Technics MT5634SMI-34, MT5634SMI-92 User Manual

Embedded Data/Fax Global Modem
MT5634SMI-34 MT5634SMI-92
Serial Build
Parallel Build
Medical Device Build
Industrial Temperature Build
Developer’s Guide
SocketModem Developer’s Guide Serial: MT5634SMI-34, MT5634SMI-92 Parallel: MT5634SMI-P-92 Medical Device: MT5634SMI-HV-92, MT5634SMI-P-HV-92 Industrial Temperature: MT5634SMI-ITP-92, MT5634SMI-P-ITP-92
PN S000263B, Version B
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2003, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
Revision Level Date Description
A 08/09/02 First release. Includes global configuration and V.92 protocol. B 06/19/03 Add V.34 documentation.
Trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. are SocketModem and the Multi-Tech logo. Microsoft and Microsoft Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
World Headquarters
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 2205 Woodale Drive Mounds View, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 763-785-3500 or 800-328-9717 Fax: 763-785-9874
Technical Support Country By Email By Phone
France: (33) 1-64 61 09 81 India: 91 (124) 6340778 U.K.: (44) 118 959 7774 U.S. and Canada: (800) 972-2439 Rest of the World: (763) 717-5863
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications ..............................................................................6
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................6
Product Description.................................................................................................................................... 6
Features Matrix ..........................................................................................................................................7
Technical Specifications and Features ......................................................................................................8
Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................................10
Physical Dimensions – All Models ...........................................................................................................10
Pin Configurations.................................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 – Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................................................14
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................14
I/O Electrical Characteristics.................................................................................................................... 14
5V Serial – Standard (SMI) and Medical Device (SMI-HV) Build Options ..........................................14
3.3V Serial – Industrial Temperature (SMI-ITP) Build Option .............................................................14
5V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Medical Device (SMI-HV) Build Options .......................................14
3.3V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Industrial Temperature (SMI-ITP) Build Options........................15
Timing Requirements............................................................................................................................... 15
Timing Requirements for Parallel Write .............................................................................................. 15
Timing Requirements for Parallel Read ..............................................................................................15
Handling Precautions............................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description ....................................16
SocketModem Parallel Interface Internal Registers ................................................................................16
SocketModem MIMIC (MMM) Operation .................................................................................................16
Time Out Interrupts ..................................................................................................................................18
Register Functional Descriptions .............................................................................................................18
Internal Registers..................................................................................................................................... 18
SCR Scratch ............................................................................................................................................22
DLL Divisor Latch (LSByte)...................................................................................................................... 22
DLM Divisor Latch (MSByte)....................................................................................................................22
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes ...............................................................23
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................23
AT Command Summary .......................................................................................................................... 23
AT Commands .........................................................................................................................................25
Escape AT Commands ............................................................................................................................34
V.92 Commands ......................................................................................................................................35
S-Registers ..............................................................................................................................................40
Result Codes ...........................................................................................................................................42
Chapter 6 - Voice Commands ..................................................................................................................44
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................44
Voice S-Register Summary......................................................................................................................45
Voice Commands..................................................................................................................................... 45
Commands That Change for Voice Mode Support.................................................................................. 45
Voice +V Commands Summary............................................................................................................... 46
Voice +V Commands Detail.....................................................................................................................46
Interface Configuration Commands......................................................................................................... 57
Flow Control............................................................................................................................................. 58
Voice Mode Result Codes .......................................................................................................................58
Unsolicited Voice Mode Result Codes..................................................................................................... 59
Valid Complex Event Report Tags ......................................................................................................59
Voice Mode Shielded Codes....................................................................................................................60
Sample Sessions .....................................................................................................................................62
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 3
Sample Rate Selection and Suggested Compression Method ...........................................................62
Answer Phone, Play Greeting Message, and Record Message Example.......................................... 63
DTE/DCE Interface Rates........................................................................................................................ 65
Related Manuals ......................................................................................................................................65
Additional Information ..............................................................................................................................65
Chapter 7 – Fax Commands.................................................................................................................... 66
Chapter 8 - Remote Configuration and Country Code Configuration .................................................67
Remote Configuration ..............................................................................................................................67
Basic Procedure ..................................................................................................................................67
Setup ...................................................................................................................................................67
Country Code Configuration ....................................................................................................................68
Using the Global Wizard Utility............................................................................................................ 68
Using AT Commands .......................................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 9 – Firmware Upgrade Procedure............................................................................................. 69
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................69
Flash Upgrade Firmware..................................................................................................................... 69
Multi-Tech’s Flash Programming Protocol ..........................................................................................69
Upgrade Overview ...................................................................................................................................69
Upgrade Steps .........................................................................................................................................69
Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware .................................................................................................69
Step 2: Identify the Current Version of the Firmware.......................................................................... 70
Step 3: Download the Upgrade File ....................................................................................................70
Step 4: Install the Flash Wizard...........................................................................................................70
Step 5: Extract the Firmware Upgrade (.Hex) Files ............................................................................70
Step 6: Document Your Stored Parameters........................................................................................70
Step 7: Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware ............................................................................................71
Using the Flash Wizard .......................................................................................................................71
Step 8: Restore Your Parameters .......................................................................................................71
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Flash Programming Protocol........................................................................... 72
1. Programming the Modem................................................................................................................72
2. Other Supported Boot Code Commands ........................................................................................73
3. Other Programming Concerns....................................................................................................73
Intel Hex Format.................................................................................................................................. 74
Appendix A – Mechanical Details ............................................................................................................76
Serial Test/Demo Board Components .....................................................................................................76
5V / 3.3V Jumper – JP1 ...........................................................................................................................77
Serial Test/Demo Board Block Diagram ..................................................................................................77
Parallel Test/Demo Board Components .................................................................................................78
Parallel Test/Demo Board Block Diagram ...............................................................................................79
Appendix B - Product Approvals, Design Considerations, and Regulatory Information.................. 80
Safety and EMC Approvals...................................................................................................................... 80
Telecom Approvals ..................................................................................................................................80
Regulatory Design Considerations ..........................................................................................................81
Hardware Considerations ........................................................................................................................81
Safety....................................................................................................................................................... 82
5V Tolerant Inputs for 3.3V Modules .......................................................................................................83
FCC Part 15 Regulation........................................................................................................................... 84
FCC Part 68 Telecom ..............................................................................................................................85
Telecom Labeling Requirements .............................................................................................................85
From FCC PART 68 Subpart D – Conditions for Registration.................................................................86
Fax Branding Statement ..........................................................................................................................87
Canadian Limitations Notice ....................................................................................................................87
Industry Canada CS-03 ........................................................................................................................... 88
International Modem Restrictions ............................................................................................................88
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 4
EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance.....................................................................................88
New Zealand Telecom Warning Notice ...................................................................................................89
South African Notice ................................................................................................................................ 89
Appendix C – Country Configuration and Result Codes ......................................................................90
Index........................................................................................................................................................... 95
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 5
Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications
Chapter 1 – Product Description and


Multi-Tech’s SocketModem creates communication-ready devices by integrating data/fax/voice functionality into a single product design. The SocketModem is a space-efficient (1" × 2.5"), embedded modem that provides V.92/56K communication. The complete, ready-to-integrate modem dramatically reduces development time and costs for system designers. The SocketModem complies with global Telecom requirements, can be shipped worldwide, and is globally configurable.
This guide provides the hardware, software, testing and troubleshooting information needed to effectively integrate the SocketModem into your equipment. It also provides:
· commands a developer can use to configure and control a data/fax/voice modem and
· result codes the modem issues in response to the commands.
Fax Commands Documents
Two separate fax command documents along with an informational fax document are available on CD and from Multi-Tech. They are also available on the Multi-Tech Web site, or you can contact OEM Sales at: (800) 972-2439.

