Dennis Kirk provides instructions to help our customers better understand how to install the
products we sell. The instructions are exact copies of what the manufacturer includes with the
product being sold.
That means the quality and accuracy of the instructions is solely dependent on what the
manufacturer produces. We do our best to make the text legible and the pictures viewable.
However, the end result depends largely on the quality of instructions the manufacturer
Therefore, you will find that some instructions are not of the highest quality. Sometimes text is
hard to read and pictures are not easy to see. At times you will find the overall look of the
instructions to be less than professional. However, we feel it is better to provide what we have
rather than provide nothing at all.
To the best of our knowledge the instructions and application information contained in the
instructions is accurate. However, Dennis Kirk assumes no liability related to any errors that
may be contained in the copy of the manufacturer’s instructions we provide. Buyers are solely
responsible to insure that product use is consistent with their application.
If you have any questions please contact us at
800-969-7501 so we can further assist you regarding additional product information or any other
business related questions.
Thank you for doing business with Dennis Kirk.
MODEL : TM220 / TM221
AC : 100 – 240VAC
DC : 2.8A 12V
0.90A @ 100Vac / 0.40A @ 240Vac
IMPORTANT: Read completely
before charging
1 x 12V
7.5 - 120Ah (48 hour charge)
Automatic charger for 12V lead/acid batteries