Thank you for choosing the OP-1 musical instrument.
This device is precision made to last many years and
designed to be practical, intuitive and to give you
hours of creative pleasure. To get the most out of
your new OP-1, be sure to read this operator’s
manual carefully. For even deeper understanding and
the latest pro tips, please visit the OP-1 community
- Teenage Engineering
About this manual
This manual is written more or less with one chapter
for every key you find on your OP-1 (except the
musical keyboard which counts as one).
You create sounds (using the Synthesizer or Drum
Mode keys) that you may also Sequence before you
record to TAPE and finally MIX. You also have the
option to record a final mix to ALBUM.
Quick Guide Overlay
The OP-1 comes with a transparent overlay for quick
reference of the keyboard layout. Keep this for future
Rubber bands
You may use the PaperFoam box in which your OP-1
came delivered as a temporary storage box. Use the
rubber bands to seal the box.
To make things easier, all keys, encoders and
important modes relevant to the current page are
marked on the OP-1 illustration in the page header.
Although the OP-1 is designed to be very intuitive,
reading this manual will give you a deeper
understanding of the concept behind many of OP-1’s
functions and modes. Anyway, don’t be afraid of
playing around and exploring. You can always come
back to this manual at a later stage.
What’s in the Box?
Check that the following items are included when
you open the box: OP-1 Unit, USB Cable, Quick Guide
Overlay and a Set of rubber bands.
USB Cable
The OP-1 uses a standard USB to mini USB cable for
charging the OP-1 and for transferring data between
your OP-1 and your computer.
If you want to use an external power adapter instead
of a computer for charging the battery, make sure
you are using a 5V USB standard charger. A
dedicated charger works more efficiently and will
charge the battery faster.
Quick Guide
Power on
Make sure that your OP-1 is fully charged. If not,
insert the USB cable into the USB port located on the
right side of your OP-1 and connect it to a computer
or to a USB power adapter.
Turn on your OP-1 by sliding the white power switch
located next to the USB port towards you. The
Teenage Engineering symbol will be displayed briefly
on screen. Turn up the volume using the white knob
located on the left side of the screen (clockwise
increases volume). You are now ready to play your
new instrument.
Playing a synthesizer sound
Press the Synthesizer key. Select a
synthesizer sound by pressing any
key from 1-8. (These keys 1-8 are
called Sound selection keys in this
manual). Press any key on the
Musical Keyboard.
Using the mixer
First make sure that you have
some recorded material on the
Press the MIXER key to open up
the Mixer view. Now press the
PLAY key to start playing the tape.
Depending on which track that contains recorded
material, the corresponding VU meter will indicate
the sound level.
Adjust the individual track level by turning the color
related knob.
Hold down the SHIFT key while turning the color
related knob to adjust the PAN for each track.
Congratulations! You have learned the basic
fundamentals of your OP-1. To understand all of your
OP-1’s functions, please read this operator’s manual
Playing a drum sound
Press the Drum key. Select a drum
sound by pressing any Sound
selection key from 1-8. Press any
key on the Musical Keyboard.
Recording to tape
Press the TAPE key.
Select TRACK by pressing any of
the 1-4 keys located under the
screen. (These keys are called T1-
T4 in this manual). Press REC +
PLAY to start rolling tape.
Play the Musical Keyboard. Use the STOP key to stop
recording. Rewind to the starting point by pressing
and holding the REWIND key. Now press PLAY to
listen to your recording.
A good way to start is to follow the Quick guide
printed on the plastic overlay that comes with your
Hardware Overview
1 Hardware - Overview
1.1 Power On/Off
To power on your OP-1, slide the white power switch
located on the right side of the device towards you.
The display will light up and the OP-1 loads necessary
system data.
To power off, slide the power switch away from you.
Data is always stored on-the-fly, so you don’t have to
worry about saving your sound or recordings.
Everything will still be there the next time you power
on your OP-1 exactly the same as when you left it.
NOTE: To adjust the input level press SHIFT + Mic
key. To adjust the output level, turn the volume knob
or set the master L/R level output located in mixer T4.