Product Description

The MT5634SMI SocketModem is used for integrating data and fax communications:
· It is a single-port modem, which integrates the controller, DSP, and DAA in a 1" x 2.5" form factor and communicates to a host controller via an asynchronous serial interface
· It is available with an 8-bit parallel interface.
· It supports the ITU-T V.92 protocol.
Two SocketModem kits are available, one for serial and the other for parallel. The serial kit allows you to plug in the SocketModem and use it as a serial modem for testing, programming, and evaluation. The parallel kit turns the parallel module into an ISA modem. Each kit includes one development board with an RS-232 DB-25 connector, wall power adapter, RJ-11 jack, and RS-232 cable.
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Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications

Features Matrix

Parallel Interface (16C550)
v.92/56K Max. Data Speed
Model Build Option
MT5634SMI MT5634SMI-92 X X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-P-92 X X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-HV-92 X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-P-HV-92 X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-IT-92 X X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-P-IT-92 X X X X X X X X X
MT5634SMI-34 X X X
Serial Interface
V.34/33.6K Max. Data Speed
V.17 Fax Class 1, 1.0, and
Class 2
Fax Class 2.0 and 2.1
V.42 Error Correction
V.42bis Data Compression
DTMF Detection
Distinctive Ring
Voice Record and Playback
Note: SMI-92 indicates a serial build.
SMI-P-92 indicates a parallel V.92 build. SMI-HV-92 indicates a serial V.92 high voltage medical device build. SMI-P-HV-92 indicates a parallel V.92 high voltage medical build. SMI-IT-92 indicates a serial V.92 industrial temperature build. SMI-P-IT-92 indicates a parallel V.92 industrial temperature build. SMI-34 indicates a serial V.34 build.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 7
Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications

Technical Specifications and Features

The SocketModem meets the following specifications:
Client-to-Server Data Rates
Client-to-Client Data Rates
Fax Data Rates
Data Format
Data Compatibility
Fax Compatibility
Voice Compatibility
Error Correction
Data Compression
Serial Speeds
Modes of Operation
Supports V.92 and V.90 data rates
33,600; 31,200; 28,800; 26,400; 24,000; 21,600; 19,200; 16,800; 14,400; 12,000; 9600; 7200; 4800; 2400; 1200; 0-300 bps
33,600; 31,200; 28,800; 26,400; 24,000; 21,600; 19,200; 16,800; 14,400; 12,000; 9600; 7200; 4800; 2400; 1200; 0-300 bps
Serial, binary, asynchronous (available with parallel interface)
V.92, V.34 enhanced, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22; Bell 212A and 103/113, V.21 & V.23
ITU-T “Super” Group 3; Class 1.0, 2.0, 2.1; Group 3, Class 1 and 2, T.4, T.30, V.21, V.27ter, V.29, V.34, V.17, and TIA/EIA TR29.2
IS-101 AT+V commands (no CODEC for speakers/microphone interface)
V.42 (LAP-M or MNP 3–4)
ITU-T V.44 (6:1 throughput); V.42bis (4:1 throughput); MNP 5 (2:1 throughput)
Serial port data rates adjustable to 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200, and 230,400 bps
Fax online modes; full duplex over dial-up lines; data mode, command mode, and online command mode, V.54 test mode
Flow Control
Command Buffer
Transmit Level
Frequency Stability
Receiver Sensitivity
AGC Dynamic Range
DAA Isolation
XON/XOFF (software), RTS/CTS (hardware)
60 characters
–11 dBm (varies by country setting)
–43 dBm under worst-case conditions
43 dB
TTL serial or 8-bit parallel interface
Local analog loop, local digital loop, remote digital loop
0.02 Kg. (0.04 lb.)
1.045" × 2.541" × 0.680" (2.7 x 6.5 x 1.8 cm)
1500 Vac
MT5634SMI-HV-92 (High Voltage {5V Medical Device} Build Option)
3000 Vac
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 8
Chapter 1 – Product Description and Specifications
Power Consumption
Operating Voltage
Operational Temperature Range
Storage Temperature
Typical: 245 mA (1.25 W @ 5V DC) Standby or Sleep Mode: 148mA Maximum: 420 mA (2.1 W @ 5.25V DC)
MT5634SMI-IT-92 (Industrial Temperature {3.3V} Build Option)
Typical: 180 mA (0.59 W @ 3.3V DC) Standby or Sleep Mode: 88mA Maximum: 290 mA (1.04 W @ 3.6V DC)
5V DC +/- 5% Absolute Maximum Supply Voltage: 6V DC
MT5634SMI-IT-92 (Industrial Temperature {3.3V} Build Option)
3.3V DC, 180mA Absolute Maximum Supply Voltage: 3.6V DC
0–+70° C ambient under closed conditions; humidity range 20–90% (non-condensing)
MT5634SMI-IT-92 (Industrial Temperature {3.3V} Build Option)
-40–+85° C ambient under closed conditions; humidity range 20–90% (non-condensing)
-50–+100° C
No cleaning/washing due to the manufacturing process used to produce this product
Intelligent Features
fully AT command compatible leased line operation sleep mode autodial, redial pulse or tone dial dial pauses auto answer adaptive line probing automatic symbol and carrier frequency during start-up, retrain, and rate renegotiations DTMF detection call status display, auto-parity and data rate selections keyboard-controlled modem options on-screen displays for modem option parameters remote configuration DTR dialing phone number storage flash memory for firmware updates NVRAM storage for user-defined parameters
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 9

Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications

Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications

Physical Dimensions – All Models

Figure 2–1. Maximum Component Height
CAUTION: If any component(s) is placed under the SocketModem or if any component(s) should extend to the
point where part of it is under the SocketModem, the component(s) must NOT exceed .060 inches in height.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 10
Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications

