Technics SL1200, SL1210, SL120, SL 1700, SL1500 User Manual

Fitting The Wand Tonearm® to a Technics SL1200 family turntable
To be read in conjunction with The Wand User Guide. Thanks to Andy & Hans for photos of their turntables.
Technics Models Step 1; Remove existing arm mount
SL1200 / SL1210 / SL120 (Mk1 or Mk2) If your armboard uses four screws, omit Steps 2&3
SL1500 / SL 1700 may also be ok but check. eg: SL120 below,
Your model may be different from shown here.
check the Internet for removal instructions. (Including YouTube)
Step 2; Place turntable upside down on cushion Step 3; Remove plastic chassis and remove rubber cover
Hint; Leave the screws in place as they are different lengths
Step 3; Add boss & spindle to mounting plate
NOTE; The small diameter faces down (View from below)
Step 4; Set arm height. Do this before bolting plate down (easier access). Then tighten nut.
©January 2014 design build listen Ltd. v2
-Arm at +2 degrees
-Arm level (nominal)
Note; We suggest starting with the arm level. Later adjust upwards by ear. Up to 2 degrees up may be good. This exact
height depends on many factors. (See; P29 “SRA, VTA & My
Sonic Lab” by Michael Fremer Stereophile June 2010)
Hint; For the Classic model the locking nut can be above or below the boss. Above is more convenient but limits vertical height adjustment. Below gives slightly more space to adjust the arm.
Fitting The Wand Tonearm® to a Technics SL1200 family turntable
(SL1200 / SL1210 / SL120 / SL1500 etc) To be read in conjunction with The Wand User Guide. (Thanks to Andy & Hans for photos of their turntables)
Step 5: Screw mounting plate to turntable Step 6; Add the earthing cable (This may not be needed if your Technics is earthed)
Step 7; Position the spindle sideways using Step 8; Replace the bottom covers. protractor (& tighten screws)
Step 9; Add the arm rest (Wand Plus shown here) Step 10; Revert to The Wand User Guide Step 11; Enjoy!
©January 2014 design build listen Ltd. v2
I have really been enjoying the extra detail and just sheer get up and go that it provides,
Andy, Timaru, New Zealand