1.4 OP-1 Side view
For strap
3.5 mm
Audio Out / Headphones
3.5 mm
Audio In
NOTE: The more samples or other data you store on
your OP-1, the longer the start-up process will be. It’s
a good habit both for start-up time and for safety to
back-up and clear your OP-1 occasionally.
1.2 Charging the Battery
The first thing you should do is to connect your OP-1
to a computer (or optional charger) via the USB port
located on the right side of the unit. Make sure to
keep your OP-1 connected until you have fully
charged the internal battery. This will be indicated by
the same LEDs used for the VU meter.
To check the battery level, press the Help key. The
LEDs will light up to indicate the level. Five lit LEDs is
equal to a fully charged battery.
1.3 In and Outputs
OP-1 has three ports located on the right hand side of
the unit.
USB for Charging the
battery, for transferring
files and for MIDI
Power switch
For strap
If you turn your OP-1 upside down, you will find
symbols and braille text that indicates I/O location.
• Audio in/Line in
• Audio out for headphones/line out
• USB port for charging, transferring files and MIDI
2 Layout
2.1 Keys & knobs
The layout of the OP-1 is divided into different groups
for easy reading and intuitive workflow.
Turn the Volume
knob to set the
master volume.
SpeakerVolumeDisplayColor Coded Encoders
Main ModesHelpTempo
Sound 1 - 8 / Tape tricks
T1 - T4
The four color encoders are related to
the graphical interface on the display.
A green graphical element or text hints
that the green encoder will change its
value or position.
Mic / Input
Album / Com
Ta pe ed i ts
Ta pe
ShiftRewind / Forward
Octave shift +/Step Forward / Back
2.2 LEDs
On the right side of your OP-1 you find the built in
Microphone and VU/Battery LEDs
Built in
Musical Keyboard
3 Musical Keyboard
3.1 Playing a Sound
Press any key on the musical keyboard and you
should instantly hear a sound. If it is silent, turn
up the master volume located next to the speaker,
or press the Synthesizer or Drum key.
Musical Keyboard
PRO-TIP: Press and hold HELP
while playing the musical keyboard
to let your OP-1 display the current
3.2 Octave shift
Use the Arrow keys to transpose
octave while in Synthesizer or
Drum mode.
NOTE: Before you start creating your first
masterpiece, read this manual carefully to avoid
deleting or over-recording your work.
4 Main Modes
4.1 The Four Main Modes
Main Modes
4.3 Main Modes Screen examples
Your OP-1 is designed to be easy to use, so the most
important functions are located on the first keys to
the left on the upper row. The four keys are grouped
together and are called Main Modes.
The four main modes are: Synthesizer, Drum, Tape
and Mixer. Each key has a dedicated symbol and
color to make it easy to navigate through the different
screens and to find the appropriate key related to the
currently active mode.
Example: All keys with orange symbols are related to
the Tape because the tape symbol is orange.
4.2 Using SHIFT + any Main mode key
By pressing SHIFT + a Mode key you invoke special
settings or functions for that mode. For Synthesizer
and Drum you undo edits and tweaks that you made
to the sound. For SHIFT + Tape you enter the Tape
erase function.
Synthesizer using String Engine.
Drum using a sample
SHIFT + Mixer takes you to the Signal Flow screen
Synthesizer Mode
5 Synthesizer Mode
5.1 Synthesizer Mode – Introduction
OP-1 has several original synthesizer engines. Each
one has its own personality. When in Synthesizer
Mode, the synthesizer engine’s visual is always
located under T1 and is also the first screen that will
show up when you change or select a sound.
Each sound is built up from four modules located
under the T1, T2, T3 and T4 keys, lined up under the
NOTE: The T1-T4 are soft keys,
which means that in Synthesizer
and Drum mode they function as
described here. In Tape mode they
are track keys T1-T4 and in Mixer
Mode they are Mixer (T1), EQ (T2),
Master Effect (T3) and Master Out/
Drive (T4).