Pin Configurations

The MT5634SMI SocketModem uses a 20-pin interface to provide an on-board DAA with tip and ring connections, audio circuit for call-progress monitoring, LED driver for call status annunciation, and serial interface.
Figure 2–2. Serial SocketModems Pins
Pin Descriptions for Serial SocketModem Devices
Pin # Signal Name I/O Type Description
26 DGND 33 –RTS I 34 –RXD O
35 –TXD I
36 –RI O
37 –DSR O
38 –CTS O
Digital Ground Request to Send. RTS signal is used for hardware flow control. Received Data. The modem uses the RXD line to send data received from
the telephone line to the DTE and to send modem responses to the DTE. During command mode, –RXD data presents the modem responses to the DTE. Modem responses take priority over incoming data when the two signals are in competition for –RXD. When no data is transmitted, the signal is held in mark condition. Transmitted Data. The DTE uses the –TXD line to send data to the modem for transmission over the telephone line or to transmit commands to the modem. The DTE should hold this circuit in the mark state when no data is being transmitted or during intervals between characters. Ring Indicate. –RI output ON (low) indicates the presence of an ON segment of a ring signal on the telephone line. The modem will no go off-hook when –RI is active; the modem waits for –RI to go inactive before going off-hook. Data Set Ready. –DSR indicates modem status to the DTE. –DSR OFF (high) indicates that the DTE is to disregard all signals appearing on the interchange circuits except Ring Indicator (–RI). It reflects the status of the local data set and does not indicate an actual link with any remote data equipment. Clear To Send. –CTS is controlled by the modem to indicate whether or not the modem is ready to transmit data. –CTS ON indicates to the DTE that signals presented on TXD will be transmitted to the telephone line. –CTS OFF
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 11
Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications
indicates to the DTE that it should not transfer data across the interface on TXD.
39 –DCD O
40 –DTR I
LED driver outputs are open-drain inverter-driven (74HCT05) lines with 1.5K ohms pull-up resistors. Max output current 25 mA.
1 Tip I/O 2 Ring I/O 24 –RESET I
Data Carrier Detect. –DCD output is ON (low) when a carrier is detected on the telephone line or OFF (high) when carrier is not detected. Data Terminal Ready (Active Low). The –DTR input is turned ON (low) by the DTE when the DTE is ready to transmit or receive data. –DTR ON prepares the modem to be connected to the telephone line, and, once connected, maintains the connection. –DTR OFF places the modem in the disconnect state.
+5V or 3.3V Supply (depends upon model). Analog Ground. Analog ground is tied common with DGND on the
SocketModem. To minimize potential ground noise issues, connect audio circuit return to AGND. Speaker Output. SPKR is a single ended-output. SPKR is tied directly to the CODEC.
Tip Signal from Telco. Ring Signal from Telco. Modem Reset (with weak pull-up). The active low –RESET input resets the
SocketModem logic and returns the AT command set to the original factory defa values or to "stored values" in NVRAM. –RESET is tied to VCC through a 400m time constant circuit for "Power-on-Reset" functionality. The modem is ready to accept commands within 6.5 seconds of power-on or reset. Reset must be asse for 300 ns.
Active High DCD status. Active High RDX status Active High DTR status Active High TXD status
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 12
Chapter 2 – Mechanical Specifications
The MT5634SMI-P (Parallel) SocketModem uses a 22-pin interface to provide an on-board DAA with tip and ring connections, audio circuit for call-progress monitoring, and parallel interface.
Figure 2–3. Parallel SocketModem Pins
Pin Descriptions for a Parallel SocketModem Device
Pin #
1 Tip I/O 2 Ring I/O 24 –RESET I
26 DGND GND 25, 31,34A0, A1,A2I
30 INT O
32 –WR I
33 –RD I
Signal Name
I/O Description
Tip Signal from Telco Ring Signal from Telco Modem Reset (with weak pull-up). The active low –RESET input resets the
SocketModem logic and returns the AT command set to the original factory default values or to "stored values" in NVRAM. The modem is ready to accept commands within 6.5 seconds of power-on or reset. Reset must be asserted for a minimum of 300 ns.
Digital Ground Host Bus Address Lines 0 and 2. During a host read or write operation, A0
through A2 select an internal 16C450 or 16C550-compatible register. The state of the divisor latch access bit (DLAB) affects the selection of certain registers. Host Bus Interrupt. INT output is set high when the receiver error flag, receiver data available, transmitter holding register empty, or modem status interrupt have an active high condition. INT is reset low upon the appropriate interrupt service or master reset operation. Host Bus Write. –WR is an active low, write control input. When –DS is low, –WR low allows the host to write data or control words into a selected modem register. Host Bus Read. –RD is an active low, read control input. When –DS is low, –RD low allows the host to read status information or data from a selected modem register.
Host Bus Device Select. –DS input low enables the modem for read or write. +5V or 3.3V Supply (depends upon model). Analog Ground. This is tied common with DGND on the SocketModem. To
minimize potential ground noise issues, connect audio circuit return to AGND. Speaker Output. SPKR is a single ended-output. It is tied directly to the CODEC.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 13

Chapter 3 – Electrical Characteristics

Chapter 3 – Electrical Characteristics


Electrical characteristics for the 5V Serial SocketModem, 3.3V Serial SocketModem, 5V Parallel SocketModem, and the 3.3V Parallel SocketModem are presented in this chapter.

I/O Electrical Characteristics

5V Serial Standard (SMI) and Medical Device (SMI-HV) Build Options
5 Vdc Characteristics (TA = 0 °C to 50 °C; VDD = 5 V ± 0.25 V) VDDMAX = 5.25 V
Digital Inputs
–DTR (40), –TXD (35), –RTS (33), –RESET (24)
Digital Outputs
–DCD (39), –CTS (38), –DSR (37), –RI (36), –RXD (34)
Digital Input Capacitance 5 PF
Input High
Min 3.675 V
Output High
Min. 4 V
Input Low
Max 1.4 V
Output Low
Max 0.4 V
Current Drive
2 ma
3.3V Serial – Industrial Temperature (SMI-ITP) Build Option
3.3 Vdc Characteristics (TA = -40 °C to 85 °C; VDD = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V) VDDMAX = 3.6 V
Digital Inputs
–DTR (40), –TXD (35), –RTS (33), –RESET (24)
Digital Outputs
–DCD (39), –CTS (38), –DSR (37), –RI (36), –RXD (34)
Digital Input Capacitance 5 PF
Input High
Min 2.52 V
Output High
Min. 2.3 V
Input Low
Max 0.9 V
Output Low
Max 0.4 V
Current Drive
2 ma
5V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Medical Device (SMI-HV) Build Options
5 Vdc Characteristics (TA = 0 °C to 50 °C; VDD = 5 V ± 0.25 V) VDDMAX = 5.25 V
Digital Inputs
–DS (40)
Input High
Min. 3.675 V
Max. 1.4 V
Digital Inputs (hysteresis input buffer)
A0 (31), A1 (25), A2 (34), –WR (32), –RD (33)
Digital Input / Output Output buffer can source 12 mA at 0.4 V
DO (37), D1 (38), D2 (29), D3 (39), D4 (35), D5 (36), D6 (41), D7 (27)
Digital Output
INT (30)
Digital Input Capacitance 5 PF
Input High
Min. 3.675 V
Input High
Min. 3.675 V
Output High
Min. 4 V
Input Low
Max. 1.4 V
Input Low
Max. 1.4 V
Output Low
Max 0.4 V
Current Drive
2 ma
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 14
Chapter 3 – Electrical Characteristics
3.3V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Industrial Temperature (SMI-ITP) Build Options
Electrical characteristics for Parallel MT5634SMI SocketModem devices are presented below.
3.3 Vdc Characteristics (TA = –40 °C to 85 °C; VDD = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V)
VDDMAX = 3.6 V
Digital Inputs
–DS (40)
Digital Inputs (hysteresis input buffer)
A0 (31), A1 (25), A2 (34), –WR (32), –RD (33)
Digital Input/Output Output buffer can source 12 mA at 0.4 V
DO (37), D1 (38), D2 (29), D3 (39), D4 (35), D5 (36), D6 (41), D7 (27)
Digital Output
INT (30)
Digital Input Capacitance 5 PF
Input High
Min 2.52 V
Input High
Min 2.52 V
Input High
Min 2.52 V
Output High
Min 2.3 V
Input Low
Max 0.9 V
Input Low
Max 0.9 V
Input Low
Max 0.9 V
Output Low
Max 0.4 V

