During installation, the power supply must not be excessively or dangerously bent or flattened. Do not tamper with controls. The appliance is to be connected to the water mains using new hose sets and that old hose-sets should not be reused. The maximum number of place settings to be washed is 12. The maximum permissible inlet water pressure is 1MPa. The minimum permissible inlet water pressure is 0.04MPa.
Dispose of the dishwasherpackaging material correctly. All packagingmaterialscanbe recycled. Plasticparts are markedwiththestandard international abbreviations: PE forpolyethylene,e.g. sheet wrapping material PS for pol ystyrene, e.g. p adding m aterial POM polyo xymethylene, e.g . plasti c clips PP poly propyl ene, e.g. Salt fill er ABS Acrylonitrile ButadieneStyrene,e.g. Control Panel.
Packag ing mat erial could be dan gerous fo r childre n! Fordisposing ofpackage and the applianceplease go to a recycl ing ce ntre. Th erefo re cut o ffthe power supply cable a nd m ake the doo r closi ng dev ice unusab le. Cardboard packagingismanufactured from recycled paper a nd should be disposed in the waste pa per collecti on for re cycling. Byensuring thisproductis disposed of correctly,you willhelp prevent potentialnegativeconsequences fortheenvironment and human health,whichcould otherw ise be c aused by i nappro priate wa ste handling of thi s p roduct. Formoredetailedi nformation aboutrecycling ofthis produc t, pl ease co ntact y our lo cal city o ffice a nd your househ old wast edi sposal ser vice. DISPOSAL:Do not disposethisproductas unsorted municipal waste. C ollectionof such waste separately forspecialtreatment is necessary.
Fordetailedoperatingmethodread the co rrespondingcontentonthe instruction manual.
Switch on the appliance Open the door,press the On/Off button toswitch on the appliance .
Fill the detergent dispenser
Compartment For programmes with pre-wash only. (Follow the user instructions!)
Check the rinse aid level
Checkthe regeneration
salt level
Load the baskets
Select a programme
Running the dishwasher
Changing t he programme
Electric indic ator on control panel(ifprovided).
(On models with water softener system only.) Electric indicator on control panel (if provided).
If there is no salt warning light in the control panel (for some models), you can estimate when to fill the salt into the softener by the number of cycles the dishwasher has run.
Scrapeoff any largeamount ofleftover food. Soften remnantsofburnt food in pans, thenload the baskets. Refer to the dishwasherloading instructions.
Press the Programme Button until the selected programme lights up. ( See the section entitled Operation instruction )“”
1.A runningcycle can onlybe modified ifit hasbeen runningfora short time.Otherwise the detergent may have already been released and the water already drained. If this is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refilled.
2. Press the for more than 3 seconds to cancel the running programme.
3. Select a new programme.
4. Restart thedishwasher.
Programme Button
Add forgottendishes in the dishwasher.
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle.
Switch off the appliance
Turn off the water tap, unload the baskets
1.Open the door a littleto sto p the dishwasher.
2.After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
3.Add the forgotten dishes.
4.Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again after 10 seconds.
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle, when switched on again, please re-select th e washing cycle and operate the dishwasher according to the original Power-on state ).
When the working cycle has finished, the buzzer of the dishwasher will sound 8 times, then stop. Turn off the appliance using the On/Off Button.
Warning: wait a few minutes (about 15 minutes) before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to break. They will alsodry better.Unload the appliance, startingfrom the lowerbasket.
Open the door carefully. Hotsteam may escape when the door is opened!
To g etthe best performance from y ourdishwasher,read all operatinginstructions beforeusing itforthe firsttime.
1.Power indicator:To showwhen the p owe r on.
2.Salt and ri nse aid warninglights:To show whenthesaltconta inerordispenserneedto be refilled
3.Del ay i n dica tors : t o show the d el ay time (3h/6h/9h)
4.Haft load indicator: To showwhen you selectthe haft load fun c tion .
5.Prog ram indicators : to show whi ch program
you have chose;
Front view
3 4
6.Half l oad functions B utton: Toselect Half load functions. (W ith thisHalf load functio n you ca n only use itwhen you haveonly about orless than 6place setting di sh wave, an d you w ill see less waterand energyconsumption,canonly beused withIntensive,Normal,ECO, Glassand60min.)
7.Delay B utton :ToPress the button to dela y.
8.Program Button : To Press thebuttonto selecta wash Progra m.
9.On/OffB utton:To turn on/off thepowersupply.
Back View
7 8
Upper Basket
Inner pipe
Lower Basket
Salt Contai ner
Spra y arms
Filter assembly
Inletpipe connector
Drai n p i p e
Before using y our dishwasher for the first time:
A. Set the wa ter soft ener B. Add 1.5Kgdishwasher sa lt an d th en ful l fil l the saltcontainer withwater C. Filltherinseaiddispenser
D. Fill in de t e r gent
The water so ftener must be set m anually, using thewater hard ness dia l. The water so ftener isdesigned to removeminerals an d sa lts from thewater,which woul d ha ve a detrimental o r adverseeffect on the operation of the appliance. The higher t he cont ent o f the se miner als and salts, the har der your wat er is . The softener s hould beadjusted accordin g to thehardness of thewater in your area. YourlocalWaterAuthority can advise you onthehardness o fthe waterin yourarea.