To enter Synthesizer Mode, press the key with the
blue wave symbol on it. This enables both T1-T4 and
sound selection keys 1-8.
When you have pressed the Synthesizer key, first
select a sound from 1-8 with the Sound keys:
5.2 Synthesizer Engines
The first module of a sound is its engine. This is the
heart of the sound and is the most important part.
It is possible to change an engine of a sound but
keep the Envelope, the Effect and the LFO or G- force
To do this, first select the Sound you want to change.
Then use the T1 to T4 keys to select a specific
To change the Engine press SHIFT + T1.
This opens the Browser screen, with the list
of possible Engine choices:
FM – Frequency Modulation synthesis made easy.
This is the type of engine that is found in the classic
DX7 synthesizer.
Cluster – Up to six oscillators chained in a cluster.
Dr Wave – Raw 8-bit style engine.
Digital – Pure digital raw engine.
String – Physical modeling of a string instrument.
Pulse – Square wave engine.
Phase – Phase distortion type engine.
Use the Blue encoder to scroll through the list and
press T1 when your choice is highlighted to exit.
More details on the different Synthesizer engines and
their parameters are available in the Reference
Here follows a description of how a Sound is built up.
For an in-depth description of all individual
Synthesizer engines, the Envelope, Effects and LFO,
please refer to the Reference chapter.
Synthesizer Mode
5.3 Envelope
To shape the envelope, press the T2 key.
The envelope controls the amplification of a
sound and is triggered when a note is
played. You can control the attack, decay,
sustain and release. This is called an ADSR
Use the four color encoders to shape the Envelope.
5.5 Synthesizer Effect
To add an effect to a sound, press the T3
key. You may toggle an effect on and off by
pressing the T3 key a second time.
To change effect, press SHIFT + T3. This enters the
effect browser screen. Use the Blue encoder to scroll
through the list and press T2 to make your selection.
5.6 Synthesizer LFO
The LFO lets you modulate any Synthesizer Engine,
Envelope or Effect parameter.
Blue – Attack, Green – Decay. White – Sustain.
Orange – Release
This will be indicated by a color change in the
graphical interface as soon as an encoder is turned.
5.4 Play Mode
To enter Play mode press SHIFT while you are in the
Envelope screen which is located under the T2 key. In
play mode, you can select if you want your sound to
be Polyphonic, Monophonic, Legato or Unison.
In play mode, you also have the portamento
parameter setting.
To add an LFO to a sound, press the T4 key.
You may toggle an LFO on and off by
pressing the T4 key a second time.
To change LFO, press SHIFT + T4. This opens a
browser screen, with the list of possible LFOs:
BEND – Lets you use the Bender accessory.
CRANK – Lets you use the Crank accessory.
ELEMENT – Lets you use external elements like the
built in Microphone, Line in, G-force sensor or FM
Radio to modulate a sound. Select the element,
amount, destination and the destination parameter.
MIDI – Route external MIDI CC to the OP-1.
RANDOM – randomize all parameters in a module.
Set the speed, amount, LFO envelope and destination
TREMOLO – Lets you create different types of vibrato
effects to your sound by modulating the pitch and
volume. Set speed, pitch amount, volume amount
and LFO envelope curve. The envelope curve applies
an attack or decay curve to the speed of the LFO.
VALUE – Use this classic LFO type to change one
parameter only. Set amount, speed, destination and
Synthesizer Mode
NOTE: Turn the ENCODERS all the way for all options
under, for example, destination. The encoders click
when turned, which doesn’t equal changing a value.
Sometimes you need to turn a couple of clicks to
change a value.
As described earlier the Element LFO uses different
external elements to control any parameter of a
Synthesizer engine, Envelope or Effect. Use the Blue
encoder to select your source. The options are:
5.7 Changing Sounds
Consider sound selection keys 1-8 as your instant
access keys. To change any of the sound 1-8 presets,
press SHIFT + any key from 1 to 8 and a list of all
available sound presets is shown. Select a preset by
turning the Blue encoder for Engine type and Green
Encoder for Preset choices.