Timing Requirements

Timing Requirements for Parallel Write

Parameter Min Max Unit
–DS to –WR Setup (low to low) 10 - ns A0, A1, A2 to –WR Setup (valid to low) 15 - ns –WR Pulse Width (low to high) 40 - ns D0–D7 to –WR Setup (valid to high) 30 - ns –WR to –DS hold (high to high) 0 - ns –WR to A0–A2 Hold (high to invalid) 0 - ns –WR to D0–D7 Hold (high to invalid) 0 - ns –WR interaccess (high to low)
Non-MIMIC Accesses MIMIC Accesses
10 110
ns ns
Current Drive
2 ma

Timing Requirements for Parallel Read

Parameter Min Max Unit
–DS to –RD Setup (low to low) 10 - ns A0, A1, A2 to –RD Setup (valid to low) 15 - ns –RD Pulse Width (low to high) 40 - ns –RD to –DS hold (high to high) 0 - ns –RD to A0–A2 Hold (high to invalid) 0 - ns –WR interaccess (high to low)
Non-MIMIC Accesses MIMIC Accesses
10 110
ns ns

Handling Precautions

All MOS devices must be handled with certain precautions to avoid damage due to the accumulation of static charge. Although input protection circuitry has been incorporated into the devices to minimize the effect of this static buildup, proper precautions should be taken to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge during handling and mounting.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 15
Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description
Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel
Interface – A Programmer’s

SocketModem Parallel Interface Internal Registers

The SocketModem parallel interface is a mimic of a 16C550A UART. It is similar to the MIMIC interface used in the Zilog Z80189. The SocketModem mimic (MMM) takes advantage of this standard interface while replacing the serial to parallel data transfer with a less complicated parallel to parallel data transfer.
The MMM interface controls an 8-bit parallel data transfer which is typically interrupt driven. Interrupts usually indicate one or both of two conditions: (1) the receive (RX) FIFO has either reached a trigger level or time-out condition and needs to be emptied and/or (2) the transmit (TX) FIFO is empty and waiting for more data from the Host. An interrupt can also be triggered by a change in the modem status register (i.e., loss of carrier) or by the occurrence of errors in the line status register (overrun, parity, framing, break detect).
In addition to the receive and transmit FIFOs, there are twelve other control/status registers called the MMM register set which can be accessed through this interface.

SocketModem MIMIC (MMM) Operation

Data flow through MMM is bi-directional. Simultaneously, data can flow from the host through the transmit FIFO to the SocketModem controller, and data can flow from SocketModem controller through the receive FIFO to the Host. In the receive path, 8-bit data is asynchronously received (from the SocketModem controller) by the receive FIFO where it is stored along with associated three error bits. The error bits must arrive (via a SocketModem controller I/O write to MMM shadow line status register) prior to receiving the actual data bits. The error bits are then temporarily stored so they may be written, with associated data bits, to the 11-bit wide RX FIFO.
After every data write, the RX FIFO write pointer is incremented. RX FIFO trigger levels, data ready signal, and time-out counter are checked to see if a Host interrupt needs to be sent. The data ready signal will be activated and MMM sits poised to accept another data word.
We highly recommend the host should read the MMM IIR register to determine the type of interrupt. Then it might check bit 7 of the LSR to see if there are any errors in the data currently residing in the receive FIFO. Finally, it will (1) alternately read a data word through the RX FIFO read pointer and the error bits via the MMM LSR until the FIFO is empty, or (2) read successive data words (knowing there were no errors in the FIFO) until the trigger count is met.
A similar sequence occurs when data flows in the other direction (from host through transmit FIFO), except there is no error bit manipulation/checking involved.
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Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description
FIFO Operation
The 16-byte transmit and receive data FIFOs are enabled by the FIFO Control Register (FCR) bit-0. You can set the receive trigger level via FCR bits 6/7. The receiver FIFO section includes a time-out function to ensure data is delivered to the external host. An interrupt is generated whenever the Receive Holding Register (RHR) has not been read following the loading of a character or the receive trigger level has been reached.
Receive (RX) FIFO
The RX FIFO can be configured to be 16 words deep and 11 bits wide. Each word in the RX FIFO consists of 8 data bits and 3 error bits. The RX block of the MMM contains read and write pointers and status flag circuitry that need only to be presented with data (for input), reset, read/write control signals, and read/write clock signals. The RX block of the MMM internally manages the FIFO register file and pointers, and it provides simultaneous read/write capability (no contention problems).
The RX block of the MMM provides data (for output), FIFO full flag, FIFO empty flag, and an almost full flag which uses an associated predefined trigger level (obtained from the MMM FCR control register) to signal when the trigger level has been met. Four possible trigger levels may be selected by programming bits 6-7 of the FCR control register.
A typical (interrupt driven) write to the RX block is a two-step process. The MMM micro-controller must first write the 3 error bits to a shadow MMM LSR status register. Next, the micro-controller writes the data to the RX FIFO and during this write operation, the 3 error bits are directly loaded from the LSR shadow register into the bits 8­10 of the selected (11 bit-wide) FIFO register. These error bits represent the parity error, framing error, and break interrupt signals associated with each data work transmission into the receive FIFO. When the receive FIFO is read, these error bits are loaded directly into bits 2-4 of the MMM LSR register.
A2 A1 A0 Register Name Register Description Host Access
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
Receive Buffer (RX FIFO) Transmit Holding (TX FIFO) Interrupt Enable Interrupt Identification FIFO Control Line Control Modem Control Line Status Modem Status Scratch pad LSB of Divisor Latch MSB of Divisor Latch Divisor Latch Status/Control
DLAB = 0 R only DLAB = 0 W only DLAB = 0 R/W DLAB = X R only DLAB = X W only DLAB = X R/W DLAB = 0 R/W DLAB = X R only DLAB = X R only DLAB = 0 R/W
DLAB = 1 R/W DLAB = 1 R/W DLAB = 1 R/W DLAB = 1 R/W
Note 1* The General Register set is accessible only when DS is a logic 0. Note 2* The Baud Rate register set is accessible only when DS is a logic 0 and LCR bit-7 is a logic 1.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 17
Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description

Time Out Interrupts

The interrupts are enabled by IER bits 0-3. Care must be taken when handling these interrupts. Following a reset the transmitter interrupt is enabled, the SocketModem will issue an interrupt to indicate that transmit holding register is empty. This interrupt must be serviced prior to continuing operations.
The LSR register provides the current singular highest priority interrupt only. A condition can exist where a higher priority interrupt may mask the lower priority interrupt(s). Only after servicing the higher pending interrupt will the lower priority interrupt(s) be reflected in the status register. Servicing the interrupt without investigating further interrupt conditions can result in data errors. When two interrupt conditions have the same priority, it is important to service these interrupts correctly.
Receive Data Ready and Receive Time Out have the same interrupt priority (when enabled by IER bit-3). The receiver issues an interrupt after the number of characters received have reached the programmed trigger level. In this case the MMM FIFO may hold more characters than the programmed trigger level. Following the removal of a data byte, the user should recheck LSR bit-0 for additional characters. A Receive Time Out will not occur if the receive FIFO is empty. The time out counter is reset at the center of each stop bit received or each time the receive holding register (RHR) is read.

Register Functional Descriptions

The following table delineates the assigned bit functions for the twelve internal registers. The assigned bit functions are more fully defined in the following paragraphs.

