Teenage Engineering PO-28 Robot User manual

PO-28 robot manual
ユー ザ ーズ マ ニュ アル
folding stand
break away hanger
time / note / additional info
play / rec mode
indicates write mode is active
indicates micro drum kit is active
to select sound hold
sound and press 1-16
to select pattern hold
press to select tempo
hold to set master volume 1-16
hold step 1-16 + m
to set multiplier
sound 1-16
eect 1-16
the unit auto powers o when no buttons are pressed
for a while, only powering the display to show time.
press sound + bpm to show battery status. press sound + write
to manually power o. this ensures that recent modifications
to pattern data will survive a loss of power.
auto power o (a.p.o.)
sound parameters A / B
knob A / B
A: timbre B: release A: depth B: rate A: swing B: tempo
expression control
to toggle eects hold FX and press 1-16
play / stop
micro drum
sound key 16 is a micro drum machine
sound 1-16 eect 1-16
1. LFO pulse wave
2. pulse wave
3. mixed wave
4. triangle wave
5. echo
6. arpeggio
7. vibrato
8. 4-bit triangle
9. LFO pulse wave
10. pulse wave
11. mixed wave
12. triangle wave
13. echo
14. arpeggio
15. vibrato
16. micro drum kit
1. distorted filter
2. distorted sweep
3. repeat 4
4. repeat 2
5. lowpass slow sweep
6. lowpass fast sweep
7. hipass filter
8. hipass sweep
9. fill-in
10. fill-in (fast)
11. retrigger
12. retrigger (fast)
13. glitch
14. glitch (fast)
15. blinds
16. noise eect
1. getting started
insert two fresh AAA batteries. pay attention to plus and minus terminals.
set clock
set time by turning knob A for hours and knob B for minutes. press any key to confirm and exit.
alarm clock
press sound + pattern. set alarm clock by turning A for hours and B for minutes. (disable by turning knob A all the way down.) press any key 1-16 to set pattern for the alarm. to stop alarm press any key.
reset clock
reset the clock by removing the batteries and start over.
2. live play
select sound
hold sound and press any key 1-8 to select a sound in the high-octave range. hold sound and press any key 9-15 to select a sound in the low-octave range.
play melodies
press keys 1-16 to play notes from a fixed scale.
tweak the sound
knob A controls the timbre of the current sound. knob B controls the release rate.
auto vibrato
hold glide and tweak knobs to control automatic vibrato. vibrato is applied a short while after the onset of every live note. knob A controls vibrato depth, and knob B controls the rate. to turn o this feature, turn knob A all the way to the left.
add expression
hold glide and press any key 1-16 to glide up to a note. hold glide while releasing a note key to activate a falling chromatic scale eect.
micro drum kit
hold sound and press 16 to select the micro drum kit. press keys 1-16 to trigger an assortment of 8-bit drum sounds.
3. sequencer
the device is equipped with a 16-step, 2-channel sequencer. the first sequencer channel is for melodies, and the second is for drums.
hold pattern and press any key 1-16 to select pattern. blinking led indicates active pattern. press play to start and stop playback.
making a beat
press write (rec symbol appears) to edit the contents of a pattern. enter notes/sounds in the grid. active steps will be lit. press play to listen to your pattern. when
sound 16 is selected, the grid re­presents the drum channel. when any other sound is selected, the grid represents the melody channel.
select sound
while write mode is active, hold sound and press any key 1-8 (or 9-15) to select a sound for the melody channel.
parameter locking
during play, hold write while turning knobs to write sound parameter changes over time.
set note / drum
while write mode is active, hold a lit step and turn knob A to set note value or to select drum sound.
fine-tuning the pattern
while write mode is active, hold a lit step and turn knob B to modify the release rate on that step. hold a lit step and press glide to toggle the glide-up eect on that step. hold an unlit step and press glide to toggle the glide-down eect on that step.
4. eects
while playing, hold FX and press any key 1-16 to punch in eects. hold FX without pressing any key to clear eects. see reference on opposite page. the filter eects also work in live mode when the sequencer is stopped. hold FX and press the corresponding key to activate the eect. press FX briefly to deactivate it.
5. tempo and swing
press bpm to switch tempo. the bpm will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. HIP HOP (80 bpm) DISCO (120 bpm) TECHNO (140 bpm) hold bpm and turn A to adjust the swing. hold bpm and turn B to fine-tune tempo from 60 to 240 bpm.
6. volume
hold bpm and press any key 1-16 to adjust master volume.
7. live record
while playing, except in write mode, hold write and press any key 1-16 to punch in notes. notes will be quantized according to the current swing setting.
8. step multiplier
in write mode, ensure that the micro drum kit (sound 16) is selected, so that the grid represents the drum channel. hold a lit step, and press bpm to insert a re-trig on that step. press bpm multiple times to switch between 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 multiplier.
9. making a song
copy pattern
hold write + pattern and press
1-16 to paste the active pattern to the corresponding new slot.
clear pattern
hold glide and press pattern to clear the active pattern.
chain pattern
hold pattern and press a sequence of keys 1-16 to create a chain of up to 128 patterns. one pattern can be selected multiple times. example: 1, 1, 1, 4 plays pattern 1 three times then moves on to pattern
4. the entire sequence then repeats.
11. sync multiple units
connect a standard stereo audio cable between the units. the master unit will control the tempo of the slave unit. hold glide and press bpm on master unit to toggle sync modes. press repeatedly to toggle between dierent modes displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. press play on slave unit to wait for master clock sync. press play on master to start.
sync modes
there are 5 sync modes. default mode is SY0. when sync is used the signal will be split between audio (right) and sync (left).
sync scenarios
example A
chain: PO-28 PO-20 PO-12 setting: SY1 SY5 SY4
example B
chain: external PO-28 setting: volca SY2 iphone computer synckontrol
example C
chain: ext. PO-28 PO-14 setting: SY3 SY4
example D
chain: PO-28 ext. (split cable) setting: SY1vv v
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