NOTE: The difference between changing just a
Synthesizer Engine (SHIFT + T1) and a Sound (SHIFT
+ 1-8) is that the later changes all four T1- T4
G-force is pretty straightforward, you don’t need to
make any further settings. When selecting option
Mic/Line/Radio, you need to select the input source.
Press SHIFT + Input key to select input and to adjust
the gain. If Radio is selected here you may tune in to
a radio station for satisfactory results.
For more information about LFOs please refer to the
LFO reference section of this manual.
5.8 Saving a Sound
To save a sound, you have two options:
DUMP TO TAPE – Use the LIFT key while in
Synthesizer or Drum mode. Then switch to Tape,
locate empty space on the tape and press the
DROP key. The sound will now be converted to
sound-data. To recall a sound that was dumped to
Tape, press LIFT, switch to Synthesizer or Drum and
press DROP.
SAVE SOUND 1-8 – Tweak your sound on any of
the sound slots from 1-8. Hold the sound key for
five seconds. Sounds 1-8 are located in the
SNAPSHOT folder located inside the Synth and
Drum folders. Via USB, you may drag the sound
you want to your desktop and rename it, or rename
the sound inside the folder. Keep in mind that you
may use names with a maximum of ten characters.
Avoid uncommon symbols.
PRO-TIP: You may create your own folder and place it
in either Synth or Drum folder to organize your files.
5.9 Sound File structure
The OP-1‘s storage allows you to add files for use for
Synth and Drum sounds. It also lets you collect those
files you have recorded in Tape and Album for use
elsewhere. You may also manage your own presets,
those which you have made in synth and saved.
These are stored in the “snapshot” folders for Synth
and Drum presets respectively, and default to a name
containing their date of creation. Feel free to rename
these, limiting the name to ten common characters.
When you connect your OP-1 to your computer and
press SHIFT + COM key and select DISK mode the
OP-1 shows up on your desktop:
Synthesizer Mode
Double click the disk icon to reveal the internal OP-1
files. All Sounds, Album recordings, Tape Tracks and
snapshots show up as .aif files.
NOTE: Sound presets use a special OP-1 version of
the .aif format, which includes BOTH a sound
preview and synthesizer data. In other words, the
OP-1 synthesizer engines are not sample based but
modeled sounds.
Drum Mode
6 Drum Mode
6.1 Drum Mode – Introduction
The Drum Mode - entered by
pressing the key with the green
drum symbol - is similar to the
synthesizer mode. The difference is
it’s use for shorter drum/
percussion sounds. Sounds can
be loaded either into the Drum
engine (DRUM), or made using a drum synth (DBOX).
As with Synthesizer mode, pressing the Drum key
enables both T1-T4 and Sound selection keys 1-8.
When you have pressed the Drum key, first select a
sound (drum-kit) from 1-8 with the Sound keys.
Then use T1-T4 keys to shape the sound:
The basic concept here is to record all drums in a row
and keep that recording to 12 seconds. Then set in
and out points of that recording and dedicate it to a
certain key on the musical keyboard.
6.3 Laying out a Drum Kit
To layout a Drum Kit, press any key on the musical
keyboard and start to set the In point of the sound.
This can be anywhere on the sample. Then set the
Out point and hit the same key on the musical
keyboard. You should now hear the part of the
sampling you have dedicated to that key. The tools
The difference compared to the Synthesizer sampler
engine is that the Drum sampler has 12 seconds of
recording time (vs. 6 seconds in the Synthesizer
sampler) and has a layout function which lets you lay
out parts of the sample to dedicated keys on the
musical keyboard (compared to different pitch of the
sound when playing the musical keyboard using the
Synthesizer sampler).
Set the in point by turning the Green
Press SHIFT and turn the Green encoder
to fine tune the position of the in point.
Set the out point by turning the White
Press SHIFT and turn the White encoder
to fine tune the position of the out point.
Turn the Orange encoder to set the play
mode of a part.
Press SHIFT and turn the Orange
encoder to set the volume level of a part.
NOTE: Remember to always select the key on the
musical keyboard where you want to change sound.
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