Internal Registers

A2 A1 A0 Register
[Default] Note *3
General Register Set: Note 1*
0 0 0 RBR [XX] Bit-7 Bit-6 Bit-5 Bit-4 Bit-3 Bit-2 Bit-1 Bit-0 0 0 0 THR [XX] Bit-7 Bit-6 Bit-5 Bit-4 Bit-3 Bit-2 Bit-1 Bit-0 0 0 1 IER [00] 0 0 0 0 Modem
0 1 0 IIR [XX] FIFO
0 1 0 FCR [00] RX
0 1 1 LCR [00] Divisor
1 0 0 MCR [00] 0 0 0 Loop
1 0 1 LSR [60] RX
1 1 0 MSR [X0] CD RI DSR CTS Delta
1 1 1 SCR [FF] Bit-7 Bit-6 Bit-5 Bit-4 Bit-3 Bit-2 Bit-1 Bit-0
Special Register Set: Note *2
0 0 0 DLL [00] Bit-7 Bit-6 Bit-5 Bit-4 Bit-3 Bit-2 Bit-1 Bit-0 0 0 1 DLM [00] Bit-7 Bit-6 Bit-5 Bit-4 Bit-3 Bit-2 Bit-1 Bit-0
Note 1* The General Register set is accessible only when DS is a logic 0. Note 2* The Baud Rate register set is accessible only when DS is a logic 0 and LCR bit-7 is a logic 1. Note 3* The value between the square brackets represents the register's initialized HEX value, X = N/A.
Trigger (MSB)
latch access (DLAB)
FIFO data error
FIFO enable RX trigger (LSB)
Set break
TX empty THR empty
Receive Status Interrupt
0 0 InterruptIDInterruptIDInterruptIDInterrupt
Detect change in FCR
Stick parity
THR Empty
TX FIFO overrun bit Even parity
back Break interrupt
DMA mode select
Parity enable
INT enable Framing error
0 Word
Transmit Holding Register interrupt
length bit-1
Overrun error
Receive Holding Register interrupt
Pending FIFO enable
Word length bit-0
Receive data ready
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 18
Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description
RBR Receive Buffer (RX FIFO)
All eight bits are used for receive channel data (host read/data in; host write/data out). The three error bits per byte are copied into bits 2, 3, and 4 of the LSR during each host I/O read; therefore, they are available for monitoring on a per-byte basis.
THR Transmit Holding Register (TX FIFO)
All eight bits are used for transmit channel data (host write/data out; host read/data in).
IER Interrupt Enable
Bits 4–7: Reserved and will always read 0. Bits 0-3: Set by host software only and cleared by software control or host reset. Bit 3: Enables modem status IRQ. If bits 0–3 of the MSR are set and this bit is set to 1 (enabled), a host
interrupt is generated.
Bit 2: Enables receive line status IRQ. If bits 1–4 (overrun, parity, framing, break errors) of the LSR are
set and this bit is set to a logic 1, a host interrupt is generated.
Bit 1: Enables transmit holding register IRQ. If bit 5 (transmit holding register empty) of the LSR is set
and this bit is set to a 1, a host interrupt is generated.
Bit 0: Enables received data available IRQ. If bit 0 (data ready) of the LSR is set and this bit is set to a 1,
a host interrupt is generated.
IIR Interrupt Identification (Read Only)
Bits 67: (FIFO enabled bits). These bits will read a 1 if FIFO mode is enabled and the 16450 enable bit is 0
(no force of 16450 mode).
Bits 4–5: Reserved and always read a 0. Bits 1–3: Interrupt ID bits. Bit 0: Interrupt pending. If logic 0 (in default mode), an interrupt is pending.
When the host accesses IIR, the contents of the register are frozen. Any new interrupts will be recorded, but not acknowledged during the IIR access. This requires buffering bits (0–3, 6–7) during IIR reads.
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Priority Interrupt Source Interrupt Reset Control
011HighestOverrun, parity, framing, error
or break detect bits set by SocketModem Controller
0102ndReceived data trigger level RX FIFO drops below trigger
1102ndReceiver time-out with data in
0013rdTX holding register empty Writing to TX holding register
Reading the LSR
level Read RX FIFO
or reading IIR when TX holding register is source of error
0004thMODEM status: CTS, DSR,
Reading the MSR
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Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description
FCR FIFO Control
Bits 6–7: Used to determine RX FIFO trigger levels. Bit 5: Used to detect a change in the FCR. Bit 4: TX FIFO overrun bit. Bit 3: DMA mode select. If bit 3 is a 0, the 16450 mode is enabled which does only single-byte transfers.
When bit 3 is a 1, it enables a multiple byte (FIFO mode) data transfer.
Bit 2: TX FIFO reset. This will cause TX FIFO pointer logic to be reset (any data in TX FIFO will be lost).
This bit is self clearing; however, a shadow bit exists that is cleared only when read by the host, thus allowing the host to monitor a FIFO reset.
Bit 1: RX FIFO reset. This will cause RX FIFO pointer logic to be reset (any data in RX FIFO will be lost).
This bit is self clearing; however, a shadow bit exists that is cleared only when read by the host, thus allowing the host to monitor a FIFO reset.
Bit 0: FIFO enable. The host writes this bit to logic 1 to put the block in FIFO mode. This bit must be a 1
when writing other bits in this register or they will not be programmed. When this bit changes state, any data in the FIFOs or the RBR and THR registers will be lost and any pending interrupts are cleared.
Bit 7 Bit 6 16 Deep FIFO Trigger Levels (# of bytes)
001 014 108 1114
LCR Line Control
Bit 7: Divisor latch access bit. This bit allows the host, access to the divisor latch. Under normal
circumstances, the bit is set to 0 (provides access to the RX and TX FIFOs at address 0). If the bit is set to 1, access to transmitter, receiver, interrupt enable, and modem control registers is disabled. In this case, when an access is made to address 0, the divisor latch least (DLL) significant byte is accessed. Address 1 accesses the most significant byte (DLM). Address 7 accesses the DLX divisor latch register. Address 4 accesses the MCX status/control register.
Bit 6: Used to denote a host-generated set break condition. Bits 0,1,3,4,5: Used only in parity bit generation for the 7 bit data byte case. Bits 0 and 1 are used for word
length select (b0 = 0 and b1 = 1 is used for 7 bit data). Bit 3 is parity enable. Bit 4 is even parity select. Bit 5 is stick parity.
MCR Modem Control
Bits 5–7: Reserved, and will always be 0. Bit 4: Used for loopback. When a 1, bits 0–3 of the MCR are reflected in modem status register (MSR) as
follows: RI <= OUT1, DCD <= OUT2, DSR <= DTR,CTS <= RTS. Emulation of loopback feature of 16550 UART must be done by the host except for the above conditions. Also, when this bit is set, it allows for data loop back. This means the host can write a data word to the TX and immediately read back the same data word from the RX (in a manner similar to the 16550A).
Bit 3: Controls the signal used to 3-state the host interrupt. If 0, then an active-low L33xV output will be
set to 0, and this signal will be used to 3-state the host interrupt output pin.
Bits 0–2: Used during LOOP function. Bit 2: OUT1. Bit 1: Request to Send (RTS). Bit 0: Data terminal ready (DTR).
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Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description
LSR Line Status
Bit 7: Error in RX FIFO. This bit is always set to 1 if at least one data byte in the RX FIFO has an error.
This will clear when there are no more errors in the RX FIFO.
Bit 6: Transmitter empty. This bit is the same as LSR bit 5 (THRE) in MMM Bit 5: Transmitter holding register empty. This bit is set to 1 when either the transmitter holding register
has been read (emptied) by the micro-controller (16450 mode) or the TX FIFO is empty (16550 mode). This bit is set to 0 when either the THR or the TX FIFO becomes not empty in 16450 mode. In 16550 mode, it is set to 0 only after the trigger level has been met since the last occurrence of TX FIFO empty. If the transmitter timer is enabled, a shadow bit exists which delays the timer setting this bit to 1. When reading this bit, the micro-controller will not see the delay. Both shadow and register bits are cleared when the host writes to the THR or TX FIFO in 16450 mode. The trigger level must be reached to clear the bit in 16550 (FIFO) mode.
Bits 24: Used for parity error, framing error, and break detect. These bits are written, indirectly, by the
micro-controller as follows: The bits are first written to the shadow bit locations when the micro­controller write accesses the LSR. When the next character is written to the receive buffer (RBR) or the RX FIFO, the data in the shadow bits is then copied to the RBR (16450 mode) or RX FIFO (16550 mode). In FIFO mode, bits become available to the host when the data byte associated with the bits is next to be read. In FIFO mode, with successive reads of the receiver, the status bits will be set if an error occurs on any byte. Once the micro-controller writes to the RBR or RX FIFO, the shadow bits are auto cleared. The register bits are updated with each host read.
Bit 1: Overrun error. This bit is set if the micro-controller makes a second write to RBR before the host
reads data in the buffer (16450 mode) or with a full RX FIFO (16550 mode). No data will be transferred to the RX FIFO under these circumstances. This bit is reset when the host reads the LSR.
Bit 0: Data ready bit. This bit is set to 1 when received data is available, either in the RX FIFO (16550
mode) or the RBR (16450 mode). This bit is set immediately upon the micro-controller writing data to the RBR or FIFO if the receive timer is not enabled, but it is delayed by the timer interval if the receive timer is enabled. For micro-controller read access, a shadow bit exists so that the micro­controller does not see the delay that the host sees. Both bits are cleared to logic 0 immediately upon reading all data in either RBR or RX FIFO.
MSR Modem Status
Bits 4 through 7 of the MSR can also take on the MCR bits 0 through 3 value when in MCR loop mode (i.e. when MCR b4 = 1). The transfer of bits in loop back has a null modem twist (i.e. MCR b0 goes to MSR b5 and MCR b1goes to MSR b4).
Bit 7: Data carrier detect (DCD) bit. Bit 6: Ring indicator (RI) bit. Bit 5: Data set ready (DSR) bit. Bit 4: Clear to send (CTS) bit. Bit 3: Delta data carrier detect pin. This bit is set to a 1 whenever the data carrier detect bit changes
state. It is reset when the host reads the modem status register.
Bit 2: Trailing edge ring indicator bit. This bit is set to 1 on the falling edge of the ring indicator bit. It is
reset when the host reads the modem status register.
Bit 1: Delta data set ready bit. This bit is set to 1 whenever the data set ready changes state. It is reset
when the host reads the modem status register.
Bit 0: Delta clear to send bit. This bit is a one whenever the clear to send bit changes state. It is reset
when the host reads the modem status register.
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Chapter 4 – SocketModem Parallel Interface – A Programmer’s Description