AdjustingS altConsumption
The dishwasher isdesigned toallow for adjustmentin the amount of sa lt co nsumed based on the hardness of the waterused. Thisisintendedtooptimiseand customisethe levelofsalt consumption.
Pleasefollowthestepsbelow foradjustmentin saltconsumption.
1. Open thedoor ,Sw itch on theappliance;
2. Press the Program buttonfor more than 5second s to startthe w ater soft ener set mod el within 60sec onds af ter t he applia nce wasswitched on( Th e Sal t and Rinseaidwarninglights willbe on periodicallywhenit g et in the set model );
3. Press the Program buttonto select the proper s et acc ording t o y our loca l envi ronment, the s ets wil l chang e in thefollowing sequence:H1->H2->H3 ->H4->H5 ->H6;
4. Press the Power b utton toend th e set u p model.
18-22 31-40 22-28 3.1-4.0
35-55 61-98 43-69 6.1-9.8
0~90~5 0~0.94 10-20 21-3012-17 2.1-3.0
41-6023-34 4.1-6.0
0~6 7-14 15-21
Selector Position
H1( Rapid ) H2(1Hour) 9 H3(1Hour Rapid) H4(Glass)
H5(Glass Rapid) H6(Glass 1Hour)
Salt consumption
12 20 30 60
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 FH=0.178 mmo l/l DH: Germ a n degree fH: French degree Clark:Britishdegree
The manufactorysetting: H4(EN 50242)
Contact yo ur local water board for information on thehardness of yourwater su pply.
If yourmodel doesnot have a nyw ater softener, youmays kip this section.
WATER SOFTENER Thehardness ofthe water v aries fr om place to place. If hardwater i s used inthe dishwasher, de posits will form on the dish es and utensils. Theapplian ceis eq uipped withaspecial so ftener thatuses a sal t c ontainer spe cifically designed to elimi nate lime an d m inera ls from the water.
Always use thesalt int ended f or u se wi th di shwasher. The salt c ont ainer i s l ocated beneath the l ower bas ket andshould be filledas expla ined inthe following:
Only use saltspecifically designed forthe use i n dishwash ers! Every other type of salt not specificallydesigned for the use inadishwas her, especially tab le salt,will damage the water softener.In caseofdamages caused by the useof unsuit able salt the manufacturer does notgive any wa rranty nor is li able forany damages caused.
Only fill wi th s alt ju st b efore star ting one of the co mplete washingprograms. This will prevent any g rains ofsalt or sa lty water, w hi ch ma y havebeen spi lled, remaining on the bottom o f the machine for anyperiod of t ime, which may cau se corrosion.
A After the lower b asket has been removed, unscr ew and remove the cap from the salt conta iner. B Place theend of thefunnel ( suppli ed) i nto t he ho le andintrodu ce abou t 1. 5kg ofdishwasher salt.
Full fil l t he salt container w ith water,Itis normal fora small amountof water to come out of the
D After f illi ng thecontainer , screw the c ap t igh tly b ack clockwise. E The saltwarning lightwillstopbeing afterthesalt containerhas beenfilled wit hsalt .
F Immediately aft er f illing t he salt into thesalt cont ainer, a w ashing program should be started
program O therwise the filter system, pum p or other import ant pa rts ofthe mac hine m ay b e dam aged
bysalty water.This isout of warranty.
1.The salt container must onl y be refil led when the salt warn ing ligh t in the control pan el com es on. Depending on howwell t he salt dissolves, th e sa lt warnin g light maystill be on even tho ugh the salt container isfilled. If there i s no saltwarning lightin the con trol panel (forsome Mode ls),you canestimate wh en to fill the salt i nto thesoftener by thecycles that thedishwasher hasrun.
2. If thereare spills ofthe salt, a soakor a rap id pro gram s hould be runto remove the excessive sa lt.
(Wesuggest to use a short
RinseAid Dispenser
The ri nse aidis relea se d d uring the final rinse to prevent waterfrom forming d roplets onyo ur dis he s, w hich can leave spots andstreaks. It alsoimproves drying by allowing water tor oll offt he dishes.Your dishwasheris designed touseliquidrins eaids. The rinse a iddispenser is locatedinside thedoornext tothedetergentdispenser. To fill the dispenser, open the cap and pour t he rinse ai d i nto the dispens er until t he l ev el i ndi cator turns co mplete ly black. The vol ume oft he ri nse a id co ntainer is about 110ml.
Function of Rin seAid
Rinse aid isautomat ically a dded d uring thelast r inse, ensuring th orough rinsing, and spot and s treak f ree drying.
Only usebrandedrinse aidfordis hwasher.Neverfill the rinseaid dispenserwith any othersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleani ng ag ent, liquid deterge nt). Th is woulddamage the appliance.
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