Import ant safety i nformation...............................................1
Introduc tion..........................................................................2
Unpackin g.............................................................................2
Controls an d connectors.......................................................3
AC mains opera tion...............................................................4
Batter y ope ration ..................................................................4
Batter y disposal....................................................................4
Getti ng sta rte d......................................................................4
DAB operatio n.......................................................................5
FM operatio n.........................................................................6
Time and date f unctions.......................................................7
Alarm func tions....................................................................8
General op eration.................................................................8
Headphone s..........................................................................8
Care and main tenance..........................................................8
Specic ations........................................................................9
DAB (Digital Audio Br oadcasting) technology allows many
more radio st ations compared to FM. DAB transmis sions do
away with probl ems of hiss and fade that plague AM and
FM broadcas ts and are less likely to be aec ted by adverse
weather condit ions or other sources of inter ference.
In addition to sp eech and music DAB transmissions c arry
high levels of data - f ar greater than the limited RDS
information available on FM stations.
Unlike FM, DAB is broadcast on many fre quencies.
Many countrie s in Europe, including the UK use Band III
(174-240 MHz); others, France fo r example, use the L-Band
(1452-1492 MHz). Germany uses both ban ds.
Your radio can tune Ba nd III. Countries in Europe that u se
Band III include: Belgium, Denmar k, Holland, Italy, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzer land. Your radi o will tune
stations in a ll these countries.
Your radio cannot receive French or Ger man stations
broadcas ting in the L-Band though FM ser vices are
available all over Euro pe.
Being digital, DAB transmissions c an have a wider
frequency range and greater dy namics than that available
with FM technol ogy.
FM reception is avai lable on the DAB1101ST for use in those
locations w here there is no usable DAB ser vice.
Check how many stations you can get in your area by
texting DAB and your postcod e to 88600# or nd out whic h
stations on t he website at: getdigitalradio.com
A headphone ou tput is provided for per sonal listening.
Carefull y unpack the unit. If it is damage d, please return it
to your neares t Tesco store f or replacement. Remember to
take your purcha se receipt with you.
Retain the Use r Handbook. If you pass the uni t on to a third
part y make sure you pass on the handbook .
We suggest you retain the pack aging. If you dispose of it,
do so having regard to any recyc ling regulations in your
The carton should contain:
• The DAB1101ST digital ra dio
• Power adaptor
• Operating Manual
If any items are missing or damaged, contact your n earest
TESCO store fo r a replacement. Have your receipt rea dy
when you call. Retain the pack aging. If you dispose of it, do
so having regar d to any recycling regulatio ns in your area.
Place the unit on a dr y stable surface aw ay from h eat and
damp and where it i s unlikely to fall or be knocked over.