SCR Scratch

The host programmer uses this register for temporary data storage.

DLL Divisor Latch (LSByte)

This register contains low-order byte for the 16-bit clock divider. It is kept to maintain register set compatibility with the 16C550A interface. However, it is not used for clock generation since MMM does not require the generation of a real baud clock.

DLM Divisor Latch (MSByte)

This register contains high-order byte for the 16-bit clock divider. It is kept to maintain register set compatibility with the 16C550A interface. However, it is not used for clock generation, since MMM does not require the generation of a real baud clock.
Programming the Baud Rate Generator Registers DLM (MSB) and DLL (LSB) provides a user capability for selecting the desired final baud rate. The example in the Table below, shows the selectable baud rates available when using a 1.8432 MHz external clock input.
Baud Rate 16 x Clock Divisor (Decimal) DLM Value (HEX) DLL Value (HEX)
110 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600
1047 384 192 96 48 24 12 6 3 2 1
04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
17 80 C0 60 30 18 0C 06 03 02 01
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 22
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers,
and Result Codes


The AT commands are used to control the operation of your modem. They are called AT commands because the characters AT must precede each command to get the ATtention of the modem.
AT commands can be issued only when the modem is in command mode or online command mode.
· The modem is in command mode whenever it is not connected to another modem.
· The modem is in data mode whenever it is connected to another modem and ready to exchange data.
Online command mode is a temporary state in which you can issue commands to the modem while connected to another modem.
· To put the modem into online command mode from data mode, you must issue an escape sequence (+++) followed immediately by the AT characters and the command, e.g., +++ATH to hang up the modem. To return to data mode from online command mode, you must issue the command ATO.
To send AT commands to the modem you must use a communications program, such as the HyperTerminal applet in Windows 98/95 and NT 4.0, or some other available terminal program. You can issue commands to the modem either directly, by typing them in the terminal window of the communications program, or indirectly, by configuring the operating system or communications program to send the commands automatically. Fortunately, communications programs make daily operation of modems effortless by hiding the commands from the user. Most users, therefore, need to use AT commands only when reconfiguring the modem, e.g., to turn auto answer on or off.
The format for entering an AT command is ATXn, where X is the command and n is the specific value for the command, sometimes called the command parameter. The value is always a number. If the value is zero, you can omit it from the command; thus, AT&W is equivalent to AT&W0. Most commands have a default value, which is the value that is set at the factory. The default values are shown in the “AT Command Summary” (See below).
You must press ENTER (it could be some other key depending on the terminal program) to send the command to the modem. Any time the modem receives a command, it sends a response known as a result code. The most common result codes are OK, ERROR, and the CONNECT messages that the modem sends to the computer when it is connecting to another modem. See a table of valid result codes at the end of this chapter.
You can issue several commands in one line, in what is called a command string. The command string begins with AT and ends when you press ENTER. Spaces to separate the commands are optional; the command interpreter ignores them. The most familiar command string is the initialization string, which is used to configure the modem when it is turned on or reset, or when your communications software calls another modem.

