COM2000 Application Note
Updating QAM6 units in a COM360 Chassis
The new COM360 chassis has 2 QAM slots allowing for 2 QAM 6 units to run simultaneously for a total of
up to 24 QAM channels. To facilitate this configuration, the IP addressing for the unit inserted in the top
slot (Slot 1), will have IP addressing which is the same as the COM200 chassis, and the bottom slot (Slot
2) will incorporate a scheme which would be 16 greater than the address assigned in Slot 1.
Top Slot (Slot 1) IP Addressing Scheme
192.168.6.[ChassisID + 1]
Bottom Slot (Slot 2) IP Addressing Scheme
192.168.6.[(ChassisID +1) +16]
This addressing scheme is only available if you have QAM software running 1.9.10 or greater with HW
version 0.6.
Due to this addressing scheme, updating the QAM6 units from any version prior to 1.9.10 will require
you to update these units one at a time in a specific order. Please follow these steps when updating the
QAM software.
1) Insert the first QAM into Slot 1 (top slot). It’ll have the standard IP address, such as if the chassis ID is 1.
2) Update the QAM to the latest firmware available from Technicolor.
3) Move the QAM6 to Slot 2 when completed. Confirm the new address as (if in
chassis 1).
4) Insert the second QAM into Slot 1 (top slot). It’ll have the standard IP address, such as if the chassis ID is 1.
5) Update the QAM to the latest firmware. It will maintain its IP address.
Following these instructions will ensure that you do not have conflicting IP addresses when installing 2
QAM6’s running older firmware in a COM360.
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