AT Command Summary

Organization of AT Commands on the following pages: 1st, by the initial command character (e.g., &, +, %, etc.) 2nd, alphabetized by the second command character (Except for listing of AT).
Command Description AT
A A/ Bn Ds DS=y En Fn Hn In Mn
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 23
Attention Code Answer Repeat Last Command Communication Standard Setting Dial Dial Stored Telephone Number Echo Command Mode Characters Echo Online Data Characters Hook Control Information Request Monitor Speaker Mode
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Nn On P Qn Sr=n Sr? T Vn Wn Xn Zn &Cn &Dn &En &Fn &Gn &Kn &Ln &Pn &Qn &Sn &Tn &V &Wn &Zy=x \An \Bn \Kn \Nn \Qn \Tn \Vn
-Cn %A %B %Cn %DCn %En %Hn %Rn %Sn $EBn $Dn $MBn $SBn #CBAn #CBDn # CBF? # CBFR # CBIn # CBNy=n # CBPn # CBRy # CBSn #Pn #Sx #S=x +VDR=x, y +++AT<CR> %%%AT<CR> V.92 Commands
Modulation Handshake Return Online to Data Mode Pulse Dialing Result Codes Enable/Disable Set Register Value Read Register Value Tone Dialing Result Code Format Result Code Options Result Code Selection Modem Reset Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Control Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control XON/XOFF Pass-Through Load Factory Settings V.22bis Guard Tone Control Flow Control Selection Leased Line Operation Pulse Dial Make-to-Break Ratio Selection Asynchronous Communications Mode Data Set Ready (DSR) Control Loopback Test (V.54 Test) Commands Display Current Settings Store Current Configuration Store Dialing Command Select Maximum MNP Block Size Transmit Break Break Control Error Correction Mode Selection Flow Control Selection Inactivity Timer Protocol Result Code Data Calling Tone Adaptive Answer Result Code Enable View Numbers in Blacklist Data Compression Control AT Command Control Fallback and Fall Forward Control Direct Connect Enable Cisco Configuration Command Speed Response Asynchronous Word Length DTR Dialing Online BPS Speed Serial Port Baud Rate Callback Attempts Callback Delay Callback Failed Attempts Display Callback Failed Attempts Reset Local Callback Inactivity Timer Store Callback Password Callback Parity Callback Security Reset Callback Enable/Disable Set 11-bit Parity Enter Setup Password Store Setup Password Distinctive Ring Report Escape Sequence Remote Configuration Escape Sequence
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 24
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes

AT Commands

Command: AT Attention Code Values: n/a Description: The attention code precedes all command lines except A/, A: and escape sequences.
Command: ENTER Key Values: n/a Description: Press the ENTER (RETURN) key to execute most commands.
Command: AAnswer Values: n/a Description: Answer call before final ring.
Command: A/ Repeat Last Command Values: n/a Description: Repeat the last command string. Do not precede this command with AT. Do not press E
to execute.
Command: Bn Communication Standard Setting Values: n = 0–3, 15, 16 Default: 0 and 15 Description: B0 Select ITU-T V.22 mode when modem is at 1200 bps.
B1 Select Bell 212A when modem is at 1200 bps. B2 Deselect V.23 reverse channel (same as B3). B3 Deselect V.23 reverse channel (same as B2). B15 Select V.21 when the modem is at 300 bps. B16 Select Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 bps.
Command: Ds Dial Values: s = dial string (phone number and dial modifiers) Default: none Description: Dial telephone number s, where s may up to 40 characters long and include the 0–9, *, #, ,
B, C, and D characters, and the L, P, T, V, W, S, comma (,), semicolon (;), !, @, ^ and $ dial string modifiers.
Dial string modifiers: L Redial last number. (Must be placed immediately after ATD.) P Pulse-dial following numbers in command. T Tone-dial following numbers in command (default). V Switch to speakerphone mode and dial the following number. Use ATH command to
hang up.
W Wait for a new dial tone before continuing to dial. (X2, X4, X5, X6, or X7 must be
, Pause during dialing for time set in register S8. ; Return to command mode after dialing. (Place at end of dial string.) ! Hook flash. Causes the modem to go on-hook for one-half second, then off-hook
@ Wait for quiet answer. Causes modem to wait for a ringback, then 5 seconds of
silence, before processing next part of command. If silence is not detected, the modem returns a NO ANSWER code.
^ Disable data calling tone transmission. $ Detect AT&T call card “bong” tone. The character should follow the phone number and
precede the user’s call card number: ATDT1028806127853500$123456789
Command: DS=y Dial Stored Telephone Number Values: n = 0–2 Default: none Description: Dial a number previously stored in directory number y by the &Zy=x command. Example:
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Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Command: En Echo Command Mode Characters Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: E0 Do not echo keyboard input to the terminal.
E1 Do echo keyboard input to the terminal.
Command: Fn Echo Online Data Characters Values: n = 1 Default: 1
F0 Enable online data character echo. (Not supported.) F1 Disable online data character echo (included for backward compatibility with some
Command: Hn Hook Control Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Description: H0 Go on-hook (hang up).
H1 Go off-hook (make the phone line busy).
Command: In Information Request Values: n = 0–5, 9, 11 Default: None Description: I0 Display default speed and controller firmware version.
I1 Calculate and display ROM checksum (e.g., 12AB). I2 Check ROM and verify the checksum, displaying OK or ERROR. I3 Display default speed and controller firmware version. I4 Display firmware version for data pump (e.g., 94). I5 Display the board ID: software version, hardware version, and country ID I9 Display the country code (e.g., NA Ver. 1). I11 Display diagnostic information for the last modem connection, such as DSP and
firmware version, link type, line speed, serial speed, type of error correction/data compression, number of past retrains, etc.
Command: Mn Monitor Speaker Mode Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 1 Description: M0 Speaker always off.
M1 Speaker on until carrier signal detected. M2 Speaker always on when modem is off-hook. M3 Speaker on until carrier is detected, except while dialing.
Command: Nn Modulation Handshake Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: N0 Modem performs handshake only at communication standard specified by S37 and the
B command.
N1 Modem begins handshake at communication standard specified by S37 and the B
command. During handshake, fallback to a lower speed can occur.
Command: On Return Online to Data Mode Values: 0, 1, 3 Default: None Description: O0 Exit online command mode and return to data mode (see +++AT<CR> escape
sequence ). O1 Issue a retrain and return to online data mode. O3 Issue a rate renegotiation and return to data mode.
Command: P Pulse Dialing Values: P, T Default: T Description: Configures the modem for pulse (non-touch-tone) dialing. Dialed digits are pulsed until a T
command or dial modifier is received.
Command: Qn Result Codes Enable/Disable Values: n = 0 or 1
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Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Default: 0 Description: Q0 Enable result codes.
Q1 Disable result codes. Q2 Returns an OK for backward compatibility with some software.
Command: Sr=n Set Register Value Values: r = S-register number; n varies Default: None Description: Set value of register Sr to value of n, where n is entered in decimal format. E.g., S0=1.
Command: Sr? Read Register Value Values: r = S-register number Default: None Description: Read value of register Sr and display it in 3-digit decimal form. E.g., S2? gives the response
Command: T Tone Dialing Values: P, T Default: T Description: Configures the modem for DTMF (touch-tone) dialing. Dialed digits are tone dialed until a P
command or dial modifier is received.
Command: Vn Result Code Format Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: V0 Displays result codes as digits (terse response).
V1 Displays result codes as words (verbose response).
Command: Wn Result Code Options Values: n = 0, 1, or 2 Default: 2 Description: W0 CONNECT result code reports serial port speed, disables protocol result codes.
W1 CONNECT result code reports serial port speed, enables protocol result codes. W2 CONNECT result code reports line speed, enables protocol result codes.
Command: Xn Result Code Selection Values: n = 0–7 Default: 4 Description: X0 Basic result codes (e.g., CONNECT); does not look for dial tone or busy signal.
X1 Extended result codes (e.g., CONNECT 46000 V42bis); does not look for dial tone or
busy signal.
X2 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE; does not look for busy signal. X3 Extended result codes with BUSY; does not look for dial tone. X4 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and BUSY. X5 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and BUSY. X6 Extended result codes with NO DIALTONE and BUSY. X7 Basic result codes with NO DIALTONE and BUSY.
Command: Zn Modem Reset Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: None Description: Z0 Reset modem to profile saved by the last &W command.
Z1 Same as Z0.
Command: &Cn Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2 Default: 1 Description: &C0 Forces the DCD circuit to be always high.
&C1 DCD goes high when the remote modem’s carrier signal is detected, and goes low
when the carrier signal is not detected.
&C2 DCD drops on disconnect for time set by S18. It then goes high again (for some PBX
phone systems).
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Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Command: &Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 2 Description: &D0 Modem ignores the true status of the DTR signal and responds as if it is always on.
&D1 If DTR drops while in online data mode, the modem enters command mode, issues
an OK, and remains connected.
&D2 If DTR drops while in online data mode, the modem hangs up. If the signal is not
present, the modem will not answer or dial.
&D3 If DTR drops, the modem hangs up and resets as if an ATZ command were issued.
Command: &En XON/XOFF Pacing Control Values: n = 12 or 13 Default: 12 Description: &E12 Disables XON/XOFF pacing.
&E13 Enables XON/XOFF pacing.
Command: &Fn Load Factory Settings Values: n = 0 Default: None Description: &F0 Load factory settings as active configuration.
Note: See also the Z command.
Command: &Gn V.22bis Guard Tone Control Values: n = 0, 1, or 2 Default: 0 Description: &G0 Disable guard tone.
&G1 Set guard tone to 550 Hz. &G2 Set guard tone to 1800 Hz.
Note: The &G command is not used in North America.
Command: &Kn Flow Control Selection Values: n = 0, 3, or 4 Defaults: 3 Description: &K0 Disable flow control.
&K3 Enable CTS/RTS hardware flow control. &K4 Enable XON/XOFF software flow control.
Command: &Ln Leased Line Operation Values: n = 0, 1, or 2 Defaults: 0 Description: &L0 The modem is set for standard dial-up operation.
&L1 The modem is set for leased line operation in originate mode. &L2 The modem is set for leased line operation in answer mode.
Note: For &L1 and &L2, there is a 30-second window between power up and the starting of
the leased line handshake. During this time, you can turn off the command, if desired.
Command: &Pn Pulse Dial Make-to-Break Ratio Selection Values: n = 0, 1, or 2 Default: 0 Description: &P0 60/40 make-to-break ratio
&P1 67/33 make-to-break ratio &P2 20 pulses per second
Note: The &P2 command is available only if the country code is set to Japan.
Command: &Qn Asynchronous Communications Mode Values: n = 0, 5, 6, 8, or 9 Default: 5 Description: &Q0 Asynchronous with data buffering. Same as \N0.
&Q5 Error control with data buffering. Same as \N3. &Q6 Asynchronous with data buffering. Same as \N0. &Q8 MNP error control mode. If MNP error control is not established, the modem falls back
according to the setting in S36.
&Q9 V.42 or MNP error control mode. If neither error control is established, the modem
falls back according to the setting in S36.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 28
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Command: &Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) Control Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Description: &S0 DSR is always high (on).
&S1 DSR goes high only during a connection.
Command: &Tn Loopback Test (V.54 Test) Commands Values: n = 0, 1, 3, 6 Default: None Description: The modem can perform selected test and diagnostic functions. A test can be run only when
the modem is operating in non-error-correction mode (normal or direct mode). For tests 3 and 6, a connection between the two modems must be established. To terminate a test in progress, the escape sequence (+++AT) must be entered. &T0 Stops any test in progress. &T1 Starts a local analog loopback, V.54 Loop 3, test. If a connection exists when this
command is issued, the modem hangs up. When the test starts, a CONNECT message is displayed.
&T3 Starts local digital loopback, V.54 Loop 2, test. If no connection exists, ERROR is
&T6 Initiates a remote digital loopback, V.54 Loop 2, test without self-test. If no connection
exists, ERROR is returned.
Command: &V Display Current Settings Values: n/a Description: Displays the active modem settings.
Command: &Wn Store Current Configuration Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: &W0 Stores current modem settings in non-volatile memory and causes them to be loaded
at power-on
or following the ATZ command instead of the factory defaults. See also the &F
&W1 Clears user default settings from non-volatile memory and causes the factory defaults
to be loaded at power-on or following the ATZ command.
Command: &Zy=x Store Dialing Command Values: y = 0–2
x = Dialing command Default: None Description: Stores dialing command x in memory location y. Dial the stored number using the command
ATDS=y. See Also the #CBS command, a callback security command.
Command: \An Select Maximum MNP Block Size Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 3 Description: \A0 64-character maximum.
\A1 128-character maximum.
\A2 192-character maximum.
\A3 256-character maximum.
Command: \Bn Transmit Break Values: n = 0–9 in 100 ms units Default: 3 Description: In non-error-correction mode only, sends a break signal of the specified length to a remote
modem. Works in conjunction with the \K command.
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 29
Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Command: \Kn Break Control Values: n = 0–5 Default: 5 Description: Controls the response of the modem to a break received from the computer, the remote
modem, or the \B command. The response is different for each of three different states.
Data mode. The modem receives the break from the computer:
\K0 Enter online command mode, no break sent to the remote modem.
\K1 Clear data buffers and send break to the remote modem.
\K2 Same as \K0.
\K3 Send break immediately to the remote modem .
\K4 Same as \K0.
\K5 Send break to the remote modem in sequence with the transmitted data.
Data mode. The modem receives the break from the remote modem:
\K0 Clear data buffers and send break to the computer.
\K1 Same as \K0.
\K2 Send break immediately to the computer.
\K3 Same as \K2.
\K4 Send break to the computer in sequence with the received data.
\K5 Same as \K4.
Online command mode. The modem receives a \Bn command from the computer:
\K0 Clear data buffers and send break to the remote modem.
\K1 Same as \K0.
\K2 Send break immediately to the remote modem.
\K3 Same as \K2.
\K4 Send break to the remote modem in sequence with the transmitted data.
\K5 Same as \K4.
Command: \Nn Error Correction Mode Selection Values: n = 0–5, or 7 Default: 3 Description: \N0 Non-error correction mode with data buffering (buffer mode; same as &Q6).
\N1 Direct mode.
\N2 MNP reliable mode. If the modem cannot make an MNP connection, it disconnects.
\N3 V.42/MNP auto-reliable mode. The modem attempts first to connect in V.42 error
correction mode, then in MNP mode, and finally in non-error correction (buffer) mode
with continued operation. \N4 V.42 reliable mode. If the modem cannot make a V.42 connection, it disconnects. \N5 V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \ N3). \N7 V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \ N3).
Command: \Qn Flow Control Selection Values: n = 0, 1, or 3 Default: 3 Description: \Q0 Disable flow control (same as &K0).
\Q1 XON/XOFF software flow control (same as &K4). \Q2 CTS-only flow control. Not supported. \Q3 RTS/CTS hardware flow control (same as &K3).
Command: \Tn Inactivity Timer Values: n = 0, 1–255 Default: 0 Description: Sets the time (in minutes) after the last character is sent or received that the modem waits
before disconnecting. A value of zero disables the timer. Applies only in buffer mode. Note: You can also set the inactivity timer by changing the value of S30.
Command: \Vn Protocol Result Code Values: n = 0, 1, or 2
Default: 1 Description: \V0 Disables the appending of the protocol result code to the DCE speed.
\V1 Enables the appending of the protocol result code to the DCE speed. \V2 Same as \V1.
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